Christmas Day

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
How will yours go? Do you have a routine, will you be visiting family etc.

I'll get woken up at about 4 in the morning. I'll be woken up by the sound of my daughter opening presents that I've put in a stocking for her, just little items. She'll then come into my room an hour or so later showing me all the stuff that Santa has got her. I'll then put her straight and say ''Well actually It was me who spent a fortune of toys and High School Musical DVDs'' We'll then open up her larger gifts in the living room. Which takes about 5 seconds. That child only know how to move quickly at Christmas and on birthdays. About 11 her mum will pick her up and I'll be left on my own for the rest of the day, and until midday on Boxing Day. I will be very sad and incredibly bored. I'll probablt spend the remainder of the day abusing myself.
I will be very sad and incredibly bored. I'll probablt spend the remainder of the day abusing myself.

If you could fly to America, I'd welcome you to join me. As I'd likely be doing the same. I can't describe how much I simply dispise Christmas.

Our day won't even likely go like that, as my Daughter will only be celebrating her second Christmas, so she still won't fully know the excitement of Santa, yet. But I imagine the day will follow something along these lines.

1. Wake up, slightly passed 9-10a.m. & get a shower
2. Let Gabrielle open all her gifts, then (if like last year) watch her discard the $50.00-100.00 & over gifts, to play with tons upon tons of ripped wrapping paper.
3. Join the Wife's side of the Family for some good old fashion holiday ignoring. (much like everyday life, except they'll be wearing christmas hats, & likely singing)
4. Come home to settle into my chair & somber off into my own personal hell, or watch whatever DVDs my Daughter, or "I" will likely get for Christmas.
5. Remain up most of the night, before I become so tired I simply can't ignore falling asleep.

The worst part about Thanksgiving & Christmas for me.. is McDonald's isn't open. Family fests are good, but if I'm gonna spend a fortune on food.. I'd rather it be food I know I'll enjoy eating. lol

The fact that I'm too poor to buy gifts will also drag me down, so I'm curious if I could get away with spending most the day on Wrestlezone.
I love Christmas, and we have the same routine every year.

We're joined by family who live close, so there are 9 of us in the house. Including a 5 and a 2 year old.
My MUM (Yeah it's my mum) wakes us up at about 3 in the morning, telling us Santa has been.
Then we go downstairs and wake my Nanna and Grandad up using party poppers, lol.
My grandad tries to upset us by telling us Santa hasn't been. But when we go down, our living room is full because of how many of us there is.
We've unwrapped everything and eaten breakfast by 6.30a.m.
Then we basically spend the morning taking things to our bedrooms and looking at all our new stuff. We have a full christmas dinner, and when I say full, I mean I've never seen that much food in my life lol.
Then we spend the afternoon watching tv and messing about with new things. Then at night I have friends over and we have a party.
Christmas :)
We're joined by family who live close, so there are 9 of us in the house. Including a 5 and a 2 year old.
My MUM (Yeah it's my mum) wakes us up at about 3 in the morning, telling us Santa has been.

3A.M.?!?!?! Are you insane. I'm not even in bed by that time. IF Santa comes to my house, (especially considering I've been awful this year) him & I tell each other stories from the previous year.

Hes crazy, he once mentioned a story about a suicide elf.. tried on egg nog.

3A.M.?!?!?! Just not right.

Then we go downstairs and wake my Nanna and Grandad up using party poppers, lol.
My grandad tries to upset us by telling us Santa hasn't been. But when we go down, our living room is full because of how many of us there is.

Thats mean! How loud are those things? They could hurt their ears. lol

We've unwrapped everything and eaten breakfast by 6.30a.m.
Then we basically spend the morning taking things to our bedrooms and looking at all our new stuff. We have a full christmas dinner, and when I say full, I mean I've never seen that much food in my life lol.

I can't understand how you could be finished with everything by 6:30a.m.. I'm barely going to bed at that time anymore. You'd be finishing up your Christmas, & I'd still be going to bed on the 24th in my head. lol
3A.M.?!?!?! Are you insane. I'm not even in bed by that time. IF Santa comes to my house, (especially considering I've been awful this year) him & I tell each other stories from the previous year.

Hes crazy, he once mentioned a story about a suicide elf.. tried on egg nog.

3A.M.?!?!?! Just not right.

Lmao, blame my mum! I'd happily be sleeping at 3a.m. lmao!
But I also come over all childish near Christmas.
But being a naughty girl this year, I wonder if he'll come at all ;)

Thats mean! How loud are those things? They could hurt their ears. lol

I can't understand how you could be finished with everything by 6:30a.m.. I'm barely going to bed at that time anymore. You'd be finishing up your Christmas, & I'd still be going to bed on the 24th in my head. lol

Haha, trust me it's funny! They are loud, but hey. it's Christmas :p

Lol, well considering the time difference, you really will be stuck in the 24th haha.
Lmao, blame my mum! I'd happily be sleeping at 3a.m. lmao!
But I also come over all childish near Christmas.
But being a naughty girl this year, I wonder if he'll come at all ;)

I was refering to being bad, as in awful, not bad as in naughty/kinky. lol

Santa likes naughty, actually. Why do you think his "gimmick" is loving tons of boys & girls? Theres a wicked rumor going around that Micheal Jackson was suppose to be Santa's successor, until the whole "Neverland Ranch" ordeal.

