Chris Hero's Deal Falls Through


According to a report that was originally posted at, the WWE has pulled its offer to former ROH star Chris Hero. As of right now, it's being reported that the results of a drug test Hero underwent has revealed elevated levels of testosterone. It's possible that this is a false positive or, of course, it could mean that Hero has engaged in the use of performance enhancing drugs.
So I'm guessing they think he's taking steriods? Woah, the guy must be using it from endurance, not to have bigger muscles.I hope this not true, because it would suck if he went to TNA, or stayed in ROH, because Hero and Claudio aka Cesaro could be the saviors of the tag team division of the WWE.
Well...he has been dealing with a lot of red-tape. I hope that this isn't true, but it IS taking forever for him to get a contract.

I haven't seen anything else reported on it, so I cant believe it until I see an actual report. Right now its all hearsay.
I'm calling bullshit on this one. He is SxE like Punk.

No he isn't and whoever told you that if anybody actually did is an idiot, however you'd be a bigger idiot in comparison for believing that.

Disappointing stuff. Kings of Wrestling would make for a great team in the WWE, Claudio is doing well down in Florida, and the fact he has kept his "Very European" routine pleases me. Hero having high testosterone doesn't surprise me though if I'm to be honest, but I don't think it is drug related. Look at Chris Hero, he doesn't look like much of a steroid user, considering the size of his waistline. Hopefully this will be cleared up sooner rather than later, Claudio will be fine, but Chris Hero has kind of out-grown the independent circuit.
It could be as simple as they have decided they want Claudio to be singles and have no need of Hero... If he is doing well in FCW on his own, then that makes as much sense as anything... Why pay a contract you don't need to?
Do you have a source for Hero being straight edge?
I have heard rumors about Hero getting high (PWG fans), so that was my first thought about why the deal fell through; especially with WWE cracking down on marijuana use .
im betting Vince finally got wind of Hero's racist attack on a fan at an indy show. its been on youtube for that wouldnt be good for a publicly traded company where the owners wife is running for a governmental office now would it?
Hopefully this is just temporary, but who knows. Bad thing is that it took WWE so long to offer a deal to the KOW, you have to wonder if this blows Chris Hero's shot at ever being in the WWE.

Definately smells like something else is going on besides 'testosterone levels'. If its true, it cant be by much because of his size. If he was trying to bump up before his debut, that was a mistake knowing the current wellness policy. Possibly something else and WWE is trying to be discreet about it so as to not completely screw the man over. Who knows.

Shame we dont get the KOW in WWE. The team would have helped solidify the tag division & brought back some of that ROH nostalgia for certian fans. With Punk, Danielson & Tyler Black already there, having both the KOW would be great. At least CC is doing great in developmental. Hopefully soon we will get to see him on RAW\Smackdown.
It's probs just an excuse not to hire him, Looks like they simply don't want him. Which is a shame as he is miles better than Seth Rollins/Tyler Black. Hero can talk and is the slightly better wrestler. I wouldn't be suprised if Tyler Black never gets called up to the main roster.

I watch FCW every week I can and Rollins has been there for quite some time now. Mr Antonio Cesaro though, He is shining there in the few weeks he's been there, he will be called up very soon I can imagine.
Well. WWE's loss is TNA/IW's gain. This is one "WWE reject" they'd have to be insane not to hire. He has a Chris Jericho/CM Punk upside- he's one of the best at interacting with the audience and making them a part of the show, rather than putting on a performance for an audience. (See: AJ Styles, heel version. Ugh.)

As far as the reason, who the hell knows. Could be a Nigel McGuiness issue where they spotted something that might be a downside in the near future, but wouldn't want to release it publicly and cripple his chances for another company. Damned shame though, Chris Hero has always been #1 on my "why hasn't someone hired this guy yet???" list.
A damn shame if this is true. I was looking forward to Hero coming to WWE. The Kings of Wrestling could have potentially been the turning point for the tag team division and given it life after being an afterthought for the past few years now. I hope this report is false because KOW could potentially be the best shot the company has at making the tag team division relevant again. If not, then at least Claudio is still in FCW. Hero will probably end up in TNA.
I'm sorry, but this performance enhancement stuff is reaching epidemic levels of nonsense. I'm not endorsing steroid use, nor condoning it, but testosterone is a natural hormone that a person has the right to use to supplement their body chemistry. Some older men (and women) use it for stamina purposes. Sylvester Stallone for example, endorses it because he's lost a ton of it naturally as he's gotten older. These wrestlers aren't in competitive sports, they're entertainers and the Benoit thing has thrown everything for a loop. I'm against recreational anabolic steroid use or the use of it in pro wrestling. However, something as simple as "elevated testosterone levels" now automatically kills your career? Sheesh. Meanwhile marajuana substitutes get you suspended while real abusers duck the system when they feel like it.
Going out on a huge limb here.... any chance the Chris on the notebook and the 1.2.12 promos was Chris Hero? The guy got intimidated by all the pressure of the debut and Vince's love of bodybuilder sized superstars, and tried taking the Juice to step his game up. Fuck, now with Hero's deal falling through those promos are going to have to be about somebody else.... quick, who can they get named Chris that can wrestle that the fans would be excited to see?

For those that don't understand sarcasm, my deepest apologizes.

Did they really even want Chris Hero, or is this some backhanded attempt to make it look like ROH doesn't test their guys, while the WWE runs a "clean system?"

Just googled the guy to get some inspiration for one last sarcastic comment... That guy's supposed to be on steroids, Yet John Cena may roam the earth freely without accusation? ...The Fuck? If your on steroids wouldn't you wanna trying doing situps every so often too? Damn dude you have your shirt off for a living... take some pride in yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on this one. He is SxE like Punk. I really had high hopes for the Kings of Wrestling uniting in FCW, then again in WWE.
If you saw a guy like Punk walking down the street, would you really believe he's staright edge? hes forcefed this notion of drug free to his fans for so long they actually believe it. And tests are tests, WWE isnt going to just quit on a guy like Chris Hero out of the blue knowing that a part of the only fan base he has left is made up of pissy ROH fans.
If I saw The Undertaker walking down the street I wouldn't believe that he is a real estate dealer, but people tend to surprise you. He may not be straight edge but maybe he doesn't believe in drinking or something. Anyway, it is unfortunate that he no longer has a shot at the E. Hopefully, he will come back from this. I really was looking forward to the KOW making their debut and bringing up the dying tag division. If he does decide to go to TNA good for him. If he doesn't well I am sure that he will land on his feet.
fuck that racial video myth. that guy grabbed hero from the audience or slapped him or something. once they touched Hero he could do kno wrong regardless.. but i never heard him say too much back to the Black guy.. it was hilarious though lmao.

Also I have seen his physique and im not impressed. so yea, Steroids my foot. Thats probably why hes always got the superman belly top on. IDK WHAT THE FUSS IS OVER HIS WORK but if hes a ROH stand out im willing to take a second look at a guy i didnt fight to bad or too great. He always came off lookin like a goof ball in PWI publications though..:shrug:

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