Comparing Triple H to Jeff Jarrett...

Who would you take?

  • The King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett

  • The Game Triple H

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Through 2002-2004 there werent many "safe bets" in the Wrestling industry..You thought the WWE would be a "safe bet" to be the Only serious promotion around...Then TNA opened its doors..People thought it was a "safe bet" that Goldberg would never work for Vince McMahon..People thought it was a "safe bet" that Bret Hart would never appear at a WWE related event again..People thought it was a safe bet that HBK Shawn Michaels, Sting, etc. Were retired...You get my point...But there were two "safe bets" in the wrestling business...Jeff Jarrett and Triple H were your TNA and WWE World Champions...Triple H dropped outta the race in 04 but Jarrett stayed in it until as recently as his loss to Sting at Bound for Glory...Now that Jarrett seems to be taking a backseat finally after Four years..Lets compare.

TNA started business in June of 2002 with Ken Shamrock as the World Champion. But by November of 2002, Jeff Jarrett had "realized a lifelong dream" of becoming NWA Champion..Since that day, Jeff Jarrett has been the NWA World Champion 6 times...The good news is he's put over stars like AJ Styles, Raven, Ron Killings, Rhino, Christian Cage, Samoa Joe,etc...But the one thing about Jarrett's tenure in TNA is they failed to really establish any Main Event level heels...Sure, AJ Styles was heel as Champion but What's he spent most of his TNA career as?A face..He's turned heel now but he's nowhere near the World Title picture...Even current NWA Champion Abyss, who's been a heel practically his entire tna career, is being pushed more as a face..This entire Abyss/Cage/Sting feud is really built around Christian and his "secret" about Abyss...Sting's just there to get in Abyss' head and build sympathy.TNA had a possible replacement in Monty Brown but everytime he was promised a Push to the Title, they gave it to a newcomer or a guy from WWE(I.e. Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage)..So he got fed up and left.Rhino was supposed to be heel but turned face just before his Title victory over Jarrett...A Reign that lasted all of two weeks.And the Amount of PPVs Jeff Jarrett appeared on(once they started moving to monthly instead of weekly ppvs) and Wrestled without defending the World Title is Ridiculous.Now Bound for Glory has come and gone...The chants of "Drop the Title" are nolonger apparant at Impact tapings, and Jeff Jarrett is on hiatus after dropping the Title to Sting, instead of more deserving Younger talent like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, or Christopher Daniels.When Jarrett returns, he's likely returning as a face....If he does, TNA better work fast on building up some serious heels other than Christian Cage or Jarrett's face turn may not see the light of day.

Raise your hand if you thought when Triple H walked in to Wrestlemania 21 on April 3rd 2005 as the World Heavyweight Champion that That'd be the last time we saw him as world champion?No one?Oh well..Since being traded to Raw in 2002, Triple H was the main challenger to the World Title for the better part of 2 years, feuding with stars like Batista, Randy Orton, Goldberg, RVD, Kane, Scott Steiner, HBK, Chris Benoit, etc. Triple H even put over guys such as Shelton Benjamin, Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, John Cena, etc. Much like Jarrett will, Triple H made the transition from Top heel to a top face when he reformed DX. But since HHH bowed out of the Title picture in 2005(eventhough he faced Cena in 06 and possibly 07), WWE has had more time to build top heels...They had one in Randy Orton but due to HHH still being the top heel at the time, Randy Orton was turned face and his Title reign went straight to hell..Now, Randy Orton has restored credability as a Heel and Edge has stepped forward as possibly WWE's Top Heel going forward along with Randy Orton.Some other options that may occur down the line include Kenny Dykstra, Johnny Nitro, and possibly Monty Brown should they put him on Raw.And HHH doesn't have to worry about being the top face either as WWE has John Cena and HBK and later on down the line possibly Jeff Hardy and Carlito.

