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Comparing Superstars Of Today To Superstars Of The Past

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
John Cena in my opinion he reminds me a lot like The Rock, in terms of both of these men being mega stars in their own right, both movie stars, both the biggest names in WWE's history with Cena being The Rock of this new era while The Rock was perhaps the biggest star of his era The Attitude Era, and both of these men perhaps the best trash talkers of all time

John Morrison in my opinion when he was in the WWE he reminded me a lot like the old early to mid 90s Boy Toy HBK in terms of their cockiness, their bravado, their popularity and not to mention Morrison when he was in WWE the man was over with the fans like how HBK was back in the 90s as soon as HBK turned face, but what worked against Morrison were his mic skills, if he had the mic skills, he would have been perfect as a new generation HBK

The Miz in my opinion reminds me a lot like a young Attitude Era Chris Jericho in terms of both men being annoying, both men having the mic skills, both men being the best at what they do, and not to mention Miz has been drawing comparisons to Jericho, trust me these aren't my words, they are saying this all over the Internet

Dolph Ziggler in my opinion reminds me a lot like a young Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig in terms of both men being in-ring technicians and both men having the cockiness, the arrogance, the attitude and not to mention the managers with Perfect having Bobby The Brain Heenan as his manager and Coach as his manager and Dolph having Vickie as his manager

Daniel Bryan in my opinion reminds me a whole lot like Bret Hart & Chris Benoit in terms of him being a submission-style wrestler/in-ring technician like how both of these men were and not to mention having the mic skills to back it up, and the overness to back it up too

Sheamus reminds me a whole lot like Triple H, if anything I would have said Wade Barrett reminds me a whole lot like Triple H or even Drew McIntyre but they don't remind me of The Game much like how Sheamus does, in terms of both men being brawlers, and both men being remorseless
Well thats why WWE doesnt have the same weekly numbers as it used to or all the positive hype. Non of the the superstars that you mentioned are equal to the legends you compared them too. John Cena is a star and should not be compared to anyone else. The rest of those guys are midcarders at best.
It is unfortunate, but I agree no one on that list is really a "star". I thought Sheamus was on his way, but I feel like the WM win really kind of killed a lot of his momentum. He was getting huge pops everywhere and people really hated Bryan. A show stealing match could have really put him over the top, but now I feel like it is back to square one. Bryan will get there, but will never be as big as Hart or Benoit. Don't get me wrong though, I really like the other guys in the list and maybe I am just not looking down the line enough, but I just don't see it right now.
CM Punk is like the new era version of Stone Cold Steve Austin

I have never understood this connection. Stone Cold, was just that...Cold. He didnt give a damn about what he said or who he pissed off. Punk talks a lot more and is a more cocky type of character. Punk is also technical in the ring while Austin was a big brawler. The only connection is that both defy authority- and thats not a big connection at all.

Also, Stone Cold was a massive star. Once he got momentum he took his character and the WWE to heights that had not ever been seen before in wrestling. Punk seems to be simmering.

I don't see a connection between the two. If Punk was around during Austin's prime, it would have been a good 3-6 month feud with Austin going over and moving to the next guy.
There's so many to choose from...where to begin

As others have said...CM Punk is the new Stone Cold Steve Austin. He defies authority, answers only to himself, and thrives on tormenting his 'employer'. The only things missing are beer and middle fingers.

Dolph Ziggler is definitely the new Mr. Perfect. People have been drawing that comparison since Ziggler came in to WWE, just based off of how well both men could take a bump in the ring. Like Perfect, Ziggler is on a level all his own in the ring, and makes any opponent look like money.

John Morrison was/is Marty Janettey (sp?). The tag team superstar that could never find his way on his own and ultimately found his way out the door. It's a crap basis to compare two wrestlers, but damned if it isn't true.

John Cena, while drawing a lot of comparisons to The Rock..reminds me more of Hogan than anyone. He's the invincible, unflappable babyface foundation of the WWE, just as Hogan was during his WWE run. His messages are always positive, and he's engineered to be a role model for children. Cena losing to Rock was Hogan losing to Warrior, and just like Hogan, it's not going to stop his run at the top for even a second.

