Cody Rhodes Mask?

The Ram

Pre-Show Stalwart
Sorry for the title screw up but lately for some reason I been thinkin of Cody Rhodes character as a variation of Mankind. I mean the mask, not wearing regular in ring attire, the change in music, being paranoid when leaving and entering the ring. I don't know maybe I'm just crazy. Does anyone else see the similarities?
i was thinking the same thing, there trying to switch him from dashing to a somewhat insane/paranoid character. The suit, the mask, he just needs a sock.

I have a question though, the mask is supposed to be protecting his face right? so how does he use it as a finsher wouldnt it hurt him more?
I think him using the mask as a weapon is probably supposed to symbolize that he doesnt want anyone else to be proud of their looks, so he figures if he destroys their face, it might make him feel better? Also it wouldnt really matter what it does to his face because his face is "supposed" to look shit in the storyline, but we all know it really doesnt
Yeah i thought exactly the same thing there are a few reseblances to Mankind which i feel have definently added an extra dimension to his charcter. Before this storyline i wasn't a fan of Cody's but i think with this new angle he really has a shot at a sustained upper mid card run, in saying that theres only one Mick Foley!!
I'm loving this side off Cody Rhodes character and the transition from Dashing Cody Rhodes to this Phantom Rhodes is some of the best character development/writing I've seen in a long time. Cody rhodes goes from a handsome cocky young man with a bright future to a disfigured, demented phantom because of the heroics of another wrestler. In a way, it makes you kind of feel for his character because he's fully vile and has a pretty good reason to be upset.

I'm very interested to see more about the phantom Cody Rhodes.

PS- I bet he is going to sell a lot of action figures later on. Kids are going to think he's cool and want his figure so they can play super hero/super villain.
Foley was more dark and physcotic as the evil version of Mankind. Rhodes has lost his good looks, and he doesn't want to show his face in public. Cody has become a disturbed man, but I wouldn't compare him to Mankind. Foley was creepy and evil during the early days of Mankind. Rhodes looks like a guy who is losing his mind. He's become insecure, because his Hollywood looks are gone.

Rhodes is still doing a great job with this character. He's doing such a great job with the body language on his way to the ring. He looks like a troubled man, as he tries to hide his face, and I do think wearing the suit during matches is a nice touch. Also, his mic work has become a lot more entertaining. He always sounds bitter and troubled. Rhodes is doing an excellent job with this new character, and It'll be interesting to see how WWE handles the broken version of Cody Rhodes after Wrestlemania.
I saw a youtube video addressing the same question. Here is the video:

Anyway, I can definitely see the resemblences between him and Mankind but Rhodes is a much different person than Mankind.

I am very interested in this whole Cody Rhodes and Rey Mysterio story. Cody is doing an amazing job right now and I would hug anyone who is involved with this whole angle.

I kinda hope that eventually he will go back to his dashing gimmick.
the mask is a good idea, to many wwe stars look like body builders nowadays and not wrestlers, more people should wear face paint too like sting and jeff hardy
More people wearing facepaint? Just now? After the whole Hardy thing? Seriously? They'd get so many unfavourable comparisons it'd half sink their career after the whole Hardy Victory road debacle.

Anyway, I too am loving this gimmick. From the suit to the new theme to the mask, everything is going great. I am hoping to god he is booked to win at Wrestlemania, however unlikley it is, becuase I think now is the time to catapult his career. Hopefully an IC title reign is also in the cards soon...
LOVE this new Cody Rhodes gimmick. His entrance on Smackdown this week was awesome, draped in a black veil like Emperor Palpatine, wrestling in his American Psycho suit. I think of it as Mankind as played by the guy from Memento. Rhodes finally looks like a real threat in the ring. He looked deadly on Friday. And all of a sudden what used to be his greatest hindrance (his skinny physique) now makes him look even more dangerous.

I'd put him over Rey at Wrestlemania, and I did NOT think that when he was Dashing Cody Rhodes.
I agree that his new persona is pretty bad ass. I enjoyed the Tazz towel over his face. The only problem that I had with the mask is it's slightly generic.

I can only really remember four wrestler's winning non-Lucha style masks.

1. Mankind

2. Kane

3. The Undertaker (following Mable crushing his face)

4. Brutus Beefcake following the para-sailing accident at WM 9.

Personally I'd like to see him with something more similar to the Undertaker or Beefcake's mask. It would also be reminiscent of Bob Orton's cast/wearing it when it's no longer necessary.
I think this entire ride of the Cody Rhodes character has been done brilliantly.

