Cody Rhodes to join the SES..


Occasional Pre-Show
It was posted on this site that creative is possibly going to have Cody Rhodes join the SES.

1. Do you think this will work?
2.Will it be good for Cody?

I think for this to work Cody is going to need to make a huge character change. The character he plays now is to clean cut for the SES. The SES is a extreme representation of the hardcore straight edge scene, Tattoos, and piercings and such.. . If Cody joins he is going to need more of a hardcore look. The jacket that he sports to the ring now just screams stuck up snob. Im not saying he needs tattoos or piecing but what he has going on now will not work.

I like Cody. I really do want to see him do something with his career as a wrestler. Right now he is doing nothing aside from being a pro on NXT. Part of me thinks this could work. Maybe this extreme change of character is something he needs to boost his career. When its all said and done he could come out to be a more edger presence in the WWE. Right now he is just to bland and boring. Punk turned Gallows into a new man. I think he can do the same with Cody.

So what do you guys think, would this be a good move by creative? Will it help Cody in any way? Do you think Cody needs to change his persona for this to work, or should he remain the same?
I don't really see the point quite honestly. Cody Rhodes doesn't have a bad thing going for him as far as his personality goes. The only problem is he's just not going anywhere. Of course that isn't his fault, just the booking. Plus Rhodes was the most stand out mentor on the last NXT.

Also on the topic of looking extreme, I don't think it's too necessary. Luke Gallows doesn't really look all that extreme. If Rhodes were to join he could probably just wear arm bands like CM Punk. He could get his head shaved but.. I don't know it might look kind of ugly.
Hey Yo,

It worked once with Luke Gallows but only because Luke Gallows old character Festus was a ****** and im being serious here. Thats why the dramatic change of Festus into Luke Galows worked pretty god damn well. On the other hand Cody Rhodes has it all going for him, he's third generation, a mentor on NXT all he needs is good booking a good push and a good storyline and superstar to feud with. And he is set to go. So to answer your questions, no its not good for Cody Rhodes because there is no major transition that could be done because doesnt do drigs or nothing so i dont know about that and it defientely wouldn't work for Cody Rhodes.
I don't know why they just wouldn't push the "uncommon" gimmick.

Yes it hasn't gone anywhere yet, but his first two matches on SD! were excellent.

His debut against John Morrison was great and that alone gave people enough to invest. The problem is smackdown ratings aren't very good and not many people see him. I think they should invest in a Cody Rhodes/Christian Cage feud.

He's very young (24-25) i believe.. so just give him some time to develop a persona..

The problem is guys like Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton set the bar to high for young guys to come in and make an impact.
To be honest I'm not sure about this. On one hand, I would like the WWE to focus on Cody Rhodes as a singles wrestler and push his 'Uncommon Man' persona which I feel could really make him, but for some reason they have neglected to do that thus far. On the other hand, aligning Cody Rhodes with CM Punk could instantly propel him to the next level and in that sense I suppose I wouldn't mind him joining the SES.

Nevertheless, Rhodes has spent the better part of his career in tag teams and stables which makes me think it may be wiser to focus on him by himself for a change, otherwise he'll just be known as one of those guys who couldn't make it on his own and who always stands in the shadow of someone else, which is a shame because I think he could make it alone.

However, he's clearly not being used on Smackdown lately and if he were to join the SES there would be no doubt that he would be featured more heavily on the show, which it what he needs right now and this is perhaps the main reason why I would support the idea.

Therefore, if Cody were to join Punk, I don't feel he would have to change his look at all, he could play off the 'Uncommon Man' character and how he isn't like the rest of the WWE and its fans who are common and drink/smoke etc...
I think anybody being put together with CM Punk in the Straight Edge Society, who hasn't openly in the period before being thrown into the group, have gone against the Straight Edge Societies ways, a guy like Darren Young didn't fit in there for me.

I think that Cody could ultimately benefit from it decently, he needs something to do, if he's paired with one of the best things going on in WWE right now, there's no saying where it could push Cody.

While I do believe that Cody needs to establish himself as a singles star, do singles feuds, and actually not be included in a faction, I still think it could work out well for Cody, due to the fact that he hasn't accomplished anything since Legacy's break away.

If WWE decides to pair Cody with the Straight Edge Society, I do think that either way Cody goes, it could be entertaining to see what WWE does with Cody.
I guess it could work but they'd need to give some kind of a back story. Say his recent lack of success has caused him to have a drinking problem or something of that nature. Then eventually he could turn on Punk and start a feud between the two.

On the surface it seems like a step backwards but currently he isn't really doing anything on Smackdown so this would be a nice change of pace and it'd be worth a shot.
Cody Rhodes is a terrible fit for this role so it is likely going to happen.

Not to call into question some of the decisions that the WWE have been making lately because it has been positively enthralling but I could definitely see Cody joining the Straight Edge Society. Everything just seems to be very chaotic at the moment and I would never rule anything out just now. However, as the OP said, he will need to really change his character and gimmick if he isn't to stand out like a sore thumb amongst the SES. Now, don't get me wrong, I think Cody has a lot of potential but I have no idea how they are going to tie him to the faction. He is not a substance abuser or anything similar so that takes out the "salvation" angle. He is also not like Rey Mysterio and really over with the fans, so that takes out the "Rey" angle.

