Christian is the NEW World Heavyweight Champion!

Was the crowd reaction for Christian winning WHC best you have seen in years??

  • Hell Yeah.. I was jumping along as well.

  • Nah.. It was predictable and the crowd was silly..

  • I have hearing and attention disorder.. Cant comment..

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ROH TV champion
CHRISTIAN HAS DONE IT!! FINALLY! THANK YOU WWE! Finally after being a peep for 13 years I finally see christian with a world title, to say i am stoked or psyched is an understatement, i marked the eff out! Edge being there made this an awesome/emotional moment...this is up there with eddie and benoit after wrestlemania XX for best moment in wrestling for me...CONGRATULATIONS CAPTAIN CHARISMA!

What do you guys think about it, the match itself, Christian finally as champion, etc?
I agree, I cried in joy at the ending of the match. I have been waiting since his return to win a world champion. Everybody said he would never win it, everybody was speaking for Vince McMahon, saying he was too small. But Christian proved them all wrong. 13 Years means something to me.

Who cares if it was off Edge's shoulder? Christian deserved a WWE world champion since 2004. He's proved that he can make great matches with ANYONE! He proved he could make great feuds, ALA Alberto Del Rio!!!!

-Thank you WWE for giving this to Christian, he deserves it.

-Thank you Alberto Del Rio, for putting Christian over.

-Thank you Vince McMahon, showing that RATINGS and Big Stars and Big Men don't always win it.

I also cried after that match. Growing up as a kid watching Edge and Christian grow in their WWE careers. Christian is my all time favorite, fuck Rey Mysterio, Christian is the true underdog of the WWE.

Christian and Del Rio had an amazing match, so many back and forths it made my head spin. My neighbor had the nerve to tell me to quiet down when I heard Edge blare his car horn.

All and all this was an unforgettable moment, as a peep, and as a wrestling fan in general.
Add me to the list of people who marked out and cried. Huge moment, and one of the most satisfying wins to see in all of my years of watching wrestling.
This match was very good, even got to see abit of blood, dunno if you all noticed the massive pile of blood outside the ring from where Christian beat down Brodus Clay haha.

Tears of joy. Along with Edge when he finally claimed the title from above the ring!

Big fan of Christian so very pleased to finally see a World Championship added to his accolades, I mean he held a World title in TNA so it was only a matter of time before he gained one in the WWE!

I'm sure we shall see Del Rio in the Title picture for soon enough now he is on RAW and since (Meh, i guess we all knew it would happen) Cena won the title tonight, could be a feud to lookout for once the whole rematch with The Miz is out of the picture.
While I wasn't adamant like many of the Christian marks on the forum to get him a WHC, it truly is about damn time. Christian is insanely over with the crowd and sure it may diminish his run as many will see it as a sympathy run, but who cares. What I'm interested to see is how they handle Christian as champion. I just hope they don't book him poorly and use him as a transitional champion to someone like Randy Orton. I hope to see him booked strong and come off as a legit champion. If Christian steps up his game and shows he belongs then he should be fine. I hope that is the case. But either way, who cares. The Pontiff of the Peepulation has finally broke through the glass ceiling. Such a great moment and so glad Edge was there for it. And like a true friend Edge stepped out of the spotlight and let Christian get his time.
I was wrong about Christian.

I just want it on record that I said it. I've said repeatedly that I didn't think the WWE would consider him championship material, and now he's a World Heavyweight Champion. I still don't think they'll invest in him long term. I still think he's a champion because Edge is retired. But he is a WHC nonetheless, and I admit when I was completely wrong about something.
I'm not watching the PPV at the moment but when I heard he won the world title, I almost cried. It's about damn time. He finally broke through the glass ceiling and proved a lot of people who thought he's never be world champion in WWE dead wrong. Is it a sympathy title win? Maybe. But really, who cares? The man deserves it. I only hope he doesn't get fed to Orton. I really want to see him have a long and strong world title reign. Congratulations, Christian. It's been a long time coming.
Christian did it! Finally, he won the big one.

Know that he won the title, i cant help but think, this match really deserved to be put in the Main Event. I mean how can you put a Christian title win, after 13 freaking years not in the mainevent?

No... They decide to overshadow it and put SuperCena in the Mainevent winning the gold, yea can you feel the excitement! No I cant either.

Anyway does anyone else feel...

