Chris Benoit's son rumoured to of started training...


Pre-Show Stalwart
So i just read this article on the main site

which states that Chris Benoit's son has been in the gym with Harry Smith and has started lifting weights and some ring training, so what are your thoughts guys??

Do you think WWE would ever hire him or would the fact of who his father is stop him from getting a chance if he was good enough??

I like to think that if he was good enough to make it to WWE he would get his chance to carve his own path away from his fathers shadow.
I'd say his father stops him getting to WWE. It'd be the ultimate story for this guy to becomes the best in wrestling and become THE guy in WWE (almost like a movie type story) but, let's face it, he'll never be able to get away from his dad and what he did.

I can already picture the crowds at the Smarky style indie shows making vile chants towards him because of his dad....he looks far too much like him for people not to be able to work out who his dad is.

Plus, when you look at what wrestling did to his dad, and how it took away from his family & the fact many of his dads friends (who he could've easily seen as uncles) are either drug addicted or dead, it makes you think he'd be crazy to want anything to do with wrestling.
Hypothetically if he ever got to the WWE, they'd give him a different name and never reference it.

But I do think they'd give him a fair shake.

Still, getting to the WWE is no small feet.
The surname will have to be changed one would think.

I don't think WWE would ever touch him, however his fathers reputation in Japan will ensure he's given an opportunity if he cuts the mustard.

TNA would hire him as well. They'd promote him as Chris Benoit's son.
I hope he makes it, and I hope that the boy gets all the encouragement. Here's wishing that he has learned of all the pitfalls, and after what he has been through, I find myself rooting for this kid.

There was a report of him being with Jericho at a SD taping and if he really does go all the way, he should get a fair chance. He has to live with a heavy albatross hanging 'round his neck, if he goes onto make some sort of splash in the same industry as his father, I'd be happy.
Man, it must suck being that kid. No matter what he does, there will always be a dark cloud over his head.

He can wrestle as Stephan Mac Dorningbush in a lobster costume and people will still say: "That guy is the son of the maniac who murdered his family." Might as well tattoo a scarlet CB on his forehead.

And those people who can manage to look past the sins of the father will however not be able to help comparing the kid to his dad wrestling-wise.

As far as nearly insurmountable odds go this ranks way up there.
If you think about it, Jake Roberts had to overcome the sin of his father. With Jake's father being a child rapist and all that; It's not (maybe very) too far from Benoit's Kid's predicament. Frankly, I hope he overcomes the worst obstacle of his father's name and succeeds in this business; showing that even with the worst of criticism for his name, that anyone can succeed.
Man, it must suck being that kid. No matter what he does, there will always be a dark cloud over his head.

He can wrestle as Stephan Mac Dorningbush in a lobster costume and people will still say: "That guy is the son of the maniac who murdered his family." Might as well tattoo a scarlet CB on his forehead.

And those people who can manage to look past the sins of the father will however not be able to help comparing the kid to his dad wrestling-wise.

As far as nearly insurmountable odds go this ranks way up there.

I don't think so, man. We all have to overcome something. There's more to this guy's life than that incident and I'm sure he'll be bringing more to the business than that.

For example, he might have great charisma, in ring ability or a work ethic that opens doors for him.

Not everyone will know who is father was, not everyone will even know the story of Chris Beniot. People forget things, there have been a lot of tragedies since then. And those that know will probably give him a chance for the most part.

If you think about it, Jake Roberts had to overcome the sin of his father. With Jake's father being a child rapist and all that; It's not (maybe very) too far from Benoit's Kid's predicament. Frankly, I hope he overcomes the worst obstacle of his father's name and succeeds in this business; showing that even with the worst of criticism for his name, that anyone can succeed.

Good point. Wrestling fans may know the backstory but if you're a good entertainer and they respect you and you never did anything wrong yourself, they're not gonna really rub it in your face too much.

Every now and again he might get some distasteful chants but that's it.
Holy fuck! I did NOT know Benoit had another son! Look, talent skips a generation sometimes. We don't KNOW that "Bennie Davis" will be any good.

Some might say that there's no such thing as bad publicity. Don't know if I agree here and the WWE certainly won't see him as somebody with name value with the fans (backstage, yes), so it's hard to predict how that will translate.
I didn't know there was another son, either. But do I think he could eventually be seen in WWE? Yes. Time has a way of making all things seem less important. Chris Benoit's story is his story. Yes, this guy will have to deal with fallout from it, but in the end, he'll be viewed as better, and stronger for it. Do I think WWE will be his first stop? No. He'll have to do a little "proving" first. But eventually, someone will do something worse, and it won't seem so bad. Either that, or Stephanie will cheat on Hunter, and that person will be buried so far beneath Benoit, that Benoit will go into the
It actually surprises me that ANY second generation wrestler actually goes in to the wrestling business. I understand following in your dads footsteps but most kids have to see their dads or close family friends struggle with pain, addiction, death and in Benoits case much, much more. The wave of second generation superstars whos fathers are dead or severly damages as a direct result of the business and the lifestyle that comes along with it is kind of worrysome.
It actually surprises me that ANY second generation wrestler actually goes in to the wrestling business. I understand following in your dads footsteps but most kids have to see their dads or close family friends struggle with pain, addiction, death and in Benoits case much, much more. The wave of second generation superstars whos fathers are dead or severly damages as a direct result of the business and the lifestyle that comes along with it is kind of worrysome.

