CM Punk VS?


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Cm Punk lost to The Undertaker at WrestleMania thus ending there feud, Next week he will return to raw. It got me thinking who will be his next rival.

I think it is too soon for him to start chasing the Wwe Championship again, but I don`t want to see him fall out of the Main Event scene.

so I have a Question

1. Who would you like Cm Punk to start a feud with next?
I would like to him to take time off before returning. The problem is I don't want to see a feud with Cena because that should be saved for the biggest nights of the year. I would like to see a Daniel Bryan feud or something would the Shield. These guys are getting involved with Taker so it makes sense.

I'm not saying that Punk should join the Shield but I wouldn't be against the idea. It could be refreshing and give him something to do.
CM Punk ruins any group he is part of, the Shield are way to good for that in my opinion, so they should keep him miles away from them, preferably TNA, then he can ruin Aces and Eights :p
Payback is in "Chicago" in two months so if he is healthy, we know that he will be on the card here, and be very well received, despite being a heel. He will probably in a pretty decent match so as a fan I am happy about that.

Anyway, I am surprised that The Undertaker is likely participating in another match next month, even though he won't have to do the brunt of the work. I am hoping to be surprised with another Punk/Taker match a month after that at Payback so that Cm Punk will have another big match in his home area. Of course Punk would come out on top that time. Maybe Taker would then take off and Punk would do his bragging, not to set up yet another future match, but simply to be a heel.

Or, I am hoping for CM Punk and Brock to team against someone at that ppv. Does anyone know if the poster with Brock on it for payback was legit or was it fan made? If legit, then maybe what I mentioned can happen, I just don't know against who. If not then nevermind, Brock probably won't be around.

As for a more realistic and probably long term singles feud against someone.... I am not sure who I would like that to be. Perhaps Sheamus.
I personally like the idea of letting Punk sit around for a little while and take some time off. There are a lot of things going on right now that anything with Punk would feel forced.

I think Punk/Taker at Payback is a logical next step. Let the Shield soften him up and have Punk come in and attack Undertaker to set up the rematch. Punk gets the win on his home field and crows about it while Taker goes away till next Mania. At that point you can segue him into a feud with one of the champions. I could see a title match with Ziggler as a good way to get Dolph over as a face if that's a route they want to go (not to mention that match would be Hitman/HBK good).
I would like to see Punk either continue his feud with Taker and have Punk go over at extreme rules via heel tactics.

I would also like to see him feud with a returning face Christian. I feel that these two could put on a good feud together. Many feel that Christian would be a step down for Punk, but I think it would be great to see.

i wouldnt be too upset either if Punk took 2-3months off to rest up. It would be a nice break and I would be really excited for an expected BIG return before MITB PPV.
I would also like to see him feud with a returning face Christian.

Oooo. This would be an excellent feud. Heck, they wouldn't even have to fight. The mic work alone would be worth the price of a few PPVs. WHen they do wrestle though, each time they would be match of the night, no question
A logical feud for him that could set up another feud after with ease...

CM Punk vs. Triple H.

There's no titles involved, and that's a good thing, but it's still main event level. They could play the angle that Punk is going to do what Brock Lesnar couldn't.

Have Punk go over Trips and contiue bragging about how he is the best, blah, blah blah... and then Brock comes out and stomps the shit out of Punk and sets up the match for Summerslam...
CM Punk ruins any group he is part of, the Shield are way to good for that in my opinion, so they should keep him miles away from them, preferably TNA, then he can ruin Aces and Eights :p

Poor booking ruined the SES and New Nexus, so unless Punk had absolute creative control over his angles, then I don't think he is to blame.

Still, I think that the Shield should be left as is. As for Punk, I think he's gone as far as he can as a heel and it's time to turn him face again. At some point, most teams break up and fight themselves so Punk vs Heyman/Lesnar might be something to think about.
My opinion is certainly out of the box and might get me laughed off the forum but, here it goes...............

I still think, the ultimate payoff will be a Sheild face turn by S-Slam. So Punk needs to stay away from that group at ALL COSTS because they have the potential to do something great without adding any leaders/members. I am ready for him to go out to pasture. I respect Mark Calloway doing what he is at his age, but I was ready for his retirement at 20-0. I don't think that a Taker fued does anything for either man.

Cena.........been there done that.

Ziggy............let the poor bastard have his run and see where it goes.

IMO, the best person to really throw things for a loop is sitting at the announce table. His name is JBL. Now THOSE promos would be classic.

Best In The World vs a Wrestling God
Honestly, I would really like him to do something with Brock. Maybe chase the tag titles? That would be entertaining. Most likely though, he will be plugged back in a feud with Cena.
If Undertaker's going to stick around for a bit, I wouldn't mind if he they extended that feud. Undertaker/Kane/DB vs. The Shield at Extreme Rules, Punk doesn't have a match but interferes and costs Undertaker the match, setting up another match in Punk's hometown at Payback.

