Chris Benoit: Hall of Fame Worthy?

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Ok, I actually saw this debate on another forum and was surprised to see how many people thought Benoit deserved to be in there; not only the WWE HOF but any wrestling HOF...based on his wrestling career. So I wanted to see what you guys think of this.
Personally, I don`t even have an opinion about this. I respect Benoit`s achievements as a wrestler, there is no denial he was one of the very best BUT mental issues or not, he did what he did.
I think there`s no way he`ll ever enter the WWE HOF or any HOF for that matter.
I think he should be in. His in ring ablities were surpassed only by Angle. He could wrestle any style, he won all kinds of championships, and he definitely had his fans. Show me a bad Benoit match. I don't think you'll find one. The guy could just flat out go when he got in the ring.

However, the odds of him getting in are through the roof. Considering what he did and the impact that it had on the wrestling business, I can't see it happening. Maybe an independant hall, but never teh WWE.
IF the question is whither or not he should be in it, it is pretty mush one sided that he should be in the Hall. He is a former champion, former US, Tag Team, and other championships. He has competed in many of the biggest matches ever. He had great in ring ability and was a great story teller for the WWE. He also gave Vince something that very few did, and that was hope when he crossed from WCW to WWE.

But all that said, the media, fan, and goventment pressure put on the WWE by allowing a murderer into their hall of fame would prevent it frome ver happening.
Chris Benoit is more than worthy as a superstar. He accomplished a lot, he was a brilliant technical wrestler. There is no doubting that if he was still alive and well, that he would be a future candidate. In fact he was probably described as a future hall of famer on wwe tv on occasion.
But there is Zero chance of him ever getting in the hall of fame. The negative publicity that the WWE would receive is not worth it. They wouldnt risk the public backlash. Think of how hard they've tried to get rid of his name on the website (although he currently appears in Royal Rumble stats and top wrestlemania moments and matches), do u really think that they would acknowledge the positive effect he has had on the industry in a public forum?
But yeah worthy for accomplishments, not worthy for actions outside the ring
I think if he didn't do what he did he would be. If he was just another wrestler who acomplished what he did, then I think he would be in the Hall of Fame. He was a great wrestler no matter how tarnished his memory or reputation has become. But there is no way the WWE would put him in now. He will not be in the Hall of Fame because it would be a total disgrace. Remember, according to the WWE he never existed. They will not put Chris Benoit in the WWE. It just wouldn't happen. End of story.
I think he should be in. His in ring ablities were surpassed only by Angle. He could wrestle any style, he won all kinds of championships, and he definitely had his fans. Show me a bad Benoit match. I don't think you'll find one. The guy could just flat out go when he got in the ring.

However, the odds of him getting in are through the roof. Considering what he did and the impact that it had on the wrestling business, I can't see it happening. Maybe an independant hall, but never teh WWE.

I don't he should be in, cus of what the bastard did... I lost all respect for Benoit for that incident... Also, I think Bret and Malenko also surpassed him in ring abilities..
I don't he should be in, cus of what the bastard did... I lost all respect for Benoit for that incident... Also, I think Bret and Malenko also surpassed him in ring abilities..
What benoit did, didn't happen anywhere near a wrestling ring. It does not in anyway affect What Chris Benoit did for the WWE. I think he deserves to be in. He won't but he deserves to. That guy was a legendary wrestler that was in leaps and bounds over everyone else.

Granted he did fuck up at the end, and boy did he fuck up... but again it had nothing to do with his wrestling abilities.
What benoit did, didn't happen anywhere near a wrestling ring. It does not in anyway affect What Chris Benoit did for the WWE. I think he deserves to be in. He won't but he deserves to. That guy was a legendary wrestler that was in leaps and bounds over everyone else.

Granted he did fuck up at the end, and boy did he fuck up... but again it had nothing to do with his wrestling abilities.

To be honest Benoit was one of my favourite wrestlers especially during his WCW days, he did acheive greatness and was legendary and DESERVED to be in the HOF but not after his actions. Familes of the victims would be offended and that would reopen wounds I assume thats not even healed yet... Hell I would be angery farless.
To be honest Benoit was one of my favourite wrestlers especially during his WCW days, he did acheive greatness and was legendary
Of course he was. He was hugely underrated before his death, then for a few small days it Sky rocketed. then died completley.
and DESERVED to be in the HOF
Of course he does. all the people he put over, made better, it is just amazing. Look at MVP he improved sooo much after his fued with Benoit.
but not after his actions.
again, it has nothing to do with his wrestling life. All wrestlers are different outside then what they are inside. Do you think Orton would of shit in his mother's bag. ?
Familes of the victims would be offended and that would reopen wounds I assume thats not even healed yet... Hell I would be angery farless.
Well of course give them time to greve. don't do it just yet but in ten years time or something by all means.
As far as a wrestling hall of fame, fuck yes he should. I think the WWE needs to cast this whole thing in an entirely different light, and show it for what it was, a mental illness case. The man's brain was 80% deteriorated when he commited the crimes. Now I know its oh so easy to cast out people with mental illness, and say "oh burn in hell" but thats not right, and never will be.