Alberto Del Rio-JBL. The only thing that really separates these two is that JBL was suppoed to be an all american capitalist with the volume turned all the way up, and Del Rio is a Mexican aristocrat. Both used their employees to good measure, and both used grandiose and over the top claims to proclaim how good they were (although I guess that could be a case made for almost any heel).

Lastly, Randy Orton reminds me of Jake Roberts. Both were/are cunning, calculating, and meticulous characters in the ring. Roberts, while never a show stealer, was able to tell a convincing story during his matches through the isolation of body parts, and working at pace that while not always dynamic, was meant to tell a story. The same can be said for Orton..he's not always high tempo, but his mannerisms, deliberate pacing, and overall persona make The Viper every bit The Snake Jake Roberts was.
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Ziggler- Mr.Perfect... they are just brilliant in the ring.
Miz- The Rock... some people may disagree but if miz was to turn face and run people down with his mic skills he could really get over and use his catchphrases but he need to be a FACE.

I cant stand the fact that people compare punk to austin look at austin the pops he got compared to punk they are very different in the ring and their attitudes.
CM Punk - "Rowdy" Roddy Piper: I have no clue why him and Austin are always compared. To me CM Punk is damn near a carbon copy of Piper.

Cody Rhodes - Ric Flair: Let me first point out that he would be a very watered down Ric Flair, but when he was using his dashing gimmick I always thought Flair should be his manager. What Flair tried to do with AJ Styles in TNA is what I wanted him to do with Cody.

James Storm - Stone Cold: Maybe it's just the beer thing, but I feel if Storm was a little edgier he could be the next big thing in wrestling.

Matt Morgan - Goldberg: If Morgan shaved his head and wore all black they'd be twins. They should definitely give him a Goldberg push, quick matches and minimum mic work.

Daniel Bryan - Chris Benoit: I wish they'd give Bryan more of a Benoit style push, I'd be more into him if they did.

Brodus Clay - Mark Henry: They should form a tag team and dominate the division....can we still call it a division?
One that I haven't seen listed, but is obvious is Dolph Ziggler and Kip James. Looks and ring style.

Now, these are way more debatable.
Bobby Roode --- The Rock
James Storm --- Steve Austin

Not the character per say, but the general person. I see Roode and Storm a TNA's version of a Rock and Austin.
One that I haven't seen listed, but is obvious is Dolph Ziggler and Kip James. Looks and ring style.

Now, these are way more debatable.
Bobby Roode --- The Rock
James Storm --- Steve Austin

Not the character per say, but the general person. I see Roode and Storm a TNA's version of a Rock and Austin.

Roode still strikes me as a Triple H character. Right now he reminds me of Evolution's Hunter. I would love to see Flair manage Roode again.
Randy Orton to me he reminds me a lot like Jake The Snake Roberts, in terms of both men being cunning, dangerous in the ring, emotionless and not only that but Orton being The Viper and Roberts being the Snake, it's not that far off
Ryback if anything he is the next Goldberg, this man can go in the ring much like Goldberg did, both men being really intense in the ring, both men just physical and downright rugged, Ryback if he is built up right, could be the next Goldberg

Please just take off your nostalgia goggles.

I wish people would stop this whole comparing nonsense; you should judge today's wrestlers for who they are, and not who they're like.

If you rely too much on building up a superstar in your head as 'the next x', you'll get that idea stuck and end up being disappointed because Ryback didn't get 173 consecutive wins, or Sheamus doesn't win 10 world titles, or John Morrison doesn't get a 5 star match rating. (And honestly, that one was ridiculous, Morrison isn't fit to even clean HBK's drains).

Think of it this way, when Shawn Michaels, Curt Hennig, Rocky Maivia or Bret Hart debuted, were they being touted as 'the next so-and-so', or being compared to someone from the past?
I agree with Diet Soda. If you look at Stunning Steve's Debut in WCW, nobody would bet a penny that he'd be the face of the WWF's Attitude Era. Same with guys like Rocky Mavia, Cena in his chain gang days, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, etc. I'm sure people who watched these guys debut would never expect them to become who they are now.
Nothing gets me more mad than when people say that guys like Punk, Bryan, Ziggler, etc will never be what to Austin, Bret, Shawn, etc are now.