Santa likes keeping a low profile about that sorta thing, thats why he only comes out once a year.. & its always during the middle of the night. (think about it, you know its true)

Haha, trust me it's funny! They are loud, but hey. it's Christmas :p

LOL "They are loud, but hey. it's Christmas"

Nothing says I love my soon to be def Grandparents like a blow horn in the ear for Christmas.

Lol, well considering the time difference, you really will be stuck in the 24th haha.

Its unfortunate that you get to escape through this hell of a holiday before me. You actually like it, I dispise it. But I suppose, ladies first.
On Christmas Day I usually wake up at 11 a.m because I usually stay up late on Christmas Eve watching Christmas specials. When I wake up everyone's already done opening their presents and eating presents. So I'm always the last one opening. My parents usually buy me one big present and a bunch of little crap to make them look better. I usually just play with my presents until 4 or 5 p.m when we have Christmas Dinner. After that I play with the presents some more get bored of them and watch T.V.
On Christmas Day I usually wake up at 11 a.m because I usually stay up late on Christmas Eve watching Christmas specials.

I'm not a fan of those, either. Too fake. I've NEVER seen something "magical" happen on or around this time of the year. You know those Christmas specials, where the person is about to either commit suicide, or they get dumped by their "respected other." Or even those that lose their job, or just any number of bad shit happens.. only to end the movie with it all working out right??

Yeah.. watch ANY special up until the point of things "turning around for the better" then just stop, because thats real. The happy ending is whats fake. pfft.. f'n christmas.

When I wake up everyone's already done opening their presents and eating presents. So I'm always the last one opening.

Do they all sit there & watch you? That'd piss me off. I hate being in a group, opening anything. (assuming I have anything to open) I can't stand tons of eyes watching me unwrap something, that I'm suppose to love.. only to see its.. a pair of socks! Wooooo, just what I always wanted.

My parents usually buy me one big present and a bunch of little crap to make them look better. I usually just play with my presents until 4 or 5 p.m when we have Christmas Dinner. After that I play with the presents some more get bored of them and watch T.V.

The Parent/Child ratio for me isn't good either. Last year, they got me an 8 pack of blank V.H.S. tapes.. my Wife & I paid close to $2,000.00 for their electric bill.. it truly evens out. And as far as Christmas dinner, I think I mentioned it earlier.. I'd rather have McDonald's.

Honestly, last year was the best Christmas I had since I was a little kid & my Mom's relation passed away, leaving them tons of money to buy me like $400.00 worth of toys. I'm such an awful person for loving that, but I was a kid.. & every Christmas since that (minus last year's) has truly been awful in one form or fashion.
Most years, My family will wake up around 7 or 8 or so. The 4 or 5 kids (my older sister has a daughter thats now 5) go downstairs and open whatevers in our stockings. Then we wake our mom up, who tells us to go open our stockings while she "wakes up/smokes one". She comes downstairs, and one at a time everyone opens all the gifts. When thats all done, My mother and her Bf start the christmas dinner, while us kids either play with the new stuff, or just play more PS2. Finally around lunch time we have our dinner, then half the years the rest of the day is normal, and the other halfs we go out to a familys home and have dinner there.

This year will be hugely diferent, as I've since moved out of my mothers home, and then she packed up and moved to the other side of the counrty with the rest of my family. So I'll probably sleep in, wake up, go on WrestleZone, then if I have any gifts that I didn't open the night before, I'll open those. I've also ben invited to my uncles for dinner, who just lives a few blocks away. Him and his oldest daughter have been better parentrs then mine, so it shoulod be a decent year. I'm just not expecting alot in the way of gifts.
This year will be hugely diferent, as I've since moved out of my mothers home, and then she packed up and moved to the other side of the counrty with the rest of my family. So I'll probably sleep in, wake up, go on WrestleZone, then if I have any gifts that I didn't open the night before, I'll open those. I've also ben invited to my uncles for dinner, who just lives a few blocks away. Him and his oldest daughter have been better parentrs then mine, so it shoulod be a decent year. I'm just not expecting alot in the way of gifts.

So, do you live alone? If so, that has to truly suck. It reminds me of my Birthday earlier this year. Dispite my Family being close, & friends being near.. hardly anyone remembered my Birthday. It was horrible. And for someone's Christmas to be spent purely alone, that must be even worse.. I truly feel sorry for you.. even more so than the pity party I'm currently throwing myself.
I'm not a fan of those, either. Too fake. I've NEVER seen something "magical" happen on or around this time of the year. You know those Christmas specials, where the person is about to either commit suicide, or they get dumped by their "respected other." Or even those that lose their job, or just any number of bad shit happens.. only to end the movie with it all working out right??

