Chris Jericho & Edge


Has Returned.
So it seems as of late that WWE has been pushing the envelope of pairing these two talents together. You have been seeing Edge and Jericho both in confrontations, as well as pairing up in some manner. They have had at least one tag team match together in the last months period I believe.

Also last night we saw them seemingly hug and make peace for once. This was something we saw a little over a year ago as well. Back then Jericho and Edge won the Unified Tag Team Championships in a triple threat tag team match. It formed what many people wanted to call "Rated-Y2J".

Now we have them pairing up together next week. With this new found "alliance" so to say. Could we possibly be seeing Edge and Jericho "re-creating" their tag team? Or do you think this will be yet another short alliance that goes nowhere, and simply becomes a few matches together on occasion?
I hope they become a tag team, I think they would be a great tag team because Jericho with Big Show was so dominant and that Edge could add another tag title to his 11 or 12 tag title wins. Not to mention that WWE are low on tag teams at the moment.
I'd like to see the two remain together for a while as I think they've both lost a little bit of themselves recently. However, for the first time in a REALLY long time, I can't even begin to predict where the WWE is taking this angle. I mean, we are only two weeks away from SS and "team WWE" is anything but solid. We don't even know for sure who will be wrestling in that match let alone where the storylines will go from there. I have been truly entertained by RAW every week since the NEXUS invasion and last night's reunion of sorts with those two was no different.
I really don't want to see them as a tag team. Adding them to the tag division would totally bum me out, as WWE seems to be moving (slowly but surely) in the right direction with the tag division. They have four legitimate tag teams in The Hart Dynasty, The Usos, The Dudebusters, and Hawkins and Archer, and they will likely throw in a Nexus tag team somewhere down the line.

That being said, I'd say there is a decent possibility that we will see Edge and Jericho as a tag team for a while, especially if they gain victory tomorrow night.

However, I don't see that happening. Feeding Bret Hart to the wolves his first match back on RAW does not seem very WWE-like, and when Nexus is anywhere near the ring, nobody wins. One of two things will happen in my opinion: Jericho and Edge will realize that they can't accomplish anything with the Nexus threat and they'll join Cena and Bret to fight off Nexus, or their egos will collide, as hell tag team's egos usually do, and wind up blaming one another for their failure.
I actually think this is all a set up to trick the nexus and come next monday during the match.. They are all just going to turn around and start kicking the crap out of the Nexus.
I think this pairing is going to be short-lived, as Dane pointed out I believe it's all going to be one big huge set up to lull the Nexus into a false sense of security. They'll be in the their match on Raw, Nexus will come down to take 'watch', get invovled and both teams will join back up to run Nexus off. Then after team Raw wins at SummerSlam, Jericho and Edge will once again go their own ways. I believe they will cross each others paths more often with teaming up here and there, but I do not think this alliance is going to stick around for any long length of time.

I'd be stoked if they did though, I love Edge and Jericho and together they are right, they could almost run Raw themselves. Two of the best and most decorated wrestlers together again screams solid gold.
Well they make a good team as their both cunning and manipulative and can put on a good match. They'd also bring back some good heat to a tag team division that is on the verge of extinction right now. The Hart Dynasty isn't doing much and the Uso's haven't shown much either. But I begin to wonder if it's just not enough. Besides the other 2 I mentioned, who else is there? The belts are supposed to be defended on both brands but haven't left Raw in months. Maybe that's the purpose of bringing these 2 back. To get them on Smackdown as well. That would also provide a shot in the arm for the division.

The downside of this is that it would take them out of the Nexus angle, which in my opinion is losing momentum. (Side note: Cole said last night that the mind games continue with Nexus. This after Barrett was too much of a vagina to finish a match against Edge because he could lose. Mind games? More like a joke) Anyways, removing them 2 would take some good character away from that angle. With those 2 gone that leaves you Barrett - not bad on the stick. Cena - good, but gets old. JoMo - Nothing on the stick unless a heel. Bret Hart - Age and a stroke didn't take only his wrestling ability. So now what? They're staying in that storyline at least until SS but if something good doesn't happen there, with them gone, Nexus will die sooner than expected.

So all in all it's both good and bad IMO. You're taking from one area to help replenish a different one. Which is more important? I guess you don't need so many big characters in one storyline with Nexus... But if not, are they really that big of a deal anymore?
I actually think this is all a set up to trick the nexus and come next monday during the match.. They are all just going to turn around and start kicking the crap out of the Nexus.
That's exactly what I think, too.

