CM Punk vs Mr. McMahon

CM Steel

A REAL American
We all are aware of the story that's going on with CM Punk walking out on the WWE. And WWE chairman Vince McMahon wants him back with it possible that this is all a work. Wrestlemania 30 is just around the corner and it looks like CM Punk will not be part of it. But what if CM Punk did come back by WM or even at the big event it's self? How bout even by the summer we get a match between CM Punk and "Mr. McMahon"? Vince McMahon the person and Mr. Vince McMahon are two different people when it comes to the business.

From over the years we've seen what Vince McMahon can do in his wrestling ring. But the majority of Vince McMahon's match are Street Fight rules matches, since Vince McMahon isn't a trained wrestler (unless his son-in-law Triple H thought him a little something during the last few years). So what if we got CM Punk vs Mr. McMahon in a Street Fight match somewhere down the road in the future? Hell I just wanna see CM Punk knee Mr. McMahon in the face!
People do age you know? Vince McMahon is old. He was old when he was feuding with Austin, and even older when he fought HBK. He's now simply too old to wrestle a match. That's not even considering the fact that it doesn't really have any connection to a plausible and interesting story at all. HHH? Sure. Batista? Sure. Daniel Bryan? Yep. Mr. McMahon? Not really.

I will pass on this idea a million times. There are plenty of people he could feud with that aren't pushing 70.
CM Punk will probably never step foot in a wrestling ring ever again. I don't know what else to tell you. He walked out while he was still under contract.. Punk obviously doesn't want to do business with WWE, and after what Punk did why would WWE want to do business with him? WWE is doing just fine without him. They don't need CM Punk, everyone on the WWE roster is replaceable except for John Cena.. Daniel Bryan took CM Punk's spot.
My first post on WrestleZone ... Damn.
Back to the original post: It would definitely be a spin-off match that fans hadn't seen coming. There are a few reasons as to why that would not happen though. Among those reasons, 3 big ones clearly stand out:
1. Vince is clearly too old to be taking any more bumps in the ring. He has paid his dues in the business.
2. As Punk's storyline was scripted, his argument against the "Authority conspiring against him" really just meant good old Trips is f!cking with him. We've seen this match already. Punk didn't win it, but i don't think that really mattered to Punk. It was something he had already done before and probably saw no point in re-visiting that again. In short words, Vince as a candidate for the Authority against Punk is a bad idea. (Although we all know there would be interference.)
3. Punk really wanted to main-event Mania. I honestly think a loss at Mania's main-event would be much more favorable to Punk than a win in a mid-card match.

Rebel vs Boss already happened with Austin and McMahon. Vince was already old back then and certainly can't compete now.
Not gonna happen duw to the fact that Vince just had that surgery on his hip, pretty much it isn't smart for him to be taking big bumps anymore.
If CM Punk is done with wrestling and doesn't want to come back, then that's all there is to it. Punk hasn't released a statement, WWE hasn't released a statement, so we genuinely don't know what's what concerning the whole situation. All we have to go on are various reports from the dirtsheets and their accuracy and authenticity aren't exactly the stuff dreams are made of much of the time.

As for CM Punk vs. Mr. McMahon, I've got no real interest in it. Punk & McMahon had a street fight well over a year ago during Punk's WWE Championship run. It was entertaining but, at the same time, it was kinda tongue-in-cheek when you think about it. By the time SummerSlam comes around, Vince McMahon will be 69 years old and that's definitely too old for anyone to be wrestling. I don't care how much Vince still works out or how many steroids he MAY have done or MAY continue to do in order to maintain his physique. At 68.5 years of age, he's not the same guy he was 20 years ago.

Vince has reached a point in his life in which getting physical inside a wrestling ring is ridiculous. For instance, if Vince did participate in another street fight with Punk, what does Punk get out of it? If he wins, all he's done is "beat up" a man that's well over 30 years older than he is. If he loses, then all he's done is get "beat up" by a man that's well over 30 years older than he is.

That's not to say I don't see the entertainment value of the match, because people will watch for the sheer novelty of Vince wrestling. It'll draw well and help boost ratings. However, beyond momentary entertainment, there's still no real point to it and the possibility of Vince suffering genuine injury is much higher. If Vince was to suffer significant injury at his age, it's entirely possible that he'd never fully recover.
Not gonna happen duw to the fact that Vince just had that surgery on his hip, pretty much it isn't smart for him to be taking big bumps anymore.

Couldn't agree more. Even if age and condition wasn't the problem, I would really want to rather see Shane McMahon wrestle against Punk (given he could get himself back in shape and not look as old his father :lmao:) simply because his matches are mostly entertaining. Maybe a streetfight or a TLC match .. who knows.
If CM Punk is done with wrestling and doesn't want to come back, then that's all there is to it. Punk hasn't released a statement, WWE hasn't released a statement, so we genuinely don't know what's what concerning the whole situation. All we have to go on are various reports from the dirtsheets and their accuracy and authenticity aren't exactly the stuff dreams are made of much of the time.

As for CM Punk vs. Mr. McMahon, I've got no real interest in it. Punk & McMahon had a street fight well over a year ago during Punk's WWE Championship run. It was entertaining but, at the same time, it was kinda tongue-in-cheek when you think about it. By the time SummerSlam comes around, Vince McMahon will be 69 years old and that's definitely too old for anyone to be wrestling. I don't care how much Vince still works out or how many steroids he MAY have done or MAY continue to do in order to maintain his physique. At 68.5 years of age, he's not the same guy he was 20 years ago.