Yeah.. watch ANY special up until the point of things "turning around for the better" then just stop, because thats real. The happy ending is whats fake. pfft.. f'n christmas.

Ya they get really annoying, especially because it's the exact same movie every single year.

Do they all sit there & watch you? That'd piss me off. I hate being in a group, opening anything. (assuming I have anything to open) I can't stand tons of eyes watching me unwrap something, that I'm suppose to love.. only to see its.. a pair of socks! Wooooo, just what I always wanted.

Yeah, they all watch me. It get's so awkward because most of the time the gift is shit. They can tell by my face if I like it or not, which usuallt gets me in trouble with my parents for not faking that I like the present.

The Parent/Child ratio for me isn't good either. Last year, they got me an 8 pack of blank V.H.S. tapes.. my Wife & I paid close to $2,000.00 for their electric bill.. it truly evens out. And as far as Christmas dinner, I think I mentioned it earlier.. I'd rather have McDonald's.

Me too, I would rather have a Crispy Chicken anyday over my granny's cooking.

I guess we're the two WZ Christmas grinches.:lol2:
Ya they get really annoying, especially because it's the exact same movie every single year.

The sad thing is, I'm really unsure if I hate the movies because they're fake, or I'm jealous of them, because they aren't my own life. I know for a general fact I could list several things that I have, that would rival that of anything great for a lot of people.. but I just have a lot of shit, & I put a lot on my shoulders, that makes me see everything I love, or want, simply turn to shit before my eyes.

Like wanting something right now, so badly, that I just can't have. The ability to reach out, & want to just take hold of it.. but its always inches away from my finger-tips. And it hurts, to the point of breaking down. And this fucking holiday with those damn movies, just make it so much worse.

Yeah, they all watch me. It get's so awkward because most of the time the gift is shit. They can tell by my face if I like it or not, which usuallt gets me in trouble with my parents for not faking that I like the present.

One gift in general, was a DVD of a movie that was my friend's favorite, but not mine.. & its just like.. "I get you something, I know you want.. & you get me something you know, you want."

I take gifts with a grain of salt (so to speak) though, because Christmas has become & over-lapst being all about gifts to me. I truly am horrible with this season. I just want to be left alone, & sit & play the pity game.. & think of all the horrible things, because its me, & its stupid & I don't expect, or ask for anyone's sympathy, because its not about that.

Its just, until one defining moment happens, during this time of the year.. that will allow me to see it, as so over-shadowing to all the shit I've ever dealt with.. I'll always hate Christmas, & anything from mid-November, through Jan-Feb.

Me too, I would rather have a Crispy Chicken anyday over my granny's cooking.

I live off McDonald's.. & people there, close friends, always joke about what if they ever were open. And they think I lie, when I say I'd eat there, but seriously, I do.. I went out at 3a.m. on either December 24th, or 25th & tried going through the 24 hour drive-thru, thinking they'd be open.. & I was pulled over by a cop, who asked what I was doing out.

He pulled me over in the McD's parking lot, & I simply pointed. And he was like "Can't you see they're closed?" & I was such a dick, I was like "Wow, thats for pulling me over, to point out the obvious." Then we got into a discussion, about weapons in the car.. & I told him he was on something, cause I didn't have any.. then he pointed out a fucking butter knife.. a dull ass butter knife.. & I looked & was like "OH! Yeah, keep that there incase any car thieves high jack my car with toast."

I somehow did NOT get a ticket, but he followed me all the way back home.

I guess we're the two WZ Christmas grinches.:lol2:

Nah, in the movie the Grinch, he ends up having a fondness & love for Christmas. I've yet to get to that point.. (yet, I suppose) I'd say.. I'm the character thats never been written about, because no Christmas story ends on a bad note.

Who knows, maybe I am the WZ Grinch. I have an apparent fondness for Green.. eyes.
I love the holidays as i'm home from university and get to spend time with my family. i'm 21 and my brother is 17, so its not like we have to play up for the whole santa thing. We get up late enough, open gifts ect. Then go and see family, have dinner and relax with a glass of wine. Its a fun, easy going day, stress free and enjoyable.
Christmas Eve: Get together with family and eat about 400 pounds of fish, which I love. Italian Catholics usually eat fish on Christmas Eve. Watch my little sister open gifts that she will play with for 2 days and then put in a corner to die, unloved. Adults will exchange cards with money or gift certificates.

Drink about 20-30 glasses of wine and stumble home.

Christmas day: Sleep.

I'm off of work that whole week!:D:D:D
Myself and my family generally role out of bed at about 9 or 10 am and then my dad makes crepes, which are delicious, than we open our gifts. My mom generally gets called by a relative in the middle of opening gifts, and we stop and wait for her. Then some extended famliy comes over, like my sister and my nieces and nephews...then my mom makes chinese food for dinner.
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