CM Punk Not Undergoing Surgery


Apparently, CM Punk has decided not to undergo surgery to repair a hip injury. Instead, he's opted to undergo intensive rehab so he'll have a continued presence on WWE tv.

Tonight on Superstars, he came out and did color commentary for the Raw portion of the show. I don't know what this might mean for his hip later on down the line, but I do like the idea of Punk at least being on television. I'm wondering now if he'll somehow play a role in the Daniel Bryan/Ted DiBiase situation. I'd personally like to see Bryan face Punk with the United States Championship being in play as it would really elevate the title overall in my view.
I don't actually. I love Punk but this could have some very serious long-term ramifications for his hip. I don't profess on being a medical expert but really the news of his MRI results were serious and a surgery looked obvious.

If he has decided to join intensive rehab so he can have a program with Daniel Bryan, then I'm sorry but he's making a mistake. There will be many Wrestlemanias for him to steal the show, he shouldn't risk his longevity in the business like this.
I'm not a doctor, so I'm not going to say what he should or should not do. If he thinks rehab will do the job, and he can be ready to go somewhat soon, good for him. If he's being risky, taking too much of a chance with his own health by trying to get back too quick, that's his business.

I would absolutely love to see a Daniel Bryan/CM Punk feud going into Wrestlemania. These are two of the most talented guys on the Raw roster, and they really don't need to be the #1 feud on Raw to make it work. They would almost be a shoe-in to steal the show at Mania, and their feud leading up to the event might be just as good. With that being said, I hope it's a personal feud.

If it does happen, I hope it gets very personal between the two, and isn't just one of them "wanting to make a statement." This "needing to make an impact" or "needing to make a statement" shit is getting old. Bring back personal feuds, especially between Bryan and Punk.
Well that's a nice thing. CM Punk being on commentary and cutting a few promos here and there could do good for him maintaining his heat while being out of action. It worked for him before when he injures his arm. While sure it wasn't as long, and it wasn't as severe apparently, it's still the same thing. He managed to make it work, and he'll be able to do it again.

It's not like he's the first person to sit at the announce table while injured. Considering Wade Barrett sat announcing in FCW during the time he was injured.

CM Punk is always a good asset on the microphone. So having him around the announce team will most likely be a firm treat. Kinda looking forward to seeing how this will evolve. And hope to see him get back into ring action soon enough.
Anything that points to CM Punk being on television is a plus in my book. The guy is a total package... which is severely lacking with many of the current WWE superstars. The best part about Punk is that even if he's injured, he can still perform other roles due to the fact that he's so multi-talented in the wrestling business.

The most important aspect of his game is his gifted ability to work the microphone. Whether he's live in front of a crowd, behind the announcers booth, or in a backstage segment, he kills every segment with his twisted, heel-humor. Hopefully, and judging by his appearance on Superstars, the WWE realizes this and will utilize him to the best of their ability.

Punk's extra skills are needed on Raw. It seems that as the weeks go by, the same people cut the promos for the show: Barrett, Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Santino... someone like Punk needs to be thrown into this mix to break the monotony.
I dont know if this is such a good idea....Im not sure what the straightedge lifestyle says about surgery since it involed drugs, but I am inclined to think he isnt going to have a very long career...if he isnt taking pain killers or something already, he needs to hop on board especially with his career....whenever i see him he is ALWAYS limping.....I dunno....hip surgery is cant rehab every body part like that back to 100 percent....what if he had a major quad injury, then what? no surgery, no more careeer...I think if the injury is serious enough, he needs surgery....he isnt deliberately taking drugs for recreation, its for health....unlike others, I would rather give up my selfishness to see him around longer instead of doing meaningless commentary as he is doing now
I dont know if this is such a good idea....Im not sure what the straightedge lifestyle says about surgery since it involed drugs, but I am inclined to think he isnt going to have a very long career...if he isnt taking pain killers or something already, he needs to hop on board especially with his career....whenever i see him he is ALWAYS limping.....I dunno....hip surgery is cant rehab every body part like that back to 100 percent....what if he had a major quad injury, then what? no surgery, no more careeer...I think if the injury is serious enough, he needs surgery....he isnt deliberately taking drugs for recreation, its for health....unlike others, I would rather give up my selfishness to see him around longer instead of doing meaningless commentary as he is doing now

first off, Straight Edge doesnt mean you cant take any medication, or drug. You can take prescripted medication if needed. I know about the straightedge lifestyle since I have Straight Edge friends.

Yes I agree Hip Surgery is major. I feel in the long run in will haunt him and kick him in the ass if he doesnt have it.

