Classic Sting... One More Run?


JC CooL 420
Seeing Anderson look almost exactly like the old school Sting gave me that same kind of feeling as when Hogan first wore the red and yellow again in WWE... I marked out at first when i saw him walking backstage in the classic gear... But quickly realized that it was probably Anderson...

Anyway... Would it be a good idea to have Sting cut his hair, die it and wear the classic purple and gold one more time before he retires???

I think it would be a really cool way for him to finish his career the same way he started as the ultimate good guy...

How would you feel seeing Sting come out as the Classic early 90s Sting? Would you mark out or feel like it was stupid?
I'm all for it. I said in another post that when I saw Anderson looking like the oldschool Stinger it brought back lots of memories for me being a huge Sting fan, and I have often wished he would go back to the differant colorful outfits and facepaint. Plus I just feel that the crow look has had its run and just doesn't fit anymore, so yeah I would be for a return to the oldschool look for the Stinger.
I seriously thought that they were gonna do a "There are two Stings" angle. Anderson had me going.

Anyway, it would be interesting, but I think due to how much the fans have loved Stings dark Crow gimmick, he'll stay as he is when he retires. It would be kinda cool though. The old gimmick probably wouldn't look right on a 50 year old man, but cool nonetheless.
I would definitely mark out for it since Sting is my favorite of all time. However, I don't see it happening. Sting has evolved over the years and unlike Hogan that evolving didn't put him a heel. So although I think it would be huge for TNA I don't see it happening or see Sting really wanting to. It could make for an interesting storyline. Maybe have bogus Sting messing with him. (Chris Harris was the bogus Sting at one time). This could make him return to that look and clean house. I can only dream but in reality don't think it will happen.
I don't see it happening. Were not in the "Crow era" now anyway. What ur seeing is his final step, a mix between both early and middle stages of his career. Its really pretty obvious lol.
Meh, he is too old to go back to the "Classic Sting" look. Notice how i didn't say too old to wrestle. Like Evanescent Deth said too many people remember Sting with the "Crow Sting" gimmick for him to revert back. One thing though Anderson is really messing with Sting's head and that makes this feud more interesting.
I think in general fans gets to nostalgic. There is reason he has stuck with the Crow gimmick. It has suited him better. Half of his gimmick before besides the blonde hair was the roided up body. Sting doesn't have this anymore. I am not a big TNA guy but the last few times I seen him he looked to be in horrible shape.

I would like to see him evolve the current gimmick some instead of trying to keep the same thing he had going 13 years ago. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing him drop the face paint and trench coat all together. He could go with a more real version of himself kind of like the Undertaker did with the Biker gimmick.

Then in his last match/feud before he finally does retire, dust off the crowd gimmick and pop the crowd.
He could go with a more real version of himself kind of like the Undertaker did with the Biker gimmick.

sabataged, it worked for Undertaker because he really loves bikes in real life. I don't know about Sting, but him coming without face paint and acting like a born again christian (he is one in real life) wouldn't sound good to me.
Seeing Anderson look almost exactly like the old school Sting gave me that same kind of feeling as when Hogan first wore the red and yellow again in WWE... I marked out at first when i saw him walking backstage in the classic gear... But quickly realized that it was probably Anderson...

Anyway... Would it be a good idea to have Sting cut his hair, die it and wear the classic purple and gold one more time before he retires???

I think it would be a really cool way for him to finish his career the same way he started as the ultimate good guy...

How would you feel seeing Sting come out as the Classic early 90s Sting? Would you mark out or feel like it was stupid?

It's funny you bring this up. The Wife and I were watching this segment together and she asked me two things.

1. Why does Sting wear the facepaint that he does now?

2. Didn't Anderson probably GET the gear from Sting himself for the segment? (This after I mentioned to her that Anderson was wearing old school Sting gear. )

I was really suprised by how well they did with the look for Anderson and at a glance, looked like the old Sting.

As to whether or not Sting should return to this look? As a Sting fan I'd say yes. BUT, the problem is he's a good bit heavier now than then, and yes it would be tough seeing a guy 50+ wearing that paint, BUT I'm also growing weary of what he's been doing since in TNA. When he was up in the rafters I thought we were going old school Sting who didn't talk, grew the hair out, and went around trying to destroy Hogan and Bischoff again. But nope, it's become a hybrid of "The Crow Sting" which I don't really care for.

So either go all the way back to original and colorful Sting, or the real deal Crow Sting.
He could go with a more real version of himself kind of like the Undertaker did with the Biker gimmick.

sabataged, it worked for Undertaker because he really loves bikes in real life. I don't know about Sting, but him coming without face paint and acting like a born again christian (he is one in real life) wouldn't sound good to me.

I get what your saying but Sting is still dressing like the Crow gimmick but acting like a normal wrestler or his original gimmick. The crow gimmick was dark and mysterious and never talked.
A return to the old look would be hampered by a couple of major hurdles - firstly: as others have mentioned, a 52 year old surfer dude? and secondly: WWe own the old 'Man Called Sting' entrance theme to my knowledge and it just wouldn't feel like the old school version without it. I would be surprised if he doesn't finish out his career in TNA using the current hybrid look he has now.

Anderson's use of the Sting gimmick was actually very confusing when you think about it. Whilst the look was old school, everything else was taken from Crow era on (the arena going dark during his current theme music, the Undertaker style appearing in the ring after the lights come up and the use of the Scorpion Death Drop).
I get what your saying but Sting is still dressing like the Crow gimmick but acting like a normal wrestler or his original gimmick. The crow gimmick was dark and mysterious and never talked.

