Chris Benoit: The Movie

I predicted it'll happen when the incident first happened, and I still stand by that claim. Obviously it won't be called "Chris Benoit: The Movie" but still, I predict there will be a movie on this. Question is, what if there is, and like the "The Wrestler" it becomes a big hit? How would it effect the wrestling business and how would they react to it?

I can't see Vince being too pleased, but instead of doing the sensible option of ignoring it he'll release several statements claiming WWE's innocence and starting the whole storm back up again. Can you see him latching on to the movie and inviting the star to WrestleMania, "The Wrestler" didn't exactly put wrestling in a good light, and he still tried that, so would he embrace a movie about his company's darkest hour if it brought his company some attention?
I dont think that he would embrace it. He's basicly erased Chris Benoit from WWE history, so I dont see him promoting a movie based on Benoit's life and death. If the WWE did embrace and promote a Chris Benoit movie they would likely be massacared by the media, likely being called out for doing anything for publicity, and I dont think anyone wants to have the WWE in the spotlight again. The only good thing that could come from WWE promoting a Benoit movie is Benoit would probably be put in the hall of fame. would really like to see that happen, but it's not worth having the media spotlight back on pro wrestling.
Vince's support would most likely be determined by time. Ten years from the incident may be the time necessary for advertiser's and maybe just pop culture to forgive and forget, and then embracing the movie would be a move that's 'good for business'. If there were to be a movie made in the next couple of years, the cloud of the incident (I would argue) would still be lingering and hurt marketing opportunities. The public embraced Sid Vicious after he killed his Nancy and died, I'm sure they'll do the same for Mr. Benoit. A Benoit movie will be made before 2016, I'm sure.
Sadly enough that's probably right. There's a huge difference between the Wrestler which is pure fiction and what this would be. With a fictional character, do whatever you like. He's not real and while he may remind you of someone else, it's a different person. Benoit is someone taht we all saw and for the most part enjoyed. While it will have been almost ten years, that's still a relatively short amount of time to put a dollar amount on the emotions of people involved.

That being said, it'll get made, because people like morbid things. People would see it, even though it would be a lesser hyped film. If done right it would make a little money.
People are intrigued by tragedy. The worse the tragedy is, the more they get into it. Non wrestling fans were buzzing over this incident. So why wouldnt they go see a movie about a real life thing. It would be no different than making a movie about the Titanic, Pearl Harbor, or 9-11. It would just depend on how far they wanted to go with it. If they focused more on what was going through his head, then it would probably be a decent flick. If they focused more on the murders and actually showed them. Then it would be in bad taste. It would be all in how you filmed it whether or not it would, or should be made.
It'll be called Crossface, purely because it's a kick ass title. It'll be a simple TV movie with past wrestling stars with no career left. Benoit was a big enough name to stir up a lot of intrest at the time, but he wasn't a big enough name to maintain the intrest of non fans after. It all seems to have been forgotten for the most part, so it's hardly going to be a mainstream movie.
It'll be called Crossface, purely because it's a kick ass title.

That is pretty bad ass.

It'll be a simple TV movie with past wrestling stars with no career left. Benoit was a big enough name to stir up a lot of intrest at the time, but he wasn't a big enough name to maintain the intrest of non fans after. It all seems to have been forgotten for the most part, so it's hardly going to be a mainstream movie.

I hope not. I bet if they could get Tom Cruise to play Benoit (which would be absolutely PERFECT considering Cruise’s height, how buff he has gotten recently, and his acting ability), it would not only be awesome, but do quite well in the box office as well.

Of course this will never happen, but if a Benoit motion picture has to go down, I just want to throw it out there that there is no one better to portray him then Tom fuckin' Cruise.
Tom Cruise = Handsome. Chris Benoit = Ugly As Fuck.

It's just not a subject that any large star would be intrested in. Unless you count Brian Dennehey as a big star. The topic just doesn't lend itself to a mainsteam movie. It's only acceptable to kill children in mainsteam movies if they're vampires or you're in a Rambo film.

It's a TV movie at best, WWE movie at worst.
cmon yall know how Vince is and after he pretty much purchased all of wrestling im sure he put a TM of some sorts on the Benoit wrestling name. A movie of this nature would be good cause as mentiuoned before tragedy sells even if we all know how it ends. But from Vinces stand point hed pay a fortune to stop this, for one its based on true events meaning even the fictatious stuff will be portrayed as true like Vince feeding him roids and pain medication, since this is not proven it could be classified as defamation of character. And there would need to be all types of clearances from wrestlers i personally believe if the movie was to ever be rumoured it would have to be a based on true events but all names have been changed to prtect the innocence typa deal ie Alpha Dog and even then Billionaire Vince would find a way to stop it

Ohh and the Wrestler was good for wrestling it was a Great movie non of it was real even though from what weve heard thats how stuff Vinces standpoint on that movie was all publicity is good publicity. so what would his stand point on a true story about one of his mega stars whom has rage and murdered his family.... you be the judge
It's just not a subject that any large star would be intrested in. Unless you count Brian Dennehey as a big star. The topic just doesn't lend itself to a mainsteam movie. It's only acceptable to kill children in mainsteam movies if they're vampires or you're in a Rambo film.

I could see this happening eventually. They don't necessarily have to include a guy killing children in the movie. It could go through everything and then give a paragraph or two about the tragedy to close the show.

As Monkey said, people embrace tragedy, violence, etc. and if it's a story worth telling then it probably will be told one day. I don't know that WWE would support in any way, but depending on when it came out they may have gotten over this pretend Benoit never existed thing. The media would do what they do and the whole topic would be brought back up...drugs, mental stability, etc. in wrestling though it wouldn't be nearly to the degree we saw when in actually happened.
I don't think there should be a chris benoit movie but if one is made he should be played by saturday night live's Bill Hader.




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