Its a wrestling hall of fame, yes, Benoit should be in. The actual, WWE Hall of fame ?? probably not, if only for the PR situation. If it were more legit in the first place, then I would say give the man his due. But its a fake hall of fame, for a fake sport, and is nothing more than a publicity stunt every year anyhow.
The main argument with people in respect of not adding people is that they didn't really do anything memorable. Well Benoit did. What he did was in slightly poor taste, but it got people talking. And for 39 plus year's people thought he was a great guy.

He should be put in purely for how he'd divide people.
It's time you all learned the truth. I never liked Chris Benoit. He was just like a worse version of Kurt Angle with fewer teeth, no charisma and not nearly as entertaining.

His matches even with Angle himself never got me excited. He was just bland as fuck. Kaz bland. The diving headbutt apparently carried a lot of risk. I don't know why he bothered to do it - it looks shit, it doesn't even look painful. Emulate the Dynamite Kid in another way, man!

But yeah, the best thing Benoit ever did for his career was murder his family. Means people can go "Yeah, he was a bastard, but he was a great wrestler." No, he wasn't. He didn't even do much memorable until his final day.

But yeah, throw him in. I just want to see a bunch of people going "Yeah, he deserved it though, did't he?".
It's time you all learned the truth. I never liked Chris Benoit. He was just like a worse version of Kurt Angle with fewer teeth, no charisma and not nearly as entertaining.


His matches even with Angle himself never got me excited. He was just bland as fuck. Kaz bland. The diving headbutt apparently carried a lot of risk. I don't know why he bothered to do it - it looks shit, it doesn't even look painful. Emulate the Dynamite Kid in another way, man!

I dunno, i always liked his 'Best damn technical wrestler, prove me wrong' gimmick, and truly believed in his passion for the business.

I guess he could've just used the snap suplex, but that's not exactly a Dynamite speciality is it? Also, didn't Dynamite flip out because of drugs and beat his wife or something, or did i just imagine that i read that somewhere? If that's true then i guess Benoit emulated him to his dying day. He went out, Dynamite style!!!!

But yeah, the best thing Benoit ever did for his career was murder his family. Means people can go "Yeah, he was a bastard, but he was a great wrestler." No, he wasn't. He didn't even do much memorable until his final day.

That's not fair dude, his crowning achievement HAS to be breaking Sabu's neck.

But yeah, throw him in. I just want to see a bunch of people going "Yeah, he deserved it though, did't he?".

Well you could argue, if Hogan got in DESPITE trying to purposely take McMahon himself down and STILL be honoured then Benoit should too. It's totally not the same situation, but still....

I personally watch old Benoit matches and no longer feel that disgust that i did just after it all went down. But then i'm just some fan all the way in England and my thoughts ain't shit to WWE and the Benoit family.

It's not gonna happen guys, regardless. It's stupid to pretend he never existed, but it's sensible not to honour him in that way.

(i do still get choked up when i watch the conclusion of WM20 though, knowing that less than 3 years later, those 2 great friends who gave so much to the wrestling world were both dead)
I personally didn't like Benoit. I found him boring to watch and was never really on board with him, but you've got to look at what he did do.

He is one of the few people who was a big deal in all three major companies of the 90s. Admittedly,he wasn't a main eventer on ECW, but I think he ultimately could have been, had Heyman not forgotten to renew his Visa.

If he could have put off killing his family for one day, then he would have become only the second person to have won a WWE world title, the WCW world title andthe ECW world title, but not the proper WWE title admittedly.

If I thought for a second that he should go in, I would analyse his career in far more depth, but I don't, so I won't.

The point of the Hall of Fame is that it remembers lasting contributions to a particular discipline. Pete Rose isn't in the baseball one because he will always be remembered as the guy who bet on himself. Benoit's last6ing contribution to professional wrestling, and particularly the WWE is that he killed his family and reopened the steroids can of worms. So it's a big no.
they both died deaths from overdose, and Benoit has had a better career than Eg, no offense to one of my fave legends of all time
If hes ever even considered for the HoF i dont think it will be for a very long time.What he did to his family and himself was unexcusable but to trash him and say he wasnt that good?Honestly he was one of the most under-used pure wrestlers in WWE.When most people care more about someones mic skills or appearance it makes me sick.He had one of my favorite feuds of all time.Him and Booker in their best of 7 series in WcW(both at the time were mid carders fighting for a push).He had one of my favorite matches of all times.Him and Bret Hart's tribute to Owen Hart match in(if i remember right the first live event from the arena Owens accident happened in).To answer this question.If it was based on dedication to the business and accomplishments he had during his career alone Yes he should be.But based on his tragic end,the trouble it caused for the wrestling industry with the steroid's and other drug abuse that have lead to todays (easily flawed and avoidable but still effective to the less established guys)drug policies.I wouldn't be suprized to see him in the years to come be considered but i also wouldnt hold my breath waiting to see it happen either as its less likely then it is possible
Yes Benoit deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. Plain and simple. His wrestling abilities were top notch, his matches were almost all classic, I very rarely saw a hyped up match that involved Benoit, that turned out to be a flump. Granted he was no John Cena or Chris Jericho on the mic, he didn't have the John Morrison look, but you know what he got over anyway because of his wrestling ability. He was one of the few guys that didn't let some imperfections on the mic and looks hold him back.