Jeff Jarrett however, hasnt left TNA in such good shape..Abyss was supposed to be a heel Champion but he's being played more like a face..Christian Cage could do it but he was already established before coming to TNA..Then theres a seemingly noticable heel turn it seems from Kurt Angle(I maybe wrong, that's just how it looks)...TNA's best bet seems to be AJ Styles or turning Samoa Joe heel and keeping him there rather than rotating him back and forth depending on the feud he's in.He was face when he teamed with Sting against Jarrett/Steiner..Then turned heel and left Sting to get beaten down.Then he was face when he defeated Steiner and Jarrett at seperate PPVs but reverted to heel again against Angle..Now he seems to be turning face again..TNA tried this with Monty Brown and its part of the reason he was never considered a serious threat to the NWA World Title.Unless they establish some heel threats soon, we're gonna be seeing quite a few Face vs Face or Face vs Face vs Heel matches for the World Title...Jeff Jarrett turning face may not be such a good idea until they lay the groundwork for a heel to take over..Much like WWE with Edge gaining steam as a heel a full year and a half before Triple H's face turn.Same with Orton but he was on Smackdown at the time.

What are your thoughts?Is the Jarrett face turn a good idea?Who would you rather have Leading your Company?And who, in your opinion, has done a better job asfar as Putting over talent, getting heel heat or face pops(Jarrett was a face for a little while during the early part of TNA), etc.
Faces and heels in wrestling is essential, the problem is tht most people in general in todays world of wrestlin wants to be the face, the good guy rather than be the heel. Also, if a fan really gets into a character, for example Samoa Joe who couldnt hav done any more as a heel but the wrestlin fans cheered him, all the chants Joes Gonna Kill u ect. Emm to answere ur question, TNA imo is still in a growth period and is really jst gettin over to the wrestlin fans allthough they r growin fairly rapidly. So now is the time to establish faces and heels and keep the wrestlers as a face or heel for a long time. I think tht they will try to go with Christian Cage, dependin on how he gets over with the fans as a geuine heel AJ Styles which leaves 1 more top heel for the company which can be either Kurt Angle, Somoa Joe or Abyss. Kurt Angle imo would be the best heel for the company becouse he is very belivable as a heel. I think tht it would be then essential for tna to aquire the services of RVD as a top face for the company if they get the chance.
After all the "Drop the Belt" chants he's gotten. Its really gonna be hard to sell Jarrett as a face seeing that the TNA fanbase is mostly smarks and not gullible marks that would boo Edge today and cheer him the second Orton gives him the RKO.
The only difference between the two is that Triple H has talent. and is the game, the king of kings and the 11 time champ. Jeff Jarrett is the little piss ant who didnt get everything handed to him, so he went to the lesser of the shows.
Jeff Jarrett is the little piss ant who didnt get everything handed to him, so he went to the lesser of the shows.
He could of been a star in WWE if he wasnt so greedy and pretty much blackmailing Mcmahon to pay him to drop (i think ) the IC title to chyna.His contract had expired one day prior and he had already signed to wcw and probably would have taken the belt with him there.Then when wcw got bought out by WWF/E he had no place to turn to. So then him and his father founded TNA since WWF/E was the only national promotion and Jeff fucked himself out of ever being employed there again.In the begining (i m only speculating cause i didnt watch tna until very recently) I believe Jeff wanted to NWA-TNA to be built around him.To shove him down the fans throats.Just because he was (at the time) a co-owner of some sorts of tna and he could do w/e he wanted to cause he had the political power to do so ,similiar to wcw and hogan being almost always being the champ.

With that said i dont believe there is any comparing Jeff Jarrett to triple h.
Triple H may have married the owner's daughter but he hasnt tried to shove him,his gimmick,..etc down our throats the way jarrett has. Jarrett never seemed to want to put anyone over unlike tripe h.Triple H does things that are good for the business.Jarrett only seemed out for himself.
To be honest i woulda done the same thing in Jeff Jarrett situation when referin to the last stint in WWE. It was Vince McMahon problem to begin with when he "forgot" about Jeff Jarrett contract being up. Jeff had signed with WCW but still had the belt which was in all honesty WWE's fault. He did ask for a lump sum to drop the belt but hell who wouldnt, he droped the belt to China on a PPV where he wouldnt get a cut of the profits as he had signed with WCW so imo it wasnt entirely double J's fault.

