CM Punk's potential matches at Wrestlemania

What would you rather see?

  • Punk vs Jericho and Taker vs HHH

  • Punk vs HHH and Taker vs Jericho

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As it was reported by Wrestlezone earlier today, the WWE creative team has mixed feelings about the way they should go at Wrestlemania according the other two co-main events along with Rock vs Cena.

link here:

The plan is to have either Triple H vs The Undertaker for the third time and Punk vs Jericho or having Undertaker facing Jericho and Punk facing Triple H.

So, what would you rather see?

Personaly speaking, I would like to see Punk taking on Jericho because we've seen HHH vs Punk at Night of Champions (which I beleive was a really bad decision but whatever). As far as the Streak goes, I'd like to see someone like Sheamus trying to end it and Triple H being in a match with Vince McMahon or The Miz.

I've said this before in other threads, it's going to be Kane v. Undertaker III for this Mania and the end of his career. It's the only one that makes any sense right now at all.

As far as CM Punk vs Jericho or Triple H, I'll take Jericho any day of the week. I love Triple H, but I get tired of the "come in for a week and have a fight and then go away" BS. Jericho is back for awhile and this will be a good card for Mania to have CM Punk vs. Jericho with or without the WWE Title.

Punk vs Triple H at mania does nothing for either one of them. It does nothing for the fans either. While Triple H might excite some people still, he's not the same Triple H we know and love in the ring and the last thing we need is him in a major match at mania, and especially not vs the Undertaker again. We saw that disaster of a match last year.
If you're a fan of CM Punk, and you want to see his star power actually grow, you will not want to see him face Jericho at Wrestlemania. Punk needs somebody credible to truly get over in a huge way and it certainly is not Jericho, he isn't the guy that people go over to become huge. Jericho has lost to evan bourne for crying out loud. maybe if it was 2005 or something you MIGHT have a case but even then it's questionable if Jericho can give Punk the credibility he needs. Triple H, however, is that guy that Punk can go over and become huge.

If I wanted match quality, I'd pick Punk/Jericho. This is however, a pivotal few months in CM Punk's career, and I for one want to see him get his big break, and that's why I want to see CM Punk vs Triple H.
As much as I don’t want to see Triple H and Undertaker going at it again at Wrestlemania, the pure epicness of CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho would make me forget all about it. CM Punk and Chris Jericho are two of the single best mic workers in the last couple of years; their feud has the potential to be one of the best feuds to date. I would much rather see Chris Jericho take on CM Punk in a wrestling match. Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker doesn’t appeal to me; nor does Triple H vs. CM Punk. Why does Chris Jericho think he can defeat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania when neither Triple H nor Shawn Michaels could? I guess that’s what build up is for. Triple H does not need another Championship. I’m positive Punk will be hanging onto the Championship until Wrestlemania but why does Triple H want another Title to his name; just to see if he can do it?

Nah, Triple H vs. The Undertaker, whether you like it or not, still has a little bit of story left. Last year, The Undertaker wasn’t the dark, mythical, evil superhuman he was all throughout his career; he was just a man. Triple H made him just a man. There is still a little bit of a story left to be told. I would much rather see Punk vs. Jericho and Triple H vs. Undertaker than the other way around.
I'm all for Punk/Jericho......but Triple H vs. Taker?

The only problem with Punk/Jericho is Punk will be booed....they are doing a good job to prevent that, but it's inevitable.....Jericho is superior in every single aspect, everyone except casual and younger fans know this to be a fact.

I'd much prefer Daniel Bryan, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio or Randy Orton vs. Taker......No one is breaking the streak, why not build up a young guy if you are just going to have a match we've seen twice already.

Turning Orton heel against The Undertaker would be my choice. Bring back his Legend Killer gimmick......his match with Taker is still my favorite. IMO he should have ended the streak, but WWE dropped the ball there.
Turning Orton heel against The Undertaker would be my choice. Bring back his Legend Killer gimmick......his match with Taker is still my favorite. IMO he should have ended the streak, but WWE dropped the ball there.

Not to nitpick but I recall reading somewhere that it was Randy Orton who did not want to end the streak.

I say throw anyone to Taker this year, turn Cena heel after WM or at WM and have him campaign all year long that after defeating the best the "attitude era" had to offer his next goal is to end the streak. Let WM come around next year and Taker end Supercena before going off into the sunset if your going to leave the streak intact. If not, give the streak to a very promising younger talent, I.E. Cody Rhodes or Ziggler even. Ideally if he had been built better, I'd say Ted Jr, with his father in his corner. Ted Jr could talk about it going into WM29 how his father brought Taker into the company and now he's going to take him out of it.

