Coldplay - Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends

Frank the Frowner

Getting Noticed By Management

So, Coldplay has released two songs off their new album, "Violet Hill" and the title track: "Viva la Vida". Both songs are MUCH different than their usual sound, and to be honest, I'm not sure if I like it. I love everything that they've put out, including X&Y, which has been panned by a large amount of their fanbase.

What sucks about the new album is the fact that there's only 10 tracks. And if it's a different sound, I'm very worried that this album will go over as well as U2's "Pop" album.

If you haven't heard the new tracks yet, here they are...

"Violet Hill"

"Viva La Vida"
I love Violet Hill. It sounds like the type of song I've been waiting for Coldplay to release for years now. And Viva la Vida is a gorgeous song in my opinion. As for the change in sound, it think it's perfect. It's different, ambitious but still definitively Coldplay. Also as for only having 10 songs, if you remember Parachutes and A Rush of Blood only had 10 and 11 songs respectively. They seem to have decided no go back to the sweeping epic songs of X&Y which were rather hit and miss. Back on that album it was like you would think the song would be a nice beautiful subtle number and then they would come crashing in with guitars and drums. Like I said, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. That said I think they need X&Y because I think they learned from it and judging by these two efforts Coldplay maybe found themselves musically and I am so very excited about their new album.
So, ends up selling over 140,00 albums and going 2x platinum in Australia alone in under 2months.This has ended up being Coldplay's best work yet in my opinion and in a lot of other people's opinions.
I ended up buying the album because of all the hype and i now have all of Coldplay's albums and love nearly all of their work. While this album might be experimental, it is still an awesome album and every song is different and unique in its own way. I don't skip over any of the tracks in the album and that really says something about a band.
I really like this album and I'm not what you would call a big fan of them. Their music is very unisversial and the album sales represent it. My favorite song is the title track "viva la vida" but like pretty much all the songs on the album, my least favorite being "strawberry swing".
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