Chase Tournament Qualifier: Hatchiyama Manzo vs. Eric Derf


All Your Base Are Belong To Us!
Hatchiayama Manzo
Eric Derf​

Eric Derf has been heard in the back saying he wants a shot at ending the undefeated streak of the nearly 600lb behemoth, Hatchiyama Manzo. This week on MELTDOWN, he gets his chance. If Eric wants to earn his championship, he has to do it the hard way, facing off against argueably the favourite to win the whole tournament. Many men have stepped into the ring with Manzo, and none have triumphed. Worse, in recent weeks Manzo has had the backing of a new manager, Magnus Maximillian, a ruthless billionaire who looks like he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Can Eric Derf take his first step on the road to destiny, or are the obstacles in his path simply to big to overcome? Find out on MELTDOWN!


Keep all RPs in this thread. RPs will be due Sunday September 21st at 11:59 pm EDT.

OOC: This RP was acually written days ago, long before I actually knew I was facing Manzo. So to clear up possible confusion, this RP was set immediatly following last weeks Meltdown, before the Tournament was set up.


Backstage, we come to Leon Kensworth, who is waiting for Eric Derf following his loss to Anthony Michaels. After a few moments, Eric slowly comes back behind the curtain, grabs a towel off a table to wipe some sweat off, visably upset at his loss, but he seems to be keeping hs cool. Leon starts to follow Derf as he walks down a hallway to the locker room.

Eric Derf, that was a hard loss for you. Can we get a word on how you feel right now?

Eric stops walking and puts his hnds on his hips, and looks at Leon as if he has just told the stupidest joke ever.

How do I feel? How do you think I feel?! I go out there week after week, busting my ass off, and what for? I keep getting screwed one way or another. Every week since I've been here, I keep losing. Every single week! I know I can win dammit, I know it!

His voice starts to get more upset

Leon, do you realize that every single superstar in WZCW has somthing to claim as a feat here? Wether it's a singles win, a title win, or some other accomplishment, everyones got somthing but me. I have no singles wins. I have no titles. I've only ever won one match. ONE MATCH LEON! A Tag match, and it wasn't even all me. I had WZCW vets like Everest and Gus in my team. Plus, you saw that match. It was like none the other guys were even there.

Eric stops talking for a second and stares at Leon, who seems speachless, before he continues walking towards the locker room. Leon quickly follows.

Wait Eric! I'm sure things will go your way soon! Everyone has ruts! You just need a good chance to prove yourself!

Eric speaks, but continues walking, not even looking at Leon.

I'm not in a rut Leon. It's all these guys back here. I get stuck in a tag team wit a guy who couldn't care less about his job. I get stuck fighting guys who hate each other so much, they use me as the middle man for their pain. Managment needs to figure out what superstars are worth what, and treat them better. I mean, I've been treated like crap since I got here. Whats next? Are they gonna make me face Manzo? I wouldn't be surprised.

Eric reachs the locker room, and just as he reachs for the door, it swings opn, and out rushs his Cameraman Josh, holding a cell phone in his hand, with a duffle bag on his back. As soon as he see's Eric, he puts his arm around him and guides him away, talking to him. Although what they're saying can't be heard, Eric stops for a moment, looks at Josh.

Oh no, no no no no NO!

Eric suddenly starts running, Josh following closly behind. Leon, who's been watching the whole time, begins running after him as well.

Eric! Wait, whats going on!

Leon starts running towards Eric, who's not responding to anything he is saying. Eventually, they end up in a parking lot. Eric gets in his car, Josh in the pasengers seat. As the car starts up, Leon gets to the window.

Eric! Whats with this rush to leave?! Whats going on!

As Leon is talking, the car quickly backs up, turns around, and drives out of the arena. Leon is left standing there with a confused and worried look on his face.

