Comic Book Movies


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With all of the movies that have been made from comics books, ranging from X-Men to Spiderman to Dark Knight to Watchmen, what do you think would be a good choice for a comic book character being adapted into a full length film? There are hundreds of characters out there, many of which could be good choices.

FOr me, I'd take the Goon. He's an independent character that is made by the same company that makes Hellboy. He lives in an unnamed town where zombies have completely taken over a neighborhood. He runs a mob under the guise of being an enforcer for a mob boss that is actually dead. His side kick Frankie is insane and the whole book is just off the wall. It could be made into a decent to good comedy/action movie if done right.

So what do you think could be made into a good comic book movie? What characters could make the tranistion from paper to screen?
I'm going with Sin City. Dark Knight was an amazing movie, but never seemed like a "comic book movie" to me.

The characters in Sin City were gritty and rough, and translated well to the big screen. The story-telling was perfect, and showing it with as little color as possible added to the movie-going experience. It is the best translation from comic to film, and stayed pretty true to the original material.
NSL huh?.

To be honest, I think they should remain untouched. We do NOT need another Comic book turned into a movie. becouse we always know what happens in the long run. Sequals, Prequals ect. When they make a movie out of a classic Comic book, it seems watered down, and tasteless. I say none would make a transition from a comic to the big screen, leave them as comics only.
Sin City was good. Far better than whatever the Spirit was. Miller botched that one.

Another that's been in talks that I'm very excited about is Deadpool. he's in the new Wolverine movie and is the only reason I want to see that. For those that don't know, Deadpool is a man with cancer that applied for the Weapons X program that Wolverine came from. They fixed his body to regenerate whenever he is injured making him virtually unkillable. The catch is he can't remember anything short term and is completely insane. he's a great hand to hand fighter that has beaten Spiderman up before. His comics are just great and could make an excellent movie if done right.
Who said Deadpool is insane, how do you know that it isn't Deadpool's method to make you insane instead? I would go see a Deadpool movie just for the laughs, just because you know there will be a papercut that takes ages to heal, and he gets his head chopped off and put back on his shoulders and he is good as new.

as for a good character to be made into a film, The Sandman, no not the guy that was in Spiderman 3 but the Neil Gaiman creation. Though Neil has said that he would rather see no Sandman movie than a bad one. The film itself would probably not be as commercial as studios would want but fuck it it needs to hold true to the Comics, which I need to buy since I read them a while ago.
Deadpool's a pretty boy throughout most of the Wolverine movie, or so I hear. I don't know much about the character but I've been told losing his looks is part of what makes him mental. Still, looks like really shitty casting.

They should just make a Marvels comics movie. At this rate, it's going to take decades to build up what they want. Just throw us into the middle of a universe. Follow Captain America or Iron Man or something; just have the fully developed universe.

I have a feeling that the Thor movie is going to be shit. They'll be doing the original version of him - which is shit and uninteresting - rather than the Ultimate version of him - which is original and compelling. Also, he'll probably be played by Triple H.
I would love it if someone did an adaptation of one of the underground comix series that were popular from the late 60s until the end of the 70s. I am thinking of either The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers or Mr. Natural. I once heard that they were doing a claymation adaptation of The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, but I am not sure what became of it. Anyway, I think these type of comics would make for a hilarious film, even if the material is quite dated.

If we are talking about more mainstream comics, I can't wait to see Gambit in the upcoming Wolverine film. Besides Wolverine, Gambit is my favorite of the new generation of X-Men.
Seeing as I'm an Alan Moore convert, I'd love to see a PROPER adaption of his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The released film was kiddie-fluff with zero substance that lack balls on pretty much every front. I'd also like to see either a live-action or animated take on his runs with Miracleman and Supreme. Both were solid and had his signature style and intelligence all over them. Here's to hoping Zack Snyder doesn't shit all over the Watchmen.
LOEG could indeed be great if done right. For one thing they need to be rated R and not a more kid friendly pg-13. I haven't read Black Dossier yet but from what I've seen in the first two it was a great story. The characters were much more evolved and well more in depth. A direct adaptation could work very well instead of the version that we got. Moors is a great writer and the style that he brought into the original stories was just great.
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman. The Comic books were pretty awesome, the story is very imaginary as are the settings and characters in the comic, and I think it'd be a great comic to make a film adaptation of. I also agree with Kasey about a better League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Movie. The comics were enjoyable, but it's a bad movie.
There are rumors swirling of a Deadpool and/or Gambit spinoff film from the Wolverine movie coming out this year. I think both of those could be good if done right. I just hope they don't butcher the chances at those sequels by having Wolverine suck...but it looks like it'll be good and explore some interesting characters that weren't done much if at all in the X-Men films.

I think Green Lantern would be a good one. He was one of the principle members of the Justice League and I think there is more than enough story there to carry a film, maybe even a series if it's successful. It would be something different too as he hasn't appeared in big market films.
I am also very excited for 2011's Captain America and Avengers films. Those are gonna be great I think and redoing them for the modern era will be a good way of showing some of the best heroes of yesterday to the youth of today.
I too would love to see a Sandman film, although they'd never touch on like 75% of the mythos. I'd want to see something that centered around Dream, but also touched on the rest of the Endless, or at least Death, just see if they'd have a hot teenage girl like they're supposed to, or a ridiculoulsy young one.

I'd also like to see a The Death and Return of Superman made into a movie, although it would HAVE to be epic, plus the other JLA members PLUS Mongul and Cyborg Superman would be too much for the casual movie goer to take in at once.

Did we all see that they are going to make Green Lantern into a film? It's going to be directed by the guy who directed Goldeneye and Casino Royale (incidentally 2 of my favourite Bond films). I wonder if they'll bother with Abin Sur giving Jordan the power ring, or even introduce Sinestro. TBH, the whole film should be about Jordan replacing Sinestro as the greatest Lantern ever, not guy finds ring, stops meteor or some shit.

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