Back on main topic, I think I'd like to see HHH/Taker III and Punk/Jericho, or for that matter Bryan/Jericho would be a helluva match. But I got think that Jericho wouldn't be particularly pleased no matter what, if the Hogan/Rock match overshadowed his match, Cena/Rock is going to overshadow whoever he's against in the long run anyway.
Looking at it this way I'd rather see Punk/Triple H and Jericho/Taker than I would Punk/Jericho and Triple H/Taker. I get that Punk and Jericho would be absolutely epic and bound to be a great match, but whats wrong with saving that for something like Summerslam? If they want to make Punk a superstar it isn't going to be at the hands of Chris Jericho. Yes Jericho is great, but he isn't a megastar in the world of wrestling like Triple H. A win over Triple H at WM would do more for Punk's career (at least in my eyes) than a victory over Chris Jericho.

Only issue I have here is we saw Punk and Triple H towards the end of 2011. Obviously something new would need to be done and that is Triple H keeps Laurinaitis around (thus turning heel) and we see Triple H assume the role of Vince McMahon and Punk takes the role of Steve Austin. If they want to replay that storyline out those two are perfect and more believable than having Laurinaitis in the role of Vince.
Here’s the thing.

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho and The Underaker vs. Triple H
I would love it if Jericho challenged for the WWE Title, and I would love it more if Jericho walked out of WM XXVIII as the WWE Champion, BUT I do not want to see Undertaker vs. Kane / Shawn Michaels / Triple H III, unless it was a Fatal Four Way match between The Brothers Of Destruction and D-Generation X.

CM Punk vs. Triple H and The Underaker vs. Chris Jericho
I wouldn’t mind seeing either of these two matches, but I think I can come up with something better for these 4 individuals. I’m thinking…

WWE Champion, CM Punk vs. World Champion, Daniel Bryan vs. 2012 Royal Rumble Winner, Chris Jericho in a Triple Threat match for the Undisputed WWE World Championship. I’ve stated many times that I would like to see Jericho win both the WWE and World Titles at the same time again, but I’ve also said that I don’t want them unified into one Belt. I want to see the Champion of Champions walking around with TWO Titles, visually displaying being the Best In The World At What He Does.

Undertaker vs. John Cena vs. The Rock in a Triple Threat match with the Undertaker’s WM Streak on the line. Undertaker’s never been in a WM Triple Threat match AND the Phenom has never faced John Cena or The Rock at WM, so why not!?
Those are awesome plans. I was terribly pissed off when Triple H never turned heel on Punk or jobbed to him, denying him the rub he deserved. While Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk would be an awesome match, since Triple H has more pull, I expect ...Punk vs. Trips would be given more time and it would mean a lot more for Punk to go over Trips than Jericho.

Similarly, Jericho could probably still pull through several years with the company, especially after enduring relatively few injuries. Facing The Undertaker, even in a losing effort, could help establish him not just as a veteran or a main eventer, but a full fledged legend, which is something WWE desperately needs considering Undertaker and Triple H don't have much time left in them as full time competitors.

It would be so much beneficial to the respective superstars involved, specifically Chris Jericho and CM Punk, to have these matches. Plus, even though Jericho and Punk are both big names, I was somewhat worried the match would be an afterthought, somewhat like Chris Jericho vs. Edge was, despite them being in similar positions in terms of card position at the time. This would work, this would be great, this needs to be fucking DONE!
does anyone really want to see Triple H vs Undertaker again? I mean there is no way in hell that Taker should lose the streak to Triple H, so Taker going 3-0 vs HHH isn't that appealing

I think Punk needs Triple H to put him over clean at Wrestlemania, so I;m going with that.

For Taker I would honestly leave him off this year's WM and build next years around whether he can go 20-0. if they do it this year it gets overshadowed by Rock vs Cena.

That leaves Jericho though, who does he fight? He's going to be heel so he has to fight a top face to warrant him coming back and honestly WWE doesn't have anyone of his calibre outside of Punk and Cena to fill that bracket. I'm guessing this point is what has creative scratching their heads so I wouldn't be surprised to see Taker vs Jericho. Would be a waste though because Jericho doesn't go over Taker and 20-0 goes off without any fireworks.

