Collectively, the IWC is shooting themselves in the foot


Occasional Pre-Show
Just hear me out please. I have just been irritated with the IWC lately and here is why...

It all starts at the RR, the outcome of the match was decided two weeks prior when Batista returns and is a lock to win the RR (seriously, it could not have been more obvious). Everybody i knew thought he was going to win.

So fast forward 2 weeks to the actual Rumble match and people are upset when he wins? or are people upset that DB didnt come out at number 30 to win in a match he was never advertised for after already wrestling earlier in the night? Either way, that almost made me embarrassed to be associated with such hypocrisy of the IWC.

Then CM Punk leaves, and the entire (give or take a dozen people) IWC praises him for quitting on a legion of fans 2 months before Wrestlemania because he didn't get his way after being champion for over a year. How is that good for anyone but CM Punk? Is it even good for CM Punk in the long run?

Now you have a company in WWE, who has NEVER catered to it's fans just to cater to the fans, in a position to absolutely troll the entire IWC because no singular wrestler is bigger than the E. Not DB, not Punk, not even Hogan.

Spamming complaints and petitions further pushed DB out of the title picture, because fan interest, good or bad, is what fuels story lines. Again, i am aware it's not all of you, but the ones that have been flaming everywhere about him not being champion, is why he is not champion. I could easily see them doing the "authority is holding me back" story line for another 6 months BECAUSE of all the backlash. And it is genius.

Now with CM Punk, and the supposed "we are going to chant for him" movement i have seen for live shows and TV shows, all that does is make Vince McMahon less likely to ever bring back a guy that he built into a superstar because it was a slap in the face that he left in the first place. I could see him wanting to create a new CM Punk before bringing back CM Punk, just to shove into fans faces. Also genius.

In closing, complaining, petitions, crying online, doing the absolute opposite of what ever outcome is "right for fans" because whatever is best for business always trumps that. Because CM Punk is gone or DB is not champion, there will still be fans and there will still be money made. If you legitimately hate the product, stop watching. That is a much better decision than complaints.
If you legitimately hate the product, stop watching. That is a much better decision than complaints.

They obviously don't "hate the product" if they are going to events, and watching on television. Daniel Bryan is a part of that product and a large majority of fans have latched on to him. It's their prerogative to support the cause of one particular performer. Chanting his name whenever they feel like it goes along with that.

As for CM Punk, he has been a major part of the company for many years. He walked out and CM Punk fans are going to want to absolve him of it and blame the situation he was "put in". Let them get it out of their system, it may be a couple of weeks, but its the nature of the beast.

If people who find fault with things in wrestling should just stop watching, then I would suggest you stop participating in the IWC if the opinions expressed irritate you that much.
Just hear me out please. I have just been irritated with the IWC lately and here is why...

It all starts at the RR, the outcome of the match was decided two weeks prior when Batista returns and is a lock to win the RR (seriously, it could not have been more obvious). Everybody i knew thought he was going to win.

That hardly means it was the best decision. Just because we knew he was going to win doesn't mean it made a ton of sense that he should. Key difference.

So fast forward 2 weeks to the actual Rumble match and people are upset when he wins? or are people upset that DB didnt come out at number 30 to win in a match he was never advertised for after already wrestling earlier in the night? Either way, that almost made me embarrassed to be associated with such hypocrisy of the IWC.

You're forgetting he wasn't even included at all. You can still have him lose, but to not include the hottest guy in the most important match prior to Mania? "Well he wasn't advertised to be in it," yeah, neither was Cena in 2008 and he won it.

Then CM Punk leaves, and the entire (give or take a dozen people) IWC praises him for quitting on a legion of fans 2 months before Wrestlemania because he didn't get his way after being champion for over a year. How is that good for anyone but CM Punk? Is it even good for CM Punk in the long run?

I've said it several times: just because he was champion for over a year doesn't mean he was actually happy, healthy or not feeling that he was starting to be done. Is it good for Punk in the long run? If he is done with the wrestling business (as he's stated 'when I'm done, I'm done') then it should be fine for him.

Now you have a company in WWE, who has NEVER catered to it's fans just to cater to the fans, in a position to absolutely troll the entire IWC because no singular wrestler is bigger than the E. Not DB, not Punk, not even Hogan.