Granted what he did was plain awful, there is no denying that. He took the lives of two people, and of all the people his wife and child, he brought about heart-break to his surviving family, and brought a bad light to the company that he worked for. And in the end, that's what's going to hold him back from being in the Hall of Fame. Not for what he did in particular, because that doesn't personally affect Vince, but how his actions brought about bad publicity to the WWE, which does personally affect Vince. i could be wrong but that's my theory.

Whether or not it was due to drug abuse which is wrong, or mental problems brought about by a hard profession, what he did was wrong, but it shouldn't affect his chances of being in the Hall of Fame. Benoit will be remembered by fans as one of the best, who accomplished much is his career, and that is what should be remembered about Benoit. Isn't that what the HOF is all about, remembering someone's career accomplishments? I think so.
Yes he should be. He was mentally ill. And we'll never know what he was thinking. To really know someone you have to walk in their shoes. And that's not possible. I do believe no matter what he's wrestling's Biggest tragidy. I guess he woanted to burn out then fade away.
Yes he should be in. Benoit is one of the greatest wrestlers ever, and his in ring ability should not be overshadowed by his personal issues. Benoit was one of my favorite wrestlers at the time of his death. Every time Benoit stepped in the ring he was gold. He supplied countless classic matches and the fans loved him. He definantly deserves to be in the HOF.
Whether Benoit is worthy of the hall of fame depends on how you look at it I think Chris Benoit deserves to be in the hall of fame because the hof solely depends on how they performed in the ring its about wrestling not what they did outside the ring. And some people may be offended by that but you have to take into account that he had health issues and he cannot be fully accountable for what he did. But I doubt he will ever be inducted.
Yes he deserves to be in. And anyone who says otherwise is just a fucking moron. Besides Angle, Benoit was the best in the ring. He's above Eddie and Hart in terms of technical ability, and on his day I'm sure he probably could have beat Angle in terms of wrestling ability. I know he probably won't go into the HoF because he murdered his wife & child, I think everyone forgets one key thing; the guy's brain was the same as an althzimhers (sp?) guy, and at the age of like an 80 year old or something. So, he was clearly fucked in the head. Stick him in, fuck what the rest of the world says about it. Professional wrestling is a niche product, designed for few people compared to movies and such, so as long as we're happy with it then meh. The rest of the entertainment field just come and go as they please when it suits them anyway.
If they based it just on his wrestling skill then definitely yes but if they based it on what he did then no. He won't get in the Hall Of Fame cause it would cause bad publicity just cause of what he did.
i simply dont care about wrestlers life outside of wrestling, "ooo so and so does drugs there a bad wresler" its not like that for me, for all i care he could have had a basement full of dead babies and puppies and kittens, he'd still be one of the best wrestlers, there are probly some people on the hall of fame who have partaken in sketchy business at times in their lives, so i do think he should be in the hall of fame

unfortunately, i dont think he will, not for a long long long time atleast, sad but true.

r.i.p. chris benoit

i just got his hard knocks dvd for christmas it is so dank i watched the match against great sasuke like 5 times in a row one day
If it weren't for the tragedy that ended his life, and his family's, he'd be at the top of the WWE still. He BELONGS in any wrestling Hall of Fame.

His career in WWE cna never be called a failure, because he won the title, and that was the biggest moment of his career. It was also one of the biggest moments of the WWE's year. He held titles at every company that he worked for, whether it was WWE, WCW, or ECW, and at each company he was always involved in a big storyline. His time at WCW was poorly-timed, because he was in his prime while guys like Hogan, Nash, Sting, and Flair were still at the tope of their games.

Except for Angle, and maybe Jericho and Malenko, Benoit was the best in the ring. He could brawl or fly, and was a great mat technician. His finisher is one of the most recognizable in the history of wrestling. Whether he was known as "The Rabid Wolverine" or "The Canadian Crippler", Benoit was always feared by opponents, and loved by his fans. When you saw his name on a card, you knew you were going to get your money's worth.
I voted no. And not because he shot everybody he saw until he hung himself but because he really wasn't that great of a wrestler. Sure he won the WWE title once or twice but one main-event belt doesn't put you in the Hall of Fame. I don't get someone dies in Pro Wrestling they just get way over rated and that is what happen with this mid-carder.

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