Cody Rhodes & Goldust Are The *NEW* WWE Tag Team Champions


On last night's episode of Raw, Goldust & Cody Rhodes, with help from the "invading" Big Show in using Triple H's last minute alteration of the tag title match into having a now disqualification stipulation against him, defeated The Shield to become WWE Tag Team Champions. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns held the titles for 148 days, just a few days shy of an even 5 months with Cody & Goldust becoming only the 4th legit brother tag team in WWE history behind The Wild Samoans, The Steiner Brothers & The Hardy Boys to be tag team champion.

I predicted this would happen upon the rumors of Cody & Goldust teaming against The Shield were verified as true on Raw when Triple H made the match between them against Rollins & Reigns for Battleground. It's been over 1.5 years since the tag titles changed hands on television and the Rhodes brothers definitely have momentum on their side right now and they were the right team to take the titles. The Shield will almost certainly get their rematch at the HIAC ppv, so it's possible that they'll simply regain the titles there, though I doubt it.
Great match. And really nice to see Dustin enjoying the autumn of his career. I really liked Golddust's last major run on the ECW brand, and it's good to see him get some reward. And Cody is fully deserving of his push.

It's going to be hard as heck to come up with a list of the top twenty televised WWE matches this year.
Hey man just to a dick 5th legit brother tag team: The Colons Carlito and Primo

But yer I'd imagine they hold the tag titles til either TLC or the Royal Rumble and then split and have a WM match or they have a face vs face may the best brother win match at WM.
Hey man just to a dick 5th legit brother tag team: The Colons Carlito and Primo

But yer I'd imagine they hold the tag titles til either TLC or the Royal Rumble and then split and have a WM match or they have a face vs face may the best brother win match at WM.

I like the face vs face idea but the drama of a brother turning on his on flesh and blood is too great for the E to pass up on.

Also, congrats to Goldie, its been 3934 days since he last held a title in the WWE. Just take that in for a moment, 3934 days, thats more than ten years since he last tasted WWE gold. Unbelievable and well deserved. Hopefully they get a solid run that ultimately helps elevate the titles further.
As much as I have enjoyed seeing The Shield hold the Tag Team Titles, I think it's a good move to have the Rhodes brothers win the gold, and its nice to see Goldust enjoying a bit of success after it being more than a decade since he last held a Championship in the WWE.

I wouldn't be surprised to see The Shield reclaim the belts at Battleground, but I hope they don't. I'd like to see Cody and Goldust have a decent run with the belts and then for Cody to move up to the main event, as I still think he will be a World Champion one day.

I still expect we will have a Brother v Brother match at some point, with it either being Face v Face "Let the best man win", or with one brother turning on the other.
Match of the Year easily. I was unhappy as a fan of theirs that the Shield lost there titles but that was great TV. Expect Shield vs Show at HIAC or a rematch for vacant titles that HHH takes from The Rhodes. Its Screwjob Time
1st off glad's there a thread about this, it seems like to me that cody/goldust needed something to continue the push, they been getting pushed, with cena returning to the whc picture, orton and bryan in the wwe championship picture, and punk in a long feud with heyman. i think cody and goldust being champions are good! like i said awhile back that the shield are being held back from bigger feud's cause of their belt's i just hope ambrose loses the belt he holds!
the shield should have a rematch and lose, and then go to the whc picture, one of the shield vs john cena for whc would be good for business.
as for how long cody/goldust should hold belt's i say just long enough so the win doesn't look like a fluke, i say goldust and cody should drop him at surviour series, and then a rematch at tlc, with cody and goldust losing again, then at the start of a year maybe cody could win the royal rumble, and make goldust jealous, like the matt/jeff hardy rivarly we seen before.
This was a very enjoyable match and it was a a shock to see Cody and Goldust win the belts. I thought Rollins and Reigns would keep the belts for longer but I wouldn't be shocked to see them win the titles back. It is also nice to see Dustin get one final title reign and especially with his brother.

Cody has now won tag-team titles with four different people: Dibiase, McIntyre, Hardcore Holly and now Goldust. Surely that is only second to Kane. I was hoping Cody would go on to feud for a World Title but I am interested to see what they do with him and Goldust. I would love a rematch inside Hell in a Cell but that is unlikely.
I have a feeling that next week, HHH is going to hand the belts back to the Shield. He will say something to the effect that they only won because of the Big Show, and eventhough it was a NO DQ match, because the Big Show is not an employee of the WWE and was actually trespassing, thus he was committing an illegal act, the win does not count and the Shield are still WWE Tag Team Champions
^^ I knew that as soon as Show helped them win. HHH will strip them of the titles like he did Bryan after NOC. Then it will be Shield Vs Rhodes at HIAC
Cody has now won tag-team titles with four different people: Dibiase, McIntyre, Hardcore Holly and now Goldust. Surely that is only second to Kane. I was hoping Cody would go on to feud for a World Title but I am interested to see what they do with him and Goldust. I would love a rematch inside Hell in a Cell but that is unlikely.

