Chris Benoit Movie Confirmed

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Thought about putting this in General Wrestling and/or Television and Movies, but decided it was closer to WWE. Sorry if I was wrong...

The following is from

SRG Films has announced their plans to adapt the Matthew Randazzo book "Ring of Hell: The Story of Chris Benoit and the Fall of the Pro Wrestling Industry" into a big-screen biopic entitled Crossface. Full details from the official press release are as follows:

"Crossface", a biographical thriller, delves into the pressures WWE superstar Chris Benoit faced throughout his wrestling career as the combination of drug-use, depression, and head trauma became increasingly impossible for him to handle. The true story made headline news in 2007 when Chris murdered his wife and young son before taking his own life.

SRG Films head Dale Alexander Carnegie is producing the film, while William Morris Endeavor (WME) is on board to package the project. Former Weinstein Company staffer, Sarah Coulter, turned in the first draft of the script in mid-October.

"All of us grow up believing that wrestling is fake, but looking at the shocking number of deaths in the industry, it quickly becomes evident that there is nothing fake about the dangers of this sport," Carnegie said. "Chris Benoit has become a poster child for everything that's wrong with professional wrestling and Sarah's terrific script captures his struggles and the many factors that led to the deaths of three people."

Coulter added: "People immediately point to steroids, never thinking about the brain trauma these wrestlers can, and do, incur in their profession, nor do they consider the rigorous schedule that keeps them working even when they shouldn t be. The Benoit story is one that needs to be brought into the light.

I get that the production company has the right to do whatever movie they want, but I'd be really surprised if the WWE doesn't try and go after this one. First of all, it'd be almost impossible to make the movie and do a decent job without once mentioning the WWE or using some sort of copyrighted material. I doubt very seriously WWE is going to give up the rights...

I'm not concerned as much for the people that want to put it all behind them, my main concern is for the wrestling industry - specifically the WWE. The Benoit incident crushed the WWE years ago when it happened. As a film buff currently studying the industry and its effect on the masses, I have to say nothing draws people's attention like a well-done film. No matter bad an incident is, people are too apathetic to cause much of a stir most of the time. But you put something in an entertainment format, or a media outlet and people flip out!

The industry has finally put Benoit to rest, and is moving forward. The last thing it needs is another wave of people that think the WWE needs to be shut down and better regulated because it's too dangerous. They won't recognize the differences in the product, or see the improvements they have made. All the masses will do is see this movie and get up-in-arms over the WWE and go after them for inhumane treatment. There's no way this can be a good thing for wrestling fans...
I just hope another witch hunt doesn't happen. It's so annoying when idiots throw around the "death list" and don't actually research how those guys died.

Also shame on things like the Observer for not pointing out how bullshit the death list was during the witch hunt in 2007.

Benoit's head butts and depression is what did him in. Jericho made great points about it too in his 2nd book that everyone should read.
Oh dear gawd.

The Chris Benoit incident should never be mentioned again. And definitely, adapting it to a movie is a really bad idea. He was one of my all time favorite wrestlers, so I'm a bit biased here. Yes, destroyed his life and family but to recreate his story all over again and to put it to a movie is an insult. They could just create a fictional character and story parallel to him.
Oh no...All these movies,etc.I don't think WWE will ever be the same again they will stay the way they are like now ... All these non-Wrestling fans and Wrestling haters are destroying the Pro-Wrestling industry .... :(
Let's see Vince McMahon try to promote this movie on WWE TV, or try to make some money off of this film. Even though the WWE has blocked out all memory of Chris Benoit from their history. I think what Benoit did was evil as all hell. But he was a human being who exsisted.

The WWE should respect that! Outta respect for Chris Benoit's family & very few fans Benoit has left.
Let's see Vince McMahon try to promote this movie on WWE TV, or try to make some money off of this film. Even though the WWE has blocked out all memory of Chris Benoit from their history. I think what Benoit did was evil as all hell. But he was a human being who exsisted.

The WWE should respect that! Outta respect for Chris Benoit's family & very few fans Benoit has left.

Benoit lost every inch of respect he deserved when he killed his wife and son. So WWE should not have to respect him.

I hope WWE goes after this, looks like another attempt to make Wrestling look bad.
When all was said and done, he was a monster, Betrayed his wife and child, and did something about as evil as things can be. I'm disgusted that they are making such a movie.
First I wish people would grow up... As A. Chris Benoit was a very gifted wrestler who gave EVERYTHING he had to the business and the cost was his and his families lives...

There were also more factors than his own "demons", as his son also had mental defects, and it was also said he never really recovered from Eddies death.

