CM Punk & WrestleMania XXX


Luck is on my side
What do we do with CM Punk at WM 30?

The more I consider what his role is at the big event the more I am confused and stuck. For instance every Mania has around 3 Big Main Events and WM XXX will be no different. Looking at this right now it would seem that the three big main events will be .....

Undertaker vs John Cena
Brock Lesnar vs The Rock
Triple H vs ???? for WWE Control

I can easily bet that neither of these matches will be for The WWE Championship which I think is absolutly the right move. With rumours of CM Punk being the favourite to win the rumble this year it is logical to bet that he will be in the WWE Championship contest. But against who? I believe that this years is Punks year to win The Title at the biggest show of the year. He's earned it but who does he exactly face?

I am a traditionalist when it comes to The Rumble winner headlining mania in the LAST match of the night but with Cena-Taker on the card that just wont happen and I am fine with that but who do you feel is fitting enough to put over Punk in the second last match of the night? Would Punk & DBryan be on a WrestleMania card?
If Wrestlemania 31 will be at Texas stadium then he will headline against Steve Austin IMO.

WHat are your thoughts?
Punk vs Bryan - WWE Championship - Easy bet considering they are the 2 most over people in the company atm. Wow, IWC's wet dream or what. CM Punk and Bryan fighting in the main event for the most prestigous wrestling title in the world
I have a sneaking suspicion that Punk might win Rumble next year. And to be honest a Bryan Vs Punk or a Punk Vs Cena match would make sense. I'd prefer Punk/Bryan because Bryan is there with Punk as the no. 2 guy in the company at the moment.

However, I am still holding out for Punk/Austin. That would be waaaaaay better.
However, I am still holding out for Punk/Austin. That would be waaaaaay better.

Would it? You don't think the 11 yrs. of ring rust, the bad neck, & 2 shot knees would combine to give us a bit of a let down from that pesky rattlesnake? Not to mention that the last time Austin had a real match it nearly killed him. Austin is never returning to the ring, he's done. he may come back in some other role, he may do his usual schtick of Arrive, stunner everyone in sight, jump on the turnbuckle & throwback some Stevewiesers, but he's never gonna have another real match.
I was thinking about this the other day, and the best match for Punk that I could think of, is a Punk vs. Bryan match for the WWE championship. Imagine both those guys getting the main event to close out WM in something like an Iron Man match? Just the discussion on it alone would put it in the "best match of all time" catagory.

But it also does something else; it would be like a passing of the torch. Not only are you passing the torch to a different generation of WWE superstars, but WWE could also be passing the torch to a different type of superstar. Ones who can wrestle. For years we've been force fed muscle headed freak shows who can't talk, can't wrestle, and can't connect with the fans (for the most part). What WWE could do with this, is pave the way for a new era of wrestling that focus's on pure talent and charisma, which both of these guys have. It would send a messege in the WWE locker room, the indies, and to the WWE universe that this is the future of wrestling.

If you had John Cena/Undertaker, then that is fitting in the same concept because Taker gets potentially one last match with the current face of the company. Taker wins, keeps the streak, rides off into the sunset of complete retirement. Cena loses, comes back with a complete change of charecter that, while still keeps the shirts on all the kiddo's in the crowd, also moves him out of the spotlight and into a position of putting over younger talent (if that's possible).

Brock/Rock...that just sells tickets and PPV's...nothing more. The entire leadup to the match would be done through interviews and satellite shit talk.

Vince with the aid of Randy vs. Triple H for control of WWE. Again, this falls right into the concept of heading in the direction of a new era in WWE. Vince of the old ways, triple H of the new. HHH is fighting for the future of the company while Vince is fighting for his pride of the empire he built. It could be a very emotional match for many reasons and every WWE fan will have some stake in the outcome.
CM Punk is like a more over version of Jericho, in that you could put him up against anyone and it'd be an entertaining feud. The most obvious choices for potential opponents are Cena and Bryan. Assuming Bryan doesn't lose momentum by Wrestlemania, either of those guys against Punk would be a worthy main event, and an instant classic.

