Cm Punk really needs a better physique if he is going to face brock lesnar

does cm punk need to improve his physique against brock?

  • yes, he looks like a skeleton compared to him

  • no

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Pre-Show Stalwart
It's not Punk's actual size that matters, it's his actual body. He needs to be more ripped. It would just make him more believable as a threat. For example, Miz has more mass than Punk but Punk looks more threatening due to his overall look so it's not strictly size that is the issue. Both Miz and Punk would be helped a lot by having more definition.

Is his size a big problem? No, not really, as is shown by his success so far. The problem I have is though is that he's treated like a big threat. That's the difference between him and Bryan. Bryan might be small but it's acknowledged and he's considered an underdog. Yes Punk is taller than Bryan but mass wise Bryan looks bigger and in a fight they'd be a pretty even match up. Bryan's whole thing is he makes up for his size in anger and intensity. Punk just wrestles like a normal main eventer, like he's not smaller than guys like Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Triple H etc.

Like what annoys me is Punk not even being a little bit scared of Lesnar and seemingly actually believing he can beat Lesnar's ass. Who is his character kidding? It's just not a believable threat at all when he says he can't wait to get his hands on Lesnar. Even when Triple H was making such threats it was barely believable so what chance does Punk have? There's a difference between being afraid but courageous (what I think Punk should be playing right now) and him legitimately thinking he's equal to Lesnar. It just seems so bloody ridiculous when you look at Punk's size.

A way they could get around his size is acknowledging he has a fighting background or whatever but they never seemingly have I don't think or they don't play on it enough. That would level the playing ground somewhat. Even then, Punk really should work on his look. That's not me "wanting juiced up big guys" but it would just help him so much and he has no excuse. Look at the weight Bryan's gained since coming to WWE and most of that was on a vegan diet. Punk has no excuse apart from seemingly being stubborn.

Is he doing fine right now? Definitely, he's doing more than fine. But if he's always looking to go to the next level and is always looking to improve himself like he always says he should try to at least gain some definition if nothing else. I'm sure I'll get replies saying I'm gay or whatever but that's just how I see it. As a wrestler your look/size matters, more especially when you're a face Punk trying to claim you can't wait to kick Brock Lesnar's ass.

Disclaimer: I'm a huge Punk fan.

In addition, CM Punk's in ring skills are not good enough to make up for his bad physique.. for example, his signature moves suck and his finisher is often botched. His elbow isn't executed well, his gts barely hits their face, and to be honest i can't see his gts being effective against brock lesnar.. hes just too bulky to be hurt by cm punk's puny knee, unless its a face shot. and also man, lesnar aint going to tap out to the anacanda vice.. why did wwe even make the decision to make punk fight lesnar?
He needs to be more ripped? Sounds to me like you're just homo for Punk :lmao:

Seriously though I appreciate your honesty when it comes to Punk here. There's times where I have trouble buying him as a threat. Feud with Rock for instance, Punk looked like a child compared to him. I've seen nothing whatsoever of this feud with Lesnar but I imagine I'd feel the same.

However him being more "ripped", I highly doubt it would change my perception, it's not like he will be significantly bigger or taller. Besides I think I remember Punk saying in an interview a couple of years ago that he's reached his genetic potential and can't gain any more muscle, no idea if there's actual truth to that.
He needs to be more ripped? Sounds to me like you're just homo for Punk :lmao:

Seriously though I appreciate your honesty when it comes to Punk here. There's times where I have trouble buying him as a threat. Feud with Rock for instance, Punk looked like a child compared to him. I've seen nothing whatsoever of this feud with Lesnar but I imagine I'd feel the same.

However him being more "ripped", I highly doubt it would change my perception, it's not like he will be significantly bigger or taller. Besides I think I remember Punk saying in an interview a couple of years ago that he's reached his genetic potential and can't gain any more muscle, no idea if there's actual truth to that.

Might want to edit that out

Also what do you suggest he does CMPunker? Steroids?
He needs to be more ripped? Sounds to me like you're just homo for Punk :lmao:

Seriously though I appreciate your honesty when it comes to Punk here. There's times where I have trouble buying him as a threat. Feud with Rock for instance, Punk looked like a child compared to him. I've seen nothing whatsoever of this feud with Lesnar but I imagine I'd feel the same.