Part 1 of 2
The scene fades in to loud roaring, and as the picture clears it becomes obvious we are on a runway. The roaring noise becomes louder and louder and soon the source becomes clear as into shot appears a black private jet, the golden initials of ‘MM’ on it’s tail giving away its owner. The plan comes to a graceful halt and the red-carpeted stairs are pushed into position, as the door swings open. Standing there resplendent in a white and gold suit stands Magnus Maximillian, leather briefcase in one hand and mobile phone in the other. As Magnus descends the steps, already busy talking on the mobile, his eyes hidden behind his dark sunglasses, behind him into the doorway steps the massive frame of Hatchiyama Manzo. Dressed in his usual ceremonial Kimono, Manzo stares roughly at the strip before him before following Magnus down the steps. As the camera closes and Magnus becomes nearer, we can finally hear snippets of the conversation.

“No no, that sounds wonderful my boy, I’ll take them all … Yes, yes the price is fine, it’s irrelevant in any case, it’ll pay for itself a hundred times over … Yes, we’re back in the USA now. Make it happen.”

Magnus hangs up the cell and laughs heartily to himself, before turning round to address Manzo, whose face is still a mixed reaction of disgust and anger.

“Manzo my boy, everything is going perfectly to plan. The peons on the Board of Directors have finally given you a shot at the World Championship that you have been deserving of for over a year now, Chuck Myles and Dynasty finally looks like its strangle hold on WZCW is over, and I’m about to complete a deal that will make me even richer than I already am. Truly the gods bless men like us Manzo.”

Manzo nods understandingly as he follows Magnus across the red carpet to the limousine waiting to collect the both. The chauffer opens the door, nodding to both Manzo and Magnus as they enter, and the door closes behind them both, before speeding away. The camera fades out on the number plate; ‘Magnus 01’.

+++ +++​

Moments later the camera fades in again. This time, we are back inside the home of Magnus Maximillian. The fire is burning contently in the background as Magnus stands beside it, a glass of scotch in his hand, mullering over the drink quietly. Moments later, a servant enters the room.

“Mr. Maximillian sir, I have a Johnny Klamor here in the hall. He says you are expecting him?”

“He is correct Antoine, please escort him here.”

“Very good sir.” Antoine answers, bowing before leaving the room. He quickly returns with Johhny Klamor in tow. Klamor is gaping all around at the expense of the entire estate, before noticing Magnus standing by the fireplace. He coughs and quickly regains his composer before walking past the servant, who barely has the chance to announce Mr. Klamors presence. Shaking his head, Antoine leaves and closes the oak double doors to the study behind him, leaving Klamor alone with Mr. Maximillian.

…Ahem, Magnus Maximillian, first off let me just thank you for allowing me into your wonderful home here, it is truly an honour to …

“Mr. Kalmor, I have dozens of staff and servants who shower me with their false affections and praise everyday. I do not need a man like you to contribute. I asked you here to tell you what is going to happen at MELTDOWN.”

Ok Mr. Maximillian, I’ll cut the crap. This week Manzo faces off against the challenge of Eric Derf, who …”

Magnus turns around and raises his hand, silencing Johnny instantly. Magnus has a puzzled, almost curious look upon his face as he peaks again.

“I’m sorry Klamor but you keep talking like this is a challenge. Like this Eric Derf poses any kind of threat to my man? I’ll make something perfectly clear right now; No-one, not Derf, not Everest, not Ricky and not anyone, poses any kind of threat to Hatchiyama Manzo. No-one.

Let me explain it like this. In his first match, Manzo destroyed Jack Harris, argueable one of the toughest men to enter WZCW. ‘But if he’s so tough, why isn’t he still here’ I hear you cry. Maybe this will help you figure it out.”

Magnus picks up a remote control and points it behind Klamor. Turning around, he notices a huge 64” screen flicker to life. On it is the broken image of Jack Harris, lying on a hospital bed. Underneath reads the following

WZCW.Com said:
At this time, due to the leaping senton splash on Harris by Manzō on Unscripted, dubbed the "Hiroshima Bomb", Harris is currently in local medical facility undergoing surgery after suffering a punctured lung as his ribcage was crushed under the impact during the ending of the match. WZCW will keep people updated as and when more information becomes available.

Magnus clicks the remote again as Klamor turns back around. Magnus’ face is almost a picture of delight at the devastation wrought by Manzo.

“Manzo broke him, left him beaten to such a degree he has never returned. I can tell you now what happened to Jack Harris. It was the same thing that happened the following night on MELTDOWN."