The problem with that is, they very rarely do a face vs. face match with two full timers, face vs. face only works when one or both guys are part-time. And Punk is on a very strong face run at the moment, which looks to continue when he eventually wins his feud against Lesnar. He's also rumoured to be the first choice for Royal Rumble winner, and I'm betting the WWE would want him to be a face for that win. Which would mean a heel turn for either Cena, the face of the company, or Bryan, the hottest face in wrestling in the next 6 months. Neither of which is likely.

Which brings me to Randy Orton. Orton is said to be turning heel in the coming months. He has the Money in the Bank briefcase, which means he can easily be inserted into the WWE title picture. And, if Orton becomes a relevant main eventer again, he'd be a good opponent for Punk. Sure, it's been done before, but has that ever stopped WWE before? Especially since it was face Orton vs. heel Punk at Wrestlemania 27.

There are a few outside chances for Punk's opponent, the likes of Del Rio, RVD, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt or Curtis Axel. But I think Orton has to be the favourite, between talk of Orton's heel turn and Punk's rumble win.
Would it? You don't think the 11 yrs. of ring rust, the bad neck, & 2 shot knees would combine to give us a bit of a let down from that pesky rattlesnake? Not to mention that the last time Austin had a real match it nearly killed him. Austin is never returning to the ring, he's done. he may come back in some other role, he may do his usual schtick of Arrive, stunner everyone in sight, jump on the turnbuckle & throwback some Stevewiesers, but he's never gonna have another real match.

He's not crippled. And he has been asked this a million times, about returning and shit and he has recently started saying that he will have to fix his regime and get physically ready for it. Buckle down for like 3-4 months because he doesn't want to half-ass it. He knows his body, he knows what he can or can't do and I reiterate in recent interviews. he has never said that he will NEVER ever get back in the ring. He has almost always spoken of how he would consider it and get into ring shape.

It is a tantalizing prospect and I'm unwilling to let go of it.
Punk vs Bryan - WWE Championship - Easy bet considering they are the 2 most over people in the company atm. Wow, IWC's wet dream or what. CM Punk and Bryan fighting in the main event for the most prestigous wrestling title in the world

Theres no way a punk vs bryan is gonna close out WRESTLEMANIA which involves a (rock vs brock, cena vs taker, hhh vs ? for the ownership). Its not about how hot they are now. Its about the importance of the match and the margue matchup. The only way punk can close the show is a austin vs punk.

Would it? You don't think the 11 yrs. of ring rust, the bad neck, & 2 shot knees would combine to give us a bit of a let down from that pesky rattlesnake? Not to mention that the last time Austin had a real match it nearly killed him. Austin is never returning to the ring, he's done. he may come back in some other role, he may do his usual schtick of Arrive, stunner everyone in sight, jump on the turnbuckle & throwback some Stevewiesers, but he's never gonna have another real match.

Austin will come back prepare for his in ring shape should he compete for one more match. Although that doesnt mean its gonna be a 5star match by no mean. However thats where the iwc gets so bias towards austin vs punk and just having orgasm on this matchup but neglect on the quality of the match. And at the same bashing the rock for not able to wrestle as good as he was in his prime.
There are two routes for Punk in my mind. My preference is him feuding for the WWE title. I'd have Randy Orton as WWE champion from now until Wrestlemania. Then I would have either Punk or Bryan win the Rumble setting up a triple threat for the title at Mania. (I would be happy with just Bryan/Punk but Punk could be added) This would go two ways, A) Bryan finally winning the WWE championship or B) Punk winning and turning heel in the process, aligning himself with Vince. The latter is far fetched but I would love that.

Option two is to have Punk feud for the World Heavyweight Title. Everyone knows that this title has been horribly booked and Punk is the man to help bring some importance back to the belt. CM Punk vs Wade Barrett, Sheamus Damien Sandow for the WHC. All of these could be great WM matches and could be interesting feuds.

Why I would love a match with Austin, I just cannot see him having another match.
I honestly wouldn't mind if Lesnar faced Punk for WWE Championship at WM XXX. I feel with Lesnar as champion it would be more of a steep hill to climb for Punk to finally beat The Beast in a match and win The WWE Title on the biggest stage. No offense to DBryan but think he should fued with a returning HEEL Sheamus to get back at him for losing in 18 seconds.
I bet dollars to donuts that Punk will be doing everything he can to close out WrestleMania XXX somehow.

