Chuck Liddell


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New article from Sherdog:

Fresh off a stint on ABC’s “Dancing With The Stars,” Chuck Liddell will now turn his attention to either making his Octagon return or becoming a coach and trainer to the next generation of fighters surrounding him in San Luis Obispo, Calif.

Liddell, 39, was stopped by Mauricio “Shogun” Rua at UFC 97 last April in Montreal, his second knockout loss in as many appearances. That night, UFC president Dana White, a longtime friend and former manager of the fighter, announced Liddell’s retirement. However, the former light heavyweight champion has politely intonated that he’s not quite ready to call it quits just yet.

“We’re still talking, so we’ll see,” Liddell told the Sherdog Radio Network’s “Savage Dog Show” on Monday. “I still love fighting. I don’t know what we’re going to come up with. I’m going to start spending a lot of time training guys or get back in there –- one of the two.”

One thing Liddell is certain of, though, is that he has little interest in competing at heavyweight at this time.

“I’ll be at 205,” said Liddell of a potential return. “I’ve been walking around the last month and a half at 216, 215.”

Liddell’s aversion to the heavyweight division certainly quiets rumors that place him in the cage against fellow superstar Kimbo Slice, should the reformed streetfighter get past a yet-to-be-named opponent at “The Ultimate Fighter 10” finale on Dec. 5 in Las Vegas.

“Why would anyone even want to see me fight Kimbo?” asked Liddell. “I have no interest in that fight. Whatever. It is what it is. I guess I’d do it, if that’s who I had to fight to come back.”

Liddell’s appearance on the squeaky-clean “DWTS” served many purposes, not the least of which was unprecedented exposure with a demographic unfamiliar with MMA. Liddell placed 11th out of the 16 couples.

“I needed some time off,” said Liddell. “’Dancing’ actually gave me something to concentrate on and get in shape on. I just want to get back in shape and stay in shape and start training with people and see what I want to do.”

Liddell, along with coach John Hackleman, will likely decide the fighter’s next move on the mats.

“(White) wants me to look at it, to see how I feel in the gym. I always told him, I want to make that decision in the gym, so I want to get back there and move around with some people and see how I feel. If I feel good, I’m going to keep fighting to come back."

Simple question here, do you want to see Chuck Liddell back in the octagon? If so, what are fight(s) you would like to see from him?


I created this thread with the idea of asking that question and answering it with that I hope Chuck Liddell never fights again. But the more I sit here and think about it, the more I convince myself that I do want to see one more fight from him. Why? Well, I'd just rather see the guy retire on top, than someone who lost 4 of his last 5 fights. And I do think he still has something left in the tank. Yes, his chin is highly suspect, but there are plenty of ways of getting past that.

I guess if it were up to me, what I would do is sign Chuck Liddell to a 2 fight contract. The first fight being against... I don't want to say a can, but against someone you would expect him to beat. Maybe a rematch with Keith Jardine, or even someone lower on the totem pole, like say Krzysztof Soszynski. And if Chuck wins, I would feed him a big name, like Forrest Griffin (depending how Forrest looks against Tito that is), or Tito Ortiz (re: Forrest), or Rashad Evans. If he wins that one, give him another contract if he wants it. However, if he loses either fight, you don't sign him to another contract. Let him retire on that note. It's win-win, if you ask me. If Chuck wins one of the two fights, then he still retires on a pretty good note, and if he losess the gimme fight, then we all know (including himself) that he should not be fighting any longer and it'll be easier for him and us fans to accept it.

What do you think?
Tough question JMT. I've always been a more casual MMA fan, so naturally a more mainstream star like Liddell always appealed to me, and I've always been a fan of his (how can you not be a fan of someone nicknamed "The Iceman"?) On that basis alone I'd definitely like to see him get in the octagon again, but being reasonable and realistic here, I'm not sure it would be a good move for Chuck. His career is winding down, and his last few fights have been tough to watch as he simply hasn't looked like the monster that we've seen in years past.

I personally would still love to see him back in the octagon though, the man just oozes charisma and is always entertaining to watch, even if he's getting knocked out. As for possible opponents? Shit I have no idea.
I just had a crazy idea. Perhaps ESPN should hire Liddel as their first ever MMA correspondant and analyst.

He's been on ESPN several times as a recognizable face of the UFC and he's done well. He lacks the overall charisma and speaking ability to be a commentator along side Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg, but for a 5 minute spot on ESPN to discuss the prior night's PPV's and whatnot, he may do very well.

That would also free him up to open his own MMA training facility or whathaveyou, and he could always be asked back to coach a season of TUF.
The thing is, Chuck would probably be awful in a position like that, because for the most part, he's a horrible public speaker. He's basically punchdrunk at this point. Sometimes if I see him do an interview, I wonder if he's on something, but I think it's just primarily due to the fact that his brains are scrambled at this point. I personally think Kenny Florian and Frank Mir are the two most likely choices to be MMA correspondents to ESPN... especially where Kenny does the MMA Live webshow.

I'm not sure if I want him back in the octagon either. The guy has lost four of his last five, and has looked pretty lackluster. According to Dana, he quit partying and focused 100% on Shogun, and he got slaughtered by him. I don't think he has anything left in the gas tank, and I'm afraid another fight would lead to a loss where he got completely embarrassed.