I still think there is a LOT of money in Cena vs Taker for 20-0 next year, and I'd have Cena defeat Taker to break the streak
I dont think we will or should see either of these matches.

Punk vs HHH has been done before. The smarks will moan about HHH inserting himself into the WM main event. There's no real story to sell the match either unless they turn Hunter, which is pain unnnecessary.

Jericho vs Punk is of course the most likely option but I still think Jericho won't do anything in the Rumble so I'm not sure how they link him to the title picture.

I'd like to see Punk work with a younger talent like Ziggler or The Miz. Give us a match that we haven't seen before on PPV. Punk/HHH or Punk/Jericho are the boring options.
Honestly I would take Punk/Jericho any day even if I have to sit through another HHH/Taker match (which wouldn't be THAT bad).

Jericho has been on a roll lately by "trolling" the audience which naturally will ultimately turn him heel and get him a Wrestlemania feud. Think of the other things they can do well besides the matches, for one both are fantastic on the mic, both can be extremely entertaining in backstage segments, and both can probably do good commentary. Anyway we all know that a showdown between these 2 tacticians in the ring would be an excellent encounter, very Wrestlemania worthy. If this means sitting through yet another Undertaker/HHH fest then so be it.

I don't know why HHH/Taker was claimed to be awful by people. These 2 did what they needed to do, they told a better story in that ring that anyone else that night. They managed to get an emotional reaction and build suspense for most of the match. Sure the match didn't have much chain wrestling, or non-finisher/signature moves, but it need to have that. They beat the hell out of each other using mostly their finishing sequences, and to be able to get the audience on their feet like that means that the match was quite entertaining. When you think about these 2 could have an even better match this year. They have more of a story (Triple H wanting revenge, Undertaker's injury) to tell using more brutality. I could go another Wrestlemania without seeing these 2 since the Rock/Cena is on the card, but I certainly wouldn't mind a rematch.

The ideal Wrestlemania card is a mystery right now, and will probalby remain that way until after Elimination Chamber.
I'll take Jericho and Taker & HHH vs Punk any damn day of the week, do I not want to see Punk vs Jericho? If I didnt want to see that I would have to be mad, the reason that I want this so bad is purely for the experience of Jericho vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I have been set on this match for months ever since it was first brought up as a serious possibility, Undertaker's streak is legendary and counts victories over legendary superstars. I not only want to see a new name added to that list instead of putting an old name on for the third time lets give him a new Mania opponent who is a well qualified vet who would build the match well and give the fans an unforgettable match.

I definitely want to see Jericho vs Punk at some point but this is Wrestlemania we're talking about, we can see that happen any time and we probably will. Meanwhile Undertaker is getting old and weathered, he probably has one or two more left in him before he has to hang it up so I give this match priority. As for the proposed HHH vs Punk, I wouldnt get excited over it and I wouldnt hate it, if I could choose another opponent for Punk I would but if getting a decent WWE title match means we also get an amazing match between Jericho and Taker then I'm in.
Ok lets get serious here. For months the wwe has been teasing us of a CM Punk VS Chris Jericho fued. Alot of people (including me) are now excited to see the cm punk vs jericho fued. I mean dont get me wrong CM Punk vs Triple H would be good, but really why would u want to restart that fued. They had one hell of a fued this summer going into Sept into Night Of Champions featuring CM Punk's best promos in 2011 ripping on HHH since the "Shoot heard round the world". But it just wouldnt be that great for them to wrestle at Mania this year maybe at Summerslam next year. Jericho and Taker could put a great match on but personally i'd rather see HHH go against Miz and make miz a top babyface face turn at WM, and Taker face maybe Sheamus or Orton or even Barrett. But the Jericho/Punk fued has the making of the number two fued if not the number one fued heading into Mania with the Cena/Rock fued. It just has great build up to it and it makes since with Jericho proclaiming to be the Best in the world at what he does and Punk claiming that he IS the best in the world. Both wrestlers are damn good and both can deffinately Merk on the Mic when it comes to promos, which hopefully if they fued it will be unscripted and both of them just go at it on the mic.

-CM Punk vs Chris Jericho
-Taker vs Orton, Barrett, Sheamus
-Triple H vs The Miz
Triple H vs CM Punk is going to have that been there done that feel to it due to it only being recent they feuded and later joined forces. Unless Triple H becomes a heel he really doesnt have much purpose entering a main event feud at Wrestlemania for the title. Undertaker vs Triple H III seems the best options, a lot of pieces to the story they left behind seem in need of a bit of closure. Triple H during the Slammy Awards i believe talked briefly about how he revealed Undertaker to be just a man as he was stretchered out at Wrestlemania. This alone shows there is still more to be told and i'd look forward to another encounter between these two.

