CM Punk: Overpushed or Underpushed?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I saw a post in the thread for the Punk-Umaga match at Extreme Rules that tossed out the theory that Punk was greeted with boos at Wrestlemania because he was being depushed and people don't like that. I don't quite agree with this theory. Looking at Mania independent of all other shows, it was clear that MVP, Christian, and perhaps even Kane were more popular than Punk with the live audience on that night. But more importantly, is there a flaw in the idea put forward that Punk is being depushed, that the majority perceive him to be being depushed, and that people would like him more if he was booked stronger?

I look at John Cena and Triple H to make my comparison. Both are (or in Hunter's case, were) on TV every single week, like Punk, exposing their super strong booking more than someone like The Undertaker (who is sporadically on TV). Triple H has received dwindling reactions in recent months while Cena always gets a mixed reaction that many like to attribute to his booking. Is Punk on the road to those same reactions? I think the fickle wrestling fans of today took Punk's Mania win as an indication of him being overpushed by being allowed to win that match two years running. I think Punk is a step away from appearing to be shoved down people's throats or a sign of the status quo.

I think that if his poor reactions creep up again or get to be consistent, WWE will turn him heel and keep pushing him. They're going to make him no matter what. But that's not what this thread is about. Do you feel CM Punk is about to be (or is already being) given the stigma of a wrestler who is "pushed down our throats"?
Yes I do. I think that Punk as a character has become very stale and uninteresting. I was so annoyed when he won the MITB match because it just meant more of the same really. Last year he won it, had a very poor title reign and then faded into obscurity until he won the MITB match for the second time. I neither like Punk or dislike him. I am just completely indifferent towards him. I think people have got it spot on you know. He needs to become a heel. He needs to freshen up character to be more interseting. I know not everyone will agree with but it is just my opinion. In my opinion he is becoming more and more like John Cena. I'm not one of those people who hate Cena on principle but I do find it a bit boring that he wins every single week and no one ever goes over him really. I think Punk is going to go the same way. He will probably get a title reign this year and I for one am not looking forward to it a great deal. Hopefully because he is on Smackdown now, it will be a bit better. Overall though I think he is being slightly overpushed.
I think his push is right, but the reason that the fans are semi-revolting against is because he gets no mic time. I've watched some of his indy promos on youtube and the guy is a very good talker, but he gets little to no mic time in WWE. I don't really care if he is heel or face, midcard or main event, but no matter what they decide to do with Punk, they have to let him talk. He is being properly pushed in my opinion, but if they want the pushes to be successful, CM Punk needs some mic time.
I think it´s ok the way he is being pushed right now. His World title run was way too early and totally uninteresting, but right now he´s being used well I believe feuding with Umaga isn´t that bad, at least he isn´t riding the Kennedy express that´s heading right into WillGetPushedInTNABecauseIWasSomehowOverinWWEVill.

Punk´s gimmick is well ... he does have a gimmick, does he ?
Oh right he had that straight edge gimmick which was new and stuff but WWE didn´t run with it, they could have taken it further make his character deeper instead of turning him into an Joe the plumber Face. But right now he´s good off feuding with a good heel like Umaga.
I think that Punk is being pushed correctly. He many have lost at the lost 2 PPVs, but it was against monsters so it didn't make him look 2 weak. I'm sure that he'll get the win over Umaga at Extreme Rules and possibly go on to feud with someone higher on the card like Edge of Jericho.

In my opinion, he's getting good crowd reactions, has looked relatively strong, and is even getting some time on the mic. Punk has always been well above average in the ring, and I think that everything else is starting to come together for him.
I think he's being pushed rightly but weirdly.

The man isn't being shoved down our throats despite winning the MITB briefcase. He's in a feud with Umaga where he lost the last match. This feud seems to have no real purpose... why has Umaga been stopping Punk cashing in?.. until we find out a reason which I doubt we will considering its WWE then I can only find it lukewarm. Throw in the fact he lost to another monster recently in the form of Kane (which is a shock because in recent years he's became the Big Red Jobber), its quite surprising.