WWE gave him something to work with to see whether he could make it or fail. He made it. Completely killing the material they gave him with incredible performances and personality. His mic work became wonderful and his in-ring stuff continued to improve. He dveloped his own stuff and he was really making it work.

However, the style of character needed an edge. This guy was likely to never headline a WrestleMania. Which, in many ways, is what you're hoping for with the majority of your talent. So, when this all came about, they decided to add it with something that seemed laughable at first, to match his character, but then got taken overboard with his ridiculous paranoia and aggressive nature.

Getting hurt made him whine, but also want to kick ass. Not just whine like he did before. He snapped.

Here's an idea of how well he's done thus far. When Dusty came out to set up that swerve on Rey Mysterio, it didn't feel like an attempt at a cheap pop for Dusty and some attention for a poor, little Cody. No. It felt like just another turn on this journey. So well done.

While there are similarities with the Mankind character in terms of mannerisms and in terms of other little things, I see them as different in many ways. Mankind was crazy for being neglected. Cody has let us see what drove him to this. It's more built in, in the sense that we have seen it unravel.
Alright so the title says it all "rate the gimmick" what do you think of Cody Rhodes latest gimmick, the whole towel on the head thing, hiding his face because he's not "dashing" anymore. What do u guys think,? Can this gimmick work or is it just a waste of time?
I like the gimmick. I think it's more of an angle than gimmick though. He'll probably find a way to go back to dashing after mania. Either way I'm enjoying it right now. I like an angle that has a little phychological depth to it. I loved it when Dusty brought Cody out and Cody said "Everyone is staring at me." His tone was just right and of course the best part is Cody doesn't look any different than he did before. It's all in his head. The only thing I don't like is how he wrestles in street clothes. I think that looks stupid. I hope he wears his normal gear at mania.
I saw a youtube video addressing the same question. Here is the video:

Anyway, I can definitely see the resemblences between him and Mankind but Rhodes is a much different person than Mankind.

I am very interested in this whole Cody Rhodes and Rey Mysterio story. Cody is doing an amazing job right now and I would hug anyone who is involved with this whole angle.

I kinda hope that eventually he will go back to his dashing gimmick.

No way. Nobody gave a crap about Rhodes with his dashing gimmick and he was one step away from appearing on Superstars.

I am really liking this gimmick. It has finally caused me to take notice of Rhodes. I hope he doesn't drop it right after Mania, but maybe tones it down and debuts new ringwear (WITH KNEEPADS, CODY!!) and still keeping a bit of the darkness in this new gimmick.
Cody Rhodes is the FUTURE..point blank period

Just when I thought he was going stale BAM! Pure Gold..
He is the most entertaining person on Smackdown at the moment.

He was able to do what Teddy couldn't.. have a gimmick

Cody Rhodes will be World Heavyweight Champion in 2012 going down this road..
No way. Nobody gave a crap about Rhodes with his dashing gimmick and he was one step away from appearing on Superstars.

I am really liking this gimmick. It has finally caused me to take notice of Rhodes. I hope he doesn't drop it right after Mania, but maybe tones it down and debuts new ringwear (WITH KNEEPADS, CODY!!) and still keeping a bit of the darkness in this new gimmick.

Nice of you to generalize. *I* gave a crap about the Dashing gimmick. I was a HUGE fan of that gimmick. Not necessarily the gimmick itself but the way he played it. He had a proper character and the things he did made sense. Mind you, he was supposed to be nothing and DiBiase a big star. Instead, after a quiet supplemental draft to Smackdown, he took the ball and ran with it. I loved the grooming tips. Loved the song, the style, his mannerisms. He had it all.

Cody has made me forget that he teamed with Hardcore Holly. He made me forget about Simply Priceless. He made me forget that is Dusty Rhodes' son and that he teamed with Ted DiBiase in Legacy. That's how good he was and he won me over.
I think they need to tweak it a little. Instead of drawing comparisons to Mankind, Cody should draw comparisons to the Phantom of the Opera. Paint the mask white, have him wrestle in a tuxedo, or have a tear-away tuxedo for him to wear. Hell, if Gerard Butler can be the Phantom, so can Cody.

