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Christy Hemme May Be Terrible...


Lord And Master
Staff member
...But I'll give her time. Announcing is something you need to develop on. I realize that she's there instead of Jeremy Borash because she has a rack and is worth staring at, but she is nowhere as good. She spills her lines, has no pizzazz in her announcing, when teams come out, she'll fail at announcing one of the guys and forgets the Championships also have a company name on them, but I am willing to way another year before I call her a failure. The reason I say that is because of Lillian Garcia's announced return to the WWE as Smackdown's announcer. Anyone remember her announcing back in '99? Yeah, she sang 100x better than she could announce back then. But after time she got better. She paid off in the end. Hemme can too. With time.
I was originally against Hemme announcing, that said I missed Lauren in the backstage interviews at first, but she does have an undeniable charm, besides her cracking rack, of course, she has really grown on me as the friendly face of TNA, if you will. Long story short, I like Christy.

Also, I'm a fan of Lillian Garcia, too, she'll be a welcome break from Justin "Jaaaawn Ceeeee-naaaaaw!" Roberts.
I don't hate Hemme at all, never have and never will. but what does JB have to do to get a break? I didn't know that there had been a switch in the annoucing booths but JB has been without doubt the voice of TNA and seems to never move forward. TNA is just one giant headache.
At first I thought this was about her boobs in high def on the last Impact. Hemme is a good announcer, but when you have to go against Borash it's going to be hard to seem decent. Once she memorizes more of wrestlers intro's it'll flow better. Whoever that annoying dude the WWE has announcing is, she's way better, that Jawn Ceenah crack is on point.
I'd have to agree on Hemme needing to do some homework...

Not just on the what/who, but where to inflect her voice and make the talent sound exciting.

She also needs more details in her introductions and when she announces the winner. It may all be scripted and she is told how much she is meant to say, but c'mon Christy if you're going to do something, then do it the very best it can possibly be done, and say all the little nuaneces(sp?) that that come with the annoncing gig...
In all honesty, for her to be the highest paid knockout in the entire company she really should be doing a better job. I have nothing against Christy Hemme, but her announcing could definitely use some work. I mean she has all the tools needed to make these guys sound either as menacing as all hell or the next big thing but her announcing just falls flat each and every time. I don't mind Roberts as much as I mind Hemme. I think that they both need some serious work but Hemme needs it more.
Christy Hemme is an okay talent.Yeah I do agree sh e needs work on her announcing.But hey I bet some of the greatest announcers at first weren't that awesome.I also think that she might get to a whole other level of announcing.She can have a couple of work/tweeks in her work.I do wish her the best of luck in her later on announcing job.
It really isn’t going to hurt the company much; if at all. Nobody who already devotes themselves to watching TNA every Thursday isn’t going to shut off the television if she might forget to say something or mixes a word or too. Why is that? Because she supplies enough eye candy to easily make those bad thoughts or nitpicks disappear. If Borash was to go and forget to include the brand name in the title of a championship or not recite the whole name of a certain dude? That’s when you’re allowed to get mad. Because he doesn’t have any excuses. And this new experiment will only give JB more time for interviews and all that other stuff he does outside of the camera’s reach. If we get to a year and she’s still making those common mistakes? Then you blame her. But hey, let her practice and maybe she’ll start earning those piles of cash she’s snatching up. What’s it gonna do?
I agree with Killjoy. Hemme can improve in time and I honestly don't mind her in the ring announcer role. She can only get better from here on. I'd rather see her wrestling personally. She was never much to write home about in the ring but her in-ring push did end fairly abruptly when it looked like she might have been the one to end Kong's reign. In time she will get better at what she does. While I don't see her ever reaching Lillian's level, she deserves a chance because she isn't as bad as some people claim and she has already shown some improvement since she first fell into her current role.
Hemme almost broke her nek in a botched spot training with AJ Styles. She no longer wishes to wrestle as she deosn't have any confidence in there and fears she will injure not just herself but the other person who has entrusted their safety to her.

the fact that she is highly paid though means she should be really trying to do everything in her ability to improve (something I wish Taz would do), and if she is there for her eye candy-ness, then can the camera guy atleast get better vision of her when she's announcing... the crane cam on her doesn't do her any justcie, especially when she's wearing those short skirts...
Am I the only one who really couldn't care less who the ring announcer is? Whether it be Christy Hemme, or Lillian Garcia, or Justin Roberts, or Howard Finkel, it makes no difference to me whatsoever. They do a 30 second thing sporadically though out the evening, and then they fade back into the background for the part. Personally, I would just as soon have the ring announcer be a sexy hot redhead than someone else. Sure she may mess up her lines and her announcing on occasion, but let's face it, I think we all know who the performers are anyway. They are merely stating the obvious, so it's just as well if then person doing the job is easy on the eyes. And no doubt about it, Christy Hemme answers the call in that regard. Plus, it probably keeps her out of the ring as an active competitor, which is a good thing as well.

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