If I compared a rising Austin to Bruno Sammartino in the early 90's I'd prob get ripped apart.

If people wan't to compare a legend to a rising star, let them be, but to degrade a current star to a wrestler who's had his legacy made is crazy.

BTW, a comparison I see is Bob Backlund with Daniel Bryan. Both similar in stature and great technical wrestlers.
Roode still strikes me as a Triple H character. Right now he reminds me of Evolution's Hunter. I would love to see Flair manage Roode again.

I see the same thing with HHH and Roode. Also, Flair managing Roode isn't that bad of an idea... but Roode may be better off alone.
I dont know whether Im the only one to think this but to me Daniel Bryan resembles more a kurt angle than a benoit.

1) He's got the chant. Angle had "you suck!", DBD has the emerging "YES!" chant which could be as big as angle's chant.

2) As a heel they're both characters which act better than everyone else but will take any win on offer. All the while berating their achievements constantly.

3) The most obvious, they're both incredible technical wrestlers. Im not gonna say DBD is better than angle was, but he isnt that far off imo. He is a great great technician between the ropes.

Personally an all RoH stable with the KoW when they come up, where he mentors them all the while main eventing, a sort of team angle but not as obvious, more along the lines of legacy without the twisted nature of legacy. That would be my pick.

Oh and roode for me is evolutions HHH, i totally agree with whoever said that.

Cena to me is a hogan rather than a rock type, he's the company man, just like hogan was.
The Miz also draws comparisons not just to Chris Jericho but also draws comparisons to HBK and The Rock even but Miz out of those 3 wrestlers he reminds me the most of The Rock
Cena - the Orginal Sting, just not as technical
Punk - Bret Hart; talking about pipe bomb after what he said and did to VKM after the screw job
Ziggler - Mr. Perfect (maybe a little Rick Rude aswell)
the Miz - Jericho; gimmick wise only
Orton - Jake the Snake Roberts
D. Bryan - BoB Backlund; the look to the wrestling ability and skills
B. Clay - Rakishi (also could go with Big Daddy V a little)
Alberto - Tito Santana
W. Barrett - William Regal; by the way they wrestle w/ a brawl style)
Cody - Kevin Von Erich
Santino - Jim Dugan
Cena actually reminds me more or less like The Rock in terms of both of them being mega stars inside and outside the ring, both having catchphrases, both being popular with merchandise and what not, and both of them do movies, so it's not that far of a stretch

Punk reminds me a lot like Bret Hart but also reminds me more or less like Stone Cold Steve Austin in terms of both men not caring about authority, standing up to authority like how Stone Cold did to Vince like how Punk is doing with Johnny Funkman Laurinaitis, both of them anti-heroes, makes perfect sense especially after Punk's pipe bombs and his shoot promo

Ziggler reminds me a lot like Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig in terms of having the beach blonde hair, blue eyes to match as well as the cockiness, the arrogance, and the all around wrestling ability but also everything Ziggler does in the ring is perfection much like how Hennig was, but Ziggler in other senses reminds me a lot like Rick Rude mixed in with HBK sort of

The Miz reminds me a lot like Jericho too, so I am glad we have that in common

Bryan actually reminds me a lot more like Bob Backlund but also reminds me a lot like Bret Hart when Bret turned heel

Brodus Clay has the potential to become the next Big Show but also reminds me a lot like Rikishi too

Del Rio is like a Mexican version of JBL mixed in with Tito Santana

Barrett reminds me a lot like Regal too, so glad we have that in common

Cody Rhodes more or less reminds me a lot like a young Randy Orton

Christian in a sense he reminds me a lot like Roddy Piper somewhat, I can't quite put my finger on it, but also reminds me of Edge too in some ways

Santino is like Hacksaw Jim Duggan mixed in with the Bushwhackers

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