CM Punk's current story line= WWE 13?

I am Mr. Excitement

Occasional Pre-Show
Now i'm probably not the only one who notices this but, the week before the 1,00th episode of RAW they showed the trailer for the new video game WWE 13. Which includes CM Punk on the cover and he's basically the whole theme of the game. During his promo for the game he says "the time is now to speak our mind, Its time to start a revolution" etc. The way the video promo was built, it looked as if it was a darker CM Punk more like the leader of Nexus CM Punk. So what do ya know CM Punk turned his back on the WWE Universe (as Jerry Lawler like to say). Now CM Punk is getting closer and closer to the dark side each week on RAW. The video game promos may be hinting something in the near future for Punk's current storyline. Maybe the beginning of a revolution. Maybe has something to do with Paul Heyman. But Paul Heyman is right WWE has been making current storylines interesting again and making us guess whats going to happen next. Anways give me your opinion on this. It might sound stupid but whatever it's just my opinions.
Do you think this is just a coencidence? Is this storyline going to be something bigger than we expect? DO you think Paul Heyman will be involved?

Comments, opinions, answers, etc..
I don't agree with those who believe that Paul Heyman was brought back to manage CM Punk. Heyman's simply back because Brock Lesnar is incapable of speaking for himself. Heyman by Lesnar's side draws a ton of heat for both of them. It's not intended for Brock to be over with the audience, therefore Heyman's ability to be a heat magnet was the perfect solution.

I think it's all just a coincidence with the video game promo and the current storyline, but as far as the storyline is concerned, we've all seen this angle a thousand times where the champ demands respect. In this case, however, Punk's actions and comments are justified. He shouldn't have gotten heat over giving the GTS to The Rock, I love the guy but Rocky needs to come or go. When he makes his very rare appearance, it isn't fair that he's handed a title shot just because of who he is. Following that attack, Punk has every right to be upset with Lawler and Cena. When was the last time the WWE Championship was the last match at a PPV. The spotlight keeps getting taken from a man who busted his ass to earn it. As far as the heel turn for Punk, I don't like it. The fans went nuts for him week in and week out, they turned their back on him. He was so over with the crowd and they give him shit for no reason. If you think about it, he hasn't changed one bit, he's not saying anything he hasn't said before, I don't understand why he's getting so much heat.
This revolution stuff is not new. In their first commercial they said, a revolution was was more in reference to his pipebomb speech and to suggest the change in the look of a wrestler.

I tried looking on youtube but it was teh very first commercial where they show punk talking (or parts of him and you hear his voice).
While it's certianly not out of the question (nothing ever is in wrestling), I doubt it.

I used to like the idea of Heyman and Punk working together, but the problem is their abilities on the mic are too good. You would need more than just Heyman and Punk working together, you would need a whole stable with Punk being the leader and Heyman managing a bunch of younger guys that need help with their mic skills.

But really, I think the WWE 13 commercials are just that: commercials.
We all loved Punk's "pipe bomb" promo because he was right about everything he said and he voiced the concerns of WWE's most loyal and dedicated fans. Furthermore he was speaking up for himself as a WWE talent who has done everything that was asked of him, put in the time and exceeded everyone's expectations. CM Punk deserves to be in the top spot because of the fans, because of his own work ethic and frankly he earned it just like all the wrestlers who came before him. If he were to start a stable with Paul Heyman, I think the concept behind their "revolution" is to demand respect and not be overlooked.

The stable should be small and powerful, like the nWo was in the beginning, and also to set it apart from the Nexus whose strength was the sheer numbers involved. Here is my "Revolution" lineup:

CM Punk - Leader: I'd keep the main focus of the stable on Punk, with everyone else giving him ultimate respect, after all it's why he started the group. Ideally he would hold the WWE Title for a while after starting the group. I would try to maintain his current "tweener" persona where he is not a clean cut babyface yet not quite a true villain.

