CM Punk Out?

CH David

A Jock That Loves Pepsi
WrestleZone has learned CM Punk's injury appears to be serious, as the MRI on his hip apparently shows significant enough damage to warrant a surgery or serious rehabilitation therapy, according to a well-placed WWE source.

"Punk really screwed up his hip, and it needs to be addressed," the source told us earlier today, "this is a major blow to Monday Night Raw, because the only heels on the show are Nexus and Miz. It's pretty obvious Punk was moved to Raw to become a top heel, but that's on hold now because he'll be out at least til the end of the year."

We will keep you updated on this breaking story as it develops.

According to the main page, CM Punk is going to be out for a while due to his hip getting messed up at Bragging Rights. He has been one of the top heels of the company for the past year, and now his momentum gets stopped. What happens now with Punk? Does he stay on tv but not wrestle, do nothing with Daniel Bryan like we all hoped? What happens to his spot on Raw? Thoughts, concerns, and general hoopla.
Well this sucks. The move to RAW was the best thing that could've happened to Punk at this point. If he's not clear to compete, he obviously shouldn't wrestle. However, the seeds for a Bryan/Punk feud have already been planted so I'm not sure how Punk would be written off should he take time off. Personally, I'd still like to see him on TV in some capacity. I'd hate for him to have to take time off unless he really had to. There's a chance he could fall into obscurity in the time he's out.
I would not mind if Punk sat in on commentary while he was healing up. I think he is golden on the mic and this would keep him on TV while he is out. He dose not have to call every match either, I would have him just come out to the booth during Bryans matches. This way they can continue their feud to some extent.
I don't think there is anything to worry about, when Punk was injured on SMACKDOWN! he was still on TV every week.
Damn it! I really felt like with Jericho gone Punk was set to become, and deservedly so, a major heel. And to make this just even more disappointing Bryan was suppose to fued with him. GAH. I hope they make him the third announcer during this injury because Punk is way more interesting than King or Cole and he seems to want to put over Daniel Bryan. Punk was a rare reason to actually watch RAW. This fucking sucks. The time off won't hurt Punk at all, he's too good for that. Give him 2 weeks after he returns and he'll have the entire booing the shit out of him.
Actually, I have a feeling that this is completely made up BS. CM Punk posted the twitter saying he was getting an MRI and the wrestling sites would surely make it out to be something it wasn't. This is what that is. From what I've seen, anytime wrestlezone posts an "exclusive", it's more than likely a lie. If it were true, you'd see it on the other sites too. Even all this stuff about MVP, I haven't seen that anywhere but on here.
IF he is injured, do what wwe did in 08 when orton got hurt,. have him appear, talk, maybe do some run ins, it wont ruin everything. by the end of the year the article reported, he should be active again. raw needs heels, but they dont need to wrestle. the nexus and miz can carry raw, because both have magnificent mic skills, barret GABRIEL and miz can wrestle, and you still have shemaus.
It's a shame that he had to get injured especially after being drafted back to RAW. He had every potential to have great feuds with some of the guys on RAW, as well as he had potential to becoming one of the biggest heels in WWE if handled properly.

I can't help but wonder what will happen to CM Punk in the coming weeks. The obvious choice would be him being out of the programming until he is due to return. However he obviously have been around before with an injury. It hasn't been as big an injury, and certainly not one that couldn't keep him around. But I could imagine some sporadic appearances, and perhaps a few announce table appearances. But that's more or less all I can see Punk doing in the coming months. Certainly won't be wrestling that's for certain.
Man life isn't fair....It's truly a shame. I was hoping Raw would elevate him to be the # 2 heel on the show, but this puts a halt to everything. One thing I would like to see, is him getting some more practice at commentating while he's injured. Smackdown's got three commentators right now. Adding a third to Raw for a little while wouldn't really hurt anything.
IF he is injured, do what wwe did in 08 when orton got hurt,. have him appear, talk, maybe do some run ins, it wont ruin everything. by the end of the year the article reported, he should be active again. raw needs heels, but they dont need to wrestle. the nexus and miz can carry raw, because both have magnificent mic skills, barret GABRIEL and miz can wrestle, and you still have shemaus.

Yeah it wouldn't be a disaster by any means but it is certainly disappointing if true. WWE seem to be having some shitty luck with injuries just as they did in mid 2007 when everybody was getting hurt. Hopefully if he is out, he recovers sooner than expected because I think everybody wants to see him and Danielson go at it on PPV. That would be a spectacle to say the least.

