Chris Brown: The new Michael Jackson or the new Ike Turner?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So Chris Brown showed his face again at this years BET awards two weeks ago paying ala to "his idol" the late great Michael Jackson. During his performance while he was singing MJ's hit "the man in the mirror", we all seen Chris Brown crying? Was it tears for Mike or tears for his career? Because CB's career has been going down the toilet as of late ever since he beat up his ex-girlfriend Rihanna.

There was a source at the BET awards so to speak backstage, saying that the tears that was coming from Chris Brown's eyes were FAKE as pro wrestling. The report said that they were "eyedrops"? So CB could have been crying for the remainer of his career? But the question still reminds even after Chris Brown had said that he was sorry to his fans for letting them down. Do you forgive Chris Brown's action's on beating his ex-GF Rihanna???

Now if someone put their hands on my sister or such, their ass would be handled! Can you say the same thing about your loved one? Because in my view, I don't forgive Chris Brown for what he did. And BET should be ashamed for incorperating Chris Brown with Michael Jackson like that. If anything, Chris Brown is the new Ike Turner in my view! Putting his hands on his loved one like that!Women will be women, but damn!

What is your opinion about the state of Chris Brown & his career right now?
Chris Brown might have had a chance at being the next MJ, but even if the beating of Rihanna didn't happen, I don't think Brown will reach Jackson's status....ever. Brown's fan base mostly consist of young women and teenage girls, and while he did have some hit songs here and there, he still never reached that level that MJ did. Jackson is considered a legend throughout the world, and he is still loved by many people. It's been a little over a year since he died, but his legacy will live on forever. Also, Rihanna didn't have anything pleasant to say about him during that 20/20 interview she did a while ago, so that really didn't help his status either.
I want you all to pay very close attention to what I am about to say.


Plain and simple it will not happen again, you think there's ever going to be another group like The Beatles or The Rolling Stones or Kiss? No. Do you think there will ever be another Temptations or Boyz II Men? No. For that matter you think there's ever going to be another Elvis or James Brown? NO WAY! There will never be another Michael Jackson, to reach that level someone would have to come along and change the music industry to such a degree that it changes the course of not just music but pop culture and in some ways the world. I wish the King of Pop were still with us he's not he's gone, no one will ever duplicate his talent or success, and no one ever should.
I'm gonna agree with Dudebuster even though he may be a bit overzealous. There will never be another king of pop. The kind of success he had isn't replicated this day and age. Most success stories these days are flashes in the pan. It's all too easy to move onto new things because everything is a click away. Starting in the late 80's (there are a few exceptions) and moving back it was possible for bands to become larger than life because they weren't shoved down our throats. You didn't get a new single every week, you didn't see images posted all over the internet and you barely got radio interviews. And if there were going to be a new King of Pop I wouldn't say it's Chris Brown, I'd be going with Justin Timberlake. His dancing may not be close to Jackson or Brown but he has more of a universal appeal and makes better songs.

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