Chase Tournament Qualifier: Vengeance vs. Daniel Stokes


All Your Base Are Belong To Us!
Daniel Stokes​

After the brutal match last week, it seems that the board of directors wish a rematch as Daniel Stokes faces off against Vengeance one more time. However, the prize at stake here is a chance to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship. Surely neither man will risk a disqualification loss in such a high profile match, but after last weeks rumble no-one can really be sure. All we know is that this could easily be the match of the nght as two of the baddest men in WZCW collide once again on MELTDOWN!


Keep all RPs in this thread. RPs will be due Sunday September 21st at 11:59 pm EDT.

Rain falls softly around the abbey, as thunder rumbles ominously from the grey clouds above. The hooded figure of Vengeance walks along the cloistered walkway, his footsteps echoing around the stone structure of the monastry as he slowly walks the length of the corridor towards the door of the church, the sound of a chant growing louder until he reaches the door.

The heavy wooden doors swing open slowly, revealing monks coming to the end of their morning prayers. Vengeance makes his way down the red-carpeted aisle, stopping before the stairs to the altar and lowering himself prostrate to the ground.

He stays there, face-down long after the chapel is empty and silent, with only rain bouncing off the windows and the low rumbles of distant thunder interrupting the stillness.


The last word echoes around the building, as though dozens of little voices are taunting Vengeance. When he speaks again, he seems more composed

For the first time in WZCW, I let frustration get the better of me. I faced a man fresh out of brutal match at Kingdom Come, and he was able to endure all everything I was able to throw at him without giving up until I snapped.

Master, I am no longer worthy to be called your servant!

Vengeance appears to sob, but slowly it becomes clear that the sob more of a maniacal laugh than crying. A flash of lightning causes the lights to flicker for a second. When the come back on, Vengeance is standing and facing the camera.

Daniel Stokes, my match against you was to prove a point. My goal was neither to win, nor was it to further my own agenda. No Stokes, now you and ALL of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling know how far I will go, how many rules I will bend to advance. You see before, you were under the misguided opinion that I had to fight... that I am deluded enough to fight for no other reason than my Master.

FOOL! Do you really think I would fight for another if the reward didn't justify the means? No Daniel, you see in your blind patriotism, you have overlooked the signs like in the Flood of times past: You eat, you drink...until the flood will come and destroy you.

This time Daniel, this time the fight is for me. Nevertheless, you should feel privileged, for you are a chosen one. You shall be laid down as an example, undergoing Vengeance.

Woe to those who see the example. For their day is coming, the time of punishment. I am going to rise until the time of the Appearing. You see, the signs are all in place, players in the sadistic game of chess are all in position, and those who would try to oppose the powers that be have fallen prey to unwitting pawns. WZCW will not know what has hit it. For behold, the day of the Master comes, cruel and with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land waste. shall meet the fate of all those who oppose the Master's plan.

Mea est vindicta

At that point the lightning cracks around the abbey, causing the lights to go out, only the glow of candles visible until the power briefly comes back on, revealing no Vengeance, and a coffin with an Australian flag draped over the top...
The moon is high in the sky above a grove of trees, with the wind rustling through them. All around, crickets are chirping in the undergrowth. The clock on a nearby church begins to strike, and the camera flicks to the clock, showing it to be midnight. As the clock stops, another, softer sound can be heard in the distance.

The camera moves towards the sound. As the cameraman walks along, he stumbles slightly. He moves the light to where he tripped, bringing a tombstone into view. Using the dim light of the camera, he walks towards the sound. As he gets closer, soil starts appearing and a shovel can be seen flashing in the distant light of the moon.

The cameraman looks down into the hole. Crouching down in the hole, Vengeance can be seen, his robe draped on a pole in the ground above. He is clearly out of breath from the exertion of digging. In the night-vision of the camera, the intensity in his eyes seems almost exaggerated.