Although if Punk is actually taking time off, now that they've said he'll be back next week, I imagine they'll do something next week that'll write him off TV for a few weeks. Maybe Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are there with him when he addresses the Undertaker loss, and Lesnar attacks Punk? The only problem I'd have with that is, it really hasn't been built up at all, they've never even been seen in the ring at the same time. Maybe Mark Henry or the Big Show attack him? How about...The Shield? If they wanted him to turn face again.

Or maybe he comes out and announces he's quitting the WWE. I could definitely see that. And then after Extreme Rules, he decides to come back and attack whoever, or maybe somebody calls him out and forces him to come back.

This is a tough one. Last June I nailed a prediction on him keeping his title until Royal Rumble and losing it to The Rock(this was before Punk turned heel and before they announced Rock was getting a title shot), then I correctly predicted that after their match Rock would reveal a new WWE championship and Punk would face The Undertaker at WrestleMania. (Obviously the first one was a much more difficult and impressive prediction than the latter two.)

But now...there's just too many possibilities. A few weeks ago I said I could see him heading to Smackdown! and getting involved in the World Heavyweight Championship picture. That could still happen. He could quit next week, then come back after Extreme Rules and get involved in some kind of #1 Contender match/battle royal or something. Especially if the WWE turns Ziggler face with the crowd reaction last night. Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk? That has potential.
Punk's in a tough spot right now. He was the best part of Raw for a long time during his historical reign and when you're white hot and on top of the world, there's nowhere to go but down.

I don't think taking time off would be a bad thing for Punk as it would give him a chance to recharge the batteries and come back re-energized.

I'd be shocked if UT is on 2 PPVs in a row even as part of another 6 Man tag vs the Shield. I think the idea there is to get Hell No into a feud with the Shield for the tag belts which makes sense.

With Ryback turning heel, what other top face is there to feud with Punk? Christian/Punk has potential, but Peep Show just is not a full time Main Eventer despite his run at the top in 2011.

And you're right, the promo and match work between the 2 would be epic.

Punk/Sheamus perhaps just for lack of better options?
It's hard to say at this point. I fully expect CM Punk to take some time off. He's said to be banged up and, if true, needs a little time to heal up. He's said to have banged his leg up pretty good when delivering the flying elbow to Taker on the announce table, which is said to be the latest of several nagging injuries.

Some potential choices could be resuming his feud with Triple H, which was never really settled, maybe getting back into it with Ryback a little bit down the line, maybe turning babyface to feud with Ziggler or turning Ziggler babyface.
WWE is big on giving main event wrestlers "their win back", and I could see that happening in the case of CM Punk. With Undertaker appearing on TV last night, and advertised for the London tour, it's entirely possible the Shield "attack" was just a way to keep him on TV. Given Punk's past "affiliation" with the Shield, Punk could pick up where they left off last night.

It's being thrown around that Punk may take some time off, but that was also reported of John Cena last year after Extreme Rules, and he didn't go anywhere. I believe the same will happen with regards to Punk. He may not wrestle again until Extreme Rules or even at the PPV, but as he's expected to appear next week on Raw, I could see him staying on TV and in a feud with Undertaker for as long as 'Taker chooses to appear.

After Undertaker, it's tough to say. It appears as if we're getting Ryback vs Cena at Extreme Rules, and while Punk vs. Cena with Punk the heel chasing Cena the face would make for the best possible feud for both men, WWE would be wise to hold off on that until after Payback in Chicago. Short term, if both are available, I'd have Punk take Extreme Rules off, while Undertaker teams with Kane and Bryan to battle the Shield, with some interference by Punk costing Undertaker and co. the match.

