Chris Paul: Best Point Guard In The NBA


The Phenom of WZ
Oh I can already read the responses and hear the criticism. "Phenom, are you crazy? Do you even watch the NBA? Have you forgotten about that Steph Curry guy?" So on and so forth. To all of that I still say; CP3 is currently the best point guard in the NBA.

Now I'm well aware of the season and the numbers that Steph Curry is producing. It's damn near unbelievable! I've never seen anything like it! In the last 2 years, Curry has gone from fringe all star to quite possibly the best player in the association and he plays PG. Having said that, though, just because he might be the best player and he plays PG; that doesn't mean he's the best PG. Curry is scoring at will, has handles like no other, and is probably the best shooter that the game has ever produced and he plays PG, but that doesn't mean he's the best PG. Let's look at the 2 player's respective numbers this season.

Curry: 29.8 ppg, 6.6 ast, 5.3 reb, 0.2 blk, 2.1 stl, 50.8 FG%, 45.4 3P%, 91.2 FT%, 3.3 TO, and 22.91 eff

Paul: 19.3 ppg, 9.4 ast, 3.8 reb, 0.2 blk, 2.2 stl, 45.6 FG%, 37.8 3P%, 88.0 FT%, 2.8 TO, and 24.92 eff

At first glance, Curry's number appear better. Higher scoring average and higher shooting percentages, but for a PG, Paul has the better numbers. More assists, more steals, fewer turn overs, and a higher efficiency rating. That means that CP3 makes better decisions and positively affects his team more than Curry does. Honestly, Steph plays more like a SG than a PG. Can Steph pass? Absolutely he can and he does, but he doesn't pass as well as CP3 and that's a PG's main duty. Another important duty for a PG is to be an extension of the coach on the floor. Nobody in the league is better at this than CP3. Not to mention being a team leader which is another important task that a PG must do. Blake Griffin went down to injury on Dec 25th against the Lakers. The Clippers then, after losing a player averaging 23 ppg, 5 ast, and 8+ reb, went on a 10 game winning streak. Since the Griffin injury, they've ultimately gone 19-5 in all. Now some of that is attributed to others stepping up as well as a some what generous schedule, but their recent success is mostly because of the play and more importantly the leadership of Chris Paul. IDC how easy one's schedule might be, its very very hard to put together a double digit winning streak in the NBA.

Chris Paul is the quintessential point guard in the NBA. A pass first PG who has the ability to score at will and take over games. Also, he's a great defender that can steal the ball from damn near anyone. If I were starting a team and I needed the ultimate PG in today's NBA, I'd take CP3. He's just ideal for running a team on the floor and leading a team. If I could make a team out of today's players, the perfect team would be: Chris Paul PG, Steph Curry SG, Lebron James SF, Blake Griffin PF, and Demarcus Cousins C. That's my opinion anyways.

What do you guys think? Am I crazy? If you disagree or even agree tell me why. Let me know your opinions.
Chris Paul is an elite PG in the NBA and he's been playing extremely well which is even more impressive given he's currently doing it without Griffin. I've watched Chris Paul lead his team to victory numerous times this year beating some pretty tough teams in the process and often doing it with ease.

Now is he better than Curry? It's hard to say but he's at the very least playing at the same level Curry is playing at and he's doing it with a team that as a whole isn't nearly as good as the Warriors currently are. Curry has Draymond Green who is having the best season of his career, he's got Klay Thompson and even secondary guys like Brandon Rush can put up good performances from time to time as well. Not saying the Clippers aren't a good team, they are but without Griffin there is no doubt which team as a whole is better.

Honestly I can't make a real decision until post season time, in my eyes that's really what determines which players are the best in the league but if the Warriors meet the Clippers in the playoffs (by then Griffin should be healthy again) there's a decent chance CP3 can outplay Curry and lead his team to victory.
I would take Curry over Paul. No disrespect to Paul, but Curry is currently the best player in the game. Personally, being a Raptors fan, I would throw Kyle Lowry in the discussion as well, but that's just me being a homer.

Chris Paul is an amazing player, and I would have him on my team any day. Number one point guard in the league? Sorry, no. Top 2-3? Absolutely
To elbaorate more on my initial post, this to me is a "tier" conversation.