Now is this the right way? After all, he holds the very thing which could transform him to a main eventer (although that's been tried and tested before). Hmm, I'd say so. If he kept winning match after match then it could be argued that he could be seen as a number one contender without the briefcase even. Thus making the MITB seem weak as a sort of throwaway prize to someone who could easily enter the main event anyway. So I think this is probably the right way, he doesn't seem to be getting buried constantly but does pick up a loss every once in a while.
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I think his pushes are just inconsistent.
Some times he could be on a 3 or 4 match losing streak, other times he'll be number one contender for a championship belt.

It's interesting this thread has been made, cause I was looking at how Punk has been pushed over the last year and a half. It seems strange, it's as if WWE really want to push him but they're worried about overpushing him and fans turning on him so they make him do stuff like job to Kane.

Really, I don't think he's getting over or under pushed. Considering what he should be destined to become, he's getting pushed correctly. On average, anyway.
It depends on how you look at it and whether or not you like CM Punk.

Truthfully, he really doesn't bring much to the table. He's neither great nor horrible in the ring. When he has cut a promo, it's been o.k. at best. Hell, the most notable thing he's done in the WWE is Maria !! His MITB wins weren't memorable. His title run was quicker than a hiccup (thanks J.R.) and the only thing people remember it for was because he cleaned up Batista's scraps.

Superstars make an impact when they get their chance. Punk has been given several chances to make an Impact, whether it was with the heavyweight strap, the IC title or the briefcase and he's easily forgettable.

Maybe it's creative's fault. Maybe it's his own. Either way, they can overpush or underpush, but until Punk pushes back, it won't make a difference.
I think his pushes are just inconsistent.
Some times he could be on a 3 or 4 match losing streak, other times he'll be number one contender for a championship belt.

It's interesting this thread has been made, cause I was looking at how Punk has been pushed over the last year and a half. It seems strange, it's as if WWE really want to push him but they're worried about overpushing him and fans turning on him so they make him do stuff like job to Kane.

Really, I don't think he's getting over or under pushed. Considering what he should be destined to become, he's getting pushed correctly. On average, anyway.

I agree, the guy is pushed very inconsistently. I'm not entirely sure what the WWE wants to do with the guy. One month, it seems he's in a position to be a #1 contender and the next month, he's on a losing streak.

I do, however, think the guy is in danger of becoming a little bland. The whole straight edge thing is just...well it's just blah really. Punk doesn't really have a gimmick, he's mostly just being himself in there. However, I've found his personality to be a little meh. Whenever he's on the mic, he hasn't really shown me all that much and he just seems far too laid back. He'll often just stand there with this smirk on his face. There's just..I me it just seems that there's no real intensity to the guy.
I think its on track. He is over to the people who matter most, to the WWE anyway, the kiddies. His character being bland doesn't matter(see Jeff Hardy and John Cena), it doesn't matter that he's ring skills are pretty good. He is a future main eventer, and he's here to stay. I don't think he's even close to reaching that shoved down our throats status. He isn't headlining every pay per view. Or even Smackdown. They are trying to take it slow and do it right for once.
He's being pushed inconsistantly. It seems that one minute he is a viable contender for the world title & then the next minute he shifts on back down to mid card status. It's not like his character being bland matters anyways as he is way over with the target audience(the kiddies). He's not even remotely close to being shoved down our throats week after week after week.

I just wish that they would give him more mic time as i've seen his promo work from ROH & he can cut a really great promo if given that opportunity. I think that with some great booking & more mic time that Punk will be a maineventer & he will be here to stay.
CM Punk is not being overpushed or underpushed. I think that he's being pushed at the right rate. The problem is I think he's doing a poor job at proving he can handle a main event push. his is the second attempt at making him a main event star. If he fails like he did last time he will either be released or subject to jobbing to kung fu naki.
i like Punk do not get me wrong but to win money in the bank twice now and have 1 time already failing main event is bad. he is in great spot on smackdown as they are pushing new stars now. but he will have to step up his game more then ever now. as to the question i say over pushed but maybe that is just me.

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