CM Punk vs. John Cena


Mid-Card Championship Winner
This could be the next big feud in the WWE. Or it could suck. I mean knowing the WWE, they'll let us down. But it honestly should be amazing. When it was hinted at on SmackDown last night I got so fucking wet. It was like a waterfall down there. If Cena ends up on SmackDown, we need to see the dream match. At Wrestlemania? Hmm. How about the next Chicago show? Chicago be a hotbed of Cena hate and rumor has it Punk is pretty over there. The WWE Universe would be on fire.

How badly do you need to see this match? Who else would you like to see Cena fight on SmackDown?
I really DON'T want to see this match, and it's definitely not a dream match. CM Punk is a good wrestler, but not against powerhouses like Cena and Batista. His match with Batista was pretty bad, he barely got any offense in. The only decent part was how he won, but I REALLY hope Cena stays on Raw, because if he goes to Smackdown he'll just screw up the pushes of the younger stars, and that's why I like Smackdown so much.
Yeah, with the shitty booking Cena's been getting over the last couple years he's REALLY going to screw everyone over. :rolleyes: Get over it. Cena isn't the root of all evil.

And the Cena-Batista thing isn't a valid comparison AT ALL. From a quality of performance standpoint, Cena leaves Batista in the fucking dust. Cena-Umaga > Batista-Umaga, Cena-Triple H > Batista-Triple H, Cena-Michaels > Batista-Michaels, Cena-Jericho > Batista-Jericho... Noticing a pattern?

And as far as dream matches involving Punk, not only is this a top one on Punk's list (as stated in recent interviews), but one of the top matches of the New Generation that has yet to be done. Don't dump on it just yet.
I won't dump on the possibilities of it Coco, but I sure as hell am not looking forward the the possibility of this match as a "dream" match. I don't think these two's styles would clash very well, and at this point in time there's just no chance in hell that Punk would win. Wouldn't be much suspense to the match if you pretty much know who's going to win, like watching Hulk Hogan face Tito Santana or something. You know he's great, but you also know exactly who's going to win.

I suppose it wouldn't be too bad though. I'd prefer to see what Punk could do with guys like Matt Hardy or hopefully soon enough Christian if he gets moved to Smackdown. For some reason I think Christian and Punk would have great matches.
I don't think that this is a dream match by any stretch of the imagination, however, I do think that if this happened on SD, it would be a fairly good program.

I could actually see this happening. Let's say Cena beats Orton, after he is finished with Orton, what other heels does he have to face on Raw. Actually, what other main eventors does he have to face on Raw? The only other main eventors left on the show are DX and they are busy at the moment. I would love to see Cena back on SD. SD has been the better show since the summer and new feuds with Cena on the show would really take it over the top. A Punk promo against Cena would be amazing because Cena would be able to talk back. As opposed to Hardy basically saying, "In your face Punk," or 'Taker saying, "I'm going to take your soul." (Last one was amazing) Cena vs Punk would be very good, IMO.

I would also love to see Cena vs 'Taker. Of course I would want to see this and what wrestling fan wouldn't? The last time the two of them locked it up one on one was when Cena was a heel on SD shitting on all the older guys and 'Taker kicked his young ass. We haven't seen the two of them in a feud while Cena has been on top. So this would be something else that would be outstanding to watch.

If Cena goes to SD with a returning Edge, 'Taker, Punk, Batista, Mysterio, and Jericho, SD would be the best wrestling show in the world.

That is all!
Sorry taker but your wrong. Cena to smackdown, please no. The reason i dont watch raw
Hosts, swoggle, cena and batista. The reason i watch smackdown Kane, taker, edge, morrison, jerishow. First they bring batista (which as long as he isnt fighting for the wh chompionship i can handle) now cena may becoming over and ill be left with ECW and TNA well just TNA. Looks like im joing savage taker in the TNA section.
Sorry taker but your wrong. Cena to smackdown, please no. The reason i dont watch raw
Hosts, swoggle, cena and batista. The reason i watch smackdown Kane, taker, edge, morrison, jerishow. First they bring batista (which as long as he isnt fighting for the wh chompionship i can handle) now cena may becoming over and ill be left with ECW and TNA well just TNA. Looks like im joing savage taker in the TNA section.

How can you disagree with your partner?

C'mon man. The reason that people, including myself, bitch about Cena is because we find him boring and stale. What better way to freshen him up then to take him to a new show and let him have fresh, new, and exciting feuds? This would be outstanding and it would make Cena a lot better to watch, IMO.

I would be very excited to see him feud with people like Punk and 'Taker. It would be outstanding.

That is all!
The reason i dont like cena isnt because he is stale, i wouldnt be able to tell you i dont watch his matches. Its his promos, his voice his music and the way he beats everyone dosnt sell moves and is indestructable.
The reason i dont like cena isnt because he is stale, i wouldnt be able to tell you i dont watch his matches. Its his promos, his voice his music and the way he beats everyone dosnt sell moves and is indestructable.

I can't believe that I am argueing with my own partner about the merits of Cena.

Cena, on the mic, is among the best in the WWE. There are few in the WWE now and even in the past that are better than Cena on the mic. His music really shouldn't matter because his entrance is too short to even matter and he doesn't beat everyone. He just lost to Orton. Are you serious? He sells moves pretty well actually, however, he does have that annoying superman aspect to him.

Everyone knows why I have a problem with Cena and I'm not going to go into it, but for me, 2/3's of my problems with Cena would be solved if he went to SD or if some new ME status guys came to Raw.

Now c'mon partner, we need to stop all this argueing. It is hurting our partnership and we still have FTS and Razor to take care of.

That is all!
I guess its a matter of opinion. There further cena is away from my screen the better. Yeah ortan beat him but in there 200 year fued it was the first time he pinned him clean (we dont need some smart arse finding a differant time he pinned him clean) lets bury this argument like cena burys his oppenants.
I don't think Cena's going to Smackdown any time soon, but it could be a WrestleMania match if one of them wins the Rumble. The only thing is, is what isd Punk going to do? We've yet to see heel Punk fight a normal face, its very easy to be all straight edge when feuding with a drug addict and someone who "hides" behind a character, but Cena is quite a wholesome guy, and I'm not sure the dynamic would work just yet.

Punk has the potential to be a top drawer heel very quickly, as evidenced by his rise over the past couple of weeks, which makes this feud one for the future.
well.i can see one way of Punk doing this. claim that Cena does steroids. I'm not sayin Cena is on steroids. I'm not saying i think punk should say it. but going with his current preachy gimmick, he would likely imply that. It could work, but i don't think WWE would want one of its stars implying that another is using steroids. with that being said, i don't think we'll see this feud anytime soon.
For me is not adream match, but definely a match to look forward too.

I would love CM Punk to defeat him at WM ( that could happen and pigs could fly), no hate on Cena, but freaking Punk is an SOB, it would be great if they allow them to take an offense of 50-50, They could tell a nice story on that match.

The Straigh edge Superstar VS The Marine. It could be good if booked properly.

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