Seth Rollins - Apprentice: Rollins would clearly be presented as Punk's 2nd in command. Ideally he would use his stable's power of persuasion to capture the Intercontinental Title to bring more gold to the faction. Rollins would be presented as CM Punk's successor in a way, maybe even the one to take the WWE Title from him if the stable were to self destruct. Seth would be the most serious member of the group, and possible traitor if needed.

Kassius Ohno - Loose Cannon: I love Kassius' work as Chris Hero in ROH and I think he would be great at cutting wild unpredictable promos and backstage sneak attacks. Ohno would come off as a true wild card who helps Punk achieve whatever is needed and enforce grudges against other wrestlers by jumping them outside the ring or backstage.

Colt Cabana - Smart Ass: With how often Punk name-dropped this former WWE star, it would be really cool to see him reinstated with help from the stable's manager. Keeping his name from the indies might be hard to negotiate but it would strengthen the vibe of this stable consisting of the top indy stars that WWE's fanbase is fairly familiar with. Colt would crack jokes often, and make references to insider terms and concepts that the "smarks" are familiar with. I'd like to see Colt and Ohno capture the Tag Titles so that the entire stable holds most of the Championship Gold in WWE.

Paul Heyman - Manager: With Lesnar wrapping up in WWE, it would make a lot of sense for Punk to enlist his services to get what he wants. Heyman's presence would be constant during his talent's matches and he would often join the commentary booth or interfere in the match in some way. You could even see a power struggle between him and AJ or Booker for the role of GM.

If anything, the stable needs accomplishments. In addition to my idea of the entire stable winning championship gold, I would have them establish a hit list of TOP stars that they want out of their way. Perhaps Big Show, Mysterio, John Cena, Kane or Randy Orton will become a target and will systematically be taken out or injured. It would be interesting to see the stable attempt to get one of the GM's fired, possibly AJ so Heyman can run Raw for a while and cater to his group. Just some ideas, I think it would be fun to see. There's a lot of possibility to create new stars in WWE out of known indy wrestlers right away, rather than going the slow route that Antonio Cesaro or others take.
Brock Lesner needs Paul Heyman to talk and get him additional heat because of limited mic skills. CM Punk is his own best pitchman and does not need Heyman to score him heat besides Punk full on heel won't last for the long haul he sells too much merchandise to keep heel for a long period of time. A new Nexxus would only serve purpose for about 4-6 months, but I can see them doing that I always thought a ROH faction would be cool, but I can't see them doing that at all, but I can always imagine and use story mode in WWE '13 :)
Are...are you all fucking serious? The "Revolution" he was talking about was The Attitude Era because that's the focal point of this year's Story Mode in WWE '13: reliving the classic moments of perhaps the most revolutionary time in history(their words, not mine) because they needed to rely on nostalgia this year in order to boost sales. They chose Punk to do it because he had a hot streak last year and he's supposed to be this revolutionary character(which is bullshit of the highest degree) that has enough edge to be associated with that time. There's no new stable coming. There's no one new debuting. There's no secret reasoning behind it. It's just a commercial for a fucking video game.

The stable should be small and powerful, like the nWo was in the beginning, and also to set it apart from the Nexus whose strength was the sheer numbers involved. Here is my "Revolution" lineup:

A stable featuring a bunch of nobodies ain't gonna fly. It's been tried recently and they failed. Including Punk's Nexus. No, it needs to have at least a couple of veterans or established guys with name value. Maybe toss in a newbie, but it needs credibility right off the bat. Punk can lead along with Heyman, but from there it has to be names people recognize, not just smart marks but casual fans who aren't in tune with the current product(and who can blame them). Kayfabe-wise there are plenty of guys on the roster who like Punk have been overlooked and/or disrespected. For years, not just months.
I hardly think cm punk is the whole theme of the game. It's got tons of attitude stars in it. Punk does not draw big money, it's not relevant wheather he is heel or face.

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