CM Punk Costs Randy Orton The WWE Championship....

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Tonight at the Rumble, Randy Orton was very close to capturing another WWE Championship, but it all fell apart after a Nexus distraction and a GTS from Punk.

A while ago, Punk alluded to wanting revenge on someone during his acceptance speech at the Slammys. We all thought he was talking about John Cena, but it seems as if that person could be Orton. Obviously, Punk hasn't forgotten this......


Punk wasn't able to wrestle after that, and Chris Jericho went on to become WHC that night. Of course things have changed now. Punk is an evil heel who has plenty of back up, and Orton is the very popular face/bad ass in the WWE.

I would actually want to see a CM Punk/Randy Orton feud. With the proper build, this could be something to look forward to. I'm sure the one on one match would be held off until Wrestlemania, because you just know both of these guys are going to be in the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber. Punk VS Orton sounds like it could be worth getting into, and I hope WWE takes some time to do this one right.

Any thoughts about this potential feud? Is Punk still bitter about the punt? Or is something else about Orton bothering him?
Yeah, most of the WZ forums IWC community and I called this several weeks ago. I think this feud is what I will be looking forward to the most at WrestleMania this year. A feud fueled over things that happened over 2 years ago is pretty genius.
This pretty much sets up Punk vs Orton at Mania. Tonight we basically saw to Mania matches unfold before eyes. One was Miz vs Cena, and the other is Orton vs Punk.

It's all starting to come together now. I was worried that the WWE didn't leave enough time to get good fueds going for Mania but I think Creative knows a little more than me.

Punk will probably cost Orton the championship again at Elimination Chamber. They will fight with eachother on Raw, and eventually Orton will throw out the challenge.

Punk was most likely talking about Orton in his acceptance speach at the Slammys. It was probably because of what happened in that video posted by the OP.

I think this could be a fued worth watching. They can put on good matches together and cut good promos. I feel the Cena vs Punk fued was cut short, though. Anyways, this should be interesting.
I'm thinking this is exactly where they're going with this and it should be good. These are two guys we hardly ever see in the ring together so it'll be fresh and with the addition of Nexus I like it. I think Punk has become one of the absolute best workers in the company in the last few months both in the ring and on the mic. He has one of the hottest angles in years going and looks like he'll be squaring off with Orton who has been near the top for the last couple years. I think this will be the year that Punk takes Shawn Michaels old gig of being able to steal the show at Mania. He's that good right now.

As for those clammoring that the Cena vs Punk/Nexus feud was ended abruptly, who said it wasn't just put off till later? I could definitely see Punk beating Orton and Cena beating Miz at Mania which would let everything come full circle this time with Punk/Nexus vs Cena for the title.
Just as the above have stated, this without a doubt sets up a great feud for Wrestlemaina. And I'm pretty happy about it, really. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to see Cena and Punk continue their fued for a while, but setting up Punk vs. Randy Orton up [for a potential match at Wrestlemania] just makes things fit in perfectly.

Think about it. With Punk and Orton in a match, that leaves Cena to go for the WWE title against the Miz at Mania. To the same time, you have HHH and Sheamus in a match; and to contrast this, on the blue side, you have Del Rio against Edge and Undertaker against...well whoever (Wade, I guess). But anyways, a match between Orton and Punk makes it so that everything fits in so perfect at Mania in terms of having all the big guys on the show.

As far as the match goes, I'm pretty happy to see a feud between these two – the only thing I hope for is that it's done correctly. I'm pretty sure the build will be based off the segment posted up in the OP. It's just the perfect way to give reason for Punk’s attack on Orton. From then on, little by little, the feud will build, continue on to EC in which they'll probably be both in the chamber; and then ultimately have a greater build leading up to Mania.

Yup. Pretty excited about this one. Let's see WWE come through with this.
Well based on what we have seen so far this is definitely the match I am most looking forward to for Wrestlemania. I'm really not sure why to be perfectly honest, as recently Orton bores the shit out of me but there just seems like something about this feud. Perhaps it is the fact that this actually seems like a true Mania worthy match where there don't seem to be a whole lot of them being set up this year, to me at least.

The feud should be good though, the ground work is already laid in Orton costing Punk his first World Title and Punk now returning the favour. I would expect these two to meet in the EC before the feud really starts to intensify in the weeks leading up to Mania with Nexus beat downs and the like. I expect the usual stellar work from Punk and hopefully he can drag something better than usual out of Orton.
Just as the above have stated, this without a doubt sets up a great feud for Wrestlemaina. And I'm pretty happy about it, really. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to see Cena and Punk continue their fued for a while, but setting up Punk vs. Randy Orton up [for a potential match at Wrestlemania] just makes things fit in perfectly.