WWE changing Rocky Maivia into The Rock was WWE directly catering to the fans negative reaction.

Spamming complaints and petitions further pushed DB out of the title picture, because fan interest, good or bad, is what fuels story lines. Again, i am aware it's not all of you, but the ones that have been flaming everywhere about him not being champion, is why he is not champion. I could easily see them doing the "authority is holding me back" story line for another 6 months BECAUSE of all the backlash. And it is genius.

You're suggesting that if no one had complained that Bryan wasn't champion he'd have the strap now? Are you serious?

Now with CM Punk, and the supposed "we are going to chant for him" movement i have seen for live shows and TV shows, all that does is make Vince McMahon less likely to ever bring back a guy that he built into a superstar because it was a slap in the face that he left in the first place. I could see him wanting to create a new CM Punk before bringing back CM Punk, just to shove into fans faces. Also genius.

He brought back Austin.

In closing, complaining, petitions, crying online, doing the absolute opposite of what ever outcome is "right for fans" because whatever is best for business always trumps that. Because CM Punk is gone or DB is not champion, there will still be fans and there will still be money made. If you legitimately hate the product, stop watching. That is a much better decision than complaints.

I'm fairly certain whatever is "right for fans" is actually "what's best for business" because if the fan base is happy, the company will earn more money.
Just hear me out please. I have just been irritated with the IWC lately and here is why...

It all starts at the RR, the outcome of the match was decided two weeks prior when Batista returns and is a lock to win the RR (seriously, it could not have been more obvious). Everybody i knew thought he was going to win.

So fast forward 2 weeks to the actual Rumble match and people are upset when he wins? or are people upset that DB didnt come out at number 30 to win in a match he was never advertised for after already wrestling earlier in the night? Either way, that almost made me embarrassed to be associated with such hypocrisy of the IWC.

Then CM Punk leaves, and the entire (give or take a dozen people) IWC praises him for quitting on a legion of fans 2 months before Wrestlemania because he didn't get his way after being champion for over a year. How is that good for anyone but CM Punk? Is it even good for CM Punk in the long run?

Now you have a company in WWE, who has NEVER catered to it's fans just to cater to the fans, in a position to absolutely troll the entire IWC because no singular wrestler is bigger than the E. Not DB, not Punk, not even Hogan.

Spamming complaints and petitions further pushed DB out of the title picture, because fan interest, good or bad, is what fuels story lines. Again, i am aware it's not all of you, but the ones that have been flaming everywhere about him not being champion, is why he is not champion. I could easily see them doing the "authority is holding me back" story line for another 6 months BECAUSE of all the backlash. And it is genius.

Now with CM Punk, and the supposed "we are going to chant for him" movement i have seen for live shows and TV shows, all that does is make Vince McMahon less likely to ever bring back a guy that he built into a superstar because it was a slap in the face that he left in the first place. I could see him wanting to create a new CM Punk before bringing back CM Punk, just to shove into fans faces. Also genius.

In closing, complaining, petitions, crying online, doing the absolute opposite of what ever outcome is "right for fans" because whatever is best for business always trumps that. Because CM Punk is gone or DB is not champion, there will still be fans and there will still be money made. If you legitimately hate the product, stop watching. That is a much better decision than complaints.

One of the most sensible posts I've seen. I'm still not sure the Punk thing is a shoot, but if it is fuck him. Fuck him either way actually
IWC is killing WWE. It's seriously hard to get into anything because of all the hijacking. Personally I don't have a dog in the race. I just want to see good storylines and matches. I don't care who's getting pushed and who deserves what.
This is actually REALLY good, whether it's real or not. It's a good sign of how proactive the fans are going to be pertaining to the WWE Network.
First of all, there is no IWC. There are just fans who happen to use the internet in 2014, just like everyone else. The same people who are in the audience, the same people ordering ppvs, buying merchandise, or whatever. And they don't always agree. The IWC as a like-minded subculture of wrestling fans is a myth.