Magnus clicks the remote again and this time, live action video flickers into life on the big screen.

MELTDOWN Episode Five said:
Tristian Kirst and 2Fly both run at Manzo, throwing lefts and right at the massive behemoth, but Manzo quickly lays them both out with strong right hands. He picks Tristian up and throws him into the corner, then grabs 2Fly by the hair and tossing him into Tristian. Yelling to the crowd, Manzo rushes at them both with astonishing speed for a big man, and crashes into them both heavily. Both men crumple into the ground, 2Fly still twitching and convulsing from the impact of the near 600lb monster. Picking Trisitan up, Manzo easily throws him over the top rope to the outside, eliminating him from the match and the company. 2Fly follows shortly after, this time and Manzo throws him over with a single hand, 2Fly barely even touching the top rope.

Copeland: What incredible power shown there by Hatchiyama Manzo! Can anyone stop this monster of a man?

Cohen: In all honest Copleand? No, No-one can.

Once again the screen goes black and Magnus clicks the remote, tossing it onto the small table from whence it came. Klamor turns back, the message Magnus is trying to portray starting to dawn.

"You know how many people my Manzo has beaten? In fact, what might be quicker for you Klamor and your pitifully small mind to grasp, you know how many people have beaten my Manzo? None. No one. Ever. Manzo doesn’t lose. Not to Sincade, not to Steamboat Ricky, and certainly not to Eric Derf. A man who cannot even win the Tag team Titles has no business stepping into the ring with my Manzo. A man who cannot ever claim any gold as his own. A man who last time we saw him, was complaining and rushing out of the arena to deal with assumable his personal life."

Magnus smiles a vicious looking smirk as he advances on Klamor, pointing at him.

"And that’s why he’ll lose Klamor! He’s out there somewhere right now doing something that has nothing to do with this business. He’s helping his dad or worrying for his niece or saving his daughter or helping the homeless or some other pointless worthless excursion that will serve nothing but an aid to his eventual defeat. He can go out there and come back wanting to ‘win this one for little Jenny’ or wanting to ‘Avenge poor Bobby’. He can be vengeful Derf, bitter Derf, angry Derf, honourable Derf, or a hundred other dedicated Derfs, but what he won’t be and will never be is the undefeated 600lb career ending body destroying monstrous Japanese sledgehammer, Hatchiyama Manzo. And THAT, THAT is why he will lose. I don’t care about Derf, or his life, or his needs, his dreams, his wants, his ambitions or even his health. I care about winning. That is the alpha and the omega Klamor, and what I want, I get. And with Manzo as my tool, there is nothing, and no-body, that can stop me."

Magnus laughs loudly and evilly as the camera pans away, the flames from the open fire flickering and cascading their shadows over the face of the millionaire mastermind, bathing him in darkness. The shadows seem to cling to him as Klamor clicks the button in his tape recorder, the scene fading to black.
As the camera turns on, we see a house. It's a nice yellow house, two stories, not very large. The driveway has about 7 or 8 cars in it, which range from a red Honda to a light blue Minivan. Leon Kensworth walks into cameraview, towards the house, not looking at the camera. A voice comes from behind the camera.

I don't think coming to his house is a good idea Leon.

Leon turns around and looks at the camera.

Neither do I, but Managment wants an interview on why he left the show so early the other night, and on his match this week with Manzo. So lets try to get this over with.

The two walk towards the front door of the house. As they get closer, they can hear music playing in the background, as well as childrens laughter. Upon reaching the door, Leon reachs to knock on it, and just at that moment, a face appears on the other side. It's a young woman, early 20s, long black hair. She opens the door and steps outside to greet Leon.

Hello, may I help you Leon?

Umm yes, I was looking for... Wait, how do you know my name?

The girl chuckles.

Well you ARE famous you know... Hang on a sec, I'll go grab Eric for ya. That is why your here, right?

Well yes, we would like to conduct an interview with Eric. Is he ok to talk to? He seemed upset the other day.

The girl laughs and goes back inside, leaving Leon standing at the door without an answer. A few seconds pass, and the door swings open a second time revealing not Eric, but his friend Josh. He's holding a plastic garbage bag.

