Cold War II?


of the Le'beau family

May 22nd-

According to European Union Times, "China has officially put the United States on notice that Washington’s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. This blunt warning represents the first known strategic ultimatum received by the United States in half a century, going back to Soviet warnings during the Berlin crisis of 1958-1961, and indicates the grave danger of general war growing out of the US-Pakistan confrontation.
'Any Attack on Pakistan Would be Construed as an Attack on China'.”

May 25th,
On top of this, Reuters is saying that the Pakistan military is being exposed to anti-american rhetoric while training.

Tensions have grown between Pakistan and The United States due to the United States' covert operation to take out Osama Bin Laden. Some have even suggested that Pakistan was harboring Bin Laden intentionally.

Actual war with China would likely lead to a Doomsday Scenario, so that's unlikely- but...

Is it possible that a second Cold War is coming just like with the Soviet Union? Why, Why Not?

If so, is it likely to occur?

May 22nd-

According to European Union Times, "China has officially put the United States on notice that Washington’s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. This blunt warning represents the first known strategic ultimatum received by the United States in half a century, going back to Soviet warnings during the Berlin crisis of 1958-1961, and indicates the grave danger of general war growing out of the US-Pakistan confrontation.
'Any Attack on Pakistan Would be Construed as an Attack on China'.”

May 25th,
On top of this, Reuters is saying that the Pakistan military is being exposed to anti-american rhetoric while training.

Tensions have grown between Pakistan and The United States due to the United States' covert operation to take out Osama Bin Laden. Some have even suggested that Pakistan was harboring Bin Laden intentionally.

Actual war with China would likely lead to a Doomsday Scenario, so that's unlikely- but...

Is it possible that a second Cold War is coming just like with the Soviet Union? Why, Why Not?

If so, is it likely to occur?

I believe a cold war version 2.0 is possible. The US keeps sticking it's nose everywhere.

From the point of view of someone who wasn't born in the US, it's pretty scary and obvious that the US basically wants to take over the world.

I don't think a single modern country has started so many fights in the name of "freedom" or "spreading democracy". Some wars have been justified, some are just BS. If these types of interventions keep happening, there is no reason why China won't start putting it's foot down.

Libya 1986
Panama 1989
Persian Gulf War 1990
Somalia 92-93
Haiti 94-95
Kosovo 99
Afghanistan 2001-present
Philippines 2002
Iraq 2003-present
Haiti 2004
Libya 2011
If this happens at all it will not be for the reasons listed and it probably won't be in our lifetimes. A lot of people seem to forget that, as economically liberalized as China is, it's still a single-party authoritarian state. The embargoes that would result from such a war could precipitate a democratic revolution; this is the last thing that the Communist Part of China would want.
God good, China is in no position to start an economic war with US since it's trade and manufactured base is almost entirely founded on America and it's allies. Rivalries in military and technology will always happen but hostilities as you described them are too dangerous for either nation and I don't see anything happening any time soon.
God good, China is in no position to start an economic war with US since it's trade and manufactured base is almost entirely founded on America and it's allies. Rivalries in military and technology will always happen but hostilities as you described them are too dangerous for either nation and I don't see anything happening any time soon.

Just because China's in no position to start an economic war doesn't mean that it won't. I mean, the entire scenario is unlikely- but for argument's sake let's say the United States actually attacked Pakistan. The United States can't afford the current wars we're waging, but we're still doing it. Whether neither could afford to or not, if the United States DID decide to attack Pakistan- given China's ultimatum, couldn't it spark a second Cold War? Or are they just bluffing?
From the point of view of someone who wasn't born in the US, it's pretty scary and obvious that the US basically wants to take over the world.

That's the single most horse-shittiest, bull-shittiest, opinion I've ever read on these forums. How did you come to these conclusions that America wants to take over the world? World police....ok, maybe but taking over the world? Horse shit I'll say. We're not that hostile and ambitious. Are there any other nations who would have the balls/resourses to help with the probems in the World? Our intentions mean well however sometimes things do not go according to plan. With that said, most countries outside of allies to the US, sit back and laugh at the world's problems while we simply try to fix them. What would happen if the US isolated ourselves? Well maybe then we wouldn't have people like you claim we're trying to take over the world.