Obviously I am more than in favour of hearing him on commentary every week if he needs time out of the ring to recover. He is more entertaining than any other commentator in WWE that's for sure.
Obviously I am more than in favour of hearing him on commentary every week if he needs time out of the ring to recover. He is more entertaining than any other commentator in WWE that's for sure.


WWE needs to capitalize on this if he actually is going to be out of action for a while. Punk did commentary on one of the Divas NXT episodes a few weeks back and actually made it entertaining enough that I watched the whole thing. Again on RAW these week he was announcing during the Bryan/Ziggler match and he is great. No surprise seeing as he has always been good on the mic. Looking waaay into the future I hope after his performing days are done Punk will pick up a headset. The guy is good at everything.
If he actually is legitimately injured then it's a real shame. Punk's move to Raw was a clean fresh start and it was going well thus far. This past Monday, it looks as if a much wanted feud between CM Punk & Daniel Bryan took its very first step towards realization. Punk's also one of the best heels in wrestling today and Raw does need heel power I think. I think Nexus & Miz have done a great job, but Punk's arrival on Raw only made things better.

IF he is injured to the point where he's going to be out of action, maybe he and Bryan could still interact. Depending upon how long Punk would be sidelined should surgery be required, I think the WWE could stretch it out and have the feud start out with basically Punk just scouting Bryan. The reason could be that he's starting another SES faction. Perhaps Punk could do something similar with other wrestlers, as it would give him an excuse to come out and talk on commentary as he did last Monday. After several weeks or a month or whatever, Punk could officially make Bryan the offer, perhaps after he's already picked out another guy or two to be in the group and they've accepted. Bryan refuses, they beat him down and Bryan spends the time feuding with the other member or members of the SES until Punk is fit enough to return to action.

However, here's hoping that he's not as injured as is being rumored.
Getting an MRI for my birthday. I spoil myself! (This is not 'pro rasslin' newz, but will be reported as such.)

I did my whole workout wearing pink cat ears. Now, fulcis Zombie!

Extreme BS! First he post the news about his MRI, which he did not have too and immediately says look it is not wrestling news, but here we are reading what Punk said would happen. Then tonight he post a twitter that he finished an entire workout.

1. He is being genuine saying guys look I had an MRI, no sweat.

2. It is reasons like this that I don't blame wrestlers for hating the dirtsheets.

This is a guy who had his elbow operated on and did not miss 1 day of work, sucks to see something like this get spread when he himself is saying guys it is not wrestling related.
OK, I may sound geeky, creepy, obsessed or whatever, but I was *sick* of being kept in the dark and of the exaggerated dirtsheets. I went around searching on the net about hip injuries, and looks like Punk may have been caught by this one:
--Hip Pointer--
This type of hip injury, also known as a contusion, is usually the result of a fall, and the impact is absorbed by your hip bone. A hip pointer is a very common injury among athletes involved in contact sports such as football and hockey.--

Actually, a hip pointer is a deep bruise, or contusion, on the top portion of the pelvis that can be felt on either side of the waistline. Symptom is PAIN, plain and simple.
I'm suspecting this one because I remember vividly the first time he looked to be in real pain with his hip when he got suplexed by Swagger. I'm guessing the angle might have been disbalanced or somehow his one side/hip absorbed the blow more than the other.
I'm kinda relieved by the fact they've said it's quite common, and recovery is fairly simple-- you gotta rest, rest, rest.. Also, it is not anything near a career ender, but does definitely take you out of the game for a few days. Looking up more info, it's said the average recovery period is 1-3 weeks, but you've gotta undergo rehabilitative therapy after that to comeback in form.
This is just bad news. Punk is a guy that could have been one of, if not THE top heel on Raw. I've always been a huge fan of his, so when I heard he was on his way to Raw I was really excited. He got boring over on Smackdown, and this was an excellent change of scenery for him. I was excited at all the possible feuds we could have had, especially Punk - Bryan, but now, I don't know. With CM Punk being out, he might get lost in the shuffle. He might just be... forgotten, and then when he returns he won't have any possible feuds, and we certainly don't want that.

The best possible thing for him would be to stay on commentary, and maybe just drop some promos every once in a while. Make sure he sticks around every week.
I never want to see any one get hurt, but, this could be good for the feud with Punk and Bryan. Punk will still be on the air because he is one of the most hated heels in the company. He will cut promos and sit at the announce table while also taunting Daniel Bryan. They can do this until whenever Punk returns and then have the Feud culminate with a classic match.