However him being more "ripped", I highly doubt it would change my perception, it's not like he will be significantly bigger or taller. Besides I think I remember Punk saying in an interview a couple of years ago that he's reached his genetic potential and can't gain any more muscle, no idea if there's actual truth to that.

Honestly i think hes just being lazy. hes a top star, so he has nothing left to work for.. he probably knows that he cant surpass john cena no matter what, and he cant surpass undertaker, hhh, or brock lesnar.. he thinks he probably reached his peak, but i dont really think so. he has yet to beat a top star clean.


this is cm punk in the independent circuit. why cant he get this ripped? probably lack of motivation
Might want to edit that out

Also what do you suggest he does CMPunker? Steroids?

No. i saw his dvd. it said that cm punk was on a vegetarian diet or something. in his dvd, he also stated that he does more cardio and rarely lifts weights.

i suggest he get more motivation to become better than he already is. he has no motivation right now becuase he doesnt think he can surpass cena, but i know he can..

so just lift weights more than cardio, start eating a lot of meat, and sleep more. look at the above picture ^. he doesnt need to do steroids
My Baptist pastor grandfather just renounced his religion after reading this OP. Punk's physique is irrelevant to his ability to perform regardless of his opponent.
I think that you copied and pasted the original post in this thread.

There is no way you can type that legibly, then start responding to the thread by typing out response that look like (as do all of your posts) a five-year-old played "Smash The Keyboard".

And as far as Punk's size? I don't think it's that big of a deal. If it was holding him back, it would have done it more than it has now.
Honestly i think hes just being lazy. hes a top star, so he has nothing left to work for.. he probably knows that he cant surpass john cena no matter what, and he cant surpass undertaker, hhh, or brock lesnar.. he thinks he probably reached his peak, but i dont really think so. he has yet to beat a top star clean.


this is cm punk in the independent circuit. why cant he get this ripped? probably lack of motivation

Funny how when he was "that ripped", he wasn't one of the top wrestling names in the world as he is now. My point is, who gives a fuck?
but doesn't cm punk want to become the best? if he wanted to actually try his best and entertain the fans, he would get a better physique..

do u think he will be taken seriously against brock lesnar? even daniel bryan is a more legitimate threat.. at least daniel bryan has better in ring skills and relies more on his speed.

for a top guy, cm punk definitely lacks athleticism.. he lacks speed, he lacks good execution and good finisher. HBK in his prime was ripped as fuck, same for eddie, same for benoit..

theres no excuse for that kind of a bad physique. yes, i know cm punk is a top star, but he can be the face of the company if he actually tried to get a better physique. it would elevate him to a whole new level
but doesn't cm punk want to become the best? if he wanted to actually try his best and entertain the fans, he would get a better physique..

do u think he will be taken seriously against brock lesnar? even daniel bryan is a more legitimate threat.. at least daniel bryan has better in ring skills and relies more on his speed.

for a top guy, cm punk definitely lacks athleticism.. he lacks speed, he lacks good execution and good finisher. HBK in his prime was ripped as fuck, same for eddie, same for benoit..

theres no excuse for that kind of a bad physique. yes, i know cm punk is a top star, but he can be the face of the company if he actually tried to get a better physique. it would elevate him to a whole new level

Okay, you're opening post was fairly well-typed, but now we're back to you regular, cancerous mutation of the English language.

Did you copy and paste this topic from someone else or are you really an alternate account from someone else on WrestleZone looking to troll us?
Punk does not need to bulk up at all. Part of his appeal is that he is not some jacked up, musclehead, body builder.

As for the Lesnar feud, Punk/Heyman will carry it in the mic and so long as the story told in the build up and in the ring makes sense - Punk getting an absolute kicking but still somehow surviving to win via a Hail Mary or valiantly going down to defeat to an F5 or the Kimura - then I have no problem with this feud.
Барбоса;4533977 said:
Punk does not need to bulk up at all. Part of his appeal is that he is not some jacked up, musclehead, body builder.

As for the Lesnar feud, Punk/Heyman will carry it in the mic and so long as the story told in the build up and in the ring makes sense - Punk getting an absolute kicking but still somehow surviving to win via a Hail Mary or valiantly going down to defeat to an F5 or the Kimura - then I have no problem with this feud.