Think about it. With Punk and Orton in a match, that leaves Cena to go for the WWE title against the Miz at Mania. To the same time, you have HHH and Sheamus in a match; and to contrast this, on the blue side, you have Del Rio against Edge and Undertaker against...well whoever (Wade, I guess). But anyways, a match between Orton and Punk makes it so that everything fits in so perfect at Mania in terms of having all the big guys on the show.

As far as the match goes, I'm pretty happy to see a feud between these two – the only thing I hope for is that it's done correctly. I'm pretty sure the build will be based off the segment posted up in the OP. It's just the perfect way to give reason for Punk’s attack on Orton. From then on, little by little, the feud will build, continue on to EC in which they'll probably be both in the chamber; and then ultimately have a greater build leading up to Mania.

Yup. Pretty excited about this one. Let's see WWE come through with this.

I think this is a great post MA, you have it absolutely spot on. For once, WWE seem to be doing this right. If they are actually referencing something done to Punk by Orton 2 years ago, then thats awesome. Too often, previous feuds/rivarlies/incidents are forgotton when it reality, if wrestling were real, Punk would obviously still be extremely bitter at Orton, so I applaud WWE for taking this route.

With those 2 out of the title picture for Mania, it does leave Miz free to take on Cena (is he becoming the Hogan of WM or what, hes always in the title match??) and Del Rio able to face Edge for the WHC. Its all falling into place at the right time, and WM is shaping up nicely

All we need now is for nobdoy to get injured and this years WM could be brilliant, with those matches, HHH v Sheamus and Undertaker v Barrett, plus some Corre and Nexus action
The smark in me went freakin' nuts last night. Forget the WWE title, I want this feud with or without it.

These are my two favorite wrestlers out there today, and they have the ability to not only have a great match at Mania, but to give us a great feud leading up to it.

Obviously, I have no idea what the plan is, but if done well, this could be just the thing to make Nexus worth caring about again. Nexus going after Cena is played out, and they need something fresh.

I think the most important difference in Nexus vs. Cena and Nexus vs. Orton is the type of man Orton is. Cena is a guy who is all about right and wrong, making sure justice is served, etc. Orton is complete different. Orton will be out for revenge, and so will Punk. Orton brings a whole different kind of challenge.

Randy's character is much more aggressive than Cena's, and is willing to go a lot further. I think watching Orton hunt the Nexus, and really play all kinds of mind games with them, will be a lot of fun.

I have never been the type of fan who needs a "title on the line" to enjoy a major feud. Title or no title, this is easily the feud I'm most interested in heading toward Mania.
This has a ton of potential. You have two guys who are equally intense in their gimmicks, who don't need a belt involved for the story to have weight.

Putting Cena against Miz in my opinion makes a lot more sense as well, since both characters lean more towards comedy and can have some very effective/entertaining back and forth promos in the coming weeks.
While I do agree that Orton/ Punk would be a great feud, ending the Cena/ Punk feud so abruptly does bother me. I really thought that the Cena/ Punk storyline was a great one with Punk questioning the morals of the people's superhero.

I love an antihero as much as you guys and probably even more. But there are some feuds in which a Hulk Hogan-esque hero works better than an antihero. This is one of those occasions. What are WWE going to base off the Punk/ Orton feud on anyway? Something which happened three years ago when Punk was a face and Orton was a heel. Simply put, I feel that Cena vs Punk is a better storyline. It's a clash of two characters rather than something that is based on one incident and that is always fun to watch.

I do agree with Mister Awesome that this feud is a good way of accomadating all the big stars into the WrestleMania card but as a fan I wanted to see Cena vs Punk more than Orton vs Punk because it is a great story which deserves a match at WrestleMania.
If this feud was to happen as predicted WWE is doing a good job with the hype thus far. Of course Punk used the same routine the 'Old' Nexus did-attacking randomly. I think this has potential to be a good rivalry for the time being. Why not have two guys with opposing personalities in a rivalry. What was the "New" Nexus motivation behind this though?
I really like the way this feud is shaping up after Raw tonight. Luckily, it appears that they aren't going to book Orton like an idiot like they do with Cena. That would get me so mad when Nexus would come to the ring, and all Cena would do is count them like he was still in school, and then, he would get his ass whipped. RUN STUPID!!! Or, at least, get a weapon. One man, logically, can't beat up five men. Well, except at the RR, but that's another topic. Orton came off looking smart. He did his damage and got the hell out of there. I also liked that Orton didn't cut a promo about what he was going to do, but instead, just went and did it. I thought their interaction at the end was well done as well with Punk hiding under the ring. This feud has great potential.

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