I do think he will be back in the Octagon though, because Dana is his friend and he probably wouldn't have the heart to tell him he can't fight anymore. Maybe he'll get one more vs. Couture and maybe two fights against lower level guys.
I just had a crazy idea. Perhaps ESPN should hire Liddel as their first ever MMA correspondant and analyst.

He's been on ESPN several times as a recognizable face of the UFC and he's done well. He lacks the overall charisma and speaking ability to be a commentator along side Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg, but for a 5 minute spot on ESPN to discuss the prior night's PPV's and whatnot, he may do very well.

That would also free him up to open his own MMA training facility or whathaveyou, and he could always be asked back to coach a season of TUF.

I like these ideas. But, although they're just beginning to break ground, ESPN isnt giving enough attention to MMA to hire a correspondant. And if they did, I think they'd be looking for someone with a little bit more of a cleancut image than a guy in a mohawk, no matter what his history with the UFC has been. ESPN would be looking more towards a Rich Franklin or Randy Couture. But, any on-screen role pertaining to the sport of MMA involving Chuck Liddell would be golden. Even people that don't watch MMA love Liddell.

I'm with X when I say that even though his last fights were pretty ugly and hard to watch (if you're a fan of Liddell), I'd love to see him get back in the octagon until he goes out with a big knockout win. He is craving his redemption and once he has it the world will erupt and I feel that he would finally be at piece.

Fuck it... I say Dana should give Liddell his last shot at Tito Ortiz. The fight would gain lots of hype, draw millions, and Liddell would kick the shit out of him one more time.
I'm a fan of Liddell like I said but I don't think he'd make a very good ESPN analyst. That seems more the kind of role someone like Randy Couture would take.

Fuck it... I say Dana should give Liddell his last shot at Tito Ortiz. The fight would gain lots of hype, draw millions, and Liddell would kick the shit out of him one more time.

You know, as tired as that fight might sound to some, I'd fucking LOVE to see it. I know I'd buy that fight, and I rarely if ever buy any PPVs anymore. Usually just watch them online.

I'd love to see Chuck knockout Ortiz, that would be the perfect end to this career if he saw fit to retire.
I just don't know... I personally believe hes done at this point and it flat out fucking sucks. Chuck has been my favorite fighter since I got into MMA, and watching those last fights killed me to see him get beat like that, and if he came back for another fight I just see him getting beat again. A suggestion was made to have him fight Tito depending on how he looks in the Forrest fight. I honestly can say I believe Tito will look tremendous in his fight with Forrest, and that if the two were to fight that Tito would win.

Honestly as much as i'd love to see the Chuck of old fight again I just doubt that will happen. He needs to retire now. The guys one of the best fighters ever, and has nothing else to prove. I think if he had another fight unless it'd be against some scrub that he'd get dominated again. I don't want him to fight again. I do think he could be an announcer along side Joe and Mike. That'd be a great job for him, and i'd love listening to him. Also he could open a MMA school and train younger talent. Aside from actually fighting theres much more that Chuck can and should do, but I see him retiring here.
I would like to see Chuck come back just to see him maybe pick up one more win and go out on a high note. On that note I dont know who they could feed to him to let him get that win because obviously hes not going to fight a scrub for his final fight. Id love to see him fight Tito one more time but at this stage in their careers I would have to say Tito would win. Chuck just isnt what he used to be and im sure Tito can win a fight now adays against Chuck. Like I said I would love to see Chuck come back for one more fight but I just dont knwo who they could put him up against that wouldnt beat him senseless.
I probably wouldn't want to see him fight anymore. He's one of the greatest ever, but he clearly doesn't have it anymore. Sure, you could throw him in there againt a can, but what would the point of that be? Sure, Chuck would win, but who cares? If he wins, big deal. If he loses, it sucks.

If Chuck was to come back for one more fight, I'd want to see it against Tito. Him knocking out Tito would be the perfect ending to his career, and if he loses to him, Tito is a contendah.
Yeah I agree.I would love too see Chuck fight Forrest,Too me this fight would feature the two of the most popular UFC fighters too have never fight and I think this fight could be a great crowd pleasure because both these guiys love too to stand and trade,the crowd would go nuts!I also wouldent mind seeing him fight Tito again.

And a question:What is the deal with these photos at the end of everyones posts?..

I'm new so I don't know.=]
Yeah I agree.I would love too see Chuck fight Forrest,Too me this fight would feature the two of the most popular UFC fighters too have never fight and I think this fight could be a great crowd pleasure because both these guiys love too to stand and trade,the crowd would go nuts!I also wouldent mind seeing him fight Tito again.

And a question:What is the deal with these photos at the end of everyones posts?..

I'm new so I don't know.=]
It's their sig, you can change it in your User CP that's up towards the top in the bar. But onto the topic at hand, someone mentioned Sosynzki, the only problem with that is it would be highly unlikely that Liddell would win this fight, as Sosynzki has looked rather good in his last few outings. I think his best bet would be another fight with Couture, or even a fight with Coleman wouldn't be too bad for Liddell.
I love Chuck Liddell. I'm a casual fan of MMA too, but i've always loved Chuck. His look, the way he just unmercifully beat the dogshit out of his opponents. I just finished reading his book and my respect and liking for the man increased greatly. I'd love to see him and Ortiz square off again. Neither one of them can have that much in the tank. It's a great rivalry and it'd be fucking epic to see them just smash heads one more time.

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