Christian And Ladder Matches.


Pre-Show Stalwart
1999: No Mercy (E+C Vs Hardys)
2000: WrestleMania 2000 (E+C Vs Dudleys Vs Hardys)
2001: No Mercy (Edge Vs Christian)
2002: RAW (TLC Match)
2003: RAW (RVD Vs Christian)
2004: Unforgiven (Jericho Vs Christian)
2005: Wrestlemania 21 (Money In The Bank)
2006: Slammiversary (King Of The Mountain)
2007: Genesis (Kaz vs Christian)
2008: Slammiversary (King Of The Mountain)
2009: TLC (Shelton Benjamin Vs Christian)
2010: Wrestlemania 26 (Money In The Bank)
2011: Extreme Rules (Alberto Del Rio Vs Christian)

Wow. At least one a year.
Edge, Christian and Jeff Hardy are the best ladder match combatants EVAR!!!!!
Jeff? Not really. Christian showed he knows ladder matches by picking his spots and knowing when to climb. Jeff just does the flippyz.
I'll be the first to run down Jeff Hardy - God knows it's easy enough - but he was tremendous in ladder matches. A spot monkey in a match designed for impressive spots. I fail to see the problem here.

I knew Edge's time as someone to be relied on to put on good matches was over when he couldn't even make jumping off a ladder entertaining.

Christian? Well, you just saw a Christian ladder match last night, probably. Good, wasn't it?
Jeff was great in ladder matches. And yeah last nights match was amazing. Blood too!
Christian v Kaz was a great match. The Del Rio matchup wasn't amazing, i wish he could have won it in a better match but he deserves it nonetheless.

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