Clint Eastwood/Chrysler/Idiots


That's the ad (which most of you have seen).

Here's Karl Rove's first take on the spot...


Tonight on the O'Reilly Factor (clip coming as soon as I can find one) he switched up, saying the ad was fine, but he's still pissed the Obama administration said they liked it. I know, something, fucking anything to complain about, right?

This fucking moron took a great commercial and turned it into a political football. I blame the entire national debate over this on Karl Rove's ugly can.
I think they're just threatened by Clint Eastwood's pure, raw masculinity that they know they can never hope to achieve themselves.
Oh, and what did I expect? Nothing. I expected absolutely nothing seeing it was a great fucking commercial, maybe the best I've ever seen. That's right, ever. Sure, I'm from Michigan, so I'm probably partial, but that was a great ad, much better than whatever came from Eminem's music catalog last year. It was harmless, patriotic and inspiring. Things like this rarely bother me, but that idiot Rove has basically spoiled the entire fucking thing.
I find it amusing a man who was President Bush's right hand would accuse another Presidential administration of corruption. Any corruption really, considering all the money the Bush administration spent trying to brainwash Americans for votes. Iraq war, anyone?

At least Obama didn't out a CIA spy...
Claiming this was an endorsement of Obama is patently ridiculous. Karl Rove is being an idiot, and I say that as a conservative. Clint Eastwood is not a Hollywood liberal. He is a registered Republican who describes himself as leaning libertarian. He also endorsed John McCain in 2008. He is left leaning on a few social issues, but overall, he is not a fan of democrats or Obama in particular. He isn't Alec Baldwin, he's Clint Eastwood.

This was a commercial about CARS, not a political statement.
In somewhat related news, Sean Hannity says if Obama had his way Osama would still be alive.

In somewhat related news, Hannity is an idiot. And that has nothing to do with his absolutely ludicrous and fictitious statement regarding bin Laden. Obama DID have his way, and bin Laden is dead.

What a moron. It scares me people actually listen to Fox News and believes even one word those people say.
In somewhat related news, Hannity is an idiot. And that has nothing to do with his absolutely ludicrous and fictitious statement regarding bin Laden. Obama DID have his way, and bin Laden is dead.

What a moron. It scares me people actually listen to Fox News and believes even one word those people say.

But Sly, don't you think the argument can be made that because Obama didn't fly down to Bin Laden's complex with Kanye West and shoot Bin Laden holding his glock sideways that Obama didn't really have his way?

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