Well, like he is now might as well call him "Hybrid Sting" ;) because he is a combination of "Classic Sting" and "Crow Sting".
Sting needs to stay exactly the way he is. Nearly all of his fans know him for his black and white character, not his original character. Comparing Sting going back to his old colors to Hogan returning to red and yellow is not quite correct. Sting would have to be going back to an older and more popular character, not necessarily just an older character. Sting going back to his old self would be more similar to Kane becoming the dentist character again. He has been far more popular in his black and white character and that is where he should stay because fans like it more. If they want "vintage sting" to return why not let Anderson dress up like him for a bit longer? He even looks like him.
His current incarnation is a mixture of both and it's awesome. It's pretty obvious with the more flairboyant jackets and the way his face paint is now not just lines but the same as it was back in the surfer sting days.

I think his look (apart from being not in the best shape) is the best he's had it in a long time. Way to go Stinger!
@ Dagger diss I would disagree strongly that most of his fans know him as the crow sting, then again I'm an old fart I guess so fuck it lol

He doesn't need to go back tho, his body is COMPLETELY diff at this stage of his life, his hair, his body, hell his actual HEAD, I would love to see old Sting, but the only way thas gonna happen is if Anderson keeps doing it, which would actually be jus fine by me lol, but yeah hybrid's as far as we gonna get to old Sting
Agree with most that the current "hybrid" Sting is prolly the one that he will end his career as. I became a sting fan around 5 or 6 years old which was before the Crow Sting so I remember surfer Sting quite fondly and would love to see it. But Steve Borden is now a little to old and a tad to hefty to play him anymore.

Kudos to IW and Anderson I was like damn he could pull off the classic Sting.
Sting needs to stay exactly the way he is. Nearly all of his fans know him for his black and white character, not his original character. Comparing Sting going back to his old colors to Hogan returning to red and yellow is not quite correct. Sting would have to be going back to an older and more popular character, not necessarily just an older character. Sting going back to his old self would be more similar to Kane becoming the dentist character again. He has been far more popular in his black and white character and that is where he should stay because fans like it more. If they want "vintage sting" to return why not let Anderson dress up like him for a bit longer? He even looks like him.

Man... Really...? Comparing Old School Sting to Issac Yankem is an embarassing statement no matter how you meant it...

Just because you may be younger doesn't mean some older fans don't remember and like the classic Sting...

He may not be on the same level of popularity as Hogan was in his classic form but Sting was a multiple time World Champion and WCW's main franchise player... All in his classic colorful outfits... And people loved Sting way before the Crow...

Granted, I would agree with most that he is not in the shape to pull the old look off properly... But, I would still mark out to see him pull out the old school shit atleast one last time...
Man... Really...? Comparing Old School Sting to Issac Yankem is an embarassing statement no matter how you meant it...

Just because you may be younger doesn't mean some older fans don't remember and like the classic Sting...

He may not be on the same level of popularity as Hogan was in his classic form but Sting was a multiple time World Champion and WCW's main franchise player... All in his classic colorful outfits... And people loved Sting way before the Crow...

Granted, I would agree with most that he is not in the shape to pull the old look off properly... But, I would still mark out to see him pull out the old school shit atleast one last time...

Sting was more popular than Hogan after a few months of bringing Hulk into WCW. Hogan was wearing black etc. long before the nWo turn. Sting and Hogan even had a face off when Hulk was getting fed up, but Sting's popularity never waned as the NWA/WCW faithful always loved "their guy"
Man... Really...? Comparing Old School Sting to Issac Yankem is an embarassing statement no matter how you meant it...

Just because you may be younger doesn't mean some older fans don't remember and like the classic Sting...

He may not be on the same level of popularity as Hogan was in his classic form but Sting was a multiple time World Champion and WCW's main franchise player... All in his classic colorful outfits... And people loved Sting way before the Crow...

Granted, I would agree with most that he is not in the shape to pull the old look off properly... But, I would still mark out to see him pull out the old school shit atleast one last time...

Just on the WWF Hogan Versus NWA/ WCW Sting popularity contest from '87 - '93. Given that WWF had sterling back up faces for Hulk during this period (Savage, Warrior & Rhodes to name just three) and Sting was the predominant face on his side of the fence, Sting still went toe to toe in the biggest popularity indicator of the time - PWI Most Popular. Even when Hogan jumped to WCW and was getting pushed over the homegrown star :)disappointed:), Sting beat the Immortal one in the popularity stakes.

As you have said, any poster trying to compare 'Surfer' Sting to Dr Isaac Yankem is just flat out wrong and REALLY needs to do some homework before posting in future. In fact 'Crow' Sting had a relatively short popularity run compared to the surfer variance.
You know, aside from the hair color... Just what's the difference between current Sting and the early 90's version? He's not walking around looking all depressed or imitating Brandon Lee. He's not tossing birds at anyone. He isn't all quiet and mysterious. Nope. He's enthusiastic , energetic and charismatic. All while wearing this:


Maybe a little darker, but really who does he resemble more today? The "Crow" Sting? Or "Surfer" Sting? Surfer is my pick. Hair color aside. He's already there. You're just not really paying attention.
You know, aside from the hair color... Just what's the difference between current Sting and the early 90's version? He's not walking around looking all depressed or imitating Brandon Lee. He's not tossing birds at anyone. He isn't all quiet and mysterious. Nope. He's enthusiastic , energetic and charismatic. All while wearing this:


Maybe a little darker, but really who does he resemble more today? The "Crow" Sting? Or "Surfer" Sting? Surfer is my pick. Hair color aside. He's already there. You're just not really paying attention.

Why can't we just have Surfing Crow! but yeah i agree that he just looks like Crow Sting with color splashed in...

and the idea of Anderson being Imposter Sting... that would be awesome... until their match at Slammiversary perhaps, Could have Surfer Sting vs Crow Sting... dream match of sorts!

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