1. Christians Title win was overshadowed by not being the ME?

2. Should the World Title match been ME?

3. Should this Fridays Smackdown be all about Christians title reign celebration.
I'm glad Christian finally got his due. I don't know how he can be the face of Smackdown with Randy Orton there. It would have been awesome to see a title match between Edge and Christian one last time. Still, I'm glad Christian finally grabbed the brass ring that alluded him for years. I hope his run is successful and not underwhelming like some we have see on Smackdown in the past. Such as Swagger.
THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME. As a Huge Christian Fan I was so happy that he has Won the World Heavyweight Champion. It was a damn good match to. I've waited along to see this and I thought that I would never this day come that Christian is a World Champion and now that this happened I couldn't be more Happy for Christian. I hope that he will have nice long reign with the belt.
Sadly I missed this moment in PPV land but I wigged the "F" out when I read that he won th strap. I could not keep it together; I could only imagine about how out of control I would've been had I actually seen it. I'm so happy that he is finally at the top of the mountain; its been a long time brewing. He should have been champ dating back to 2005 or earlier. I've been a Christian fan since 1998 when he debuted and beat Taka for the light heavyweight title at Judgement Day. This is great for all "peeps" and congrats to Jay Reso (Christian); you really deserved it man.
About time the WWE decided that Christian could be a world heavyweight champion. For Christ's sake, he won the NWA world heavyweight championship in TNA. I know its TNA, but still he won it.
i think it was a good match. i agree with what batista once said that christain works his ass off for the wwe and really deserved a title run. really glad to see christain win, edge being there made the win that much better. really stoked that christain won. wwe got yet another one right. oh and, i knew it, i knew that 2011 would be christains year!!!
Congratulations to Captain Charisma after a truly excellent match! I've got to admit, I really didn't think the WWE would go through with it. It almost seemed too perfect. But I'm thrilled that they proved me wrong tonight, and that Christian is FINALLY world heavyweight champion! Like others here, I completely marked out.

I think that tonight, the WWE has managed to create a moment to rival the Benoit/Guerrero Wrestlemania celebration, without the obvious dark scar of Benoit's death that it's become associated with. This has truly been a great moment in WWE history, and I can't wait to see where Christian's title reign leads him. And Christian's title win should send a very positive message to the talent backstage. That being that it's never too late to reach the top, and that hard work, talent, and dedication will be rewarded.

Whether as a face or a heel, and regardless of what promotion he finds himself in, Christian has proved time and time again that he's truly main event material. I hope he has a long title reign, but regardless of what comes next I'm glad that he's at least had this much deserved moment.
I marked the F Out I was Crying tears of Joy He desreved it and Finally Vinny Mac Pulled the Trigger. It was a Very Good Match both men worked their asses off. Edge being there and honking the horn I was laughing and then Crying tears of joy. They Both looked like little kids again jumping up down dreaming of becoming World Champ, Well it's no more Dreaming for either man.
Just like my sig says 2011 THE YEAR OF CHRISTIAN WHC 2011

