Coincidence or not? You be the judge


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay so we all know the story behind Jeff Hardy by now.We all know he has been hesitant on re-signing with WWE.I honestly think if he leaves this time it will be it for him.I thought that from the beginning.Then come today you look at one of the headlines and take it for what its worth but if all his merchandise is on clearance could Sunday be his last match ever in the WWE?

I think considering the state of the company with many people out injured(Taker,Edge,Batista) and Michaels gone but due back any time Jeff picked a bad time to decide to leave again.Perhaps Vince is pissed and decided screw it we wont offer you a contract to come back then if you are going to leave when we need you must after all the chances you've been given.Hopefully the sale is just a coincidence but if not i think Sunday will be the last time we see Hardy in a WWE ring.Even if he is taking off to take or explore other options i think this time he may have picked the worse time to do so and it may cost him in the long run.

Who knows.He obviously sells merchandise and that will = money to Vince but do any of you see this as more then just a coincidence or could Hardy be on his way out for good?
That's a pretty good observation, however I think that's just mere coincidence. Nobody knows for sure if Jeff is going to leave or resign and stay. Kennedy's merchandise is still on sale, and he's been released for several weeks now. So, if WWE knew Jeff was leaving, why just have one big sell and not just maintain his merch on the shopzone like Kennedy's? Anyway, we can only ponder - but I think it's just a sell, like WWE always puts up on various items/superstars.
Yea could be using the hype from tomorrow night's pay per view to try to sale some of the older stuff too.Didn't think about it like that.Nice point
The only thing that I can see that is against you in this is the fact that Summerslam is only four Smackdown episodes away, being on the 23rd of August.
Who will Punk defend against at Summerslam if Hardy goes?
Think about it, even if The Undertaker were to return tonight at Night of Champions, it would still leave just four short weeks to build a Summerslam match. I don't think its enough.
You see the mech. clearance could be to throw fans off to think exactly that, or so that Hardy gains more support towards Summerslam.
If Jeff has signed an extension to Summerslam, then we could see a "Last Chance" similar to Batista's against King Booker a few years ago at Summerslam.

Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk Extreme Rules. Jeff's last chance for the title. Jeff has an emotional walk down the asile after the match, dismissing the fans, doing what he really wants to do, turn his back and leave. Setting up a heel return when and if he comes back.

But initially the mech. clearance does seem like Hardy is on the way out, but to be honest, who besides the kids who's parents don't want to tell them, don't know that Hardy is on his way out anyway?

Thats just my thoughts.

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