Chris Jericho is going to be sued.

He won't get sued, it was self defense, if they even tried to sue him it would never hold up in court
He was clearly in the right cause it was self defense. He most likely won't get sued
When TM told me Jericho had punched a woman I immediately said "He'd better get fired" because I thought it was like a girlfriend or something.
After seeing the video, it would be sexist of the court to punish him and not this woman. She was clearly attacking him, and if not, it looked like she was. He swung out to protect himself, he was absolutely in the right.
If anything, she should be charged with attempted assault.

Those security guards were kind of useless.
If you were surrounded by 50 people one got both verbally and physically abused, you would fight back. Chris did nothing wrong. It just shows what a terrific job he has done as a heel.
When TM told me Jericho had punched a woman I immediately said "He'd better get fired" because I thought it was like a girlfriend or something.
After seeing the video, it would be sexist of the court to punish him and not this woman. She was clearly attacking him, and if not, it looked like she was. He swung out to protect himself, he was absolutely in the right.
If anything, she should be charged with attempted assault.

Those security guards were kind of useless.

Security guard- A new oxymoron
If he gets sued no way it holds up. If you watch the video it's clear that he's acting in self defense. In the middle of a crowd like that, how does he know that anyone, male or female, isn't armed with a knife or some other kind of weapon? I don't care who it is if someone I don't know is comign at me agressively like that, all rules are out the window.
So what, if a woman mobs you and gets in your face, you can't do shit, but if a man did, it would be alright?

She was a crazy harpy and kudos to Jericho for knocking some sense into the bitch.
Chris Jericho is going to get sued, then he's going to counter sue and win big time
Wrestler gets in car, tries to leave parking lot, fan runs up to car, fan bangs on car hood and tries to open car door, wrestler tries to get out of car, fan slams door shut, wrestler finally gets out of car, 50 more fans appear surrounding wrestler, original fan gets in wrestlers face, wrestler tries to get back in car, fan pushes wrestler into the car twice, wrestler lashes out at fan assaulting him, female fan jumps in doing the same, wrestler shakes free, all 50 fans in uproar, female fan assaults wrestler again, no security in sight, wrestler essentially takes on anybody who wants it at once or risks getting the shit kicked out of him in the middle of the street by god knows how many idiots. Female fan decides she isn't going anywhere without a piece of wrestler, female fan gets dropped on her ass for it.

Did i miss something? Where exactly is there any kind of case against Jericho? The only people who'd have the right to sue Jericho is the security guys that he shoved for restraining him while he's still being attacked.

Having met Y2J, and knowing him to be a straight up guy who's willing to go that extra mile to talk to fans, he must have had a damn good reason to start throwing punches anyway.
Personally, I'd be honoured to get punched in the face by Jericho. Talk about bragging rights for life.

Since every person should be treated equal, man or woman, black or white, this woman got what she asked for. You just don't bang on someones car, then start beaking them, and then push them around without paying the consequences. She got exactly what she deserved.

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