Second, so complaining online about other fans complaining online is going to solve things how? Fans aren't happy with the product, they pay for tickets, they can chant what they want, and post whatever they want online. They are actually the only people in this situation I'm certain the WWE are making money off of. It sucks that you don't like it, but hey, that's opinions for you. And do you honestly think anyone is really going to care if their dissatisfaction with the only wrestling game in town (and I'm going to assume they are wrestling fans who WANT to enjoy wrestling) is irritating you, or anyone else? Hell, no offence, but I hope it bugs you. I'm sure as he'll irritated with apologists, and I've been irritated with the product for years now, so quite frankly sharing that irritation is cathartic. And It's not just about Daniel Bryan, or Punk, or any one thing. It's about a promotion that many people have watched and supported for their entire lives utterly, totally, (purposely?) failing to entertain them, mocking what they want to see, and feeding them the same old crap they boo out of the building week after week out of pure spite. And while they thoroughly piss off the majority of their paying audience, they nickel and dime viewers at home with product placement in addition to regular commercial breaks, commercials on ppv's, ads for their garbage movies, garbage app, and whatever other non-wrestling related crap they want to shove down their audiences throat. An audience that traditionally has watched wrestling for wrestling, not reality tv shows, celebrity guest hosts, xfl's, or other bullshit Vince McMahon thinks they, or the mainstream, or whoever wants to see this week. People chant for Punk and Bryan because they actually like them, and the WWE has given them nothing better to chant for in years. If this was the 90's, we would all just go watch WCW, or ECW. Nowadays, the only real alternatives are TNA, which is every bit as flawed as the WWE, and ROH, which barely has a tv presence. The WWE has a captive audience of wrestling fans with nowhere else to go, and they aren't happy with what they are seeing.

But hey, you want everyone pissed with the product to stop watching? Well I'm doing my part. I'm watching Netflix right now instead of RAW. I haven't watched in a few weeks, and barely watched in the few months prior to that. I'm a wrestling fan and always will be, but enough is enough. When what I'm seeing is more aggravating than entertaining, it's time to watch something I actually enjoy. I hear the WWE might do something I'll find entertaining at Extreme Rules, so maybe I'll check back in for that. In the meantime, the more everyone is generally dissatisfied with the product the better the odds of something changing, so forgive me If I'm not overly sympathetic.
I would love for Kane to come out and break character and as Glenn Jacobs call out Phil (Think that's Cm Punks real name). And point out he has been there a lot longer and while he doesn't always agree w/ decisions he has never quit on the company or the fans.

Have Glenn call out Phil for a man to man wrestlemania match
IWC is shooting themselves in the foot because we are reacting to the product?

Don't know if I agree with that, but I definitely agree with the notion that if you don't like the product, then tune the fuck out.

A few weeks of a large percentage of the audience streaming RAW and streaming PPV's will definitely change things.

I might start doing that next week, because tonight's show was atrocious. Same Wyatt/Shield vs. 3 Random faces + the dumb dance segment + a whole bunch of filler. And why the fuck would I watch a pro wrestling program to see Betty White?

TNA isn't going to step it's shit up and be actual competition, so the only way for the WWE programming to change is if the fans stop giving their business to them.
First of all, there is no IWC. There are just fans who happen to use the internet in 2014, just like everyone else. The same people who are in the audience, the same people ordering ppvs, buying merchandise, or whatever. And they don't always agree. The IWC as a like-minded subculture of wrestling fans is a myth.

Second, so complaining online about other fans complaining online is going to solve things how? Fans aren't happy with the product, they pay for tickets, they can chant what they want, and post whatever they want online. They are actually the only people in this situation I'm certain the WWE are making money off of. It sucks that you don't like it, but hey, that's opinions for you. And do you honestly think anyone is really going to care if their dissatisfaction with the only wrestling game in town (and I'm going to assume they are wrestling fans who WANT to enjoy wrestling) is irritating you, or anyone else? Hell, no offence, but I hope it bugs you. I'm sure as he'll irritated with apologists, and I've been irritated with the product for years now, so quite frankly sharing that irritation is cathartic. And It's not just about Daniel Bryan, or Punk, or any one thing. It's about a promotion that many people have watched and supported for their entire lives utterly, totally, (purposely?) failing to entertain them, mocking what they want to see, and feeding them the same old crap they boo out of the building week after week out of pure spite. And while they thoroughly piss off the majority of their paying audience, they nickel and dime viewers at home with product placement in addition to regular commercial breaks, commercials on ppv's, ads for their garbage movies, garbage app, and whatever other non-wrestling related crap they want to shove down their audiences throat. An audience that traditionally has watched wrestling for wrestling, not reality tv shows, celebrity guest hosts, xfl's, or other bullshit Vince McMahon thinks they, or the mainstream, or whoever wants to see this week. People chant for Punk and Bryan because they actually like them, and the WWE has given them nothing better to chant for in years. If this was the 90's, we would all just go watch WCW, or ECW. Nowadays, the only real alternatives are TNA, which is every bit as flawed as the WWE, and ROH, which barely has a tv presence. The WWE has a captive audience of wrestling fans with nowhere else to go, and they aren't happy with what they are seeing.