On the other hand Chris Jericho vs CM Punk would be completely fresh and definetly will deliver on all levels. Its definite to be classic it's whats expected of these men.
Triple H vs CM Punk is going to have that been there done that feel to it due to it only being recent they feuded and later joined forces. Unless Triple H becomes a heel he really doesnt have much purpose entering a main event feud at Wrestlemania for the title. Undertaker vs Triple H III seems the best options, a lot of pieces to the story they left behind seem in need of a bit of closure. Triple H during the Slammy Awards i believe talked briefly about how he revealed Undertaker to be just a man as he was stretchered out at Wrestlemania. This alone shows there is still more to be told and i'd look forward to another encounter between these two.

Ur exactly right with this whole paragraph. They fueded already in the summer/fall, conspiracy, nash returning 17 angles they used for this fued. The fued just wouldnt be as good as a Punk vs Y2J fued. And Taker vs HHH, possibly the best way to go for that i guess.
I would rather see Punk/Triple H, Jericho/Taker. It makes perfect since if they are gonna keep going with the Punk v. the corporation storyline. Triple H isn't going to wrestle much anymore. He's now officially part of the corporation Punk has a problem with. Just because the WWE wants us to believe that Triple H has a problem with JL, doesn't make it so. It's likely been part of the story all along that Triple H would once again come after Punk. They aren't gonna have him win the title, unless he were to announce his retirement directly afterwards. As I said, Trips is no longer a wrestler really.

Taker/Jericho would be a fresh match for Taker and give some added legitmacy to his streak. I could totally see Jericho coming out eventually and saying he has already won both titles, held both at once even. Now he is gonna be the first to beat Taker on the biggest stage.
We have seen 3 of the 4 possible matches, Punk vs Triple H, Taker vs triple H and Punk vs Jericho.

The only one we haven't sunk our teeth in is Taker vs Jericho. I think triple h does the same thing he did for batista and cena and that's put punk over. Look what it did for the careers of those two it will most likely do the same for punk. Triple h could brag how he beat punk already making punk more determined to win. I think game will turn heel and give punk his WM moment and make him a huge star.

Now Jericho vs taker is a dream match which this maybe the last chance we get to see it. Punk and Jericho can lock horns durning the summer and plus we have seen it already. I rather see Jericho and taker because let's be honest this is most likely the last time we see jericho for awhile again or maybe ever, Taker is almost done. I think taker vs jericho could be very good maybe not punk/Jericho good bt it will still have us buzzing. Taker/jericho and punk/game still sounds great to me.
Punk vs Jericho for sure! I may be the only one but i have never really cared for HHH.... Yes hes a legend and deserves to be but he has had way to many shots at main events at mania! He needs to be in a match with someone like Barret or The Miz and lose to them cleanly to put them over

Jericho vs Punk would be gold in every aspect of the word and needs to happen! and it needs to be for the WWE title! Rock vs Cena does not need the title and it actually would make the match predictable if it were for the title cuz we all know Cena would win then!

As for the taker match? I see him taking on Kane
For me Id like to see anyone of these matches CM Punk vs Jericho or even Jericho vs Taker because since last year everyone has been wanting to see Jericho vs Undertaker since WM27 the only reason we all want to see Punk vs Jericho is because Punk as been saying he is the best in the World if he never said that I really doubt anyone would care about a match between these 2. the thought of these 2 meeting each other has only been thought about since the summer when Punk stole Jericho's phase, so for me we should stick to Jericho vs Undertaker, Miz vs Triple H vs Punk and also on the card Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan, I know a triple Threat Match doesnt appeal that much but it would be easy to set up Triple H could win a no1 condenders match Miz gets pissed off cause HHH is hogging the spotlight thus JL making it a triple Threat match all 3 of these matches could work because like someone said above whatever is on the card will be overshadowed by Rock/Cena and by keeping Jericho/Punk apart you still have another big match for either Summerslam or even WM 29 next year just my thought!
why does cm punk need Triple H to put him over. No offense to H, but he doesnt need to put punk over and H is obviously not in the shape he used to be a few years ago. Punk already put over John Cena 2 times! Is that not enough? If Punk needs anyone to put him over. Its simple as this: Punk needs Jericho. If punk puts over Jericho i see that being bigger than punk going over HHH. But that's just my opinion.
I'd like to see Punk-Jericho, but not Taker-HHH 3, would actually have liked the WWE to do Cena-Taker, obviously not happening though.
Jericho and Punk. We saw Punk and HHH recently. Yes, it was a great match and yes, they could've done more with it but move Punk on to someone new and fresh.
Best in the world vs best in the world
Undertaker vs. John Cena vs. The Rock in a Triple Threat match with the Undertaker’s WM Streak on the line. Undertaker’s never been in a WM Triple Threat match AND the Phenom has never faced John Cena or The Rock at WM, so why not!?