1.Yes-it was kinda overshadowed but No considering how good that match was.
2.Yes it should of been the ME it was really emotional it was perfect, ad both men worked their asses off to put on a great match and they did but of course Cena has to have the last match and cant be overshadowed by anyone
3.Most of it have Edge there with him and let those 2 celebrate Hopefully a LONG Overdue 5 sec. Pose
I just dont get how WWE can think Cena winning the title for the 1000th time desreved to be in the ME more than Christian FINALLY WNNING THE WHC
Well, I have to admit...I was wrong. I really didn't think Chrsitian would do it. I figures he'd be in the DiBiase, Piper, Henning, Hall clase and just never win the big win. Sure, he may have only won it because of Edge retiring...but at this point it doesn't really matter. I just REALLY hope he isn't fed to Orton. Have these past few years or Christian kind of just haning around he just doesn't seem like a credible champion. It would've been better in the long run if he had managed to get built up a little more, but i'm just being picky. He finally done it. I guess Vince's alleged distaste of him and the "one push per tag team" rule has seem to subsided. Half of me still wonders if Edge's abrupt retrirement is the only reason he won, but...seriously, i'm like still in shock.
I absolutely marked out, and like others have said, had tears in my eyes, especially when E&C were hugging and jumping up and down. Captain Charisma, I think it's safe to say we can finally welcome you to the elite club in the WWE. Congratulations Christian!!!
This was probably the hardest I have ever marked out watching a wrestling event in my life. I love Christian(no, I'm not going to do this ******ed ass "no homo" shit you morons love to do) and I absolutely love that he has finally been given the chance to carry the strap. I don't care if he only got it because of Edge, I don't care if he has the single worst title reign in the history of the industry, Christian is a World Heavyweight Champion. No one can ever take that away.
This was THE best match of the night. Our whole group was into every little thing that happened & were cheering Christian on. Christian winning tonight is now my favorite WWE moment ever. Christian has been a favorite of mine since The Brood, and it's so gratifying to see him accomplish something this major. Thank you WWE for realizing Christian deserves this run & this recognition. He's always been very popular & one of the best they have. As someone said above, he is the true underdog of the WWE. Even though Edge retired for Christian to get this title shot, I believe it was in the cards to happen soon anyway. Big group hug after that match. :)
This was an incredible moment. I've loved Christian for years, and have been dying for Vince to let him get his hands on World Title gold. I was enthralled in the match. It was great, and I really thought Del Rio had it. When Edge showed up I was in a silent frenzy, not screaming or shouting aloud, but I was going crazy. When Christian pushed the ladder over, I was shaking, I couldn't believe. I still didn't think he could though it, something in my mind kept saying, be real, Del Rio has got this. When he did pull down the title, I just smiled and laughed, I was over the moon. The guy has done so much for WWE and it's awesome to finally see him with the Heavyweight title on his shoulders, and boy does he look good with it. Even though I'm sure Edge is part of the reason he won it, I'm sure he'll do such a good job, he'll be champ again on the basis of himself in no time.
This was an incredible moment, they really hit home by having Edge there too. Respect to Del Rio for following up on a great match and an even better outcome. I am so amped for this Friday, and seeing a WHC belt around C Charisma.
It was absolutely incredible. I refused to believe he'd win until Edge came out in that jeep. At that point everyone watching knew who would win. When Christian pulled that title down, I don't think I've ever gone from cheering to tears of joy so fast. Who cares what happens from here. Christian is a WWE world champion, and nothing can change that now. I waited over 12 years for this. From winning the Light Heavyweight Championship in his first match until now. What a career.
With Christian winning the Vacant World Heavyweight Championship at the Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View who do you think will his first opponent to defend the title against will be?

Looking at Smackdown roster, I've come to what I believe to be the 5 possible choices:

Alberto Del Rio-I would assume that after months of feuding with Christian and despite only having one title match and being drafted to Raw that his program with Christian is over but it's not completely unlikely that they could have one more match.

Randy Orton-He is undoubtedly the top superstar on Smackdown and will obviously be in the title picture sooner than later but at the same time he is still technically a babyface and I'm not sure if they'd put him up against Christian unless they do the rare face vs. face match I don't see him being the first opponent. I also don't see Orton becoming a heel since there aren't any real top babyfaces on Smackdown except him and Christian.

Sheamus-After losing the US Championship at Extreme Rules he is now freed up to go after a the World Title. And looking at the roster he is probably the top heel on the brand.

Mark Henry-He recently became a heel after being drafted to Smackdown. On his last night on Raw he "made a statement" by laying out John Cena and future World Heavyweight Champion, Christian. I figure the fact that they had him take down the WWE's top guy and Christian, who is now World Champion, is as good a starting point as any for a feud between the two. I'm not excited at the thought of Henry in the main event picture but it's possible.

Other-For all way know they could go the Fatal Four Way route and have all these guys (minus Del Rio of course) initially go after Christians belt. It would allow for Orton to be in the title picture despite him and the champion both being babyfaces. It would allow for Sheamus to get back in the title picture again. And it would allow for Mark Henry to be in the title picture without the worry of the disinterest that I would imagine people would have for a one on one match between him and Christian.

What do you guys think?
I didn't feel like it was overshadowed at all. It probably didn't get the main event spot because of its predictability; especially after they made Sheamus give up the U.S. Title to Kofi. Regardless of it's positioning on the card; it still touched a spot in my heart that drew deep nostalgic feelings.

Miz vs. Cena vs. Morrison got the main spot because it was a toss up between Miz and Cena (We all knew R-Truth was going to cost Morrison his chance).

In retrospect: the PPV was superb and i enjoyed every minute of it. I don't think I can find anything to complain about, other than my personal preferences for people who i would like to see pushed more. I'm really happy for Christian. :)

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