Chris K.O.

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Real Name: Samuel Jonathon Masters

Gimmick Name: Chris K.O.

Nickname: N/A

Height: 6’3

Weight: 232 lbs

Hometown: Hell, Michigan

Billed From: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Harrys: Introducing first, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 pounds, Chris K.O.!

Harrys: And the challenger, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 pounds, Chris K.O.!

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 pounds, Chris K.O.!

----------------Hair Colour/Length: Neck-length unkempt sandy-blonde hair.

----------------Eye Colour: Blue

----------------Facial Hair: Wild unkempt beard that he grew on the island.

----------------Ring attire: Blue short tights that cut off mid-thigh, with "K.O." written in Yellow, with black outlines, down both sides. White knee pads, and taped up hands and forearms (like CM Punk).

----------------Backstage Attire: He generally wears a faded tank top or Hawaiian-looking shirt, jeans, and sunglasses that have semi-transparent lenses. He also sports a tan/white sunhat.

----------------Physical Features: Has barely noticeable surgery scars on his left arm and ribs.

----------------Tattoos: On his right wrist; a flower is blooming in black ink. It is typically unseen during wrestling matches because of the tape wrapped around his forearm.

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Face


Main Gimmick: Chris K.O. started out as a clean baby face, but the world of WZCW chewed him up and spit him back out. The result left Chris with a very bitter taste in his mouth. After being brainwashed under Ty Burna and then trying to be the fan's hero and savior, Chris abandoned any loyalty he had to the fans. However, he spent 210+ days on a deserted island after a horrific plane crash. During his time there, he found some peace and now finds himself on the alignment of good.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: 1.) Care-free. 2.) Soft spoken, which is drastically different from his early days in the company. His time on the island made him quiet, and he only speaks when he needs to or feels strongly about what he is saying.

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):

(S)Pain Tolerance – He’s not afraid to bleed, and is willing to put his body on the line for his fans.
(S)Submissions – He knows how to capitalize on parts of the body early in the match, and uses his list of submission moves to work on those areas.
(S)Quick Punches – He developed his own style of punches that are swift and hard hitting. He often makes the first strike.

(W)Nerve Damage - Chris is diagnosed with a rare case of nerve damage in his left arm. On uncommon occurrences, his entire left arm will go numb for anywhere from one to fifteen minutes. This problem came about whenever Black Dragon threw Chris into the electronic's pit during an Empty Arena Match for the WZCW EurAsian Title.
(W)Grappling moves – He isn’t the most bulky guy in the world, so he often finds his grappling moves getting reversed. The cause of this developed his philosophy, “submissions > suplexes”
(W)Ribs – He has had them broken once before. He doesn’t care enough to get them checked out again.

Brief History
Chris K.O was born in Hell, literally. His hometown Hell, Michigan was often the butt of too many jokes, but the similarity in names held an underlining truth. His mother died in a car wreck when he was seven. Shortly after her death, Chris’ father decided to move to Oklahoma to work in the oil rigs. Chris tagged along and grew up for most of his life in Oklahoma. He was destined to work in the oil rigs just like his father, but after getting caught up in the “fight club” fad that swept the nation in the late 90’s, something incredible happened. A scout saw Chris at a fight, and offered to train him in the world of professional wrestling. It was a better life than wasting way in the trenches of the oil rigs, so Chris took the offer.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Chris K.O. walks out with a volley ball, Steve, tucked underneath one of his arms. He smiles and connects with fans at ringside before sliding into the ring. He talks to Steve before handing him over to an official at ringside, who places him in a seat next to the announcer's booth. After that, Chris works the turnbuckle and plays up to the crowd.

Finishing Moves:
The Burning Crusade – Crippler Crossface
CKO (Stone Cold Stunner)

15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves):
1. European Uppercut (Front)
2. Scoop Slam (Front)
3. Clinching Slam (Front) (Signature)
4. DDT (Front)
5. Surfboard Stretch (Back)
6. Bulldog (Back)
7. Reverse ArmBar (Back)
8. German Suplex (Back) (Signature)
9. Spinning Wheel Kick (Flying) (Signature)
10. Mounted Position Punching (Ground)
11. Single Leg Crab (Ground)
12. Dropkick (Front)
13. Running Knee Strike (Front)
14. Standing Armbar (Front
15. German Suplex/Pin (Back)

Sample RP.

Sam is sitting outside the WZCW arena with his back against the wall, and cigarette in hand. He hears the announcer inside-

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Kingdom Come!

He takes a puff of his cigarette and peers at individuals going into the arena. He closes his eyes and lays his head back against the wall.

He’s in the middle of the road, and traffic has seemed to stop for him. He looks to his right and cars are lined up; all of them honking, and the drivers yelling at him. He looks to his left and sees a car flipped upside down. He begins to walk towards the wrecked car, and each step begins to drown out the people yelling behind him.

He grabs the car top, and he begins to lift. He struggles, but he is able to flip the car back over to the right position. He walks around the car to the passenger side and discovers that he is able to open the passenger side door. It proceeds to do so and he slowly sits down inside the car. He closes the door behind him, and he slowly glances to his left. His mother is lying back against the seat, lifeless. He refocuses his line of sight in front of him. He licks his lip, and he reaches in side his coat pocket. He pulls out a cigarette box, and draws two cigarettes from the box. He tucks the box back into his coat pocket, and then holds one of the cigarettes between his right index finger and thumb. He leans over and places the cigarette in his mom’s gaping mouth. He then places the other one in his own mouth. He grabs a Zippo lighter from his pant’s pocket and ignites it. He moves the lighter over to his mom’s cigarette and lights it for her; then he lights his own with the lighter. He places the lighter on the dashboard and then leans back against the seat. He glances back at his mom for a second

Smoke up mom.

He then takes a puff of his cigarette, and closes his eyes as he exhales the smoke.

He opens his eyes; he is still sitting outside of the arena. He hears the announcer inside-

Thank you for coming to Kingdom Come! Have a nice night!

He stands up and takes one more puff from his cigarette before discarding it. He then brushes off the ashes on his pants before he begins to walk down the sidewalk, away from the arena.



  • Eurasian Champion
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