He's said it before, main eventing WrestleMania is really the only thing left for him to accomplish in the business. That, and maybe winning the Royal Rumble, which he very well may do this year.

I think Punk has about 2 more years left in the WWE and ESPECIALLY if he wins the RR and main events WM XXX he's probably done in a year after that.

So for WM XXX, if he wins the Rumble he should face the WWE Champion in the Main Event and the most likely options for who will be the WWE Champion at that time are: John Cena, Randy Orton or Daniel Bryan. I think it's also possible Dean Ambrose might be WWE Champion at that time and I think that could be a Main Event match considering how big The Shield are becoming.
These are the 3 matches I would want to see from CM Punk this year at Wrestlemania XXX:

1.) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin: If Austin has one more match left in him, it should be against Punk & at Mania. This is a dream match that I am still hoping becomes a reality.

2.) vs. Dean Ambrose: Punk reccently stated that one of the guys he would like to work a program with in the near future is Ambrose & I think they could have a hell of a feud/mania match. Whether it's for a World Title or not, I think these two could easily the steal the show at Mania.

3.) Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship - vs. Daniel Bryan: These two have already had some great matches & a great feud to date & I think they could have the rivalry of the decade if Vince let's them. I think these two could have the best Iron Man Match since HBK & Hart, I think they deserve it & I think they deserve to have it at Wrestlemania.

Either way I think the Mania XXX card will look something like this:

The Undertaker vs. John Cena
Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. The Rock
WWE Championship: (Champion) vs. CM Punk(Royal Rumble Winner)
Battle for the WWE: Triple H w/Shawn Michaels & Stephanie McMahon vs. (Competitor) w/Mr. McMahon

Also I think if The Rock doesn't return there is a chance we could see Punk vs. Lesnar again at Mania but for the WWE Championship.
I like the triple threat idea with Orton and bryan. I think these 3 could put on a main event for the ages. Orton will win the wwe title in a controversy fashion between now and mania. As he stated "we will never see it coming" in which will keep him relevant in the process. Orton seems to be on a move to become the top heel in the company for wm 30. This will be a big event so what better choice to have orton as top heel Punk and Bryan are both worthy of winning the rumble this year.

After the feud with lesnar, there is really no direction for punk besides winning the world title which would be a step backwards. Punk is been there and really don't think he should go back. So I would take punk out of action until the rumble and win it.
There are two routes for Punk in my mind. My preference is him feuding for the WWE title. I'd have Randy Orton as WWE champion from now until Wrestlemania. Then I would have either Punk or Bryan win the Rumble setting up a triple threat for the title at Mania. (I would be happy with just Bryan/Punk but Punk could be added) This would go two ways, A) Bryan finally winning the WWE championship or B) Punk winning and turning heel in the process, aligning himself with Vince. The latter is far fetched but I would love that.

How about this:

-After Orton cashes in on Bryan, HHH backs Bryan in the Orton/Bryan feud. Orton wins the feud, Bryan fades out until WM when he can be in the World Title Match.

-At the Royal Rumble, have HHH go one on one with whoever becomes the 3rd man in the VKM/Orton power reign (Ryback?) for a shot at Orton's title at WM. Book it so it seems like VKM and Orton used Ryback as the muscle while promising him a title shot, and then have their on "Rumble" to try and put in the fix for Orton/Ryback at WM, ensuring VKM's boys keep the title. Maybe they injure the guy who Ryback is booked to face a week or so in advance and HHH is just "filling in" to continue the feud and stick it up VKM/Orton's asses.

-HHH beats the 3rd Man

-Punk wins the Rumble

-the next night on Raw, HHH comes out and says he's going for more than the WWE Title, he'sgoing for control of WWE. A winner take all type of match. Title+Control of WWE on the line.

-Punk comes out, says hey, rule says I can go for either title, and I want the WWE Title. It becomes a Triple Threat at WM where winner gets the title, if Orton wins VKM gets complete control, if HHH wins he gets complete control, and if either Orton or HHH takes the fall he is "out of WWE."