Top of my head Edge and Jericho have held it with more
Chris Jericho has held tag titles with Rock, Christian, Edge, Benoit and Big Show
Edge: Jericho, Christian, Benoit, Hogan, Mysterio and Orton
At one point I remember Golddust being the most frustrating competitor that would ever enter the ring. So many of his matches would revolve around him trying to punt someone in the nuts. He'd either miss or get DQ'd. It was nonsensical. Ever since he came back and had a strong emotional match with Orton I have really enjoyed what Golddust has brought to the ring (ok maybe it hasn't been that many matches). The guy goes out and takes and gives a beating that feels real and important. Maybe for him in a way it is real and important. The way he struggles to get up and the paint slowly wearing off just adds to the performance.

The only part of Raw that I watched last night was the main event. It was terrific. Like Golddust, all of the competitors did well including Show and Ambrose. Putting Show in a black shirt made it so much more believeable that a guy his size could sneak in ;) . Show's inclusion protected The Shield from taking a tough loss but it also gave it more excitement. The spear through the barricade was definitely the biggest highlight.

Going forward I don't know what to expect. So much depends on how long Golddust is expected to be around. The brother v brother idea is probably the best way to give Cody something memorable to do at WM without putting him in a position on the card that he is not ready for (see Swagger, Jack). Putting the belts back on The Shield probably makes the most sense in the long run. I can't see them breaking up or having quality tag feuds without the belts but they've proven me wrong before.
... I think it's a good move to have the Rhodes brothers win the gold, and its nice to see Goldust enjoying a bit of success after it being more than a decade since he last held a Championship in the WWE.

And at age 44, it was terrific to see Dustin Runnels moving around the ring so well. He took the same type of bumps and worked as fluidly as he did in his 20's.....and it's great the company hired him again; it seemed strange that they ever released him, given that he has skills to offer the company that translate backstage, as well as in-ring work.

Also, it's great that the whole "Cody Rhodes firing" had a real storyline planned.... and culminated in something like this. He always seemed an unlikely heel, yet had never been anything else in WWE. It will be interesting to see what they do with him now.

Additionally, Rollins & Reigns have held the tag title since 5/19/13? Is that all? It seems longer and I'm glad they've lost it. A vigilante group like theirs doesn't need to hold championships to stir up trouble. It was fitting to have the interference of Ambrose in this match countered by Big Show. Sure, we saw it all coming, but it was still a lot of fun.
I'm not surprised. This was pretty much their only option. While I'm not a Goldust fan and would prefer to see Cody make it further up the card than yet another tag team angle.... This is arguably the best they could have done as far as who ends The Shield's reign. There are no other teams on the roster who would have made sense at this point. Los Matadores are still way too new (in this gimmick anyway), The Usos are horrendously awful, The PTP already had their chance, and Tons of Funk are not going to be taken seriously as a threat to the giant pennies. As much as I wanted to see The Shield's reign last longer, this was a fine time to end the reign and a good way to go about it. At the very least it was believable and a feel good moment for the fans.
First let me start off by saying that as a child of the Attitude Era its great seeing Goldie back and I think the Rhodes deserve their current push. They are apart of one of the most intruiging angles in years but I must ask: What happened to The Usos? If im not mistaken The Usos were the #1 contenders so how did the Rhodes Brothers get the title shot and then the titles? WWE booking couldve at least wrote one off with an injury but instead we get new champs with no explanation on how the #1 contenders got skipped over.
One the one hand it seems like a good idea to take advantage of Cody Rhodes' new found popularity. I mean it's hardly likely to last, is it. But it seems strange that they'd take the title off The Shield in TV filler. It would've made more sense to have them lose the titles to a new, long-term team.

