changing names?!

Rabbid Wolverine

Pre-Show Stalwart
i think in wrestling there should be a courtesy (like it would ever happen), that wrestlers should be allowed to use the character name, instead of having to change it

ie.... billy gunn---kip james
dudleys- now there team 3d,

i think it just kills the character, even thought that is probly there idea to do when sumone leaves the company

i wonder wut RVD's name is gonna change to when he leaves, maybe mr. TNA, who knows

wut do u guys think
They don't let them keep the name because most of the time, they are copyrighted by the company (usually the WWE) and will not let other companies benefit from the name. They may think that a name is has too much marketing ability and could benefit the company they are going to, but also it could be that they want to spite the wrestler leaving the company.

McMahon made Monty Brown change his name so that he could copyright it, and that is just for money and merchandise reasons I suppose. This stuff gets into the business side of the wrestling. Most guys like Kurt Angle can keep their name because it is their real name, but any character names are owned by the company and will be kept by the company most times.
i agree it is a shame when wrestlers are forced to use a new name because of copywrite. especially in the case of the Dudleys who were called that before they entered WWE. but because the name is now WWE owned they have to be team 3d.

on the RVD thing, i dont actually know who owns the rights to his name.
ye, i understand the whole business side of things, but i mean can u imagine hulk hogan or macho man or shawn michaels coming down the aisle and being introduced as sumthing else... for the sake of wrestling they should allow the wrestlers to take there name with them
I think that Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage own their names. Shawn Michaels doesn't, The VKM angle pretty much showed that, they used Michael Hinkenbottom for the name instead of Shawn Michaels.

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