-Punk has less to gain but not nearly as much to lose, so he'd be the wildcard here. He has some bad blood with everyone else involved in the match, so it'd be like he was the key piece in the whole equation.

-At WM, Punk screws HHH, VKM helps him pin Orton, and Punk and VKM align as the new heel power couple.

-The next night on Raw Punk and VKM celebrate, make a big scene, and then the glass shatters and Austin comes out, blah blah well look at these two jackasses, stuner to Punk, stunner to Vince, picks up a mic and challenges Punk to a match at WM 31 in his home state of Texas.

-Later on Orton could come back as a face challenger to Punk, but lose. This would be a good time to make a new face of the company since Punk and Cena aren't going to be on top much longer. That face could beat Punk and Vince with HHH in his corner (oh fuck I think it'd be Sheamus, shit no! no! no!). HHH could come back because Orton took the fall, not him, so even though he got screwed he wouldn't be banished or whatever :p. Punk would drop the title after a 6 month reign to the new face and then could build up to the Austin match.

A little long and drawn out, and it assumes HHH could give a solid program at his age and whatnot. Also the Mania Triple Threat stipulations are a bit confusing I will admit. But this booking would be interesting to say the least and set up Punk/Austin perfectly by aligning Punk with Vince (at least to kickstart the feud).
There is no way in hell that CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan will close out WrestleMania XXX. It does not have the same name value that John Cena vs The Undertaker does. I honestly think that CM Punk won't be the main event of WrestleMania, John Cena vs The Undertaker will be. Daniel Bryan does not have the tools to main event WrestleMania and that's the harsh truth. Anyone that thinks he will are living in cloud coucou land. It does not matter what is great right now or who is over, it's about business.

The only way CM Punk main events is if it's against John Cena and it's for the WWE championship. If Stone Cold returns then that is another option but at the end of the day, only Stone Cold can answer that. With the Mania card shaping up to look like this:

John Cena vs The Undertaker
The Rock vs Brock Lesnar
Triple H vs ??? for control of the WWE and maybe...
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan or Stone Cold.
The last time I read anything about it, there was talk of having CM Punk win the Royal Rumble in 2014 then go onto challenge for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania XXX. However, that was a couple of months ago, I think it was anyhow, and there's still a lot of time until WrestleMania. There are any number of possibilities for CM Punk. If the report was true in the first place and if WWE is sticking with the idea of Punk winning the Rumble, then I see them booking him to look very strong between now and then. From what I understand, Brock Lesnar isn't advertised for the Raw after SummerSlam. That coupled with the rumor of Punk getting back into the title picture for WM XXX to me is a possible indicator of Punk going over Lesnar this Sunday.

As for Punk's role at WrestleMania XXX, I think there are a couple of POSSIBLE scenarios. I see him involved in one of the top matches.

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton - There's a strong possibility of Randy Orton being heel, being WWE Champion and being aligned with Vince McMahon by the time WM comes around. With talk of Vince & Triple H angle culminating at WM for control of the company, Punk & Orton are strong candidates. Looking at how Vince has "belittled" Daniel Bryan in their current storyline while Orton seems to personify what Vince loves, I think he's a very likely candidate to represent Vince. While I'm sure Triple H himself could compete against Orton, it'd make more sense for someone like Punk to do it as Punk is a representation of a "new age" in WWE. Punk is someone who isn't generally seen as a "Vince McMahon guy", for lack of a better term, when you look at how his character has been over the past couple of years. If Orton is WWE Champion by this time, then it could only consolidate Vince's position and taking the title with Punk as a "Triple H guy" would be the exclamation point in Triple H's "takeover" of WWE.

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan - Someone else already mentioned Punk vs. Bryan at WM XXX in an iron man match. I don't know how likely it is to happen, but it's something I'd love to see. Punk & Bryan are two wrestlers who could pull off such a match and keep it fresh & exciting from bell to bell. Even as a face vs. face, this could easily be a mega money feud if WWE really just steps back and tells them to go at it both in the ring and passionately on the mic. That passion is a huge factor in what's made them so popular in the first place. However, like Punk, Bryan is a strong potential candidate to represent Triple H against whomever Vince picks. That is, if Bryan is able to maintain momentum. I don't see why he shouldn't as, if anything, Bryan's popularity has only grown over the past 20 months, and flat out exploding in the past 3 or so.