Anyway i didnt answer the question to begin with in my earlier post. I think tht Triple H doesnt hav the amount of stroke ppl think he has. Even though he was on top of the WWE and he is married to Steph, i still think tht Vince McMahon is a man who can make up his own mind on the direction of the company still tht is my opinion. TNA is different where Jeff Jarrett has some power in TNA and so has alot more stroke than most wrestlers but to be honest at the time TNA started, he probably was the most established star on the roster, this has since changed with the more coverage TNA wrestlers has got and the aquisitions they hav made Kurt Angle, Christian ect. I think tht both hav been in the past important to the brands in tht they r there to try and establish more stars and then try to make them look good. Where imo triple h and jeff jarrett differ is tht i think Trips is more established in puttin over stars who hav gone on to be sucessful in WWE. Where if someone beats trips u think to urself whoa there must b somethin bout this guy wheras if jeff puts someone over u think to urself bout time some1 beat his ass. I think tht jeff turnin face is a allright thing if he stays outa wrestlin for a few more months and when he comes back he puts over more ppl. But in respect to who i want to be the top guy in the company i would go with trips.
Jarrett never seemed to want to put anyone over unlike tripe h.Triple H does things that are good for the business.Jarrett only seemed out for himself.

Exactly, why i dont like jeret. It always seems like HE is the best, no matter what, how outsized he is, or anything, he ends up winning. I dont watch TNA too often, and havent for awhile, but when i did, it was just alot of jerret smashing people with guitars and no one liking him.

I would have to pick Tripple H hands down as to who i would want on my brand. like i think the last guy said, when someone beats HHH, you think, wow, this guy has something. BUT when you see jeret beat, its just, thank god. thats exactly why i dont think his "Face" turn will work out too much. i could see him being more of a Heel "Face" ya know? the goody good that everyone hates, which is truely a heel, but i'm talkin like kinda Matt Striker 'ish
how the hell do you even compare Jarrett to Triple H, that's like a no contest right there, Triple H is clearly the better choice, with him you know your going to get a good match, and like said before when someone beats him then you know that you should keep your eye on them, Shelton Benjamin is a perfect example of this, hell I'd pick JBL over Jarrett if I had the choice

Now not to bury Jarrett completly, I will say he does cut some pretty good promos, and if he hadn't left WWE on such bad terms then when WWE bought WCW and decided to go with the invasion storyline, Jarrett could've come in and been the top heel for that group, but greed got the best of him and he burned the biggest birdge he could when he left, now he's in TNA and as a face I don't see that working, I think he'll be like Angle was when he first entered WWE getting booed when he's supposed to get cheered, maybe they should bring him back as a director of Authority role, and be at all TNA tapeings so Cornette doesn't have to then they could set up a power struggle between those two, that way if Cornette leave TNA because he doesn't want to work with Russo they have someone in place to take his spot over, and it keeps Jarrett out of the title picture
I'm equal with regards to either as a performer and to what capabilities they each have in the ring. They both spent the majority of the nineties trying to find what the hell that they were doing even though they both had the basic rudimentary skills to be contenders. Jarrett was saddled with the technicolor country-fruit persona, and HHH was relegated to being a hokey blue-blood in both WCW and WWF (just undergoing a name change when he made the switch to Titan).

I put both their workrates in about the same area as I've seen lameass matches that both have been involved in (HHH with Cena or Batista/Jarrett with Hardy or Monty Brown). However, to the people who piss and moan about Jarrett not doing the job to anyone in TNA, you have no clue. He's dropped the title six times and just did the job to Sting. He's done jobs to those who were deserving in the company, and that were going to be around for a while, but wasn't about to drop the TNA belt (which he absolutely believes in) to someone like Jeff Hardy or DDP and allow it's credibility to fall into the toilet overnight by putting it on a complete lemon like Hardy or Monty Brown. It's not hard to see how the cred of both WWE straps has been in the shitter for quite some time due to the see-sawing level of competition/talent involved with the main event programs.