I dunno I so on the fence about this character as far as post-Mania is concerned....dont get me wrong I love it right now....but what happens after Mania? I love the Dashing gimmick just as much as this gimmick....the one problem I had with the Dashing gimmick was taking him seriously being in the main event one day....with this gimmick its almost become a personal favorite....with the towel, the new music, the suit from American Psycho just shows how demented in the head he has become and how paranoid and obsessed he is over his a way he is still Dashing but in the other sense of the word if that makes any sense...he still cares soo much about his appearance it seems as though he will go back to being Dashing after Mania...we all know his face is perfectly fine and they let us see that every single week....I would almost like to see a hybrid of the character in the long run....maybe he wears a phantom of the opera type mask but still wear his same ring gear...he cant wear a towel forever or wrestle in a suit forever
Cody Rhodes is the FUTURE..point blank period

Just when I thought he was going stale BAM! Pure Gold..
He is the most entertaining person on Smackdown at the moment.

He was able to do what Teddy couldn't.. have a gimmick

Cody Rhodes will be World Heavyweight Champion in 2012 going down this road..

LOL we got a DICKRIDER!!!!!!!
hahaha cody will never be a heavy weight champ you moron. Keep dreaming.

Ic title at best!

I do see Rey putting him over at mania and him going for the ic title,
hopefully beating kofi because kofis garbage!

this mankind ripoff is much better then the dashing gimmick lets pray he doesnt go back.

His music is way better to.
LOL we got a DICKRIDER!!!!!!!
hahaha cody will never be a heavy weight champ you moron. Keep dreaming.

Ic title at best!

I do see Rey putting him over at mania and him going for the ic title,
hopefully beating kofi because kofis garbage!

this mankind ripoff is much better then the dashing gimmick lets pray he doesnt go back.

His music is way better to.

#1 I love the way you have to resort to insults be calling someone a dickrider.

#2 He will be beyond the I.C. title. This is the youth movement. It's all opportunity. Every young guy has been given the chance to shine. Cody Rhodes has been given the ball and he has fucking RUN with it. They're seeing the promos he has cut, the heat he has gotten, what he has done and the way he has stepped up. If he keeps cutting promos like this and delivering the way he has, he'll be one of those top players in the youth movement.

#3 I love how you resort to this as a "ripoff" of Mankind. Oh yes, how DARE WWE take elements from their past and recycle them for the future!!! :rolleyes:

Cody has some Mankind traits but that isn't a ripoff. It would be nearly impossible to look at something that has been done today in pro wrestling that hasn't been done in the past in any way, shape or form.

#4 It wouldn't be a good thing to rehash the Dashing gimmick I agree. Although I was a fan. But keep on insulting people.
LOL we got a DICKRIDER!!!!!!!
hahaha cody will never be a heavy weight champ you moron. Keep dreaming.

Ic title at best!

I do see Rey putting him over at mania and him going for the ic title,
hopefully beating kofi because kofis garbage!

this mankind ripoff is much better then the dashing gimmick lets pray he doesnt go back.

His music is way better to.

Do we really have to result to insults? I thought we left that behind in Kindergarten.

Cody Rhodes is destined for greatness. When he split from Legacy, I wasn't so sure. Boy was I wrong. He's a good wrestler, can play the role, and his gimmick is gold(more so his Dashing gimmick). Cody will be a World Champion by the end of next year easily.

Also, you insulted not just Cody, but Kofi as well? Who are YOU a fan of??

Do we really have to result to insults? I thought we left that behind in Kindergarten.

Cody Rhodes is destined for greatness. When he split from Legacy, I wasn't so sure. Boy was I wrong. He's a good wrestler, can play the role, and his gimmick is gold(more so his Dashing gimmick). Cody will be a World Champion by the end of next year easily.

Also, you insulted not just Cody, but Kofi as well? Who are YOU a fan of??

Obviously he'd be a fan of someone who has absolutely no skill and doesnt care about the buisness but they get everything handed to them on a silver platter anyway.Someone like Jeff Hardy.I mean he basically implies he doesnt like people who actually work hard for it.

I'm finding this gimmick qutie intresting.I hope Cody continues with it.I can see him feuding with Wade Barrett after beating Rey at Wrestlemania.
Cody Is doing better with this than anything else he's had to do. It's almost enough to make people sympathize with the heel amd want him to win. His work on the mic just keeps getting better, I'd love to see a heel Goldust teaming with the Damaged Cody Rhodes gimmick. Oh yeah, that'd be too close to a real tag team. Anyway, Rey should definitely put Cody over.
I love his current gimmick and I hope he continues.
He could have a fued with John Morrison, because John would now be the most "dashing" superstar and Cody can't accept that.

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