However, one thing to consider as well is that, allegedly, it's been one of Punk's main goals to close out WrestleMania. If I'm not mistaken, CM Punk's deal with WWE ends next summer; so I think there's a strong possibility that WWE will do whatever it can to accommodate Punk so that he'll sign a new deal. They're going to want to keep him happy, which is one of the reasons why I think he'll be booked to look really strong through WM and, quite possibly, be booked in the match that closes out the show. Punk's been very productive and has made a lot of money for WWE since signing his new deal back in 2011, which gives Punk a lot of leverage.

In order to save time, I think there's a strong possibility of WWE combining the WWE Championship match with the Vince vs. Triple H power struggle storyline. It could also, quite possibly, add more emphasis to that particular storyline.
Fuck no, I want to see Punk/UT II. HBK and HHH got multiple shots and it worked out amamazingly, so why not Punk? It was the most enjoyable part of WM29. I would pay to see it again. It would have a completely different vibe as face/face. Why not? How does Cena/UT work? Retiring a guy or ending a streak is completely out of Cena's character. Is The Rock even going to be at WM30 in a wrestling capacity? Does he have the time? Last year didn't exactly work out so well for his health. So if I can't get Punk/UT II I am expecting Punk/Lesnar II. It's hard to believe that their feud is getting resolved at SS. I don't think we will see Lesnar again until WM season. It doesn't seem good for one of these guys to lose at SS and not get another shot.
Ye, Lesnar/Punk II might happen too. I won't be surprised if Lesnar ends up champ and Punk wins Rumble setting it up.

I do NOT wanna see UT/Punk. That match was good, but nothing nearly as exciting as its made out to be. I'd rather have Taker take on Wyatt before Punk really.
If Cena vs. Undertaker is on the card, then that closes out the show no matter what. WWE will hype the shit out of that match, making all the 12 year olds believe that Cena will end the streak. If that match doesn't go last, no one would believe that the streak would snap.

The way I see it, if they want Punk to main event WM and close out the show, then have DB as WWE champion against CM Punk as world champion (have Punk win Royal Rumble then have him win world title at elimination chamber) in a Unification Match. With how over both guys are right now, that would be THE main event of the night (assuming there's no Cena-Undertaker match).

As for Punk vs. Austin - I for one, would like to see it and if The Rock doesn't wrestle, I think it's possible. If Rock is on the card, I doubt Austin would do it as he wouldn't want to play second fiddle to The Rock.
In order to save time, I think there's a strong possibility of WWE combining the WWE Championship match with the Vince vs. Triple H power struggle storyline. It could also, quite possibly, add more emphasis to that particular storyline.