But hey, you want everyone pissed with the product to stop watching? Well I'm doing my part. I'm watching Netflix right now instead of RAW. I haven't watched in a few weeks, and barely watched in the few months prior to that. I'm a wrestling fan and always will be, but enough is enough. When what I'm seeing is more aggravating than entertaining, it's time to watch something I actually enjoy. I hear the WWE might do something I'll find entertaining at Extreme Rules, so maybe I'll check back in for that. In the meantime, the more everyone is generally dissatisfied with the product the better the odds of something changing, so forgive me If I'm not overly sympathetic.

I didnt make this topic for you to approve or disapprove for starters, it was me venting frustration about the current chain of events of the IWC, (yes the IWC exists and especially in the social media era of wrestling), has complained about along with the effect that they are obviously having.

And while you think everybody alive suddenly hates WWE, the fact remains they are highly profitable and selling out arenas coast to coast. The product really is not nearly as horrible as you insist, it is likely just not your cup of tea anymore.

I applaud you for not watching something you seemingly hate, but honestly one viewer lost is not going to change anything. Even if one million viewers dont tune into RAW next monday, that is not going to make DB champion any faster or make CM Punk come back suddenly.
I sympathize with, but don't completely understand, the fan reaction to whats been going on in the WWE ever since the Royal Rumble. Did a dirt sheet site mislead people and convince them Daniel Bryan was going to win a match he wasn't even scheduled to compete in? Did anyone seriously doubt Batista would win the Rumble? Daniel Bryan's role in the main event division was reduced due to supposedly low ppv buys when he was champion? Its the same problem that brought CM Punk down. If fans are so anxious to see Punk or Bryan as champions, why do they stop tuning into RAW and buying ppvs when those men win the title? Punk is now walking out on the very fans who buy tickets to see him right before the WWE Network launches and Wrestlemania XXX. When Stone Cold walked out because he had to job to Lesnar I doubt fans were blaming management or Lesnar. Punk rubs people the wrong way backstage, thats been well documented, and internally it looks like he was a hindrance to the product. He had a spot at Wrestlemania, but because its not a main event spot he's not going to complete the rest of his contractual obligations? The fans have made WWE too big to fail, there literally is no way a chant or a petition is going to get WWE to change what it does. The company knows how to get its money, its not interested in giving the fans what they want.
You're making a very glaring and dangerous mistake... WWE has not just been pissing the IWC off for the last 6 months...

Someone said the IWC doesn't exist, that's wrong it does. They are not all wrestling fans who use the internet. There is a definite core (and everyone who reads or contributes to this forum is one of them) who go further than simply reading news... They use the internet as a way to pass judgement, vent frustration, share ideas on what they would want to see and often suffer delusions of grandeur that they are important and "part of the business". Your comment about why you made the thread, venting frustration etc sums that up...

The IWC don't attend shows in the main, they watch/stream and chat live about it, almost commentating/passing judgment as it goes. They buy the odd shirt or may go to the show if it hits their town but will more likely say "I don't like the card or advertised talent so I won't bother..." These are the people who fell in love with either Golden Age or Attitude and want one of them or both back... These are the people WWE are aiming the network at- they have tuned out of the current product in almost every way unless they can book it themselves, see their picks win all the titles and basically run the WWE. That is the IWC in a coconut shell!