As for a Cold War between the two countries, it seems logical. In my opinion, the always growing tensions between Taiwan and China will likely be the cause of some type of Cold War. If some of you remember, China was ab****ely pissed when they found out we were selling billions of dollars worth of weapons to Taiwan. China reportedly has over a thousand fucking missles pointed as the poor island. So tensions there could lead to tensions (Cold War type tension) between US and China, no doubt.

But as far as Cold War type tensions between the US and China over something like this seems ulikely. I don't exactly have a reason why, but I seriously doubt both China and the United States are willing throw away all the tension they've over came with each other over something like this. Why does China even give a flying fuck about Pakistan?
By the way, go to

Look up, "China warns U.S."

It's nothing new. They've been doing it for years.

We have no plans to invade Pakistan and China knows this. It's a propaganda tool they use so when we don't invade Pakistan, they'll say its because we put our foot down.

China has warned us time and time again, not to sell weapons to Taiwan. China warned us time and time again, about Tibet. China warned us time and time again about human rights, time and time again concerning North/South Korea.

It is nothing new, they've been doing it for some time.

That's the single most horse-shittiest, bull-shittiest, opinion I've ever read on these forums. How did you come to these conclusions that America wants to take over the world? World police....ok, maybe but taking over the world? Horse shit I'll say. We're not that hostile and ambitious.

Opinions are great.. But from an outsiders perspective, yes. It DOES seem this way.

How are we not hostile? How are we not ambitious?

I can find numerous examples of both.

Hostile- Numerous wars in the last two decades, frequent sanctions against countries we do not like, the toppling of democratically elected leaders to suit our needs... Oh, that's ambition there to.
As Minnesota Connection eloquently put it, China and the US are in a state of dead lock. This would be a Cold War if neither one traded with another but the simple fact is that the Chinese government relies on the giant export business that mostly goes to the US and other countries and the same goes for the US. If one were to break away from another, its disaster for both. China can say everything it wants and US can brush it off all it wants fact of the matter is that neither will do a single thing because A) Both will be economically broken B) Nuclear Fallout from a nuke strike like this means end of the world.
That's the single most horse-shittiest, bull-shittiest, opinion I've ever read on these forums. How did you come to these conclusions that America wants to take over the world? World police....ok, maybe but taking over the world? Horse shit I'll say. We're not that hostile and ambitious. Are there any other nations who would have the balls/resourses to help with the probems in the World? Our intentions mean well however sometimes things do not go according to plan. With that said, most countries outside of allies to the US, sit back and laugh at the world's problems while we simply try to fix them. What would happen if the US isolated ourselves? Well maybe then we wouldn't have people like you claim we're trying to take over the world.

As for a Cold War between the two countries, it seems logical. In my opinion, the always growing tensions between Taiwan and China will likely be the cause of some type of Cold War. If some of you remember, China was ab****ely pissed when they found out we were selling billions of dollars worth of weapons to Taiwan. China reportedly has over a thousand fucking missles pointed as the poor island. So tensions there could lead to tensions (Cold War type tension) between US and China, no doubt.

But as far as Cold War type tensions between the US and China over something like this seems ulikely. I don't exactly have a reason why, but I seriously doubt both China and the United States are willing throw away all the tension they've over came with each other over something like this. Why does China even give a flying fuck about Pakistan?

I apologize I angered you. I am simply speaking from experience and observation. Have friends and family all all all over Russia and Ukraine, and friends all over Eastern Europe: Slovenia, Slovakia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Poland. And friends in Finland and Sweden. Our favorite topics of conversation are politics, world news, culture. And about 80% of them have the same view as I do, that the US is placing a foothold in the middle east. For control of oil.

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