I think you're right here and if that's the case then they COULD be combining this storyline with a championship unification element. Have Triple H's guy as the WWE champion and Vince's as the World Champion (or vice versa) and have the match and have it as a championship unification match. That works with a "power struggle" type of storyline as Vince or Trips would end up with total control thus, there would be 1 unified champion.
while i would love to see a Punk vs. Bryan match at Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship, i just dont see Vince doing it, so what i hope he does is at least tease us with that possibility. have Orton lose the WWE title sometime before Royal Rumble, like in December, to Bryan. have Punk then win the rumble to make it look like that could be their direction, then have Cena take the title off Bryan in an Elimination chamber match to set up Cena vs. Punk, but i personally would love to see Bryan vs. Punk. Punk and Bryan would have an awesome match and it would be the match buildup would be great.
My first question would be how do you know for sure that lesnar would fight the rock and cena would fight the undertaker? How do you know the rock will even wrestle again especially after this past mania and getting hurt which screwed up the shooting for his movie? You have to remember now that the rock is more actor than wrestler and if he has to choose one it's going to be acting so dont think the rock is such a sure thing. Also I HATE the Undertaker vs Cena and that match cause more problems than it fixes. I would MUCH rather see the undertaker vs brock lesnar than Cena now THAT would be a Mania type match Do you want the Undertaker to lose to Cena? I personally would love to see the undefeated streak go until his retirement and if someone has to beat him it can be any wrestler in the world besides Cena. Now if Cena loses the match id be a little more open to the idea, but I dont think it would be a great moment and I dont think Vince would want to see his golden boy lose much more at mania.Now to the best in the world... I think Punk vs Bryan for the title would be a great thing maybe even make it an I quit match, the yes lock against the anaconda vice. I'd like to see Punk Vs Austin most of all though, I think Punk and Austin want it as Austin has been talking a lot about it. His knees are healthy so he would have absolutely no problem getting cleared for it. The only real issue is his movie schedule because he's extremely busy and has said he doesnt know if he would have the time do it, but he WANTS to do it and has stated publicly if he ever came back he would ONLY want to face Punk, not to mention their little twitter war which would make for a great story since sooo many people have seen it. "It is no secret that Punk wants to face Austin, and Austin himself has stated that if he is to ever return to the ring, he only wants CM Punk."Directly from an article. So I cant think of anything netter. if you want to read the whole article
I actually think Lesnar really needs to win this Sunday at Summerslam. Yes. Lesnar only makes sporadic appearances, and he's a special attraction, but there's a very good chance Sunday will be Lesnar's last match until Wrestlemania 30. Lesnar needs to look strong going into Mania 30, because a loss could hurt his mystique, that's why he forced Triple H to tap out by "breaking" his arm with the Kimura at last year's Summerslam.

CM Punk could always regain his redemption and gain some real momentum by winning the Rumble, and earning himself a WWE Championship match at Mania, making up for his loss against Lesnar. And CM Punk is a due a Rumble win. Austin, Shawn, Hogan, Rock, Triple H, Cena, Orton. Every big star in WWF/WWE history has a Rumble win (or wins), Punk's also won a Chamber match, so he's conquered just about every major feat in WWE besides a Rumble win.

Although, as far as Punk VS Cena for the WWE Championship, I think it would be a case of too soon. I'm pretty sure Undertaker and Triple H had a match for the WWE Championship on Smackdown in 2008, and of course, they didn't cross paths again until 2011 for the match at Mania 27. Punk and Cena have feuded on and off A LOT over the past couple of years, so I would think they need some time apart before they square off for the big match at Mania.

Bryan VS Punk on the other hand, I could see that happening. If Bryan can maintain his momentum, then I could picture a WHITE HOT crowd atmosphere for this match at Mania. Punk and Bryan had a series of good matches (MITB and Over The Limit '12) during their feud a while ago, and I have no doubt they could tear the house down at Mania. Plus, I could picture WWE really playing up the "two unlikely guys, who aren't suppose to be here" feuding over the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania.

OR I could also see Lesnar VS Punk II at Mania 30. You have to consider the heated, personal roots of this feud, and IF Punk loses this Sunday, he could also gain his redemption by beating Lesnar and humiliating Heyman at the biggest show of the year.

Punk VS Austin? I don't want to see it. I'm sure Punk and Austin would cut a series of fantastic "beer vs straightedge" promos against each other, but Austin should go against Cena, if he decides to come back. Austin and Cena are the faces of their respective eras, both characters are polar opposites of each other, and Cena VS Austin is the only real dream match that's left (maybe you can make a case for Taker VS Lesnar, maybe).
If Lesnar beats Punk this Sunday I could see Punk vs Lesnar II possibly happening for the title at Mania in a similar sort of storyline to Cena's redemption deal at this years Mania, however I have a feeling Taker wants that Lesnar match despite a lot of people here thinking he'll die if it happens.

I could see Punk vs Bryan but I think it would probably end up somewhere down the card, I don't see it ending the show with Punk and Bryan showing mutual respect, this isn't gonna be an Eddie and Benoit deal like Mania XX.

However when I look at the names and the McMahon angle that have to be catered to, I wouldn't be surprised to see the title match featuring the top 4 guys in the company, and the other 2 main events both featuring guys that work about 6 matches a year between them.

WWE Title Match - Cena vs Punk vs Orton vs Bryan (Elimination rules)

Taker vs Brock

Match for control of WWE Triple H w/Steph vs The Rock w/Vince

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