But it is GREAT to hear him on commentary, and I hope he does it every Thursday, because this was the first time I watched Superstars fully because Punk and Stamford made the matches feel very excited, and Punk IS GOLD at Commentary.
I dont know if this is such a good idea....Im not sure what the straightedge lifestyle says about surgery since it involed drugs, but I am inclined to think he isnt going to have a very long career...if he isnt taking pain killers or something already, he needs to hop on board especially with his career....whenever i see him he is ALWAYS limping.....I dunno....hip surgery is cant rehab every body part like that back to 100 percent....what if he had a major quad injury, then what? no surgery, no more careeer...I think if the injury is serious enough, he needs surgery....he isnt deliberately taking drugs for recreation, its for health....unlike others, I would rather give up my selfishness to see him around longer instead of doing meaningless commentary as he is doing now

I think you're misunderstanding the motivation behind the "SES" lifestyle; it's referring to the recreational use of drugs. Therefore, getting anesthesia and pain killers post-surgery shouldn't be a problem for him.

But if he rehabs everything properly and if sure that he doesn't need the surgery, I'd imagine that he's making the correct decision. After all, it's his body and he could do what he wants.
Challenge Accepted!! First off I made it fairly obvious I didnt know what the SE lifetsyle entailed, hence I said I wasnt sure, you might wanna go back and look...I also didnt say his commentary wasnt gold, quite honestly because I dont watch sure it was good, but what match did he call, a jobber match? whats the point? if he made a return in a few months, it would be fresh and people wouldnt be expecting it...he doesnt have to worry about losing his spot because he is that great....also to the other who said it was his body, sure he can do whatever he wants, I'm just saying as a pre-med student its not that smart and he is taking a big risk...
Well I am happy that we will still see CM Punk on TV when he commentated on RAW a few weeks ago I thought he was good but he sounded and acted more like a face which I'm not sure if I like. I'll give it a chance though.
As much as I like this, this idea is:banghead: stupip for Punk. If his hip is really messed up and I haven't seen the actual injury MRI but if he thinks rehab is going to be the cure think again... you rehab after you have fixed the problem (I'm a medical student btw) This could have huge ramifications for the future. If later on somebody botches a move and he gets dropped on his hip he may be future endeavored (possibly commentary for life) sooner than later
It seems to me as if he wants to continue being Straight Edge because once you take the :p to Go 2 Sleep you're off the drug free road buddy.

But for reals, Punk shouldn't be risking his career like this just so he can keep appearing on TV. It's not like RAW won't be able to support itself without him. He should really consider surgery if he wants to last longer than a few more years.
Well, I'm glad Punk is on tv, and that he hopefully will get this taken care of. I mean, who am I to judge what he decides to do with his body. Granted, I'm not a doctor and that its not as serious as they possibly could've thought. I mean, I know we're all entitled to our opinions, but bear in mind that tests can sometimes be wrong at first glance and sometimes doctors can run more tests before they find what is REALLY wrong with you. There are some people that tend to have a higher tolerance for pain and can run through it, and that is sometimes what being a wrestler is about when you take a superplex off the top rope on a Sunday night, and then have to come to work on Monday night and face an opponent 3 times your size and end up probably doing an move that's just as bad if not worse. I'm sure he's probably considered the long-term outcome of not having surgery, otherwise he wouldn't still be out on the road doing things with WWE. I mean, I wish I could say its a good or bad thing he's not having surgery, but until I'm in his boat, I won't judge him since I've not had an injury of that sort to make a decision like that. Am I glad he's still there for entertainment? Yes. Healthwise? I'll leave that to his own decision since I'm sure that's something he'll have to live with for the rest of his life.
God Damnit I love me some Punk! This guy is seriously one of the greatest things to come along in years. I will cream for a Punk/Bryan match at WM, hell anytime, anyplace i'd be down. About the surgery, well it is his decision overall, I just hope he knows what he is doing. I would rather have him go through with surgery and be out for months rather then him going through rehab just to come back to get injured again. Injuries can happen anytime, but you know what I mean. Hope the Straight Edge Messiah recovers full and comes back 100%
Im still happy we get Punk on WE programming, if he's opted for rehab and put in the hard yards to recover from the hip injury good for him, iwere not doctor like everyone has been saying, but if he feels he can get by without surgery good on him. But i would really like to see a Bryan vs Punk feud, their matches would steal shows and the mix of mic skills and excellent in ring work as well as both of them being for ROH guys would make for good matches and promos.
Like others have said I hope this doesn't have any long term ramifications to his health, then I'm fine with him doing this.

He's clearly a great mic worker and watching those matches on superstars he's definately good at colour commentary and can also do a bit of play by play here and there. If he went on to the Raw commentary he could definately help both Cole and King out in their respective commentary fields.

Regarding the US title I hope he builds up the current fued between Bryan and Dibiase, (he would do a much better job at this then cole or king could) as well as slowly setting up his own eventual fued with Bryan.

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