Change It Up


Dark Match Jobber
Here are Superstars on the rosters that think the could do a lot better with. As far As Raw Go's.

M.V.P. - Why isn't this guy in the spotlight? As a Heel he could be great.

Santino - I Think if they were to change his gimmick and turn him heel, he'd be good. Even as a face. Just change the gimmick.

Mark Henry - I liked him in N.O.D. back in the day. I think he would be great as a a heel. Him and M.V.P. Have M.V.P. do all the talking and Mark as his backup.

Jillian - She should stay as a heel. Stop the singing and go Hollywood. With the ( I'm Better Than You) Attitude. She could go back to being the fixer. Or at least be by somebody's side. Just think how cocky The Miz would be. With her by his side.

Chavo - He's great. He used to be real over with crowd. Even if he was/wasn't with Eddie. But after everything they put him threw. I think they should turn him face. Have him go for the U.S. Title. It would be nice to see a Guerrero with some gold again.

Chris Masters - It Should Be Him vs Cena. Not Sheamus.

Alicia Fox - She could be good by her self. By M.V.P's Side. Why hasn't she held at least the Diva's Belt?

On Smackdown!

Charlie Haas & Curt Hawkins - Why are these guys still on Smackdown? Both would be better off on ECW.

Layla - Maybe its the fact that shes hot a hell. But i would love to see her do more than be a a side kick with a squeaky voice.

Jimmy Wang Yang & Kung Fu Naki - All I can say is change the gimmicks. Maybe even their names. Add Yoshi Tatsu maybe Savannah. You've got the second coming of Kai En Tai. With Funaki (being the last from the first still in WWE) Being the leader.

Natalya - Two Words. Women's Champ

Matt Hardy - While they were pushing Jeff as a face on one show. They should have pushed Matt as a face/heel on another. When Edge return's have them kinda switch. Edge as the one the won't quit. Have Matt somehow win the World title. And since it would be his first one. He could be the one that does everything to keep the belt.

Michelle McCool - On the Smackdown diva list. Shes at The bottom.

As far as ECW goes I just started watching again so I don't know how their doing over there. I will say with the draft coming sometime in the future. At least i hope so, not sure when. Anyway I would like to see Christian go to Smackdown. I think everyone would like to see Edge & Christian again. Shelton on Raw. Fighting along side Kofi.

Well that's What I think. What about you guy?

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