Jarrett's been involved in the title scene every bit as much as HHH has been up in WWF/E. If anyone thinks that Jarrett is a complete self-server who doesn't care about the company, read one of his interviews. He believes in those boys and stands by the product...and not just the part of it that involves the NWA title, but rather TNA's uniqueness and the X-division. I can't remember the last time I read an interview with HHH championing any of the undercard in his company. Jarrett was given the title numerous times because no one else had been adequately equipped to carry the heel banner for the company. He's dropped the belt to A.J. a handful of times and has dropped it to Christian and recently Sting.

As for Jeff's ending tenure in WWE, he saw what had happened to Bret Hart the year or so prior, he did the smart thing and didn't let Vince completely rail him when they found his contract expired. He could've showed up on Nitro wearing the IC belt, but instead opted to job to Chyna of all people, but only if McMahon paid him all of his owed money up front, so I hardly see where the harm is in making sure you get what you earned. Besides, the job to Chyna was potentially career-ending for a guy that had world title aspirations. The funny thing is that if Stone Cold wouldn't have pissed and moaned about not wanting to have Jarrett in a main-event program, then Jarrett might have been in the position that HHH covets so much (minus porking Stephanie) and all the WWE faithful would be kissing Jeff's ass time and time again. Picking who is worse in terms of how they got their spot is a moot point at best. In TNA, Jarrett bought his way there...whereas in WWE, Trips humped his way there.
In triple h's defense, i dont see how people dont complain about guys like the rock. im not saying i didnt like the rock, but he wont the title just as or more frequent than triple h with less wrestling talent. ya triple h is married to stephanie, but when you look at the last few years u cant say that he didnt deserve the title. was he suppose to drop the title to guys like nash, booker, kane. hbk hasnt wanted the title since he came back. the only reason they gave it to goldberg was becasue he drew(eventhough i didnt think it was with good reasoning). the one guy i think he could've dropped the title to was jericho. however, i can see why they wouldnt because hhh and jericho had already had a fued that went into hell in a cell. in the rocks case, there were other guys like austin, undertaker, benoit, jericho who could've had it just like hhh's situation. the rock had 9 title reigns while leaving at the age of like 29. now i think the rock might barley have an edge in mic skills, but in ring hhh has obvious more talent. in jarrets case, i understand completley, because there werent many capable champions. hhh being married to stephanie i think isnt much of a factor. look at cena, is he best friends with shane? was the rock in vinces family?no, vince has guys that he likes and wants the belt to be on most of the time becaues he finds them equipt to be good champions. so i dont see why everyone takes the fact that hunter is married to steph and shoving down my throat.
vince has guys that he likes and wants the belt to be on most of the time becaues he finds them equipt to be good champions. so i dont see why everyone takes the fact that hunter is married to steph and shoving down my throat.

I ve wanted to say something very similiar to that for so long. Triple H has/had 'it' .It being whatever Vince looks for in a champion.John Cena has it,Batista has it,Lashley has it,RVD doesn't have it..etc...
I think triple h got to where he is because of the (no pun intended) X factor of whatever 'it' is.whether it was/is his look,mic work .. wrestling ability,size....etc whatever it is Vince likes not 'porking' (Good God Kasey no offense but who still says porking? i ve only ever heard that in old 80's movies and i m 23 lol)Stephanie.
In triple h's defense, i dont see how people dont complain about guys like the rock. im not saying i didnt like the rock, but he wont the title just as or more frequent than triple h with less wrestling talent.
Strictly a judgment call on who you view is the better wrestler. I view Dwayne as the more talented performer and I always liked his matches better, thought the pacing and psychology was always more entertaining, but then again, each to his own. Remember who upstaged who at WMXIX? It definitely wasn't HHH.
ya triple h is married to stephanie, but when you look at the last few years u cant say that he didnt deserve the title. was he suppose to drop the title to guys like nash, booker, kane. hbk hasnt wanted the title since he came back. the only reason they gave it to goldberg was becasue he drew(eventhough i didnt think it was with good reasoning). the one guy i think he could've dropped the title to was jericho. however, i can see why they wouldnt because hhh and jericho had already had a fued that went into hell in a cell. in the rocks case, there were other guys like austin, undertaker, benoit, jericho who could've had it just like hhh's situation. the rock had 9 title reigns while leaving at the age of like 29. now i think the rock might barley have an edge in mic skills, but in ring hhh has obvious more talent.
It's not that I never think HHH was deserving of some of those title reigns, but the selections of who jobbed and who was booked against him was downright stupid nearly 80% of the time as it was always resulting in HHH being the only decent candidate for the holding the belt due to piss-poor booking. His WMXIX match with Booker was an underprepared and underhyped encounter that had almost zero fanfare and was buried in the middle of the card (even if I thought it was wrestled wonderfully) and no one cared. At that point, HHH's title reign was pretty much moot so it wouldn't have mattered if Booker won it or if they were both struck down by lightning. The other guys who were fed to him were just to boost the street cred of the current WWE stable and HHH's belt and for no other purpose. Steiner, Nash, Jericho, Orton, Goldberg etc. They spent all the time hyping these feuds and they were all duds because the company kept looking at him as the anchor while they were overlooking others who should've been in play. During all of these times there were a shitload of very qualified candidates who could've been put into programs with the champ...alas somehow they booked themselves into the crapper every time when they had a roster brimming with talent. HHH was the winner...but by default, not because he's as great as some people (including himself) say he is. Yet again, whether HHH corners the market in in-ring ability compared to The Rock is a matter of preference.