Barbs, I still can't buy into Punk winning...I just can't.

The latter of your choices with Punk tapping out is the best possible outcome at SSlam.
Nah, his physique is fine. He needs to get better mic skills and charisma before fighting Brock.
Барбоса;4533977 said:
Punk does not need to bulk up at all. Part of his appeal is that he is not some jacked up, musclehead, body builder.

As for the Lesnar feud, Punk/Heyman will carry it in the mic and so long as the story told in the build up and in the ring makes sense - Punk getting an absolute kicking but still somehow surviving to win via a Hail Mary or valiantly going down to defeat to an F5 or the Kimura - then I have no problem with this feud.

thats his APPEAL? are u fucking serious? his appeal is his physique? thats what ur saying? oh my god.. the delusion in this forum is baffling.

and no, i think this feud is a lose-lose situation. if punk loses, then he would have taken too many clean losses to top stars.. he has yet to beat a top star CLEAN. he lost to the rock, undertaker, and hhh in separate feuds. he didnt even get ONE single win.

brock is the toughest heel right now, i even had trouble taking hhh seriusly against lesnar. how can i take punk seriuosly? he needs to bulk up.. u cant go up against brock lesnar and look like SHIT. brock lesnar is in a whole different league.. u cant just NOT work out and face him randomly unless u were going to get jobbed out
thats his APPEAL? are u fucking serious? his appeal is his physique? thats what ur saying? oh my god.. the delusion in this forum is baffling.

I see taking contrary opinions on board is not one of your strong suits.

Of course, it is part of Punk's appeal. He is different. He is counter-culture. And for a not insignificant part of the IWC, he is not John Cena but shares many of his talents.

and no, i think this feud is a lose-lose situation. if punk loses, then he would have taken too many clean losses to top stars.. he has yet to beat a top star CLEAN. he lost to the rock, undertaker, and hhh in separate feuds. he didnt even get ONE single win.

I will concede that he could have done with a victory over HHH given that it was during the Summer of Punk Part 2 phase. Well, actually, he could have done with not being put in that situation full stop. It was poor booking/bad timing for face Punk to end up in a match with HHH with the latter's job on the line.

However, he had no reason to expect a victory over the Rock. He was the heel (so any victory he might have gotten would not have been clean anyway) and had been built up, not very well, over the previous 5 months to lose the title to Rocky.

And the Undertaker? Well, it was Wrestlemania and because Punk was getting time off post-Mania as well as Taker's poor health, any thoughts of a rematch were quickly shelved.

brock is the toughest heel right now, i even had trouble taking hhh seriusly against lesnar. how can i take punk seriuosly? he needs to bulk up.. u cant go up against brock lesnar and look like SHIT. brock lesnar is in a whole different league.. u cant just NOT work out and face him randomly unless u were going to get jobbed out

Far too much stalk is being put in Punk's look. Instead, you need to buy into the winning machine that face CM Punk was in the first half of his last reign as WWE Champion. The guy that John Cena, someone who has beaten Lesnar, could not beat. The guy that overturned the odds numerous times. Kicked out of countless finishers.

That is the character that is going to be facing Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. Not the snivelling chickenshit heel who fluffed his way passed the likes of Ryback.
Барбоса;4534045 said:
I see taking contrary opinions on board is not one of your strong suits.

Of course, it is part of Punk's appeal. He is different. He is counter-culture. And for a not insignificant part of the IWC, he is not John Cena but shares many of his talents.

I will concede that he could have done with a victory over HHH given that it was during the Summer of Punk Part 2 phase. Well, actually, he could have done with not being put in that situation full stop. It was poor booking/bad timing for face Punk to end up in a match with HHH with the latter's job on the line.

However, he had no reason to expect a victory over the Rock. He was the heel (so any victory he might have gotten would not have been clean anyway) and had been built up, not very well, over the previous 5 months to lose the title to Rocky.

And the Undertaker? Well, it was Wrestlemania and because Punk was getting time off post-Mania as well as Taker's poor health, any thoughts of a rematch were quickly shelved.

Far too much stalk is being put in Punk's look. Instead, you need to buy into the winning machine that face CM Punk was in the first half of his last reign as WWE Champion. The guy that John Cena, someone who has beaten Lesnar, could not beat. The guy that overturned the odds numerous times. Kicked out of countless finishers.

