CM Punk

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St. Joe

This is a thread for CM Punk, what you would do with CM Punk( push, turn him heel, ect.), what you think of him, what brand he should be on, ect. now personally i dont like CM Punk cause to me his matches are too repitive( kick punch , get dominated, come back, kicks and backhands, knee in the corner, bulldog, eurnagi, anconda vice) i would turn him heel and turn him loose just let him do whatever fucking move he thought of in that stupid little head, and give him a nice push to the title picture when i tought that he was good enough ( i would also teach him a lesson cause i heard he has been being a little bitch backstage) give me your thoughts and ideas
I like CM Punk, as his matches being repetive, just about all of WWEs talent have repetive move sets, it's just the way WWE is, watch his ROH matches they are nothing like his WWE matches

as for what I would do with him, I would move him over to SD!, then put him in a feud with Helms for the CW title, have him win that belt, and then after carrying it for a good 4-6 months, then move on to the U.S. title, after chasing that belt for a few months, I would have him win it and carry it for awhile, then after a year or two in the mid-card title picture I would move him on to the WHC, give him a shot at one of the regular monthly PPVs probably No Mercy or one like that, I wouldn't give him the title on the first shot but I would give him it on the second ot third shot instead
look at the list of repetitive move sets CM Punk, HHH, Flair, HBK (edges match layouts him getting beat up then just for his opponent to slip or get interfered with then hit the spear),etc
yeah i know that other dudes have repitive move sets that why i said i would let him losse cause i figured to be signed a given his kinda push he had to have a better moveset p.s. do you know were I could see some of CM Punks ROH stuff
i just watched a highlight reel thing of joe punk ( 2 i think ) and your right it was pretty insane. too bad vince seems to be agaisnt the fast paced sweet action of indy wrestling. but also beyond the moveset i dont like punk cause i think his gimmick is shit so you know in turning him heel i would have him come to the ring wit a beer bottle and be like screw being straight edge
First i would straiten out his attitude he seems to think he's better than everyone else & got big headed & cocky cause of the big push he got from Heyman. then i could see him & Helms having good matches to help resurrect the CW devision. he would also be good on RAW with Hardy, Nitro, Carlito for the IC title. him & Supercrazy could probably put on a show too.

I'm not really that crazy about him he got to big of a push out the gate dominating people in a couple minutes & let it go to his head. him & Burke did have a pretty good match though & I'd like to see Punk in some more competitive long matches.
Him and Supercrazy have wrestled before on the indie circuit, it was alright at best. Im pretty sure that if they tried to turn him agaisnt being straight edge he would quit, thats not just his gimmick its his life. Im hoping to see him get a good push, he deserves it. His backstage attitute might suck, but really, hes that damn good to be cocky.
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