

Championship Contender
Chasingamy said:
Hey Danmen001,

You know me as chasingamy on the forum. Sorry for the personal email, however no one else is online and I don't know the emails of like the Admin, Jake, or other mod. Do you have one of the mod's email addresses?

The reason I'm asking is because I cannot get logged in. I've been having trouble the last 3-4 days. Before after several tries eventually I'd get in. But now I've been trying for the last two hours and I can't get in. The very first time I tried logging in I got the message at the bottom of this email saying that I'd use up my login quota...but it was my first try. Plus my browser auto-completes my login info, so nothing was different that I haven't been using for months now.

Any ideas? I really appreciate you taking the time to read this email.

Danmen001 said:

Yeah, everyone has been having trouble with it. I have my setting to "Remember Me", people who set that seem to have less trouble than others. The forum apparently was switching servers, and some technical difficulties ... well you know. Anyway don't think too much of it, it's not as bad as it was a few days ago, and in a few more days it should be perfectly fine.

So it isn't just you, and many people have been pissed off as well lol. I can't really tell you anything to fix it other than sellect "Remember Me" before you log on.

Well if the forums get better, see you round.

Your favourite Aussie, Danmen.
Chasingamy said:
Sorry Danmen. I never got around to saying thanks for your prompt reply. I emailed the website admins but never got a response. It's 2 weeks later and STILL I can't login. This problem is on both my home and work computers, that use completely different ISPs. I don't know what's going on, but I guess my forum days are over.

The first 2 were during the forum fuck up. The last one was sent to me yesterday, guess he won't be coming here anymore. Shame too, he was a good poster.
1. its a girl

2. email her back and tell her the forum is shaped up again. you doof.

That guy is the prison was right, you are a big bad meanie. :(

Yeah I was trying to figure said person's gender out too lol. I thought it was a girl, but then since it was Chasingamy I thought it was a guy. Confusing shit. And yes I was about to email her back back, but she sent that one yesterday and since the forums not fucked currently I assumed it was her.

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