Vengeance climbs out of the hole he appears to have dug, and crouches down beside it, the camera. He takes a second to catch his breath before addressing the camera.

Death comes once in a man's life. At any time, anywhere and for any reason. Be it cardiac arrest in your sleep, or stuck by a bus. No matter what the status, King or street sweeper, eventually they all dance with the Reaper.

I've faced both the mighty and the small of WZCW. I have taken on both a King and one who comes from a country famed for it's criminal immigrants who populated it. I have lost to both, yet neither individual has been the same as a result.

Now the opportunity presents itself for me to gain a shot at taking gold, giving it to someone with a higher purpose than purely gold. Will, Ricky & Everest...both have held gold, yet neither of you are satisfied by what you have. Always striving for more. Bowen, Derf and Stokes...the thought of attaining that level consumes you. It is your lust, your greed, your idol. Even Manzo strives to feed another's greed...****ing himself out to satisfy another. You see that is what seperates me from the rest of these abominations around me.

My path leads through the gold.

My path leads to greater days. I hear them ask...'How can good come from pain'. I have answers from you, and you shall hear but not understand. As a woman with child draws near to bear, she writhes and cries out in her pangs. Thus it is before the coming of the Master. There must be pain, so that you can know the peace he will bring and the love he has. The Master chastens those he loves.

Daniel Stokes. This week we shall meet again. You will meet a Vengeance who knows his goal, whose mind is clear, and whose body yearns to be doing what is was built for - to undergo and meet out the pain which is destained for it. The day of your Reckoning draws closer...

Vengeance walks over to his robe, and puts it on, pulling the hood up. The moon is covered by a cloud, temporarily causing the cemetery to be plunged into pitch blackness.

Eventually the moon comes out from behind the cloud. Vengeance is no longer present. The hole remains open and as the camera peers inside, it is clear that something is inside. In the dim light, the camera takes a moment to focus in on the object. In the hole, a replica of the Heavyweight Championship is laid with a white rose set on top. The camera moves, and focuses on the spot Vengeance had been.

Beside the shovel, there is a headstone with the inscription

and below
Rex mortuus est
*It is a bright day; there isn’t a cloud in the sky. Daniel Stokes is alone at the top of the stands of the Animal Planet Crocoseum, in Australia Zoo; the home of the crocodile hunter. He is wearing a green shirt and shorts a lot like that of the late Steve Irwin, who is the crocodile hunter. Looking at Daniel from a distance would make you think that he is in fact Steve Irwin, if he wasn’t dead. Although the resemblance that is there gives you the feel that the spirit of Steve is in Daniel Stokes.*

Daniel – 2 years ago... the sky wasn’t clear as it is today. Before that time 2 years ago, there was a true blue Aussie bloke. A man who fought not for a title of gold, not for the glory of the crowd, but for the animals ... the wildlife. This man you could look up to and respect without shame. The name of this man was Steve Irwin. 2 years ago the clouds came, Steve Irwin was killed. The way such a man went is not fair. He was killed by wildlife, the thing he loved so much, the thing he cherished life most of us cherish life and our friends. He was ended by a bloody stingray that impaled him in the heart. Even though I’m sure that when he did go out, he would have wanted it to be doing what he loved, which was being around animals ... he didn’t deserve to go that way, not so soon.

*Daniel looks down to the ground, you can see a small drop; a tear; coming from his face and hitting the ground. The drop is sparkling in the sun, as it lays there on the cement ground. He takes a moment, then looks back up at the camera.*

Daniel – I am dedicating this match, and my soon to be title to the great man that is Steve Irwin. He was a man that all Australians, and even non- Aussies loved, and loved what he did for wildlife. But for Aussies especially, what we know he did for Australia is something we loved him for as well. He went to other countries and made himself known world wide, and made Australia known world wide. You could say that he might have been an ambassador for Australia – No; he was an ambassador for Australia. He was one of the Aussies that really put Australia on the map, which brought in tourists, which made Australia something. Come to think of it mate, an Australian ambassador ... isn’t that just what I am striving for here in Wrestle Zone Championship Wrestling? An Australian wrestling ambassador in a way, I guess you could say. I want people from other places to come to the land of free, I want people from the land of free to go to other places and experience the sport that is wrestling.