That sets up a match at Payback between Punk and Undertaker, blowing off their feud, with Punk winning. That sends us into the summer with Punk hopefully moving back into a title feud with Cena, guaranteeing us a couple months worth of great matches. If WWE wants magic in the ring, the best thing they can do is put Cena and Punk together, give them 30 minutes, and let them go.
He's not gonna miss Payback in Chicago, so my prediction is someone takes him out on Raw next week then he returns at Extreme Rules or the night after to start his program for Payback. As for who he's gonna feud with I have no idea. Too soon for another round of Cena/Punk. He might have a rematch with Taker, but I doubt that. I'm hoping to see Lesnar & Punk form a Two Man Power Trip like team with Heyman as the manager, that could be epic.
Dolph Ziggler vs CM Punk would be the perfect oppurtunity to turn Ziggler face. First of all just to compare this would be our generations hart vs hbk. Now to how to turn Ziggler face. Have Punk come with his straight edge angle again and even have it insult Triple H and HBK and somehow Triple H would re intro DX to WWE with Ziggler as the leader and also the most important thing to give him for the face turn is the super kick. It is a move that not only he does well but its a move a small guy can use on a Brock or Rock or Cena and still finish them.
what you guys think of this idea, next week punk acompany by heyman goes to the ring to adress is lose and he tell that this was heyman`s fault cause not have supporting him, because he is focus on the hhh/lesnar match and then e tolds that he sucks as manage bla bla bla, then hits brock music and he goes to the ring grab the mic and say that the one that sucks his punki because he can`t get the job done, punk goes nuts anda attacks brock and brock apply the kimura to break punk arm, this lead to punk take some time off, then lesnar have another match at extreme rules against hhh and he win at next raw brock comes to bragging and punk music hits but is no sign of punk anywhere the n brock left the ring and at the stage punk hit him with something in the head from behind grabs a mic a says"is PAYBACK time" this will lead to his feud to payback at chicago punk home town in a extreme rules match that punk win, after that i dont remember any other way to punk, but i think that my idea to the feud with lesnar is good wath you think guys
This is obviously not the right thread for this, but i count it as a Van Daminator. CM Punk is taking a break to come back and be part of a Punk-Lesnar-RVD stable with the Shield as Capos. Ace-Punk King-Lesnar Queen-RVD The Shield Jack, Ten and Nine and Heyman as Street Boss/Negotiator
I think if RVD is coming back to WWE then Punks next fued should definately be with him. Punk and Heyman seemingly having nothing to do at the moment so bringing RVD into the equation writes the story itself - he is another 'Heyman guy'.

Extreme Rules - CM Punk vs RVD would be brilliant.
He needs to go away till Payback and have a deserved break. He appears after Cenas won the title for the 12th time off Ryback and hits the gts. Biggest pop of the night guaranteed.
I think it would be logical to bring up Percy Watson for a feud with Punk. Percy is everything that Punk is not. He's a natural athlete, Punk has to work at it being born a dirty skater. Percy is naturally charismatic and loved by people, and Punk is the opposite of that.

They should bring up Percy with his Showtime gimmick again, and Percy can hit his famed 10 Consecutive Dropkicks of Doom on the skeevy CM Punk.
I think it would be logical to bring up Percy Watson for a feud with Punk. Percy is everything that Punk is not. He's a natural athlete, Punk has to work at it being born a dirty skater. Percy is naturally charismatic and loved by people, and Punk is the opposite of that.

They should bring up Percy with his Showtime gimmick again, and Percy can hit his famed 10 Consecutive Dropkicks of Doom on the skeevy CM Punk.

As good as Percy is, Punk should not feud with him at all. C M Punk vs Daniel Bryan would be brilliant to see again.
In light of the angle they ran tonight on RAW where Punk "walked away" they have a few places they could go.

Punk's huge Title reign has ended, he failed to beat the Rock to win the belt back, lost to John Cena on RAW and failed to beat the Undertaker at WrestleMania. One thing about the segment with Punk on RAW that stuck out to me was when Heyman said to him "no matter what happens, you are the Best in the World." Heyman was basically trying to reassure him that he's still the best, even after these recent setbacks.

Having Punk take these losses to heart would make a lot of sense. Only a few months ago he was on top of the world but it has all come crashing down around him. Having the Best in the World experience self doubt could be an interesting story going forward.

Have him take time off to "reflect" (and heal his injuries), and when he returns have him call out John Cena for a shot at the WWE Title at Payback (in Punk's home town of Chicago). Punk would basically want to prove that he still has what it take to win the big match and that he is still the Best in the World. Since Punk wouldn't technically be the number 1 contender for the Title you could have him put his career on the line for a shot. Have him say that if he can't compete with the best, there's no point in sticking around. This would add even more drama to the match, especially since it would be in Chicago.

For the finish have Cena about to beat Punk when the Shield interferes and takes out Cena. Punk crawls on top of Cena for the pin, unaware that the interference took place, and he regains the WWE Title. Punk would of course later learn that his manager Heyman once again hired the Shield to help him win. This would anger Punk, as he was trying to prove he could do it alone. He would tell Heyman that he's the Best in the World and he shouldn't have to rely on hired thugs to help him get the job done. He would then vacate the Title and essentially turns face.

At Money in the Bank it would be Punk vs. Cena in a rematch for the now vacant WWE Title, and it would be made a 60-minute Ironman match. This time Punk wins clean but after the match he is attacked by none other than Paul Heyman's other client, Brock Lesnar.

This sets up Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk at SummerSlam for the WWE Title. The Beast vs. The Best.

That's my basic plan for Punk's next feud and beyond.

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