Anyway, I guess it's a good way of getting the titles on the Real Americans.
I ultimately LOVED the match last night, it changed my entire opinion of the show, just IMO. I'd love to see more and more Goldust every week. The spear through the barricade was a little cheesy, but I'll admit it, I grinned. :blush: I hadn't watched BattleGround but I heard great reviews about that tag team match with the Rhodes and Shield, and that's why I was PUMPED to see that match, and i can say it didn't disappoint me.
Another thing that makes me happy is that punk isn't the main event anymore. Same goes for Cena. A year ago, I'll admit it, I NEVER thought I would have seen Goldust back in WWE. heck, I hadn't thought the E were gonna bring the three guys from the Shield up to television, which they did in November. Never would I have dreamed of Cody actually MAIN EVENTING RAW!! I can say these past few months have been pure awesome for WWE and their storylines. :)
I think last night was a very definite blast off of something else, along with the quiet "news" that Flair has apparently finsihed rehab... if that is true, he'll be back on screen very soon and Dust/Cody are certainly Horsemen material if anyone ever was. They are tag champs, next you could see an enforcer added to the mix - while I would love it to be Curtis Axel,there is another way they can go - Dean Ambrose... turns on the Shield cos they lost or is sick of Triple H... so they have the US and Tag Champs... Point man in the Flair role... most will say Ziggler, but I could easily see it being Barrett he and Flair could be the perfect combination in terms of mic skills and Flair passing on knowledge/the torch. Ziggler doesn't fit, other than looking like Flair... Barrett has the wrestling chops, the "overcome" from injury and people writing him off and being a guy that needed "unlocking" just like Flair was till he hooked up with JJ Dillon.

The only thing that slightly screws this is Bray Wyatt's injury - that if anything scuppers Ambrose leaving the Shield and going face (which he will no doubt) but the stable works with Axel instead as the first ever 2nd generation enforcer in the first ever WWE Horsemen iteration?

But the key members of it would be Dust and Cody - the whole thing of their father fighting the Horsemen and now they become them - maybe Flair "honors" Dusty with honorary membership as the McMahon's are the real enemy... Dustin as the Ole/Windham style veteran, Cody as the Tully Blanchard/Sting/Benoit up and comer "next big thing"... it seriously works and would make a great Survivor Series if they could get it going in time...
Fantastic match. Loved every second. Even though Big Show had to assist them it made sense due to what he had to go through with the Rhodes family. Here's what I'd like to see happen:

Rhodes family retain against the shield at HIAC, and then again maybe against The Usos or The Real Americans at Survivor Series (or maybe involved in a 5-on-5 someway). Then at TLC, Rhodes Family vs. The Real Americans in a ladder match. Cody goes to climb the ladder for the titles, then shades of MITB - Goldust pushes him off the ladder, turning heel. Real Americans become tag team champs before losing to Los Matadores or someone at Wrestlemania

Rhodes and Goldust then face each other at the Royal Rumble with Rhodes winning. Goldust then isn't seen for a few weeks. Cody Rhodes then wins the WHC Elimination Chamber match to become number 1 contender. After the match he's beaten down by world champ Damien Sandow, but then Goldust comes out and makes the save, turning face again. Rhodes then beats Sandow for the WHC at Wrestlemania with Goldust and Dusty Rhodes in his corner.
I've never liked Goldust, but I'm happy the titles are finally off The Shield, who did pretty much nothing with them. I don't have a problem with Goldust having one last championship reign on his resumè, and another championship for Cody is a good way to start getting him back into the spotlight after being the B-player (in WWE's eyes) of Rhodes Scholars for most of the past year. I hope this eventually leads to another singles push for Cody. I'd love if he dethroned Dean Ambrose for the United States Championship and became a dual champion.
This was really the only part of Raw that I found enjoyable. I always liked Goldust and he can definitely still go. I still wonder though if HHH will strip them next week citing the Big Show's interference as the reason. What I would like to see is them holding the titles for a while, and then finally splitting to have the long awaited brother vs. brother match at Mania 30.
I loved the match and also really like Goldust. My son and I were very happy to see them win. I can see HHH pulling something out of the 'rule book' related to interferance by the public still being a disqualifying event - since Big Show is 'fired' he would be considered a member of the 'public' which would setup some nice drama for the rematch.
WWE, please keep the tag titles off the Shield. They didn't need them in the first place. And they can't frequently defend them because tag team is for the mid-carders and the Shield already spent too much time with the main eventers.

If I were writing, I'd let the Rhodes hold on to the belts for a little bit and then have them lose them to the Wyatt Family. This could put them in a position to get more tv time and set up down the line for a confrontation with the Shield.

All that said I agree with many of the posts here that the title will either be returned back to the Shield, held up until the next pay per view or there will be a rematch this coming Monday night with a stipulation punishing the Rhodes if there is outside interference.
Fantastic match all around. The Shield didn't need the tag titles anymore and lost them at the right time. They have a bright future. It' nice to see Cody and Goldust team up and see them win the gold ( see what I did there lol). This is a precursor to them facing off at Mania. I don't know who the heel will be, but the brothers WILL face off.

Big Show coming in to cost The Shield the titles was a nice touch to sticking it to the man in the form of Triple H, who was fuming after the match. As for the NEW champions, have them defend the straps a few times, beat just bout everyone and set up a feud with the Real Americans, who I see as the team to take the titles off them by years end.

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