I think that's one way of looking at but it, but I'd have to imagine that some second generation wrestlers (i.e., Garett Bischoff) also understand that they might have a fast track to the big leagues (and good money) because of who their father is.

I'm gonna be eager to follow Benoit's son's career to see how it pans out. I'm certain that if he makes it to the WWE, they'll change his name (which has become a standard procedure nowadays) and not acknowledge who his dad is on screen.
Obviously his father will make it more difficult for him to succeed. I heavily doubt he will get into the WWE; however, I'm sure, if he is talented, he will be able to find work.

If he actually gets into wrestling and is good enough then the situation with the WWE becomes interesting. The fact he is pictured with Chris Jericho clearly shows that he still knows the wrestlers and I imagine guys like Jericho, Mysterio, Chavo, Paul Heyman would still look out for him. What happened to his father has nothing to do with him and he shouldn't be punished even more because of it. Vince may have different views but Triple H is getting a large input into the company. If a talented David Benoit comes to you asking for a chance, a boy he has probably known since he was a baby, with the backing of some well respected names; I can't imagine HHH and the WWE saying no.
Probably not a popular opinion, but I would think this kid would run, not walk, away from wrestling. At best, he's always going to carry the label of being Chris Benoit's son, and any press that he receives is always going to be looking for similarities in the worst possible ways. Given the mental condition his dad was in, and it's possible connection to the concussions he received in the ring, I would think this kid would want to get as far away from this business as possible.
This guy should be so lucky to have a tailor-made gimmick. He can pretend to channel his father from "the other side" and perform brutal, near-fatal beatings on his opponents.
The tragedy that happened had a devastating affect on the industry. It shattered families, co-workers, fans, and put a spotlight on the industry that it didn't want. That tragedy cast a long shadow over the wrestling business and how it does business. I am horrified by what happened but based on people who knew him and what doctors have said, I am convinced Chris Benoit was not in his right mind when he committed the acts. Others can believe what they want to, but that's my opinion.

Now I wish David Benoit (Chris Benoit's son) a happy life and all the best. He does not have anything to hang his head about, he is not his father. He didn't commit any crimes and he shouldn't have to be denied a future in the wrestling business because of the tragedy. I would suggest another career path and for him to distance himself from wrestling forever. WWE is the place to be and the Benoit name is marred by the tragedy to the point they would rather not say that name ever again. But if he is serious about being a wrestler, then he must accept that he will unfairly have this weight on his shoulders.

I can understand WWE not wanting to deal with David. The media spotlight on him and the company would bring back the conversation of the murders all over again which they don't want. Anything happens with him accident or not and they will be raked over the coals.

If David insists on being a wrestler, he should accept that WWE might not want him and try to make a career in the independents, or with another wrestling promotion not named WWE.
Meh. Plenty of second generation superstars in the WWE right this moment, some of which are in major positions, whose lineage the WWE ignores. Wouldn't be so tough to do.

What is silly, is projecting anyones carreer path off of 3 hours(sarcasm, from the tone of the op) of bumping around in a ring.
Holy fuck! I did NOT know Benoit had another son! Look, talent skips a generation sometimes. We don't KNOW that "Bennie Davis" will be any good.

Some might say that there's no such thing as bad publicity. Don't know if I agree here and the WWE certainly won't see him as somebody with name value with the fans (backstage, yes), so it's hard to predict how that will translate.

I believe that he is Chris's oldest son, and from his first marriage. I have heard that Benoit had a son and daughter with his first wife, before leaving to hook up with Nancy.

I think he would have his name changed if he were ever in WWE (just like Mike Rotunod has one son who has been renamed first Husky Harris and then Bray Wyatt, and another renamed Bo Dallas).

However, Vince is such a petty bastard, and has held a grudge for years against people who have done less than Benoit did.

Besides, being ostracised in a case of "guilt by association" isn't a first for WWE. Want to know what happened to referee Brian Hebner? His father and uncle were fired by WWE for selling stolen WWE merchandise, and apparently Brian left because the other referees wouldn't associate with him, even though he had nothing to do with the crime.

Also, I don't why this kid wants to get into wrestling, considering that it was wrestling that may have been the cause of his father's actions (either by the amount of steroids available in wrestling, or the head injuries, whichever story you believe). He also would have to meet his dad's in-ring performance as well (no mean feat). If he is good on the mike, he may be more of a chance).
The problem with Benoit's son joining the wrestling business is that unfortunately he will always be tied to his father's actions. He'll be a black sheep as far as WWE is concerned, which greatly limits his chances of success in the industry. Thats not to say that other companies, either here or abroad, wont sign him, but assuming he wants to follow in his father's footsteps his opportunities are already greatly limited.
To HAVE started training.

I was never a fan of Benoit but he did have a very good drive to push himself the hardest he could to succeed before he went completely loopy. So if Chris Benoit's son also has that trait then good luck to him.

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