College Football vs The NFL

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
I just got into an argument with one of my friends who said that Texas could beat the Detroit Lions. As a Lions fan I've heard this said many times. When they went 0-16 I heard a number of different people say that the Florida Gators could beat them. Anybody who thinks that a great College Football team could beat a horrible NFL team is an idiot. So if you believe it could happen please post in here so I can tell you how wrong you are.
No matter how bad an NFL team can be in a given season, they will always be able to defeat the best college team because they have better players. College has fast running backs but the NFL has faster linebackers and defensive backs.
I would love to see the worst NFL team play the best college football team but the NFL team will win.
I listen to sports raido almost everyday, and this argument(if you can call it that) pops up every now and then. The Detroit Lions, or The Tampa Bay Bucs will pop up every now and then. It's fucking absurd. NFL players are grown men, and their PROS. No matter how bad an NFL team might be, they will destroy a college team no matter what. NFL teams play against the best competition in the world, while college football teams play against other kids or shit teams that are 1,000 times worse than an NFL team who's at the bottom of league.

I just love it when someone says,"Teebow would destroy the Lions!" cracks me up everytime.
This argment comes up in a lot of other pro vs college sports as well, but the fact is, your average NFL team is made up of all the very best College players. Basically every player on an NFL team was one of the top 3 best layers on his college team. Every NFL team is like an actual All-American team.
If the 2008 Detroit Lions played the 2005 USC Trojans or 2001 Miami Hurricanes, I think that the Lions would win 8 or 9 times of 10. So yes, I'm saying that an all-time great college team could beat the bottom-of-the-barrel NFL team. I'm not crazy.

The Lions of 2008 were in complete and utter disarray. They had no chemistry as a team, played without heart, and simply lacked talent. The two things I've bolded are the reason a team like the 2005 Trojans could defeat the Lions on occasion. Not only were they loaded with future NFL players, but they had the desire to win and were a team. The Lions would have an edge in talent, yes, but it wouldn't be massive. I'd be sort of like a TCU-Texas match-up this year, with Texas being the NFL team. The underdog is going to win a couple of times.

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