Godlike: Curry> Not from this planet: Westbrook> Great: Chris Paul> Really good: Wall, Lowry, Lillard, Irving

...and so on.

But there's no question that I'd rather have Curry or Westbrook before Paul. I don't mean that your OP is outlandish because it would be ignorant for anybody to discredit Chris Paul's Point Guard skill in the midst of Curry's unholy ascension to emperor. Paul is on another planet than nearly every other PG in the league, but Curry (handles and shooting) and Westbrook (mere explosiveness) have natural gifts that are from another galaxy.
Curry: 29.8 ppg, 6.6 ast, 5.3 reb, 0.2 blk, 2.1 stl, 50.8 FG%, 45.4 3P%, 91.2 FT%, 3.3 TO, and 22.91 eff

Paul: 19.3 ppg, 9.4 ast, 3.8 reb, 0.2 blk, 2.2 stl, 45.6 FG%, 37.8 3P%, 88.0 FT%, 2.8 TO, and 24.92 eff

Here's the thing about the stats you provided: yes, Paul does average about 3 more assists per game, but that accounts for 9 more points at most (and more likely accounts for 6 points). Curry is scoring 10 more points on average than Paul, so he more than makes up for that.

Absolutely he can and he does, but he doesn't pass as well as CP3 and that's a PG's main duty.

I mean, kind of. A PG's main duty is to run the offense, and Steph Curry is such a great scorer that they built the offense around him scoring points.

Another important duty for a PG is to be an extension of the coach on the floor. Nobody in the league is better at this than CP3.

Except Steph Curry, whose team leads the league in PPG by a healthy amount.

Not to mention being a team leader which is another important task that a PG must do. Blake Griffin went down to injury on Dec 25th against the Lakers. The Clippers then, after losing a player averaging 23 ppg, 5 ast, and 8+ reb, went on a 10 game winning streak. Since the Griffin injury, they've ultimately gone 19-5 in all. Now some of that is attributed to others stepping up as well as a some what generous schedule, but their recent success is mostly because of the play and more importantly the leadership of Chris Paul. IDC how easy one's schedule might be, its very very hard to put together a double digit winning streak in the NBA.

This is a silly argument. Yes, it's impressive that the Clippers have been able to put together such a nice win streak without their second best player... but they have a pretty great team regardless.

Steph Curry's team is 48-4 right now. THAT'S INSANE.

What do you guys think? Am I crazy? If you disagree or even agree tell me why. Let me know your opinions.

You're not crazy, just grasping at straws to make a controversial, but incorrect argument.
Some of you have completely missed the point of my post. There is no doubt in my mind and no point in anyone trying to argue who the better player of the 2 is. That'd be Curry all day long and twice on Sunday. I'm simply saying that as a point guard, though, Chris Paul is better. He runs his team better, passes better, has fewer turn overs, and a higher efficiency rating.

Curry is the better overall player, but I think he'd be better served as a SG rather than a PG. Chris Paul is the better PG though.
Curry is the better overall player, but I think he'd be better served as a SG rather than a PG. Chris Paul is the better PG though.

Steph Curry's team is 48-4 right now. THAT'S INSANE.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Westbrook averages more assists (not to mention PPG and by far more rebounds) than Chris Paul by the way. He may be the most point guardish PG, but he cannot be considered the best when Curry and Westbrook are PGs as well.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Westbrook averages more assists (not to mention PPG and by far more rebounds) than Chris Paul by the way. He may be the most point guardish PG, but he cannot be considered the best when Curry and Westbrook are PGs as well.

Lol, when it comes to the things most associated with PG play, CP3 is better than Westbrook too. Here are Westbrook's numbers this season:

Westbrook: 24 ppg, 10.0 ast, 7.6 reb, 0.2 blk, 2.3 stl, 45.8 FG%, 29.6 3P%, 82.2 FT%, 4.2 TO, and 21.64 eff

You're right, Westbrook does average a whole .06 more ast per game than CP3, but he also averages around 2 more turnovers as well and has a lower efficiency rating. Just because Westbrook is obsessed with triple doubles doesn't mean he's a better PG. Like I said, if I were starting a team and I needed the ultimate quintessential PG, I'm taking CP3 every time. If I just needed the best player, then I might look at Curry, but only Westbrook if Lebron and Curry are taken.

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