Leon man, you need to do us a favor. Erics hosting his neices 7th birthday party, and the clown called sick. The kids in their are restless! They all wanted a clown. So I need you to put this on.

Leon looks a little confused as Josh hands him the bag. Leon reachs in and pulls out a large red afro-wig.

Your playing a joke on me, right?

Suddenly, Eric pokes his head out from between the doorframe and Josh. He's wearing a child sized bithday hat on his head, and a T-Shirt with a picture of himself on it.

Leon, put the suit on and I'll give you an intveriew. Don't ask questions, just do it! And you. (looks at the camera) I need you to stay out here while the kids are around. I don't want them scared, alot of them are camera shy.

Without waiting for a reply, Eric quickly goes back into the house. Josh stares at Leon with almost a cocky "I told you so" smile.

Oh I can't believe I'm doing this... (says Leon as he pulls the wig over hs head.) Go wait in the car, we'll get the interview later.

The camera slowly backs up as Leon reachs into the bag and pulls out a green polka-dotted suit. As Leon struggles to get the suit on over his clothng, the camera fades to black.


When the camera turns back on, it's in a large, barely lit room. Windows near the ceiling and a washer and dryer in the far corner indicate that it's a basement. In the middle of a room is a small poker table, where Eric Derf and Leon Kensworth. Eric is no longer wearing the same clothes he had on earlier, he is now wearing gym sorts and a green sleevless t-shirt. Leon is sill wearing the clown suit, but the afro wig is sitting in he midde of the table. A loud thumping noice can be heard as someone is comin down the stairs, and then Josh walks into camera view. He walks right in front of the camera to a mini fridge.

Anyone want a beer?

Eric and Leon both look at Josh.

Sure, what do you have?

Canadian. The best kind.

Josh walks over and hands Leon and Eric a beer. Eric doesn't open the beer, he instead looks at Leon, who has just taken a sip.

By the way Leon, I owe you so much for today. I had promised the kids a clown, and when he called in sick, we didn't know what to do. My sister - I believe you met - almost had tears in her eyes. Have you ever broken a promise to a 7 year old? How about 15 7 year olds? They get loud. It's not fun.

Leon sits the beer on the table, with the bottle already half empty.

Oh, don't worry about it. Glad I could help. But I am here for a reason. First off, Management would like to know why you left in such a haste the other day. They had to talk to you about somthing, but you stormed off.

Erics got a casual smile on his face as Leon is waiting for an answer.

Why did I leave so soon? Honestly, this party is why. I had promised my sister I would host it, and the other night, while I was upset, I had forgoten about it. Josh here reminded me, so I came home. I needed to clean the house. Get the party ready. I don't know what you mean by managemnt had somthing for me, but my family is more important than anything to me.

Leon nods in agreement.

Well that I can understand. Too many of our wrestlers only care about power and skills, most of them have no family.

I couldn't agree more.

Eric gets up and walks towards a weight bench. He starts putting weights on it as Leon begins talking again.

Another thing Management would like to know are your thoughs on your match this coming week on Meltdown. It's a pretty important match after all.

Eric look back at Leon with a confused look on his face, still holding a 25 pound dumbell in his hands.

I have a match? Sorry Leon, I havn't been near a computer since I got home. I've been planning this party. Whos my match against man?

Well, umm... You see... Theres good news, and there... Umm... Bad news...

Leon downs the rest of his beer as Eric lays at the weight bench and starts weight lifting. He's talking inbetween lefting the weights.

Well Leon... I'm old school... so why don't... you tell... me the bad news... before the... good news... Ugh... (random grunting between lifting)

Leon has a semi worried look on his face.

Umm... Well Mr Myles didn't like you putting his booking down... So he put you in a match against COUGH manzo COUGH

Eric continues lifting without talking, but as the camera zooms in on him, you can see the look in hs eyes is changing.

Eric... you Ok?

Josh pushes his chair over towards Leon and leans in, taking quietly.

You see, when you tell Eric news like that, he gets upset. who wouldn't? How is he going to beat someone like Manzo? The guys undefeated!

Eric suddenly drops the weights back in place and sits up.

Josh, what the hell are you talking about?! I got a match against one of the best in WZCW right now. Win or Lose, this is just what I wanted!