What WWE has done for the last 8 months is piss it's WHOLE fanbase off... particularly live crowds. The IWC haven't just picked Bryan (or Punk before him) the whole live fan base have... They got mad at Summerslam, several non finish PPV's where refunds were issued... IWC guys didn't buy the PPV to get it refunded, they streamed it... "real fans" got offered refunds.

Crowds on the UK tour were angry that several top names were advertised then moved to Germany's show the same night including Bryan and Punk and in effect what is normally an A level show became a B, again refunds had to be offered.

The reaction to the Rumble was not internet hysteria, there was a very real shift in the dynamic between the WWE and live crowds these were not just IWC smarks crapping on Batista and being pissed Bryan didn't win... it was everyone, even the Cena marks who are 7... They actually, live had to turn up the music and turn down the crowd, the most telling, shocking thing they have had to do for years... as this is TV...this isn't the plan or how it's supposed to be because this isn't as interactive an experience as they would like you to believe.

Now if last night is to be believed reports of fans getting tossed (as I warned a week ago) for Punk shirts etc... WWE seems to be having a major shift in it's attitude on live crowds as a result of that moment. The days of "you bought a ticket and can chant/wear what you want" seem to be gone.

By going to an event you are now an extra paying for that privilege, they have said as much in their opening speech for years but now... if you even think about chanting something they don't like and it will soon be added to that speech "If you chant slogans WWE deem inappropriate you may be ejected". Then you will be tossed so as not to disrupt the TV.

There are reasons for this, they are negotiating their TV contract NOW... they cannot have the networks saying "but what about these rowdy crowds?" as it will reduce the number. They are going all out for the Billion dollar contract for RAW and Smackdown.

This could still be work, but reality is Punk has thrown a massive monkey in that wrench that they are not going to allow their customers to use to alter their business plan or product. Ultimately it is WWE shooting themselves in the foot, because if things like that continue to happen, if they continue to ignore and upset live crowds and ride roughshod over the "fun, interactivness" of the show, then even once the deal is signed, people will simply stop attending... It only takes parents of the Cena kids to see their buddy ejected for wearing a Punk shirt or that fracas upsetting said kids "Cos you said I could chant for who I like Daddy", or their kids who just got into Bryan over Cena disappointed cos they sent him to another show instead and that's it... they don't spend any more money taking them to WWE cos it's not a "good place". That's not the Punk fan's fault, that's WWE's... They are the ones shooting themselves in the foot.

The simple reason WWE are not as interested in Bryan or Punk over Cena is merchandising pure and simple. Cena can sell infinite T-Shirts, Armbands, Caps with slogans, every colour in the palette twice a year. Bryan is a talented guy, but can only really sell a shirt with either Yes...No or a combination... Punk has his logo, best in the world and that's about it....
What's happening is WWE's doing. Starting when Cena gave his promo on why he picked Bryan for the Summer Slam title match. No one would give him a shot but I John Cena listen to the universe and will give him the shot.

Bryan wins, HHH turns on him and Orton cashes in. Then the next 3 ppvs result in Bryan getting screwed out of being champion.

Now wrestling history says the company is trying to get us to get behind Bryan so that when he finally wins the title the roof will blow off the arena.

WWE history tells us these types of angles/storylines/whatever almost always culminate at Mania and Winning the Rumble is a guarantee to challenge for the belt.

Because of this WWE set themselves up for this based on their own history of booking. The IWC and live fan base are ready for the culmination of this storyline.

WWE will continue to make money but may cost themselves more money if they shoot themselves in the foot and don't tie this storyline up with a nice ribbon at Mania.
Depending on what reports you read the Rumble outcome wasn't decided until an hour before the match Punk hasn't been used right for the last few months The biggest problem between Punk and WWE is Punk has his own set of creative plans he thinks his character and his legacy should be Obviously WWE differs with him Punk vs HHH at WM makes no sense at all DB vs HHH makes more sense Punk vs Lesnar for the title at Mania with Punk winning the title from him or Punk vs Cena with Punk beating Cena for the title makes way more sense But much like WCW was it seems in today's WWE if you aren't one of VKM's "Boys" you get crap much like during the Hulkamania run
Typically when I bring up wrestling to non fans, they tell me wrestling fans are stupid. They make us seem kind of like NASCAR fans. I always argue that it's no the case and wrestling fans are a pretty intelligent collection of people. After last night though, seeing the crowd constantly chanting for CM Punk after the man walked out on them, I have to change my stance. If you thought he was a good wrestler fine. But he just walked out on the fans. He never cared about the fans. He's even mentioned before that he does his "elbow drop" sloppier just to piss off the people that criticize his abilities. The man is full of himself and really thinks he should be handed everything in the business. He's told himself too many times that he is the best in the world. For those that say he isn't used right, he has been feuding with the main bad guys (the authority the past several months) and before that he was feuding with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. How many stars on the roster do you think would kill to have a match with Lesnar at a PPV or to do a program with Heyman?