Judging a man fully by his final hours and those final hours alone is a dishonor to his life. What he did was horrible, there is no getting around that. But there is a lot more than pro wrestling to blame in that case.

Though I do believe in a world that is pushing for people to not only understand but accept the impact of brain injuries, I feel this could be a movie to push those kinds of agenda's.

If it turns into a WWE witch hunt however then it will go from something that could help society to just another slanderous piece of media. At the time of the Benoit tragedy was the same time frame that ALL pro sports were FINALLY looking at the damage concussions were causing to the brain and that they should be treated more seriously.

This was not any single entities fault, there was and still is much to be learned from the life of Chris Benoit, and neither his story nor his legacy as a wrestler should be buried.

There is a difference between a cold blooded killer and someone who loses everything (their mind included) and with no one there to talk them down does horrible things for what they think are the best reasons.

I'm not condoning what he did in his final moments in this world I just ask for people to open their minds and not see the simple black and white of every situation and try not to be so narrow minded, even though in cases like this it's the easiest solution.
Do you think they'll re-enact the murders and suicide in this movie? :)

Maybe who knows.

Eh I don't know how I feel about this. Benoit was a monster during his last moments on earth and I don't want to see that. I would rather remember him as one of the best wrestlers of all time and not some murdering piece of shit he turned out to be.
Nothing good can come of this. Whatever one may have thought of the man, this is one story that can only bring trouble for everybody. No doubt it'll turn into a screaming blame-fest with one side blaming Benoit and another blaming Vince. One group will blame the industry and another will blame the individual. Someone will blame Benoit's doctor and someone else will blame the pharmaceutical'll just go on and on from there.

If any story deserved to be allowed to die, it's Benoit, and not even for his benefit (in as much as a dead man can benefit from anything) but for the rest of those who are bloody sick of the scores of people who will rise renewed by this morbid exploitation of this sick and twisted series of events in order to start pointing fingers once again. There really is no way that I can see that this movie can be made without it turning into a form of Witchhunt. Then again, perhaps that's what those making it figure the public wants. After all, nothing puts butts in cinema seats like controversy.

Whatever. Mine won't be one of them.
Do you think they'll re-enact the murders and suicide in this movie? :)

Yep, i said it and now let the shit storm rain on me. :)

The question seems Legit to me...

I dont think this should happen....I dont think many people will be interested in what is certainly going to be a straight to DVD or online movie. Most wrestling fans were Benoit fans and wouldnt want to see this... and all those who were not Benoit fans certainly wont want to see it.

Where is the demographic ?
Benoit lost every inch of respect he deserved when he killed his wife and son. So WWE should not have to respect him.

I hope WWE goes after this, looks like another attempt to make Wrestling look bad.

Benoits actions outside of the ring should never impact the credibility or legacy he left inside the ring plain and simple. Benoit the wrestler and Benoit the human being are 2 entirely different people in life. Yes his actions were bad but he is still not entirely at fault. If you read anything you would know his brain had suffered so much he was basically a brainless drone to a degree.
WWE should recognize him as a true Hall of Fame WRESTLER. They shouldn't recognize him as a person but they should recognize and respect the dedication to this sport that he gave.

As far as this movie goes it is ridiculous. I guess all the good movie ideas have finally run out. So now instead we will get stuck with a half-truth 95% lies movie (yeah exactly..all lies). Because they won't be able to mention WCW, ECW, WWF/WWE and such as Vince owns all of that (I'm not 100% sure how much of ECW's history Vince actually acquired) but this movie would be so pointless and useless I would hope nobody would waste the $15 to go see it.
Wonder if it's sales will outdo the Craperone's.

I think the Story behind Benoit's death isn't a good movie subject, anything being a scapegoat for how a man's life ends is a bit disturbing. Without professional wrestling, Christ Benoit would just be a guy pumping gas leading a boring ordinary life. Even though the last chapter of his life was a tragic and disgusting one, he lived his dream. Movies like this try to make a point about how evil things are, when in reality the sport let him live his life.

I think they'll get sued off their ass if they try to make it have any accuracy, and nobody wants a pseudo-documentary with a bunch of made up BS.
My answer about doing the film is "yes".... and "no".

"No" if it is going to be a film with actors, where they play out what they think is the story. Remember, no-one can be 100% certain what happened, but many sem to think they have a good idea. I also worry if mainstream cinema will treat the subject with the sensitivity it deserves.

"Yes" if it is documentary style, like "Wrestling With Shadows" or "Beyond The Mat". As a doco, most of the audience will be wrestling fans, and a doco would more document the incident, what was involved, and they could talk to other wrestlers. I wonder if Vince would allow WWE talent to talk to a film-crew about the incident, but Vince withdrew his support of "Beyond The Mat" as well, and wouldn't have been happy about his portrayal in "Wrestling With Shadows" either.