Bumps and bruises happen in wrestling. It does not mean that all plans need to be nixed just tweaked a little bit.
Put him on commentary with King and Cole until he gets better. Then after he heals, have Daniel Bryan start talking shit about him until he finally snaps and takes him leading to a return to the ring. Don't even mention the injury. Just make up a story about how he refuses to wrestle. its a damn shame though. Like you said, he was the top heel in the company and his momentum just stopped. .aybe once he returns WWE will come to their senses and use him in the main event scene on RAW once again. He's a great wrestler. And an even better main eventer. Use him on commentary for the time being.
How unfortunate i had big hopes for Punk on RAW. He debuted strong attacking Evan Bourne and saying that it wasn't personal that was gold. They hinted at a potential Daniel Bryan feud which would be wrestling gold imagine how good the matches WILL be. Let's just hope CM Punk doesn't fade into obscurity and become a long term midcarder on RAW. With time and good development this man can really shine on RAW and fill the void easily as the companie's biggest heel. No doubt.
Assuming this injury is the truth then the WWE is trying to find a non wrestling role for Punk. While Punk will be a great commentator someday I don't think it's time for that yet. I would love to see punk start a faction with the Indy wrestlers like Bryan, Kaval, Tyler Black, maybe even Jericho for a little shock factor. They would be a face group and they could feud with Nexus. The angle is built in...just have Punk say that you have to earn your spot, you cant just come take it yada yada yada. Have Punk lead the faction and let Bryan be the main wresting guy though since Punk is hurt. Then have Punk turn on his group when he's healthy enough to wrestle and have him in a feud with Bryan that has a nice healthy buildup. If done right this could make Punk the biggest heel in the company and with Punk's mic skills he can put ALL these guys over (including further putting over Nexus). I see the CeNexus thing coming to an end soon and Nexus will need something to do so this is what I would really want to see.
It sucks for Punk and for Raw. As was mentioned, there aren't very many major heels on Raw, well only Miz and Nexus. Punk had a real opportunity to do what doesn't happen for very many who get switched over to Raw, and that was pushed. Of course, he's been one of the best heels for a while now, so it would have been well deserved.

As for what to do with while he's out, I put him on the table, at least during Daniel's matches. He is one of the best talkers in WWE right now, and his commentary last week was fantastic. You don't want to let Punk disappear from the audience and forget about him, so I think the best move right now would be to have him doing commentary.
The injury is apparently legit. It's been reported today that CM Punk will be missing about 3 months of action. The latest report is that Punk is willing to work through the injury, but the MRI results show that the injury will only be worse over time and that could result in Punk eventually having to be out for much longer. He's expected to undergo surgery sometime this week. I've had hip issues myself and it can be a pain in the ass in every meaning of the phrase.

However, it's also said that WWE Creative has been told to come up with non-wrestling role for Punk to keep him on television. He isn't scheduled to be on Raw tonight, but that can all change at the snap of a finger. It looks like the feud with Daniel Bryan will have to wait a little while, but the good news is that we might also get to see these two go at it come WrestleMania. As I said in an earlier post, there are still ways for Punk to feud with Bryan without actually having to wrestle for the time being.
I really hope Punk's stays on TV, hopefully as an announcer.
Another thing I'd love to see Punk to is start protesting in the ring and so forth, claiming that all weapons should be banned in WWE as well as certain moves that injure people (the irony being, he injured Evan Bourne.) He could come to be a supporter of WWE P.G (something that would create some heat, I'm sure) and persuade others to join his cause. If this idea were to turn into something big, the likes of Jericho or even a heel Triple H could join him, wishing to eliminate eveything dangerous from WWE programming. But that is just hopeful ramblings.

Anyway, back to reality. The truth is, C.M Punk has lost a lot of momentum recently. He hasn't come out on top of a feud for a while now despite being one of the best talkersand heels in the business. Hopefully he will return to in-ring competition on a mission, and I believe a programme between him and Bryan could still happen. Until then, I wanna hear him announcing.
Honestly, this is why the whole Straight Edge Society dying was kind of a dumb idea. They could have brought in Tyler Black and gone into something else and kept Punk relevant and on TV and forward some storylines. But like y'all said, I do hope that they keep him on TV in a commentator role. He could still then be on TV, be relevant and not have to stand up or move too much. Either way, he's set to be a top heel whenever he's healed.

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