But I also think that the Nexus will start attacking both teams, and they'll sort of reciprocate the ass kickin's by genuinely coming together.

Honestly, I don't want to see an Edge/Jericho union. It's already happened. I don't know about you guys and gals, but I'm tired of these forced retreads. These guys were partners a year or two ago, then they hate each other for a while, and then sort of come together over a couple of words and mutual commons? Bullcrap. I know that modern WWE is extremely watered down compared to the good 'ol days, but still.:shrug:
Personally, no matter what the result of the RAW-Nexus contest at Summerslam, I think the Jericho/Edge union is the laying of a foundation for a post-Nexus programme for John Cena, with the two of them trying to get rid of their shared nemesis.

I sincerely hope that Nexus wins at Summerslam, ending their involvement with Cena, and moving on to face a HHH-led team come Survivor Series, perhaps even in War Games, leaving Cena to face Rated-Y2J.

Even if Cena and Team RAW are successful in neutralising the threat of Nexus, that still leaves Cena without a major opponent, assuming that Sheamus/Orton continues beyond SS aside from perhaps the Miz.
Please, please, PLEASE don't let them be a tag team. Going into the tag team division with no real purpose would be such a downgrade to both men. Edge is 36, and losing his touch as a wrestler. This may mean that he only has a few good feuds left in him, why would you make them in the tag division. Jericho's contract is expiring soon, and the way it's looking, he wants to take another leave from WWE. Why on earth would they make his last note before that in the tag division? That's like making them face Santino or Regal every week. All it can do is hurt them.

I hope to all that is Holy, that this will just be a way to have Jericho turn on Edge or vice versa, and have Jericho become face again. His heel character may still work for him, but not for too much longer, and I don't know how they could have him do a face turn soon without it having to do with a heel he already has heat with. This would make sense, and having Y2J be the one taking the leave rather than Chris Jericho would be a good move. Then, should he want to return, being a face would make his presumably last run be better received.
I really feel as this is not meant to be a true tag team because they are finally expanding the tag division. Giving the belts to 2 Main Eventers is step backwards at this point in my opinion, as no "credibility" is needed that those 2 can provide at this moment.

This really is a setup for return of Y2J the fun loving face, I do not see this going anywhere else to be honest.
I don't see this Jericho/Edge union lasting very long either. I think it's interesting that the idea has been throw in that this all may be an elaborate ruse to make it appear that the WWE team is in shambles, only to re-unite a week before the Summerslam match and go over on Nexus.

Jericho and Edge are both great wrestlers, and they'd probably make a great tag team for a short-term run. But this teaming of two singles main eventers never really lasts long term anymore. The formula's been used more for mid-level guys to get some rub and move up (i.e., The Miz). They're both more established as singles competitors right now. Plus, with WWE basically showing no love to the tag-team division, throwing them together long term makes no sense. I feel Edge will get back in the WWE title picture soon to join Sheamus, Miz, Orton and Cena.

Plus, there are rumors that Jericho may be taking time off again soon to film the "Downfall" show and work on other projects, or even leave altogether when his contract expires. So, putting him in a high-profile tag team doesn't make much sense if he's going to be gone for a while, unless they're trying to keep him around by giving him a little less of a workload.

I like the fact that they've had Jericho call Cena just as much of a threat as Nexus. I see those two possibly feuding after Summerslam, if Jericho doesn't take time off or leave. It's a great build-up. If he does leave, it will probably be Edge (unfortunately, because I really don't want Cena/Edge for the millionth time.)
Ever since I read the spoilers for this weeks Raw I couldn't wait to see the segment, I watched Raw earlier and was excited to see them to bury the hatchet. It may be due to them not being able to be a full-time tag team last year due to Edge's injury, now he's going strong so the two could be back as Rated-Y2J or Team Ego or whatever you want to call them. If they go down the road with them two remaining off Team Raw and find replacements next week, could see them facing The Hart Dynasty at some point for the Unified Tag Team Title's. If however this is all a ruse to pull the wool over the eyes of Nexus, I see them beating down Nexus when Hart returns next week to team with Cena to take on Jericho/Edge, they could blindside Nexus and go back to Team Raw. Post-SummerSlam they could even remain and due to their loyalty to Raw the GM could give them a Tag Title match. Can't go wrong either way, especially since in an interview Jericho intends on remaining with WWE.

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