Josh and Leon both look at Eric confused.

You see, since I've been here, I've been facing a bunch of newbs, and getting screwed over. And when you lose to a newb, no one notices you. Hell, when you beat a newb, you still barely get noticed.

Eric stands up and walks over to where Leon and Josh are sitting.

Don't you see? I've finally got a chance to prove myself. And Manzo? Lets just say I've done some homework on Manzo. He's not actually that great, ya know...

Leon stands up next to Eric, holding a micropne, which up until now no one had even known he had.

But, he's 600 pounds! He's been undefeated for over a year!

Eric gets a cocky grin on his face.

Undefeated for over a year eh? Let me tell you somthing. He's only actualy won 6 matchs in over a year! 6 Matchs!! I've been here for less than three months, and I've already fought in 5 matchs! I mean, if everyone in WZCW had that kind of a break inbetween matchs, there would be alot more people with undefeated streaks.

And 600 pounds? Have you seen how slow this guy is? He debuted at 500 pounds, and he could barely move. And now, 100 pounds heavier, he's even slower. I can run circles arund this guy.

Josh now stands up and in camera frame. It almost looks like an actual interview now.

But what about all those people he beat? I mean, is there anyone that he beat that's still around?

Eric is surprisingly quick to answer.

Let me ask you a question Leon. Do you even remember anyone, besides Sincade, that Manzo beat?

Leon thinks for a second, but Eric continues.

Exactly. Manzo has beaten a bunch of nobodies. A bunch of no names. Guys that would rather give up on their jobs here then try to fight after losing to him... Or maybe it was simply becauce once he pinned them... Well, you try gettin up after being crushed by 600 pounds for three seconds. I know Nate Thorpe tried wrestling after being crushed by Manzo, but he didn't have what it took. And Ricky... Lets just say Ricky is lucky he got DQ'ed. Or else we could be out of one of our most exiting in ring performers. But Ricky is still here, because he's got more heart than Manzo...

Eric looks right at Leon, and a smile creeps across his face.

Know what? Manzo used to have alot of heart. But he lost it. He sold his heart for Money, for Power. And you know somthing? That heart he sold, I got. I've got more heart then Manzo has EVER had. I mean sure, Manzo used to be honerable, faithful, but he tossed it all away. Manzo... he's become a tool. Nothing more than a puppet. He's become the 600 pound bitch of that Mangus dude.

Erics smile disapears from his face as he looks at the camera.

Mangus... Your more of a clown then Leon here. Your the reason Manzo lost his pride, his honor, his heart. All you care about is your money. Well let me ask you somthing? Does your money make you happy? And don't think I'm asking cause it's a popular question. I mean, when you go to sleep at night, is there anyone that actually cares if you wake up in the morning? Does your money ask you if you had a good day? You can make fun of me all you want for focusing on wrestling less then my family. You can sit there with nothing but your money, in your giant empty home, all alone, and you can make fun of me. I don't care. Because I know wrestling is my life, and I also know that my family comes WAY before even that. So if your listening to this, I want you to think about somthing. Who phones you to ask you how your day was? How many of your servents actually enjoy you forcing them to work for your dirty money?... Who in the world gives a sh*t about you?

Joshs face has a shocked face at Eric swearing. Erics face is red from anger. He backs away from the camera, then goes back to his weight bench and begins lifting again. Leon simply stares at him for a bit before speaking.

Well Eric, thank you for you time, and I will see-

Eric is quick to inturupt.

Didn't you... tell me... you had... good news?... "grunt"

Leon thinks about what he had to say, then has a "Oh, I remember" look on his face.

I completely forgot. Last week, after you left, Big Will was stripped of his title. Your match against Manzo is a tournament match to win the now Vacated World Title. If you beat him, you can go on to the semi finals of the tournament!

Eric stops lifting the weights again and sits up.

Really?! Well it's about damn time someone up in managment does somthing right eh? Leon, have another beer on me... Wow, what a day... My family and my job are finally starting to go in the right direction...

Eric goes back to lifting his weights. Josh hands Leon a beer, and whispers somthing in his ear, before Leon and Josh both exit the basement, leaving Eric lifting his weights as the camera fades to black.

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