Chuck Palumbo


Is hanging up the boots
This thread is to discuss your thoughts on Chuck Palumbo. Does he deserve a U.S title run, a mini push?? You get my drift.

I actually don't mind Chuck. His matches aren't bad. He got a ton of heat when he turned heel a while back and I actually think the biker gimmick suits him. He might not be great in the ring but hes decent enough for a push in my opinion. His mic skills aren't bad compared to others.

I'm looking forward to a Chuck Palumbo vs Rey Mysterio feud and a Palumbo vs Batista feud.

Your turn.
i dont really like him. i have always found his matches to be dull and boring. his biker gimmick is just a cheap knock off of the undertakers old one. i think if he was to go back to a tag team with someone that is in the same boat as him, some one like kenny dykstra or gregory helms then he might deserve a push towards the tag team championships. but not for any other of the belts, i just think that there is so many more people worthy of a push before he is. If he was to improve maybe i would change my mind but i really cant see that happen.
I liked him better as a face personally, but that is just me I guess. Chuck Palumbo I used to like, especially when he first started at the WWE. But now he just seems to have become nothing, and I really don't like waht he brings.

Don't get me too wron here, Chuck is definately ok in thee ring and I don't mind his matches. But he just doesn't seem charasmatic to me, and I can't see him becoming charasmatic.

He isn't great on the mic either, but what can u do. He just seems to be unenthusiastic about waht he does.

I don't think he should be close to the US title yet, or even be going against Mr. MitB
Not a fan. I don't hate the guy, I just don't like him.

The way I see it, Palumbo is one of the "living stalemates" of the WWE...someone who is genuinely crafted to be mediocre in all realms and nothing more. He's decent in the ring, but nothing special. He barely gets on the mic, and few really do get any mic time. He has a look that suits him, but is nothing out of the ordinary. He's a generic "angry and tough" heel, and was a generic "angry and tough" face. His entrance music is a typical sounding rock song, his gimmick's been done before by the Undertaker and DOA (yeesh, remember those guys? Lol), and his moveset isn't shocking. He wasn't cheered intensely as a face, nor is he receiving a lot of heat as a heel. Etc etc.

To me, Palumbo is an asset to the company in that he is someone that they can rely on to job, but isn't at the point in his career where he could be classified as a "glorified jobber". I'd rather see him in a match than Khali, but there are plenty of other talented wrestlers that I'd rather see over Palumbo (for instance, Dykstra, who's been absent for a while). I don't think he's even close to US title status (and that's not a testament to Matt Hardy, as I think he's overrated by many fans) but he could be one-half of a very solid tag team if they gave him the right person to work with. Perhaps Chris Harris?
Palumbo doesn't deserve any kind of push. the guy is terrible. Always has been. How can you be featured so prominently in WCW, with a big star like Lex Luger and not benefit. Luger might not be great, but he was a star. He also didn't hold Palumbo back. He didn't capitalize. Some might put that down to him being green. I put it down to him having no aptitude for wrestling.

8 years later he's not improved. He's got older and slower. He was only bought back because his brother is in the army. JBL didn't even know he'd been fired. Shows how highly he's regarded by his peers.
The guys decent enough in the ring but has no personality. He should just stick to working on bikes in my opinion. He seems to do a pretty nice job on his bikes, I'm kind of surprised he hasn't pursued that avenue as a full time option.
The guys decent enough in the ring but has no personality. He should just stick to working on bikes in my opinion. He seems to do a pretty nice job on his bikes, I'm kind of surprised he hasn't pursued that avenue as a full time option.

Well it's something for the future. While he can still wrestle he may as well go for it. At least he'll have an avenue to go down once his in ring career ends. Unlike a lot of wrestlers he won't have to wrestle way past his prime because he didn't plan for his future. Not that I can imagine anybody booking Palumbo for a wrestling legends show, or even an autograph appearence.
I Like Chuck Palumbo. Yeah I said it. Do I think he is World Title Material. Far from it. Do I think he deserves a push, why yes I do. This guy is not that bad. He is decent in the ring. He may not have any mic skills, but thats because they simply dont give him the mic. He could be a very credible U.S Champ in the future.

