Cody Rhodes is the best thing on SmackDown


Cody Rhodes Diva
Ever since Legacy broke up two years ago, Cody Rhodes has become one of the top heels on not only SmackDown but the entire WWE as well. He's very unpredictable and his mic skills are amazing. What do you think?
I wish he still had the mask. Now he's just a typical arrogant douchebag. The only ways he improved are his music and kneepads.
I enjoy Cody Rhodes, but to call his Mic skills "amazing" is laughable. If you were to develop a template for some to follow if you wanted them to sound like some who was reading off of a teleprompter, you would show them Cody Rhodes promos. He's in the realm of John Morrison when it comes to acting, and by that I mean he can't.

He plays his character pretty well though. Well, at least he has the ability to play a character well. Don't really know if you could consider what he is now a character. I'd call it the norm for the WWE mid card. A bunch of guys who really don't have any idea what they're doing because they're limited to a singular way of thinking.

Rhodes was phenomenal a year ago. Now, he's just another guy.
I definitely agree that Rhodes is a bit over-rated on the mic. On the level of John Morrison? Not even close. Morrison was fucking awful except when paired with The Miz. Rhodes has shown the ability to at least put some emotion in what he was saying, and I seriously doubt Morrison could have pulled off the "Beautiful Disaster" character as well as
Rhodes did, which is when he was undoubtedly at his best. He has kinda tapered off lately, but he's shown glimpses of greatness at times. Especially in the little things, like when he does commentary, or he cut a short promo on Big Show on Raw before Mania, where he stated "And on THAT'll be the biggest fool of all." which I thought was delivered tremendously.

Having said that, he does get over-rated on the mic, much like the way Dolph Ziggler tends to get a bit over-rated in the ring.
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Completely agree dude Cody Rhodes is the man. Him, Orton and Bryan are the only reasons I watch Smackdown.
Cody Rhodes wasn't a top heel when he was "Dashing", he was an average run of the mill heel. Once he became disfigured at the hands of Mysterio, then he began prospering. To say the moment Legacy split was the moment Rhodes became instant entertainment is absurd, WWE were using Ted DiBiase more after Legacy than Rhodes for the better part of half a year. They removed his gimmick, gave him a mask and all of a sudden, Cody Rhodes began shining.

I wasn't all that over Rhodes when he was undashing, for lack of a better term. He overplayed a lot of things and his promos weren't all that great. More he got into it, the better he became. Rhodes won me over when he was feuding with Rey, the more we progressed into 2011 the more I began taking a like to him. He improved greatly, when he dropped the mask he became a generic heel but something simple personas are the most effective.

Is he the best thing on Smackdown now? HA! Not a chance, hes been entangled in a mid-card feud with Big Show for the past two months over the IC Champion, he hasn't been putting on a show to the calibure of Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, Kane or Sheamus; and Sheamus hasn't been all that great. I'm sure if they give him a new feud he'll rise again into prominence on the Smackdown brand, but he isn't currently the best thing about the show and with Christian's eminent return, he'll only fall further down the pecking order.

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