in jarrets case, i understand completley, because there werent many capable champions. hhh being married to stephanie i think isnt much of a factor. look at cena, is he best friends with shane? was the rock in vinces family?no, vince has guys that he likes and wants the belt to be on most of the time becaues he finds them equipt to be good champions. so i dont see why everyone takes the fact that hunter is married to steph and shoving down my throat.
Cena is where he is because of his marketability in the mainstream audience and his pretty face...hence his turn into "film star" with his Oscar-winning turn in The Marine. McMahon was searching for the next Rock and this was as close as he could get as the ship with Rock sailed long ago. The Rock was put into his spot because he was WAY over, held great matches, and worked a mic like it was second nature. HHH's push wasn't a fraction of how entrenched it has been before he was hooked up with Stephanie, plain and simple.
I ve wanted to say something very similiar to that for so long. Triple H has/had 'it' .It being whatever Vince looks for in a champion.John Cena has it,Batista has it,Lashley has it,RVD doesn't have it..etc...
I think triple h got to where he is because of the (no pun intended) X factor of whatever 'it' is.whether it was/is his look,mic work .. wrestling ability,size....etc whatever it is Vince likes not 'porking' (Good God Kasey no offense but who still says porking? i ve only ever heard that in old 80's movies and i m 23 lol)Stephanie.
Sorry if the verbiage offended you. I think that Trips does have talent, but to say he's far and away worth all of his reigns, and the lengths of each is something I'll never agree with. Business in the company took a collective nosedive while he was "carrying" the company. Other stars still in their prime were pushed away from him instead of being put into programs with him, and to say he has no stroke in terms of who gets pushed along side him is ludicrous. He is the father of McMahon's grandchild and is an in-law. They work out together a couple of times each week. Hardly a rough relationship that points away from nepotism.
I ve wanted to say something very similiar to that for so long. Triple H has/had 'it' .It being whatever Vince looks for in a champion.John Cena has it,Batista has it,Lashley has it,RVD doesn't have it..etc...
I think triple h got to where he is because of the (no pun intended) X factor of whatever 'it' is.whether it was/is his look,mic work .. wrestling ability,size....etc whatever it is Vince likes not 'porking' (Good God Kasey no offense but who still says porking? i ve only ever heard that in old 80's movies and i m 23 lol)Stephanie.

RVD does have it, not for the WWE but for ECW as far as a big pop and everything else that is ECW RVD should be the champ, lashley sounds like mike tyson and has no mic skills where as RVD does and much better in ring ability as well, but i do agree as far as taking John Cena's place as WWE champ the fans like Cena(who i hate) way more, but in ECW it's different and RVD reigns supreme their over any wrestler but C.M. Punk he is the only other that could be considered ECW champion and taken seriously

But as for this issue of Triple H or Jarret no one is better Than the King of Kings Triple H, here's to a fast recovery HHH take care

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