Besides, someone like Chris Jericho, who was a friend of Benoit's, and has said things about the incident, is a free agent, so there is no-one stopping him from recounting the incident.
My answer about doing the film is "yes".... and "no".

"No" if it is going to be a film with actors, where they play out what they think is the story. Remember, no-one can be 100% certain what happened, but many sem to think they have a good idea. I also worry if mainstream cinema will treat the subject with the sensitivity it deserves.

"Yes" if it is documentary style, like "Wrestling With Shadows" or "Beyond The Mat". As a doco, most of the audience will be wrestling fans, and a doco would more document the incident, what was involved, and they could talk to other wrestlers. I wonder if Vince would allow WWE talent to talk to a film-crew about the incident, but Vince withdrew his support of "Beyond The Mat" as well, and wouldn't have been happy about his portrayal in "Wrestling With Shadows" either.

Besides, someone like Chris Jericho, who was a friend of Benoit's, and has said things about the incident, is a free agent, so there is no-one stopping him from recounting the incident.

Vince turned WWS into a positive. It created and helped develop the Mr McMahon character. Without it, we may never have seen it!!!

As for the Benoit film, not sure it is needed, but car crash TV. Suppose I will have to watch given it is wrestling orientated.
It's sp hard to have a firm opinion on this. Obviously, until the movie is made, we don't neccesarily know the movie they intend to make. Monster told one of the most high-profile and horrific tales of a modern day serial killer, but did so with compassion, allowingus to get inside the head of someone who would do something so awful, and to some extent, find justification or at least explanation for those actions.
If this movie could do the same, then great. It could explain how a man who loved his job and his family could suddenly sink to such depths.
Sadly, the reality is that they will probably glamourise the inevitability that steroids lead to double murder suicides. They will likely make wrestling out to be the peer presure and a Vince like character our to be the pusher man.
At the end of the day, I would watch it.
This movie will only work with a great writer and director.

Chris Benoit's life story is similar to the story of Sid Vicious (from the Sex Pistols), and Sid and Nancy is widely considered a masterpiece.

If it goes straight to DVD, don't even bother watching.
I actually think it could be a good movie if done right, if it portrays his life and not just the negative. It can be made similar to how the wrestler was done.

The main negative would only be if they make it look like VKM was telling them to take the drugs, wen we all know wrestlers do these things cause they dont want to lose their spot on the card.

If they make it to be a witch hunt then I will not watch it, but if it is done showing the life of the man through all aspects his highs and lows and what he would do to himself to remain relevant and its actually about his life then it could be a very inspirational movie.

They dont have to show the murder suicide, that can just be a little write up at the end of the movie. They can still end it in a somewhat positive light. I actually think if done right could be a real good movie

The only problem I have is that its too soon, if this movie came out in 10+ years when its a new generation of movie goers and the wound isnt as fresh in true wrestling fans then we would have a different reaction on this topic. Because if you really look at it, it really is an intriguing story if done well
I would much rather prefer a film about Bret Hart beginning with him training in the Hart Dungeon leading all the way to the Montreal Screwjob. I just wonder who they will have play guys like Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels, Jim Neidhart, Triple H and Bret Hart especially. They should definitely call it "Hitman: The Excellence of Execution".

The only other movie I'd be interested in is a Vince McMahon movie or a Chris Jericho movie. There's not really any other movie that could interest me. Maybe The Rock, but there's not much drama in Rocky's world as are the others. Chris Jericho has a lot of funny tales though. It would be cool to see a Chris Jericho TV series.

But a Chris Benoit movie? Fuck that. The guy killed his wife and child, the best thing we could do is never mention the sorry fucker again. By giving him a movie, we're giving him importance which should never happen again.
But a Chris Benoit movie? Fuck that. The guy killed his wife and child, the best thing we could do is never mention the sorry fucker again. By giving him a movie, we're giving him importance which should never happen again.
:wtf: :banghead:

WOW! Thats a little harsh.

Regardless of what he did, a movie about his CAREER would be good. He was an accomplished wrestler who wrestled in different countries and promotions.

Though I think thats the movie most fans want to see...I dont think this movie is going to be about that. It might START like that, but Im sure it will make everything to be negative. I hope its about his life as a wrestler and not a documentary about the events that occurred in the final days.

I dont think this movie will go through though. I cant see his family giving accepting this. I dont see how the WWE would let this go either. Its only going to paint wrestling and the WWE in a bad light.