The only time that Chuck Palumbo was pushed is when he was a member of Billy And Chucky. People may say that he was given a push earlier when he was facing Jaimie Noble. No, that was just used as a platform to get himself over as a heel. Creative needs to come up with something for this guy. Like said before the Biker gimmick is overdone. Come up with something unique. Then slowly give him so mic time. He would be best served in ECW right now. There if pushed correctly he could become the top heel of that brand. Have hime hone his skills there and then place him in the Mid-Card on Smackdown. The guy should at least get one more chance.
Chuck Palumbo - I'm indifferent. He's not awful, but he's nothing spectacular. His main problem is that he has no personality. That's why he hasn't got a push in the time he's been there. He has no charisma to carry him there.
I liked him in WCW tagging with Sean O'Haire, but then I like Sean O'Haire and felt he sort of got lost mid-push in WWE.

Chuck Palumbo is never going to be WWE champion, and will only be a decent mid-card champion if he can get the fans to care that he exists.
The biker gimmick isn't awful, the problem being it is too soon after the Big Evil undertake gimmick.
He's decent in the ring but he lacks personality. Besides his days teaming with Billy Gunn or Sean O'Haire in WCW, I've never found him entertaining.

I don't think the biker gimmick will work for him, especially since the Undertaker did a much better job portraying an intimidating, bad-ass biker.
I used to think Chuck Palumb was underrated when watching the Natural Born Thrillers, but then I realized Sean O Haire was everything on that team. Chuck was only there because tag teams need two people. He was young and big so he met the requirements.

Now Sean O Haire, thats who should currently be on Smackdown getting a push. If Jeff Hardy and Chavo can get multiple wellness violations and still get pushes, why can't O Haire hit a women and make a comeback?
Sean O'Haire just lost his momentum when Roddy Piper got released and got a motorcycle accident. He was NEVER pinned on WWE programming yet got released.
Shame the bar fight pretty much ruined him by wrecking his vision.

I always liked O'Haire, he was big, could wrestle, brawl and go airborne and was pretty damn creepy with the spider obsession. I'd have loved to see him get pushed in WWE better than he did. He was a damn sight better than Palumbo and Jindrak
I'm a rare fan who doesn't really dislike anyone. That's not to say that I don't have my preferences or notice people's flaws but nobody really annoys me. So while I understand why some people here and at other forums aren't too fond of him especially in the Billy and Chuck days I dont' really have a prob with him. The right gimmick, feud, or storyline can make certain wrestlers more entertaining than they previously were so I honestly wouldn't doubt Palumbo one day having somewhat of a fanbase despite the flaws that some of you have pointed out, which he certainly has.
He's not horrible in the ring in fact i kinda enjoy Chucks matches but like so many have said before me he just has no charisma. He was over before with Billy Gunn but how can you not draw attention from the fans with a mixture of a homosexual gimmick and Rico's sideburns? I mean it took a very drastic gimmick to get him over becuase of the lack of mic skills. Honestly,i don't think he will get over on Smackdown maybe not even ECW but i think that would be the best choice for him, at least over there he might have a chance of getting a push.
Chuck Palumbo's greatest gimmick is behind him, and to me its sad that I believe his greatest gimmick was trying to be Lex Luger. All Palumbo has ever been is a rip-off of another gimmick from years gone by. Be it Luger with the "Total Package" gimmick, or the the Undertaker with the American Badass Biker gimmick. (straight down to the bike entrance)

Palumbo needs a partner, he works great in Tag Team's but can't survive as a single's wrestler. To be honest, all this talk of the possibility of the Million Dollar Corp. returning, I think Palumbo would be a great investment (no pun intended) for joining that faction. It'd give him a place to be, he could work inside a Tag Team with Ted DiBiase, or any number of other randomly placed guys, and it could work for him.
Chuck's decent, not great. His in-ring work is something I will watch, but not spectacular. His mike skills are passable, but certainly not anything to take notice of, and he lacks the charisma that alot of other stars have. I dunno if that's him personally, or if he's just being underutilized, but he's just not coming off all that great across the television. Give him something new and original, and let the guy speak his mind and he might be good, but at the moment he just seems like Joe Average.
Just like the Rockers or Edge and Christian hell even Billy and Chuck, someone did all the work and someone was carried. Palumbo was always carried as a tag wrestler and shouldn't have gotten into the singles division. Palumbo shoud go back to being a tag team wrestler, too bad WWE made SEAN O'HAIRE BORING
Palumbo for me is just flat out boring, his crappy unintense promos, hs average in ring skills and his rip-off entrances, the only time Chuck has ever been worth anything is when he's in a tag team, hell the best thing he did recently was team up with Jamie Noble once or twice. . . . . . . Jamie Noble, now theres a talent

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