Here's the thing about Punk. He first got big using his whole straight edge philosophy, but still wasn't at the top yet. Then he became a huge success during the "Summer of Punk" when he dropped his "pipe bomb", breaking down the forth wall and airing how he felt about backstage politics. He even mentioned some indy names. The problem is, he can only get over when breaking Kayfabe and essentially being Phil. Wrestling is all about playing a character and using that character to get over. He could not play a character successfully. Look at the biggest names. How many times did you see The Undertaker come out and start discussing locker room politics for a pop? What about The Rock? Rock would go out every week and cut top notch promos live on TV all the while NEVER referring to himself in the first person. CM Punk uses cheap tricks like talking about the things you rea about on the internet and making himself seem like some sort of hero. He is a walking dirt sheet.

Why cheer for someone who walked out on you though? People paid for Wrestlemania tickets to go see him wrestle, and where is he?
Typically when I bring up wrestling to non fans, they tell me wrestling fans are stupid. They make us seem kind of like NASCAR fans. I always argue that it's no the case and wrestling fans are a pretty intelligent collection of people. After last night though, seeing the crowd constantly chanting for CM Punk after the man walked out on them, I have to change my stance. If you thought he was a good wrestler fine. But he just walked out on the fans. He never cared about the fans. He's even mentioned before that he does his "elbow drop" sloppier just to piss off the people that criticize his abilities. The man is full of himself and really thinks he should be handed everything in the business. He's told himself too many times that he is the best in the world.

Here's the thing about Punk. He first got big using his whole straight edge philosophy, but still wasn't at the top yet. Then he became a huge success during the "Summer of Punk" when he dropped his "pipe bomb", breaking down the forth wall and airing how he felt about backstage politics. He even mentioned some indy names. The problem is, he can only get over when breaking Kayfabe and essentially being Phil. Wrestling is all about playing a character and using that character to get over. He could not play a character successfully. Look at the biggest names. How many times did you see The Undertaker come out and start discussing locker room politics for a pop? What about The Rock? Rock would go out every week and cut top notch promos live on TV all the while NEVER referring to himself in the first person. CM Punk uses cheap tricks like talking about the things you rea about on the internet and making himself seem like some sort of hero. He is a walking dirt sheet.

Why cheer for someone who walked out on you though? People paid for Wrestlemania tickets to go see him wrestle, and where is he?

These are all great points. The fans are chanting for CM Punk because it's "cool" and they feel like they're "embarassing" WWE or something by doing that. However, you correctly pointed out, they're cheering for a guy who stabbed them in the back and doesn't care about them.

The very type of guy Punk claims to despise, is exactly what he is. He's extremely selfish and thinks everything is hunky doory only when he's in the main events and has the belt. Some of these Punk marks/card carrying IWC members, bashed Rock for "turning his back" on WWE fans and leaving, hell Punk bashed the guy too and yet Rock never walked out. He simply left when his contract expired.

It's really, really funny to me that fans are chanting for CM Punk. You can like his character and wrestling abilities, hell I do. That does not mean you have to blindly cheer for EVERYTHING he does.

If Cena did this, or Randy Orton, these smarks would be bashing the hell out of the guy and certainly not chanting their names.

People need to start thinking for themselves and stop being followers.
I wish people would understand why Bryan wasn't in the rumble, he opened the show against Bray Wyatt, took one hell of a beating and lost.