But I have 2 questions...WHAT ABOUT PAUL HEYMAN? We all know Benoit wrestled for WCW and WWE...but will it tell the story of his career in ECW? My second question is...WHY IS THIS MOVIE BEING MADE SO LATE? As someone else said, the wrestling industry has gotten over this, the story of what happened has died why bring this up? WWE has changed the way they do things since this happened (for the better I say), despite what some fans want.

So why go through with this? Benoit still has friends industry, how is this movie going to affect them?

Only negative can come from this.
WWE's support would be crucial here, and I just can't see it happening. Vince isn't going to get behind this project, and this film needs to include moments from Benoit's WWE career, because Benoit's major career highlights did happen in WWE. His victory in the main event ant Wrestlemania XX, his long list of good and great matches, and you can't tip toe around his WCW and ECW stuff, because Vince owns the rights to that stuff also. Copyright issues would be a major problem for this film. A docudrama without Benoit's major career highlights wouldn't feel right at all, and I have to believe WWE won't get behind this one, because they don't need this type of mainstream publicity at all.

I also don't understand the "Benoit story needs to be brought into light" stuff mentioned in the article. The Benoit murders did catch the attention of the major news networks, and this story did see its fair share of headlines. The Benoit story is well known, and I'm sure a good amount of people are aware of the steroid abuse and Benoit's severe brain damage, which was caused by his years of pounding in the ring. Steroid abuse and the physical damage a wrestler's body can suffer throughout his career are no secrets, and it just sounds like they're trying to capitalize off of a tragic controversy, while making a good amount of money at the same time.

I am not interested in this film, and I'll probably avoid this one, when it hits theaters or has a straight-to-video release. This film probably won't create any sympathy for Benoit, and I think this project will just stir up some more controversy again. This film will send some more negative publicity towards the pro wrestling world, and this just seems like a poor attempt to cash in on a tragedy.
It's going to be hard for them to avoid WWE lawsuits but I would imagine a good portion of the Wrestling stuff will focus on his early/indie career and once he meets Nancy it'll become a regular "slow descent" movie like the Shining. Vince likes to think he solely owns the rights to wrestling but he doesn't, it'd be easy enough to replicate a WWE style show without his trademarks or consent for the film... If WWE is smart they will allow limited reference with a disclaimer and approval.

Benoit's tale, if done right, showing the impact of the deaths of others and his own high level of respect in the business then it could work with a good actor. If they go the "Wrestlemaniac/Shining/Randy The Ram goes nuts" then it'll be garbage.

If it were me making it, I'd not even show the murders, just the aftermath, maybe even just a shot of the action figure of Chris that was famously next to Daniels bed... that in itself is far more chilling an image than seeing the murders could ever be.

A lot will come down to who is directing and starring... If they get a high level director/star attached then I'll give it a chance... If it's some first timer or a "wrestling fan" then I ain't interested. Hell part of me thinks Vince and WWE films SHOULD be involved and tell their side of the story or the story of how he duped them all, someone mentioned the Elephant In The Room... can't think of a better way to exorcise the demon.
I don't think that they should make any light of this tragedy, i mean his family has been through enough, imagine his daughter having to watch this.
Im conflicted on this one!! For one i had no idea they were making a movie until i saw the thread on here!! Truth is Benoit what he did was indeed evil as hell but really how much did his brain injuries contribute to this? Look at football look at NHL all these players dying from chronic brain injuries taking their own lives!! True Benoit was the only one to take his famly's life but how much of it was his own responsibility? I know you all know there will be another witch hunt on wrestling after all it is a contact sport!! I will see this movie i just hope they dont include the murders they can do without that!!
WWE would not be supporting this movie, that's a no brainer if there ever was one. To the WWE, Chris Benoit has never existed and that is something that everyone in the WWE will always stand by, at least in public.

I also do not see how this movie would be a great success or something especially unless and until the producers can get the right to Benoit's name which I do think that WWE still owns. Even the subject of the film isn't appealing enough. Now before you jump on me, I'll tell you the reason why I think so.

The objective of the movie would be to show how bad the wrestling business is. But there has already been a brilliant movie on this subject and The Wrestler would be really hard to emulate. I have a feeling that the makers will go for a sensationally gory sort of film. Yes, I do feel that they will show Benoit performing the murders. Because there is nohing to gain from directing a high quality, aesthetically shot film on this subject. The Wrestler has already done that. And without the 'Benoit' name the makers are never going to have a shot at making the movie sensational without the gory scenes.

So yeah, if you want to see a gore flick, go watch this. If you want to see a film on the seedy underbelly of the wrestling business, go watch The Wrestler.

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