*Daniel walks slowly down to the bottom of the stands. He then gazes across at the crocs that are in the Crocoseum. He moves over to the edge of the fence, leans on it, then looks intently at the crocodiles as he appears to reminisce.*


*The scene changes; it appears as if Steve Irwin and a few of his crew are in the Crocoseum with a croc. Steve and his crew are wearing the usual greenish shirt and shorts. The crowd is packed and looking on. The day is quite bright, but the ground seems a wet and muddy from rain.*

Steve Irwin – This is a magnificent creature right here, it had been injured, but now that it’s better you guys get to have one last look at the beauty, before we release it. We are going to surround it slowly then wrestle it down, tie it up and move it back to its natural habitat where it can be happy. We will put a tracking device on it as well, just so we can check up on it and watch it movements.

*Steve Irwin and his crew run in and wrestle it to the ground; they then tie up the mouth of the croc. They mud gets thrown around everywhere; the clothes Steve and his crew were wearing have become very muddy. As well as that the crocodile stays wrestles until they finally firmly tie it up.*

Steve Irwin – A’ right, we got him. Now we will move him onto the truck and return him to where he belongs.


*The scene fades out back into Daniel looking at the crocs in the Crocoseum. He finally starts talking again.*

Daniel - While Steve Irwin wrestled crocs, I wrestle people and I forever will be, until the day I retire ... until the day I die mate. One of the people I will be wrestling is a man - no. Not a man, a man is a person who is himself. A man is a person who fights for honour and fights for something worth it ... not something single-minded like to cause pain to another person. I fight to win, to win I must cause my opponent pain, that is true. But to solely fight to punish isn’t right mate. The name of the being that I am facing is Vengeance.

You say I am misguided by patriotism, but it’s quite the opposite. Following the Aussie flag is what guides me along, *Daniel points at the flag that is flat with the wind, as it hangs on a pole high in the sky in the Crocoseum. He keeps his gaze to it for a second.* I keeps me in line and puts a light over the thing I want ... the championship. You want to lay me down as an example, but isn’t that the problem for you? Last week, you snapped because you could not do it without losing the match. You couldn’t beat me in the match, even if you claim to be able to beat me down. Your mind might be clear this week, but that simply means that you won’t be able to beat me down either, because whatever you do, however you do it, you won’t be able to win the match. I will never give in to it. Along with that, if you even think about going off again this week, your chance at the title could be gone ...

Then you go and make the claim the fight is for you, is that really it? You never seem to sure Vengeance, you aren’t clear minded you know deep inside that you aren’t. Look at yourself in the mirror, whatever shows up, the appearance and the words. Is it real? That is up to you, but don’t take vengeance on yourself for the wrong you are doing to yourself, let me do that.

By doing what you did last week you made it personal, you attacked me but in turn that beat yourself. You lost sight, tried to punish me and punished yourself in the process. It didn’t have to be that way vengeance; I didn’t want it to be that way. I don’t know if you wanted that, but now you are also in the way of the championship belt. Then you also go and say that you faced someone whose country is famous for criminals ... now I know, you want to make it personal. You think that is funny? You think that is true? Then you are deluded as your actions last week led me to believe. Australia is a country of the courageous and free, a country that fights hard, you will see that come our match. But now that it is personal, I want some vengeance.

You seem to think that a few cryptic points and some false prophecies can get you through it all, the pain, the confusion, the fight of a real Australian. Well I have a prophecy for you right here - The green and gold wants the gold and that’s true blue. Vengeance, I come from a land down under. Don’t ya hear, don’t ya hear the thunder? You better run, ya betta take cover ...

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