If he then rocks up in the rumble, like a house on fire and wipes out everyone, or gets to the final two. it doesn't sell the beating at all and makes Wyatt look weak, who WWE are clearly high on. Or that's how I see it, it just didn't make sense for him to be in the rumble, because of the Loss to Wyatt.

Plus, contrary to popular belief, Vince isnt stupid, he knows how big Bryan is. But he also knows that when Bryan finally gets the title. The crowd is gonna go absolutely mental and the yes chant will be deafening. The more they put him down, the more the crowd gets behind him, the bigger the reaction, it's underdog story 101.

On the CM punk thing, I find this just unbelievably hypocritical. People of the IWC moan constantly how Cena is constantly in the title picture. Yet Punk had the longest reign in history, and now taken his ball and gone home because he isn't in the title match at wrestlemania. And is instead involved in one of the biggest feuds around the WWE at the moment. Punk in the past year has got sloppier in the ring, he does seem to have lost a desire for wrestling in general, and just wants to be champion all the time.

On the whole. Wwe without punk I think will be better in the long run, don't get me wrong, I don't agree with Batista winning the rumble, but i don't think punk or Bryan should have won either.

Also, The chanting for punk thing is just stupid, WWE give him the longest title reign in modern history, match against taker last year, match involved in the biggest storyline this year supposedly. And that isn't enough for him? Personally think he has been selfish and just ungrateful, let someone else have a go punk. He turned his back on wwe. Not the other way round.
Also, The chanting for punk thing is just stupid, WWE give him the longest title reign in modern history, match against taker last year, match involved in the biggest storyline this year supposedly. And that isn't enough for him? Personally think he has been selfish and just ungrateful, let someone else have a go punk. He turned his back on wwe. Not the other way round.

The chanting is very disrespectful to the performers who are in the ring, honoring their contracts. Whether fans like Orton or not, I thought it was very, very disrespectful the way the fans were chanting for a guy who walked away. It's one thing to chant YES, I mean DB is actually on the roster. It's an entirely different thing to chant for a guy that just turned his back on the fans, and to chant for him while a guy who has cleaned up his act and is busting his ass, is talking in the ring.
Sounds like the OP is upset fans aren't cheering for who WWE wants them to cheer for. Thats what it sounds like. Were in the era of fans voicing there opinion and not being scared to do so. Leave it at that.
And that's an idiotic stance to have. As a WWE fan at a live show, you have a role to play, the same as HHH has a role to play. If you decide to break script and "shoot" during the live event, then you're an asshole.
I did find it a bit absurd that a CM Punk chant broke out during a DB match. Really? So the guy you've been wanting to get pushed to the moon is wrestling on the main event of RAW and you're chanting CM Punk during HIS match??? Titus vs. Ryder, I get it, but your beloved DB???
Sounds like the OP is upset fans aren't cheering for who WWE wants them to cheer for. Thats what it sounds like. Were in the era of fans voicing there opinion and not being scared to do so. Leave it at that.

It's not about them not cheering for who the WWE wants. They cheer for JBL, Cole, Lawler, Savage. The OP is pointing out that it's stupid to cheer for someone who blatantly disrespected you as a fan. If you're a fan of a wrestler and he says, "Screw you, I'm not wrestling for you" and you applaud him for it, you're a moron. Someone is getting beaten and broken in the ring to entertain you, and all you care about is the one that gave you the finger and walked out.

I did find it a bit absurd that a CM Punk chant broke out during a DB match. Really? So the guy you've been wanting to get pushed to the moon is wrestling on the main event of RAW and you're chanting CM Punk during HIS match??? Titus vs. Ryder, I get it, but your beloved DB???

I do think this is part of Punk's plan. I think he is pretty jealous that Daniel Bryan go over on his own, while Punk was handed a year and a half title reign with a mic in his hand every single week. Not to mention feuds with Cena, Jericho(who put him over each time), Rock, Taker(right after his reign) and later even Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. I'm sorry, but you could take any person, even Yoshi Tatsu, and get them over with the longest title reign a feud with Cena, Jericho, Rock, Taker, Lesnar, and Heyman(especially acting as a mouth piece for a while). But then here comes Daniel Bryan, who was put in a randomly paired comedy tag team. He got more over and did it on his own.

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