Why not? Because they've been building to Cena vs Rock for almost a year now, and Undertaker would be thrown in there why? Initially, Cena and Rock was supposed to be for the WWE Title, but that's apparently been nixed. Why? Most likely, because the personal nature of the feud doesn't need the Title. Where exactly would Undertaker fit in a match like this? I wouldn't mind seeing him in a triple threat match at Wrestlemania, even though I believe they're overdone, but this would be the absolute worst match to insert him into. It would be the worst match to insert anyone into.

Punk vs HHH has been done before. The smarks will moan about HHH inserting himself into the WM main event. There's no real story to sell the match either unless they turn Hunter, which is pain unnnecessary.

There's still Punk's issues with authority, so there's that. The problem I'd have with this is that HHH hasn't worked a non-gimmick match in 2 years now, and I'd like to see Punk in a wrestling match. Neither was necessarily turned for NOC when they had their initial match, so a turn wouldn't be necessary.

Jericho vs Punk is of course the most likely option but I still think Jericho won't do anything in the Rumble so I'm not sure how they link him to the title picture.

There's always Elimination Chamber to do this. This is how they set-up Edge vs Jericho at WM 26: Edge won the Rumble, and Jericho won The Elimination Chamber. If Punk retains on Sunday, that doesn't mean he'll retain at EC. If he did, he'ld be only the 4th champion ever behind HHH, Cena, and Edge. The chances of him losing the title there are far more likely then him retaining it. So how do you set it up?

Punk invokes his rematch clause for Wrestlemania, and you build your storyline from there.

For the record, I believe Jericho wins the Rumble, Ziggler wins the title at RR and loses it back to Punk at EC, but that's not really here or there in this case.

I'd like to see Punk work with a younger talent like Ziggler or The Miz. Give us a match that we haven't seen before on PPV. Punk/HHH or Punk/Jericho are the boring options.

We are getting that match in three days with Punk/Ziggler, and at one of WWE's big four, to boot. Unless it's a case of truly wanting to make a star, generally a babyface, I think it wise not to pair a title with a star on the rise at Wrestlemania.

As for Jericho vs Punk being a boring option, how so? To the best of my recollection, the only time the two have faced off was in late 2008, in a steel cage match on Raw. It was Punk's return match for the title after being unable to compete at Unforgiven, and was a throwaway ten minute match. To the best of my knowledge, they haven't faced off since, certainly not on PPV. It's a fresh matchup between two of the best in the company, so I don't see the downside.

Since I'm all about Jericho/Punk at Wrestlemania, that means I'm going with Undertaker/HHH, which I'd also be interested in seeing. I thought they put on the best match of the card at WM27, and think there's a story to be told there. HHH did everything but break the streak, so i think there would be genuine concern that he will break it this year. Further, he's already cut two promos on Undertaker, one the night after Wrestlemania("When you return, I'll be waiting".), and his speech at the Slammy's about how he killed off the Deadman. It seems like they've been laying the groundwork for this match for some time!

Anyway, most people likely don't remember their first encounter at Wrestlemania 17, so while this would be their third WM match, it would only be the second that's fresh in most minds. I think the intrigue is there in terms of HHH absolutely demolishing Undertaker yet not being able to end the streak, so the storyline of Undertaker being vulnerable to HHH is very intriguing.

I'm a fan of all four men, and truly believe these are the two best possible matchups for the parties concerned.
if it comes to this: You have to see HHH vsTaker Part 3 to see Jericho vs Punk, I would rather not have either of them. HHH vs Taker would be the most unnecessary ending for such a streak. It will look like, we couldn't find anyone good enough so why not wrestle again, and again... and again! i surely don't want to see it. I would rather have Taker/Jericho and Punk/HHH so at least I will have 2 matches I look forward to instead of 1

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