Coming Soon To A Cinema Near You

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Use this thread to talk about film's that you will be really looking forweard to.


This is a great promo poster. I was going to see it anyway, but I've just seen a trailer on the telly. It look's awesome. The CGI is a bit cheep looking but I'm sure it will still rock.


I love the book and the Omega man is awesome. I also like Will Smith in action role's.
i Like the look of the New movie Grindhouse and its kool they have 2 movies in 1.

and i am also lookin forward for the new Spiderman movie and the Pirates of The Carribean movie also.
ohh and i also like the look of the new Fantastic 4 movie, the Evan Almight movie, the new Die Hard movie, The Simpsons Movie and this Kevin Smith Horror movie hes makin.

PS any Movie Jack Black and Kyle Gass are in i will see
I cant wait for Grindhouse. I think the Robert Rodriguez portion will be better. Neither look like actual Grindhouse film's though.
Im not to big on seeing films in theatres. the last movie in theatres I saw was Snakes on a Plane. However there are a few movies coming out soon that I will probably see in theatres. Spider Man 3, Grindhouse, Primeval, and Pan's Labyrinth just to name some up and coming movies. And for the summer, Knocked up (from the creators of 40 year old virgin), Meg (based on the awesome book by Steve Alten) and Alice (based on the 3rd person shooter by American Mcgee)

I loved that movie. Exactly what I expected out of it.

Samuel L. Jackson, deadly snakes and animal cruelty, as well as the most token cast I've ever seen. What else could you ask for!??!
It's so expensive to go the cinema now, I'd prefer to wait for the DVD. But there's certain film's that need to be seen on the big screen. Snake's On A Plane & King Kong are two of them.
It's so expensive to go the cinema now, I'd prefer to wait for the DVD. But there's certain film's that need to be seen on the big screen. Snake's On A Plane & King Kong are two of them.

Yeah you just can't beat the atmosphere in that Snakes on a Plane theater. That was one of the best experiences I've ever had in a theater.

Add LOTR to that list... all three movies I saw in the third row from the bottom, kind of turned into a tradition :D

But I agree with you... it sucks how expensive it is. Especially considering I had them for free for four years in my life. It's really hard forking out 10 bucks for a movie (20 if I have a date) =.
Well in England it's about £8 for a film. Which is about $14 so it's quite expensive. Especially when you can get the DVD's three month's later for just a bit more.
WOW that's ridiculous. it's $10 Canadian here, + or - depending on where you go.

It's silly that most movies come out right after they're released in theaters. I think that's one of the reasons movies aren't doing so well in theaters.

Look at the following example: Cena's movie did OK in theaters and then was a major hit on DVD. That would still be the case if there was a longer wait, but more people would see it in theaters instead of saying "oh well, we can just wait for the DVD."
In France it's about 9 euros ( 6£ or 12$) so it's a lot too...

I personally find movies however I can on the net, it's usually a lot cheaper and more interesting to watch at home.
hahaha gere in geogia its $5 in the afternoon and $5.50 in the evening. The lines are so fucking long on a friday night though. Also im going to see the condememed, and not because of stone cold, it looks awesome

I'll be seeing this. It's by Shane Meadows who did Dead Man's Shoes. I've heard thekid in it's really good. And I've heard that Stephen Graham is the most intimidating skinhead since Russel Crowe in Romper Stomper.

The new film by David Fincher. I've read a book on the Zodiac killer and I didnt like it. But I've just got to see any film from the director of Fight Club and Se7en.

I hope it isnt just a pointless sequel. The first is awesome. Hopefully it's not just an average zombie film. There seem's to be a lot about at the moment.
I'm pumped for 28 week later. A bunch of my friends hated the first one, and I don't know why. I think the fact that the "zombies" run instead of moving slowly really screwed with peoples preconceived perceptions of a zombie movie.

Here's to hoping this movie isn't just a pointles sequel.

3 weeks until Spider man 3, Ican't wait.
I'm really looking foward to Spiderman 3 which is comming out on May 4th. I've seen both #1 and #2. Both good but this one imo is going to take the cake. We got Venom making his debut a long with the simbiot costume. Not only that but Green Goblin returns and one last villian known as Sandman. This is also said to be the movie thats going to end the whole Spiderman movie series since Toby Mcguire the guy who is playing Spiderman is going to stop playing the role. This movie is going to be action packed and if your a die hard spiderman movie fan or spiderman fan period you are going to love it.
Theres a ton of films I'm anticipating heavily. Can't wait for 28 Weeks Later either myself, considering I'm a bit of a zombie afficianado.

Also looking forward to Rob Zombie's Halloween remake/re-imagining. Should be killer.

And pretty much any of the next films to come from my favorite directors: Quentin Tarantino, P.T. Anderson(Boogie Nights, Punch Drunk Love), Wes Anderson(Rushmore, Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou), Richard Kelly(Donnie Darko) and George Romero(Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, etc).
Shit I didn't even know they were making a sequel to 28 Days Later! I think it'll be good because they don't make enough zombie movies that take place after the original outbreak (the last one they did was sick.... with what's his face and John Leguizamo... anyway). Yeah I'm gonna see that for sure.

Spider-Man I've decided I'm seeing opening night or the night before (midnight showing) cuz it's my birthday bitches :D

ooooh man it's going to be a SICK summer for movies... I'm not even sure which movie is going to take the cake for the top movie of the summer...

you've got Shrek 3, Spider-Man 3 and Pirates 3 all competing for it. I CAN'T WAIT!!
For me, I'm mostly looking foward to Condemned. It looks like and I heard that the storyline is hot and it has some comical scenes with Stone Cold. I think the WWE over hyping it has got to me. I hope its not like The Marine, that movie was boring imo. I'm not a fan of WWE films for some reason. See no Evil for me looked cheap and the camera angles were horrible imo. The Marine just seemed cheesy to me. This is my last time I'm watching a WWE film depending on how good it is.

I can't believe no one has mentioned this one yet... I love these movies, and I cannot wait, although... I totally admit that I want to see Spider-Man 3
I'm not fussed about Pirates Of The Caribbean. I enjoyed the first but I don't think there was need for a sequel. The first was so good and the second while entertaining was purley made to capitalise on the amount of money the 1st one made.
I agree completely Jakey, the second one annoyed the fuck out of me. I hate movies with no ending. Granted it was one of the more entertaining movies I've seen, but there was no need for it. But it made a billion dollars worldwide so it's justified in being made. The third one will do even better.

I'm really pissed off about Grindhouse. Just because It did shit in the States. It's being split into two over here. Individually I dont want to see the films. I'm sure there good. But then again there supposed to be Grindhouse so they should be complete shit.
They actually split them into two??? That completely ruined the entire concept of the movie!!

I haven't seen it yet cause I've been busy but I'm buying it the day it comes out on DVD. But I don't care that it did Shit, that was kind of the point.
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