The only way I can see it happening is that Cody gets down about the fact that he has nothing going on and that Ted is getting a better crack of the whip than he is. Maybe he goes to Punk and asks him to save him before he gives into depression or substance abuse. Yeah, it's a silly idea and it probably wont happen but that is exactly the problem. I can't see a way to tie Cody Rhodes to the SES. I am optimistic about it and I will make up my mind when it happens, if it happen but I am not holding my breath.
It could be interesting, depending upon exactly how the WWE plans to package and present Cody Rhodes. For one thing, Cody doesn't need to be part of the SES as just another henchman. Luke Gallows already has that role and he does it well. I'd personally like to see Rhodes portray a young man that's just simply lost his way, a fresh and talented young wrestler that Punk can help mold into his ideal SES soldier.

The WWE should keep this simple and realistic. Punk's authenticity and exaggerated views of the Straight Edge lifestyle has been a key to what's made the SES work thus far.
Cody needs something. He's fallen way down since his Wrestle Mania match and has done next to nothing on SmackDown. Sure he's a pro on NXT, but that's not saying a whole hell of a lot. Cody gimmick is...what exactly? He's cut no promos and has hardly wrestled so we don't know what he is now that Legacy is no more. If CM Punk were to pick him up, I could see him becoming something great. Punk's promos are instant heat and he could teach Cody a thing or two so he can get a reaction from the crowd.

Something needs to happen with the SES and Rhodes. Having Rhodes join would give him something to do ( and hopefully get rid of the masked member) and give the SES a name the fans will know and hopefully something good will come out of this combination.
Originally Posted By Dave: I can't see a way to tie Cody Rhodes to the SES.

It couldn't be easier I think. Cody Rhodes is the 'Uncommon Man' and if a part of the SES they could have him come out and say that unlike the ever common "WWE Universe" he doesn't drink or abuse drugs etc, thus making him 'uncommon'! I think this would be a viable reason behind him joining the SES. This way WWE would be able to tie Cody into the SES while still promoting him as this uncommon character...
I think it could work you don't need tattoos or piercings he has a kind of arrogant look to him which would help. I'd prefer the masked man though myself.
I think it would definitely make Cody more relevant, but the idea lacks logic. I mean would anyone believe Cody Rhodes is a substance abuser? The guy is too small for a steroid angle to even work, not that wwe would touch that with a ten foot pole. The only way i could see this work would be if Cody was getting into a hard partying evolution style character. Cody's brother Dustin would be a much more logical choice, as the SES could say they are saving him from a devious lifestyle. But logic and sense don't seem to be much of a trend in the WWE today, so look for cody to join out of no where, just a heel teaming up with another heel. some bs like "uncommon which isn't like any of the enablers out there, its so close to straight edge that i just had to join, so now uncommon means i'm better than you."
I don't know if the special rolling neckbreaker move that the masked SES member used is his finisher, but if Cody Rhodes becomes a part of SES, I think indeed Cody should take that guy's place because their finishers look too similar.

I do think he could be a part of the SES once he has his head shaved, but i'll probably laugh because he'll look too much like a monk.
It was posted on this site that creative is possibly going to have Cody Rhodes join the SES.

1. Do you think this will work?
2.Will it be good for Cody?

1. If it worked for Festus/Gallows, it will work for anyone, even Hornswoggle.

2. Cody is going nowhere fast, anything would be good for him at this point in his career. I believe he would make a great addition to the S.E.S. and make the team more credible with a more commonly know wrestler other than Punk. Relatively no on knows Luke Gallows and Serena, or they just don't care. But Cody Rhodes addition to the team could help out the S.E.S in some way.
Cody doesn't need the Straight Edge Society to get over. He could get over pretty well by himself. All of gimmick forming he has done will be killed if they decide to go this route. He has just separated himself from a stable that he was in for a while, and he needs to stay away from a stable at this point. When you look back do you want to think of the chronic lackey Cody Rhodes, or Cody Rhodes, the man who got himself over without the help of a group of people?
I personally think this is a horrible idea, and I certainly dont wanna see it happen. Cody Rhodes has been impressing the hell outta me lately, i love the "uncommon man" persona and he has been the stand out NXT pro so far in season 2.

All Cody Rhodes needs at the moment is a solid mid-card push, maybe a fued for the IC belt (not even saying he has to win it, just give him a shot) but honestly, I don't wanna see him in another faction. And besides, like others have said, he would stick out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the guys, it would be like placing John Cena in the Nast Boys, it just looks stupid. As much as I have been enjoying WWE lately, this is a terrible idea and I hope they don't go through with it.
Well it certainly couldn't hurt him much more than his drab and listless personality already does, that's for sure. Yet another would-be-better Abercrombie & Fitch model than professional (operative word here) wrestler resting on the laurels of his lineage, but that's a story for another thread with plenty of red rep to follow...

Honestly though, I don't think he'd benefit from it at all. Not sure where you got the report from at all, but Rhodes would be better suited with a singles push than he would trying to reinvent himself behind CM Punk, I'd imagine. Leave the followers to the guys in need of repackage, or the talent who can't get air-time otherwise like Joey Mercury, etc.
Originally Posted by Undying777 View Post
It was posted on this site that creative is possibly going to have Cody Rhodes join the SES.

1. Do you think this will work?
2.Will it be good for Cody?

I think it would work very well but just not right now because.....

I believe SES is in a state of establishing itself as a credible stable.
Yes CM PUNK is certifiable main eventer but who else is on the squad? Luke Gallows has been in a handful of matches(since his transformation) and Serena doesnt even wrestle!
I believe Gallows and whoever is the masked man need to start tagging and eventually win the tag titles. Then CR could come in and win the IC title and then you would have a serious stable. But right now it seems SES is only used to push CM Punk(ala Legacy) and Cody Rhodes has already done that song and dance.

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