That is the character that is going to be facing Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. Not the snivelling chickenshit heel who fluffed his way passed the likes of Ryback.
so.. if you see a homeless man down the street, are u going to be impressed by his physique? lol.. are u delusional????

cm punk did lose to john cena anyways..


also, it isnt fair that cm punk didnt go over the rock, hhh, or undertaker at least ONCE.. its not fair at all. for gods sake, sheltan benjamin defeated hhh clean, hurricane defeated the rock clean, and jeff hardy AND vladimir kozlov defeated undertaker clean, yet cm punk cant get ONE clean win against a top star??
so.. if you see a homeless man down the street, are u going to be impressed by his physique? lol.. are u delusional????

cm punk did lose to john cena anyways..


Dude, these videos are nothing more than computer-generated special effects.

And I didn't click any of them. I don't want to get viruses.

And you still didn't answer my question: How did you type out a logical, thought-out opening to this thread and then return to this abortion of the English language that you call a response.

Tell me and the rest of my beloved WrestleZone the truth: You are someone's alternate account, aren't you?
Dude, these videos are nothing more than computer-generated special effects.

And I didn't click any of them. I don't want to get viruses.

And you still didn't answer my question: How did you type out a logical, thought-out opening to this thread and then return to this abortion of the English language that you call a response.

Tell me and the rest of my beloved WrestleZone the truth: You are someone's alternate account, aren't you?

these videos are from youtube, they are not viruses.. how can you fake a youtube video?
these videos are from youtube, they are not viruses.. how can you fake a youtube video?

Dude, with special effects, an editing program, a note from my mother, and an expelliarmus spell, I could make a video of any wrestler winning any match.

And you're avoiding my other question again:

How was your opening to this thread fairly articulate and well-written, yet the rest of the posts you've made on this thread are so poorly-written that anyone who reads it instantly loses I.Q. points?
so.. if you see a homeless man down the street, are u going to be impressed by his physique? lol.. are u delusional????

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying...

People being drawn to CM Punk because he looks different than the more traditional muscle-bound champion is exactly the same thing as being impressed by the physique of a homeless man.

cm punk did lose to john cena anyways..

Yes, Cena has beaten Punk just not during the height of Punk's face reign as champion and for the WWE title, when Punk was booked and portrayed as being the equal or even the better of the face of the industry.

also, it isnt fair that cm punk didnt go over the rock, hhh, or undertaker at least ONCE.. its not fair at all. for gods sake, sheltan benjamin defeated hhh clean, hurricane defeated the rock clean, and jeff hardy AND vladimir kozlov defeated undertaker clean, yet cm punk cant get ONE clean win against a top star??

Having trouble with the idea of 'clean' I see too.

Virtually none of those victories were truly clean and if they are, then CM Punk most certainly did get clean wins over John Cena. He has also beaten the Undertaker 'cleanly.'

Losing to the Rock and Undertaker did not harm Punk in any way. He is still the popular performer that he was before the Royal Rumble and is viewed by Creative as being a viable option to feud with Brock Lesnar.
Барбоса;4534087 said:
Yes, that is exactly what I am saying...

People being drawn to CM Punk because he looks different than the more traditional muscle-bound champion is exactly the same thing as being impressed by the physique of a homeless man.

Yes, Cena has beaten Punk just not during the height of Punk's face reign as champion and for the WWE title, when Punk was booked and portrayed as being the equal or even the better of the face of the industry.

Having trouble with the idea of 'clean' I see too.

Virtually none of those victories were truly clean and if they are, then CM Punk most certainly did get clean wins over John Cena. He has also beaten the Undertaker 'cleanly.'

Losing to the Rock and Undertaker did not harm Punk in any way. He is still the popular performer that he was before the Royal Rumble and is viewed by Creative as being a viable option to feud with Brock Lesnar.

Ok.. so you like hornswoggle's physique too? just because someones physique is DIFFERENT doesn't mean its GOOD. different does not equal good.. how hard is it to get that in your god damn narrow headed mind?

cm punk as a face was overshadowed by john cena, evident by john cena main eventing half of his reign.

how am i having trouble with "clean"? i never said that those wins were clean, did i? i said that punk lost to cena, i didnt say they were CLEAN.

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