Vince has reached a point in his life in which getting physical inside a wrestling ring is ridiculous. For instance, if Vince did participate in another street fight with Punk, what does Punk get out of it? If he wins, all he's done is "beat up" a man that's well over 30 years older than he is. If he loses, then all he's done is get "beat up" by a man that's well over 30 years older than he is.

That's not to say I don't see the entertainment value of the match, because people will watch for the sheer novelty of Vince wrestling. It'll draw well and help boost ratings. However, beyond momentary entertainment, there's still no real point to it and the possibility of Vince suffering genuine injury is much higher. If Vince was to suffer significant injury at his age, it's entirely possible that he'd never fully recover.

Very well put :) and I agree that it would draw well, and also considering what kind of match it may be, and where it would take place. CM Punk returning before WrestleMania is 99.9% a NO, which leads me to believe that Payback pay-per-view (assuming Punk does return) is the most ideal spot to pick his comeback. The pay-per-view name could not be more self-declaring for his storyline; not against authority but to have him return as a heel declaring that Daniel Bryan took his spotlight, leading to their face-off at the next pay-per-view. Either Payback, or the Monday night Raw after Mania. :shrug:
CM Punk will probably never step foot in a wrestling ring ever again.

We go back and forth about whether he will or won't, but I'll give it until WM30. If the whole "hiatus" centered around him needing to rest his mind & body from the rigors of his profession, a great time for him to come back would be the biggest PPV of the year......and with his principles intact, his rest might just coincide with the biggest monetary payoff of 2014. If Punk decides to forego even that, I guess I'd be willing to concede that he's gone.....maybe for good.

In any case, I don't see Vince McMahon getting in the ring with Punk or anyone else, at least not in a match in which actual working is required. In McMahon's "contest" against Bret Hart, Vince got in no offense; whether he was able to execute some offensive moves or not, the obvious agreement beforehand was that Bret be dealt no punishment. As it worked out, Vince took virtually no punishment either, even as Bret "defeated" him.

All this is hardly indicative of Vince being able to "do things" in the ring. At sixty-freakin'-eight, we shouldn't be cooking up possible matches for least ones that call for him to actually function as a wrestler.

It's ironic; I don't think the man ever set foot in a wrestling ring until he was in his 40's. When his father was alive and in control, I understand he forbade Vince to try.....but wouldn't it have been interesting to know what Vince could have done in his 20's and 30's?

Alas, we'll never know.
This is just wishful thinking. We're a long ways removed from the days of Vince McMahon actually being able to put on a match in the ring. He's almost 70 years old, and he's not even the on-screen authority figure anymore. It would just be idiotic to even attempt to present that to a crowd now.

Further, there's little to no chance that this is a work. If it had been, there would've been some chatter within the WWE...some sign that said Punk was on his way back. The seeds of some sort of storyline would've been planted. This isn't 2011 and the Summer of Punk. This is one of two things: The beginnings of a contractual battle between Punk and the WWE, or Punk's legit burnout and need to get away from the ring ASAP.
There is no entertainment value or point in having Punk Vs Vinnie mac.. Vince is 70 years old damn there a grandfather three times over i believe.. Pro wrestling has got to have some suspense of disbelief in it,not the utterly ridiculous in it.. If Punk is done,then thats it.. No statement on his part or the WWE's part to my knowledge has been released.

I would not be interested in this feud
There is no entertainment value or point in having Punk Vs Vinnie mac.. Vince is 70 years old damn there a grandfather three times over i believe.. Pro wrestling has got to have some suspense of disbelief in it,not the utterly ridiculous in it.. If Punk is done,then thats it.. No statement on his part or the WWE's part to my knowledge has been released.

I would not be interested in this feud

Agreed, man I would watch with a hand in front of my face everytime they make a move cause I would be scared that Vince breaks in half or just dies in the middle of the ring.

He's too old to be wrestling, and if there was to be a Punk vs Authority figure feud it would have to be Triple H and we've been there.
I want Vinny to enjoy the rest of his life, he's still healthy and has so much money to live happily ever after.

If they would present us with such a match I wish the crowd would yell at the start : YOU DON'T NEED THIS! or PLEASE DON'T DO THIS.

And i'll take it a step further, I'm not so sure in that case that Vince would be viewed as a heel by the crowd, the level of sympathy for CM Punk is getting low. And if Vince is a face, how do you book this? Unless you want Punk as your #1 heel, ... tough to see that happening,
Keep Vince (and Shane for that matter) as far away from the ring as possible. The years they were headlining events and fighting for titles is the biggest black on in Wrestling history IMO. Straight up horrible product.
I don't see McMahon doing hardly anything physical in the ring. I'd like to see Punk sell out and be HHH's answer to beating Daniel Bryan. Come back as a babyface. Maybe help DB at first. Then heel turn.
I think Vince's TV appearances are numbered from reports I have read. Also he is getting older now and his bones are probably getting creaky as well. In-ring action should probably be a strict no-no for him,lMO.

As for CM Punk, it doesn't seem like he is anywhere closer to returning at all. I wouldn't be surprised if his contract gets cancelled in the near future,tbh. The MMA rumours persist as well.

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