Coincidence or perfect timing?

Slam Master

Pre-Show Stalwart
I know this could be a bit of a controversial thread, but its about Shawn Michaels. We all know that he went out with crushed discs in his back and had surgery to repair it after he dropped the belt to Steve Austin in 1998. He was indeed hurt, but Steve Austin and the Rock were the guys to take his place.

Is it just coincidence or perfect timing that HBK returned to the ring in Mid-2002 just as the Rock and Steve Austin were leaving? I know he really was hurt and had to beat his drug problem and fix his relationship with his wife and kid, but its something to get some opinions on. They were the guys to take his spot.

After reading some other wrestlers books and their views on Shawn in the mid-to-late 90s, its just something that popped into my head. Guys said he was selfish, immature, insecure, was on the booking committee trying to bury the Rock and others he didn't like, wouldn't job(but ironically lost his LAST MATCH to the guy that catapaulted the company, which disproves that theory) insulted the undercard, was unfriendly towards lower guys and was a drug addict. I'm sure some of the stuff was biased out of jealousy and what not. He was legitimately injured needed the time off, but do you think HBK would have risked the health concerns if those guys didn't bail out on the company that gave him everything he had?

I know he needed time to heal, quit drugs, and find Jesus. I don't want anyone getting mad, because I'm a huge Michaels fan and he's the only reason I still watch today.
I am not an HBK fan, but aas for jobbing to Austin, he had no choice as a whole locker room which included Undertaker made sure he did. As for his come back, both Stone Cold & Rock were in the WWE at that time, so the matches could have happen, but Rock didn'tlike HBK because of his past actions and I'm not sure how Steve felt about HBK.

It would have been nice to see the matches, but I'm hopping HBK never comes back to the ring. I mean this would be the perfect way to go, no big celebration, just leave the business how you entered the business, no big bang.
Total Impact, just go away. As for the thread, I really don't understand what you are trying to say. Are you trying to ask wiat we think would be different? because I gotta say not a whole lot. It might have stalled their careers a little bit, but with the way Shawn was going, he would have been cut. Its one thing to be a dick, but his drug problems would have cost him. I'm just glad he got his shit together when he did. We would have been deprived of one of the greatest entertainers of the past 20 years way too soon.
no i dont think its coincidence.austin as we all know was on his last stand.he was to sore and his body just simply couldnt take the stress of wrestling anymore.rock left wrestling to make for the time inbetween they could of set up hbk and rock for mania.which would of been great.dont know why it never happend but it would of been great if it did
But I think HBK is talented and I agree with everything you said, and as J.R. said in HBK's DVD Heart Break and Triumph the man Shawn has become in the last couple of years is an accomplishment BIGGER than any of his championships and all the Wrestlemania's he's main evented (btw he main evented and stole the show in more Wrestlemania's than even Hulk Hogan)! And HBK isn't ANYTHING that he was in the '90s he's mature nicer and he has jobbed to younger guys!
^^ Bit confused over the last guy ^^ (gregfj2)

In any event, Austin would've risen to the top anyway. The audience would've demanded it. Steve was more of a natural selection of things. As for the Rock, I'm not too sure. If I remember correctly, Rocky still had his scripted gimmick at the time HBK left and hadn't really become The Rock that we all know today. I think, if Michaels did have as much power as they say he did back then, the Rock may have been held down for a while - but no doubt he would have risen up the card (to some extent.)

The one thing I will say is, The Rock and Steve Austin hitting the pinacle at the same moment... that was magic. Those two made each other, (with a bit of McMahon fuel for Austin.) Those two [Rock/Austin] made other wrestlers and The Rock quite possibly remade Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania X8 - making an entire generation remember who Hulk was and introducing Hulkamania to another, entirely new audience.

But back on subject, I do think it was best HBK wasn't around at that point in time.
First off, just about everything in the WWE happens for a reason. Most of the time, it's all a part of Vince's master plan.

HBK was only supposed to be brought back for one match against HHH at Summerslam. As usual, he did an absolutely incredible job and appeared to never have missed a step in the ring, let alone in an unsanctioned matchup. He still felt great after the match, so he decided to stick around a bit longer. The crowd response to his return was so overwhelming that he earned another short, yet effective title run as WHC.

Fortunately for the wrestling audience (with the exception of recently), he stayed relatively healthy and we're still able to see him steal the show month after month.

Is this coincidence? I think not. Remember, his return was supposed to be ONE match. Luckily for all of us, his back held up and he is still able to entertain us.
For all intents and purposes, HBK was done in '98. His body was not responding like it should have been. You can see that he was not his normal self in that match at Wrestlemania with Steve. He looked slow, he looked like it was an effort just to climb the ropes, etc. It was an excellent decision by himself, the WWE and his doctors that he leave the business.

His return was supposed to be a one shot. But the Summerslam match between himself and Hunter just showed everyone, including himself, that he still had the stuff to make a major contribution. So he returned and has not disappointed since.

I just think the way HBK's career has gone was the natural course. He needed to get away to get his life straight. When he came back, he was the HBK that the WWE needed.
I just think the way HBK's career has gone was the natural course. He needed to get away to get his life straight. When he came back, he was the HBK that the WWE needed.

Exactly, when HBK got his life straight, the WWE was waiting for him again. If you have watched the HBK Video or read Shawn's book, you know he had a very bad drug habit and everyone, including Paul, started hating Shawn. He went away, became a born-again Christian, cleaned up his habits, got healthier, and thought that he could give the correct send off to himself and his fans.

That night he proved to himself, the WWE Staff, and the world he still had it and he returned full time.
Take this for what it is worth, but I was told the following by a very reliable source. I will make this short as possible. Apparently Taker and Bret Hart were close friends, and had their own kliq going in the midst of HBK's kid fits. The story goes that Taker was asked by Hart to take out HBK, and rough him up a little. So, at the first ever HIAC HBK injured his back so badly that at the following Wrestlemania he retired shortly after when he dropped his title to Austin.

Like I said take it for what it was worth. I don't know how true this is, and really don't care. All I can say is that if it is true it wouldn't surprise me in the least bit. Funny thing is how the world works, because Hart would soon have to retire due to a serious kick to the head by our good friend Billy Goldberg. Maybe that was Kharma working its way back to Hart? The Deadman in the middle playing "devil's advicate", it almost seems to surreal to be honest with you.
I suppose you mean to ask if Shawn Michaels timed his return for when the two biggest stars of the past era were leaving. Well, I suppose it could have gone that way.

I mean, suppose he planned it. Can we blame him? Who wants to return when they know for a fact they aren't getting that main event over Austin and/or The Rock? Especially a man like Shawn Michaels, who loves him some main event. I wouldn't blame him at all if he did. I probably would have. I wouldn't waste my big time return just to get stuck in the mid-card for years.

Now, suppose it was coincidence. A hell of a coincidence. He didn't have to even worry about jobbing and whatnot to Austin or Rock. He had that main event wide open.

You could say it was a coincidence. You could say he waited for the exact moment he would have that main event to himself. You could also say he waited until Vince begged him back because he had literally just lost his two biggest stars, and needed Michaels in a bad way. I'll go with coincidence. Just because.

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