CM Punk vs Rob Van Dam: Who would win?

CM Punk vs RVD?

  • CM Punk

  • Rob Van Dam

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Back in 2006 upon the debut of the ECW brand in the WWE, we saw the WWE debut of CM Punk. The E threw in Punk in the storyline feud between the ECW Originals and the New Breed. While Punk would be warming out backstage before his match, Rob Van Dam would come up to Punk to try to talk him into joining the ECW originals faction. So that was the only real time that we saw CM Punk and RVD together on TV on a weekly basis.

But now with rumors that Rob Van Dam could be on his way back to the WWE. Would would win in a match between CM Punk and RVD? They both have similar wrestling style's as we can see. And they both wildly get over with the WWE crowd. But all in all...

CM Punk vs Rob Van Dam: Who would win?
I see RVD narrowly winning with an unorthodox pin..Like how Jeff Hardy absorbed and then countered Mr. Anderson's Rolling Fireman's Carry into a Crucifix Pin..The only facet where Punk is clearly superior to RVD is submission skill...Punk has had significant success with the Anaconda Vice while the only time I've ever saw Van Dam get a submission win was in TNA a few months back using the Mexican Stretch......Personally, though, I'd rather see the match happen in TNA because TNA doesn't have move restrictions..In a WWE match, Punk wouldn't be able to use the Pepsi Plunge and Van Dam wouldn't be able to hit the Van Terminator, etc..
I see RVD narrowly winning with an unorthodox pin..Like how Jeff Hardy absorbed and then countered Mr. Anderson's Rolling Fireman's Carry into a Crucifix Pin..The only facet where Punk is clearly superior to RVD is submission skill...Punk has had significant success with the Anaconda Vice while the only time I've ever saw Van Dam get a submission win was in TNA a few months back using the Mexican Stretch......Personally, though, I'd rather see the match happen in TNA because TNA doesn't have move restrictions..In a WWE match, Punk wouldn't be able to use the Pepsi Plunge and Van Dam wouldn't be able to hit the Van Terminator, etc..

Don't know what you mean when you say the only area where Punk is superior to Rvd is in submissions? Rvd is a high flyer that's his style where as Punk is a technical wrestler who uses a lot of kicks. When you say you'd rather see this match in tna rather than wwe because in tna they would let Rvd and Punk use more moves. That statement is rather ridiculous first off the reason Punk doesn't use the pepsi plunge is well because it's just triple h's finisher off the top rope, also I believe Punk said himself that doing that move a lot affects his knees, and second off as far as the Van-terminator goes Rvd has used that move numerous amount of times in wwe. Now to the original topic of who would in a match between Punk and Rvd I'd think instead of just one match we'd see a rather
interesting feud between the two with both men picking up victories over one another. Think of the feud The Straight Edge Superstar against The Lonely Stoner something similar to the punk-hardy feud. Like I said earlier both would pick up victories over another but in the end anyway you put it Punk comes out on top.
I mean ... this obviously would be booked for Punk to win I think. There would be no logic in the WWE bringing RVD back to top their champion.

Maybe if RVD was back a while and then there was a feud, but if he came back and picked a fight with Punk right away, then Punk goes over hands down.

I definitely would love to see a feud between these guys though.
I hadnt even heard RVD cud be coming back?? im kinda lost lol but it wud be a fantastic match i cud see maybe a heel RVD?that wud be awesome RVD attacks cm punk while hes distracted nd hits the vandaminator and have nice tables match or sumthing
In my opinion in a match between Punk and RVD, Punk would win. Punk is very opportunistic and unpredictable. RVD is very skilled but for the most part his opponents would know what to avoid as his set ups are so predictable but it would be one hell of a competitive match and I'd love to see the fued between the two. Now we all can safely assume what the stoyline would be sXe vs. Relaxed Stoner. As cliche as that is I would still enjoy it
Maybe if RVD was back a while and then there was a feud

As long as no-one let RVD within 5 miles of a mic otherwise I'll be watching Funkasaurus clips on YouTube :p

Might as well bring back Bill Alfonso just for laughs, after all, he was PWI Manager Of The Year (1997)!

Having said that, if they played the whole 'Straight Edge' v 'Stoner Lifestyle' angle on things it could work well from a scripting point of view. I think that would be the only sticking point for this feud seeing as their in-ring work would probably be pretty darn good!

Truth be told though, I can't see RVD going back to WWE regardless of rumours and, why would WWE waste the 'Straight Edge v Alternative Lifestyle' angle when they obviously want to save it for the build up to Punk v Austin @ Mania :)
A feud between RVD and CM Punk would be an interesting and amazing thing. However if it were a one time deal Punk. THough those two could put on a show. A CM Punk now Vs an RVD from 2005-2006 would be 5 star(pun? If so intended) action.
A feud between RVD and CM Punk would be an interesting and amazing thing. However if it were a one time deal Punk. THough those two could put on a show. A CM Punk now Vs an RVD from 2005-2006 would be 5 star(pun? If so intended) action.

As good as that scenario would be it wouldn't be anywhere near the quality that a CM Punk (circa. 2005-6) v RVD (circa, 1998-2000) would be. Wandering off into the realms of fantasy now though :p

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